
1 Month to Confession (UnOrdinary fanfic)

[EDIT: Updates every month.] "Sera, I'm sorry." $ $ $ $ $ $ John, a 3rd year student of Wellston High, had just confessed to his own best friend, Seraphina, his huge secret---that he is not a cripple but a very powerful High-tier. She found out about it when she saw him using his ability in order to protect her from thugs who were trying to rape her. However, not everything has gone so well when his secret is revealed. He just had 3 MAJOR badluck. 1st is that he's having a hard time telling Sera the truth. She's been avoiding him. 2nd, he found out that he's diagnosed with a very dangerous disease that will eventually take away his life. 3rd, he only has a month left to live. How will he be able to deal with all of these? Will he be able to tell Sera everything about his past while keeping his sickness a secret? Will Sera accepts him again? Or will she remain in the dark until John dies? And the major question: Will he be able to confess his feelings in a month's time, before it's too late? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I do not own UnOrdinary and it's characters. All credits goes to Uru-chan (Chelsea Han).

QuinqueFabulae · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3: Beaten, Bruised and Unconsciousness

Previously, on 1 Month to Confession...

JOHN: (handing the note to the teacher) I'm sorry that I'm extremely late, Mr. Garcia.

GARCIA: (reads the note) ... Alright. Just... Go back to your seat.

JOHN: Uh, Sera? Mind eating lunch with me at the rooftop?

SERA: (avoiding eye contact) ... (stands up from her seat and goes out of the classroom)

JOHN: (holds her shoulder) Sera, we need to talk---

SERA: (slaps my hand away) ... Don't touch me.

???: (rubs his head) I ta (Ow)! Watch where you're goi--- (recognization written in his face) Hey! I know you!! You're that annoying cripple who refuses to call me King!!!

[10/19/201x, 4:00 pm; Wellston Private High Boys' Dormitory...]

<John's POV>

Shoot! Of all the people that I have ran into, it has to be the self-proclaimed King of the Boys' Dormitory. (mockingly) "Oh, I didn't realize that I bumped into you, Your Highness. But may you please excuse me? I'm kinda in a hurry right now."

However, knowing my luck, I know that that won't ever happen. Ever since I proclaimed myself as a Cripple when I enrolled here in Wellston, almost everybody either ignored me or bullied me physically just so they could show-off that they're far more "superior" than me. He activates his ability and is about to punch me but just in time, I dodge his attack. Predicting his next move, I counter his attack with an evasion and then strike him by elbowing his face. However, just as my elbow hits him square in the face, my elbow starts to crack upon contact.


(cries in pain) "Ugh! (clutching my right elbow) Gaaahhhhh!!!" 'My elbow!!!' Looking at him, I can see his face turning blue. Shoot!! I forgot that his ability enables him to shift from Offense to Defense. And him turning blue can only mean that he's in his Defensive Phase.

Knowing that he sacrifices his Speed and Power for Defense, I run away from him as fast as I can, my hand still clutching on my broken arm and my breathing getting heavier by the minute.

Just as I am getting near the entrance to the dorms, something metallic in taste goes all its way throughout my throat. However, before I can cough it out, I sense Zeke's aura going near me in an alarming speed. Then, I can feel his kick on my back.

(coughing out blood) *Cough* Splat. Due to the force and power of the kick, I am send flying towards a wall just beside the entrance.


"Gaahh!!" *cough* *cough* *huff* *huff* Man. I almost forgot just how strong his offensive phase is. My vision is getting blurry and anytime soon, I'm gonna loose consciousness. Zeke then grabs my collar.

ZEKE: (smugness in his voice) That will teach you not to talk back to me, you Cripple.

(chuckling like an insane person) "Hehehehehe... You really are like everyone else. 'Like me.' A worthless piece of garbage in this world. (looking at him with malice) Taking satisfaction in beating up people who are weaker than you. Laughing and ignoring others' suffering and misfortune just because they are of a lower level than you. And what's worse is that you are an Elite-tier, a level higher than most people here. And because of that, people fear you."

Just by saying those words, my mind drifts back to my past. I can remember all of the times when I was a terrible person back then. When I was once a king back in New Bostin.

"Do you really think that just because you have more power than most people, they will respect you? Well, you are DEAD WRONG. People don't respect you for that. They fear you. Afraid. Terrified. And trust me. I have that kind of experience. Ha! So don't you DARE tell me to treat you like a king just because of that. And what about Isen and Blyke? They're both stronger than YOU are and Blyke is the Jack. (emphasizing each word) You. Are. Nothing. More. Than. Just. A. WORTHLESS. Trash. In. This. Wretched. World!!!"

I know that I let my anger get the best of me by saying those things. But he needs to know it. Because of what I said, Zeke chops off my nape, rendering me unconscious. Before I completely lost consciousness, I can see his lips moving but I can't make out the words nor can I hear it.

ZEKE: (chops off the back of my neck) Shut up you d@mη Cripple!! You really don't know when to shut your mouth up!

Then, everything blacks out.

[Outside Wellston Private High Entrance...]

<William's POV>

I am outside my son's school. I can still remember as to what my son said to me a while ago when he woke up. He told me that he moved in to the Boys' Dormitory due to the headmaster's orders. I still can't believe that he didn't tell me that his apartment was marked and targeted by some mysterious people and that he and Sera were hurt because of them. Because of that, I can't take care of my son that much when he is currently staying in there. That's why I am here right now. I'm going to talk to the headmaster involving my son moving to a new apartment just near his school and the hospital.

