

In a small village lived a man with five distinct personalities. Every time he slept, he woke up excitement, while other days he was reserved and thoughtful. His friends and family had to adapt to his ever-changing personas. Despite the challenges, they embraced each of his personalities, forming a unique bond with each one. Each new day brought a surprise, as they never knew which version of him, they would encounter next. And in the end, they realized that the true essence of the man lay in the beautiful mosaic of his varied personalities.

As the man navigated his life with five distinct personalities, he learned to appreciate the richness and diversity within himself. Each persona brought something unique to the table, enriching his experiences and relationships in unexpected ways. While it posed challenges at times, it also allowed him to see the world through different lenses and gain a deeper understanding of himself and others. With the support of his loved ones, he embraced his ever-changing nature, seeing it not as a limitation but as a gift that made him who he was. And through this journey of self-discovery, he found acceptance and contentment in the beautiful complexity of his being.

A kind-hearted young man with a cognitive disability, spent his days painting bright landscapes, Capturing sunsets, dancing to the melodies of his bad decisions. One afternoon at the park, he met her, a compassionate art student. Intrigued by her vibrant artwork, he struck up a conversation. Their bond grew over shared picnics and pastel sunsets. Despite challenges, HE admired HER pure view of life and the world. HE, in turn, felt accepted and cherished. Their love, built on mutual respect and simple joys, blossomed beautifully, showing that true connection transcends all boundaries.

Eventually, consumed by his fear and love for the girl, he made a bold decision. He decided to confide in her about his condition, laying bare the complexities of his five personalities. Trembling with vulnerability, he poured his heart out to her, hoping she would understand the turmoil within him. As he awaited her response, he felt a mix of anxiety and hope swirling within him. Would she accept him for who he truly was, or would his worst fears be realized?


As the malevolent personality emerged, he found himself powerless to stop it. The once gentle individual now reveled in chaos and destruction, leaving a trail of torment in his wake. Friends and family watched in horror as the once familiar face twisted into a mask of malevolence. The evil personality took pleasure in causing suffering, reveling in the darkness that consumed His soul. Despite his desperate struggles to regain control, the sinister force within him grew stronger, ready to unleash untold horrors upon the world. The battle for his soul had just begun.

As he was called a beast, a monster, she sat in the sun trying to get the picture right because she fell out of sight, of what she saw a bright light that shine brightly was dark…...

She remembered the bright days when he would smile and make jokes…...the excitement he showed her was creative…... she was inspired

She remembered that some days, he was soft gentle and caring... and his whispers made her feel alive like he saw her before she saw him…... the softness of his voice calmed her hearts wild storms…. Like the beauty of seeing two stars dying where one gave its life to the other so that it sees another day.

She also remembered those days when he'd be silent like a shadow, when he'd stand in the rain like a lifeless being, while his eyes wandered around town in an empty void...she saw him,

She was inspired, she fell in love with what seen as a deficiency in there a society... a broken human with no face to call his own...

And sometimes he'd act like a kid jumping around and causing mischief for others saying anything that came through his head... "you couldn't tell what he'd do next, he is unpredictable... a cycle that never comes to an end, a curse that can never be broken" she wrote in her note book...








She heard of a beast, a monster that was causing destruction. And as she sat in the sun, she knew it was him, but did he know it was her....

The girl, taken aback by his revelation, listened intently as he bared his soul. She saw beyond his multiple personas and recognized the genuine love and longing in his eyes. Her compassion shone through as she embraced him, promising to stand by his side through every transformation. In his presence, she found solace and acceptance like never before. With her unwavering support, the shackles of fear began to loosen their grip on him. "a wolf without fens, a bird with no wings, a beast without claws... and a rabbit with no home" she wrote...….

"a newborn baby with no name" for that sense she named him Gemini.


A peaceful village as it was told. Legitimately ruled by LORD IKARIUS THE III. A village said to be a place of prosperity and grace.

"All hail lord IKARIUS for he is good, you have led your people to be rich, the abundance of the land and the richness of fruits that sprout from your blessed land, the fine rains and the springs that flow, blessed is the man, and blessings shall he bring..." The lords messenger spoke.

He continued…,

"My lord, your people are thrilled to hear of your swift recovery and pray that you may have peace throughout your days, they sends give gifts to thee lord as appreciation for thy rule... however, lord your people seek your attention. The saw called man-beast has awaken. The fields and lands of your people have been burned and some blood has been shed. The fire, the horror it brings has struck fear to your people. For so long LORD IKARIUS COLLIN II embraced this thing as a broken man who needs treatment from his disease, but your people say it is a demon that feast on the weak, and when its heart has had pleasures, it reverts to an image of a human. Your people seek judgment over that man beasts' sins with your sovereign rule LORD IKARIUS III…..''


"I have heard the cries of my people. And if it pleases my people let their judgment be of the goodness of the land. And I seek tribulation against thee lord my father IKARUIS COLLIN II for your suffering. For this I grant you judgment.''

The decree was heard through the land as the notion went out as KILL THE MAN-BEAST FOR LORD IKARIUS III HAS APROVED.

As soon as it was heard.... All farming equipment were seen as spears and daggers to apprehend a being that was seen as demon with five faces...

Will he die before he can see light, or will the fire burn his light as he fights to survive.