As I enter the school, the school's radar starts to scan and detect my presence. Wow. Wellston really has some high-tech security huh? After what it seems like 3 minutes or so, a man with fair skin, parted beige hair and blue eyes who wears black, circular spectacles goes towards me.

???: Good afternoon sir. I am Keene, the Head of Security of this school. May I ask as to who you are & what you are doing inside the school premises?

Just by looking at him, I can already tell that he's strong. Not wanting to make the situation any worse, I tell him my purpose. "My name is William and I am one of your student's father. I have come here to speak to the headmaster."

KEENE: I see. So you must be John's father, I assume?

"Ah yes. But how do you know that?"

KEENE: (smiling softly) I can definitely see the resemblance between you two. Plus, he's the only student around here who has black hair. But why do you wish to speak to Headmaster Vaughn?

"Well, I want to speak to him regarding of John's transferring to the dorms. Also, I want to ask if he can transfer to a new apartment that I just rented for him."

KEENE: Alright. I'll take you to him.

"Thank you very much, Sir Keene."

KEENE: Just call me Keene, Sir William.

"Then you can call me William as well." And so, Keene guides me to the headmaster's office. While walking inside the campus, I ask him a question. "So how's my son coping up here in this school?"

KEENE: Well, in his first year here in Wellston, he was able to cope up well. Except for the fact that he asks us---the staff---to not tell the students about his ability and to treat him as a Cripple. So even if I don't always watch over him---especially since I need to watch over the school's security---I can already tell that he's often bullied a lot. However, these days, it seems like he's on the verge of exploding.

"I see. So it seems like he's reverting back to his old ways. *sigh* I wonder what happened though for him to revert back to his former personality though."

KEENE: I don't know. (changes the subject) Anyway, it doesn't seem like John inherited his personality from you. In fact, you look like a nice guy.

I only laugh in embarrassment. "Haha. Yeah, he didn't. The reason why he's like that though is because of his idealism that power is everything after he acquired his ability late. I kept reminding him before that his idealism could destroy him but he didn't listen. He had to pay the price the hard way in order for him to learn. As a father, it pains me when he got hurt emotionally because of that but I know that it's the only way for him to learn."

KEENE: You really are a good father.

"Well, I gotta do what a father must do."

KEENE: True though.

Keene then stops his track. "Why are we stopping Keene?"

KEENE: We're here. (opens the door) Excuse me Sir Vaughn.

I can hear a voice of a middle aged man inside.

VAUGHN: Oh Keene, it's you. What can I do for you?

KEENE: Someone would like to talk to you. I brought him here so he can speak to you.

VAUGHN: Let him in.

Keene then opens the door widely and gestures for me to go in. As I enter the office, I can see a distinctive gentleman with wavy teal-coloured hair and a thick teal-coloured goatee. He has green eyes and wears brown-rimmed spectacles. This guy then looks up at me with a hint of recognition in his eyes but hid it well with a polite but formal expression on his face.

VAUGHN: Ah, good afternoon. May I ask as to who you are?

"My name is William and I am John's father."

VAUGHN: I see. What can I do for you, William?

"I'm here to talk about John's transfer to the dorms."

VAUGHN: I see.

Before I can ask, Keene suddenly interrupted us.

KEENE: Excuse me sir but I would like to leave now.

VAUGHN: Alright. You may now go Keene.

As Keene gets out of the office and closes the door, I turn back to face Vaughn, my expression turns serious. "I know that you know who I am. You know that you don't have to ask for my name." Vaughn's face then turns serious as well.

VAUGHN: (expression turns serious) I know that, William.

"Why do you have to pretend that you do not know me? Is it because someone might hear us? Like Keene, for example?"

VAUGHN: (sipping his coffee) ... That's right. Besides, no one in this school knows yet that we know each other. And I would like to keep it that way for a while.

"... I see. *sigh* Well, can't help but agree with you on that one. Besides, if others hear of this, father would know that I am here in Wellston and we both know that he hates my guts just because I'm a Cripple, Vaughn...

... my dear older brother."

[Timeskip; after the talk w/ Vaughn...]

After the talk with Vaughn, I then go to the Boys' Dormitory to take John to the hospital for his check-up. However, when I am near the entrance, I can see a boy with black hair lying on the floor, unconscious and all bloody and bruised. Knowing who it is, I run towards him with a panic and worry expression on my face. "JOHN!!! (holding him in my arms) John, wake up!!! What happened?!"

I notice that his body is badly beaten. Checking for his pulse, I can feel it beating slowly, slower than normal. I then see that he is breathing rather hoarsely, having a hard time getting oxygen in his body. With his body in a worse condition than before, I carry him onto my back & then in a rush run towards the hospital.

[At Wellston Hospital...]

As I run towards the reception, the receptionist recognizes me and my son on the back in an instant.

???: (panics) Sir William!! John!!! (calls Athena over the microphone) Doctor Athena, this is an emergency! John is in a worse condition than before! We need you here right now!!

And as if on cue, Athena comes rushing towards us w/ a panic, shock and worry expression written all over her face.

ATHENA: (panic, shock and worry written all over her face) JOHN!!!

Knowing what to do, the other nurses gets a gurney and gently, I place John on it. Then, they rush him to the Emergency Room, or ER for short. As if knowing what's on my mind, Athena taps my back softly with an assuring look on her face.

ATHENA: (assures) Will, don't worry. I'll make sure that nothing really bad happens to him.

"*sigh* I know you can. Can't help it. I'm just worried for my son."

ATHENA: (smiling sadly) I'll be right back.

As she enters the ER, I can't help but feel nervous for my son. I hope that nothing really bad happened to him.

To be continued...

Next chapter: A Father's Love and Flashbacks

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