
012 [Stranger things X Male Oc]

"Down, Lev. They're on our side." In which 010, 011 & 012 find themselves in the company of three boys after they escaped from Hawkins lab, meeting a bunch of new friends and a lot of old foes. (Mike Wheeler x Male!OC) (Lucas & Max x Male!OC) (Will Byers x Male!Oc) [Season's 1-4] [Possibly 5]

Shyphoenix_1130 · TV
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22 Chs

Act 17: The Morgue [Ep4]

At The Wheeler's house, Basement. Time: Night. . . .

Mike took the walkie-talkie from Twelve, It was Will. He quickly pushed the button on the side, "Will, is that you? It;s Mike! Do you copy? Over" He then let go of the button but there was no answer so he tried again, "Will, are you there?" But it was just Static, "Will" then there was interference on the radio, and Mike couldn't hear Will singing anymore. 

He lowered the radio, looking up at Twelve and Eleven, Twelve had blood dripping from his nose as he softly smiled at Mike. 

"Was that . . .  Was it . . .  " Mike couldn't get his sentences out correctly, His eyes moving from Eleven to Twelve, who answered his question with a nod, "Will" His face kept his smile as he hugged Rory closer to his chest. Happy that he made Mike not mad at him and El anymore. 

At the Byers House, Joyce's bedroom. Time: Morning . . . .

Joyce was laying on her bed, eyes half-open as she stared at the wall in front of her. Her eyesight was blurry and her eyes were slightly red from all the crying she did. She blinked, hoping for her eyesight to clear a bit but It didn't. Instead, a blurry figure appeared in front of her. They called out to her, "Mom!" Even though the voice came out distorted, Joyce swore that it sounded like Will. 

She hadn't moved at all so they voice called out again but this time it came out clearer, "Mom! Wake up" It was Jonathan, Not Will. She snapped out of her daze when Jonathan gently shook her again, She groaned as the sunlight coming from her window shone on her face. She sat up, "What . . .  What time is it?" She was still a bit dazed so everything still seemed a bit hazy as she swung her legs over the side of her bed. 

"It's almost 8:00. We have to go" Jonathan told her after checking the time. Joyce shook her head and rubbed her eyes as she tried to remember where they had to go, "Go? Go where?" She asked him after a few minutes when she couldn't remember their previous plans. 

At The Wheeler's house, Mike;s bedroom. Time: Morning . . . .

Karen had just finished getting Holly ready, She told Holly to stay in the living room while she went upstairs to Mike's room. She knocked a few times lightly before opening the door when she heard his voice telling her to come in. She walked into the room, shutting the door behind her before walking over to Mike's bed- - -Where said boy was laying with the blanket pulled up to his chin. 

"Michael? Hi, Honey" She smiled as she sat on the edge of Mike's bed, "How are you feeling?" She asked him, pushing some of his hair out his face as Mike sat up a bit. Mike rested his back against his headboard, Looking downcast as he looked from his lap up to his mother. 

"I, uh, I don't think I can go to school today" He lowered his gaze back down to his lap, He clenched his hands into fists as his eyes teared up slightly. Karen nodded her head, rubbing her son's cheek with her thumb. 

"Oh, That's fine, sweetie. I need to drop off Nance, then I'm gonna check in on Barb's parents. Why don't you grab a book or something and come with me? We can stop by the video store on the way back, Pick out whatever you want. Even R-rated" Karen smiled softly, However Mike just shook his head softly. 

"I think I just want to stay home today" He paused for a second before adding to his sentence, "I mean, If that's okay?" He looked at his mother with hesitation visible on his face. Karen's smile fell a little bit and was replaced with a sad tug of her lips, "Well, are you sure you're gonna be all right here by yourself?" She asked her 12 year old son, who slowly nodded his head. 

"I think so" Karen sighed before nodding his head, "Okay. But if you need anything, call Dad at work. Okay?" Mike nodded his head, "Okay" Karen kissed his forehead before standing up and walking towards the door, "Bye" Mike waved to his mother. Karen turned around, Smiling sweetly at him, 'Bye sweetie". 

Once she had left, Mike waited till he heard the car engine start and get further from the house before he removed the blanket on him, swung his legs over the side of his bed and quickly grabbed the walkie-walkie on his desk. 

He turned it on, pulling the antena up as he changed it to the right channel, "Lucas, do you copy?".

 But there was just silence coming from the over side of the static. Mike sighed, "Lucas, come on, I know you're there!". 

Again, though, silence. 

"This is urgent. I'm serious" It seemed like Lucas wasn't gonna answer no matter what you Mike did, so he was only left with one choice left, "I'm not gonna stop until you answer" Mike paused, giving Lucas one last chance before taking a big breath, "Lucas. Lucas! Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas. . . .  Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas- - - " 

To save himself from the endless suffering Mike was giving him, Lucas grabbed the walkie-talkie- - -Pulling the Antena up before holding down the button on the side of the contraption. 

"Go away, Mike. I'm not in the mood, Alright? Over and Out" Lucas grumbled as he pushed the Antena back down, but just before he set the walkie down on his bedside table, Mike spoke again: 

"I'm not messing around Okay? This is about Will- - Over" 

Lucas paused, reeling the walkie back in front of him. He once again pulled the metal antena up, holding down the button with slight confusion as he spoke into the walkie, "What about Will? You mean his funeral? Over"  Lucas waited not even 5 seconds for Mike to respond, "No, Not his funeral. Screw his funeral!" His response shocked Lucas, "What?" Was the only thing he could get out.

He heard Mike sigh, "Just get over here stat. And bring dustin. Over and Out" Mike then pushed down the antena and turned his walkie-talkie off, Leaving Lucas with lots of questions as he got ready to get Dustin.  

At the Morgue, Waiting room. Time: Morning . . . . 

Joyce, Jonathan and Hopper was seated in the waiting area of the building, They had been waiting a while and were getting tired of it. Joyce especially. She sighed, standing up from her spot next to Jonathan to pace around as she dragged on a cigarette. Hopper had also stood up, walking over to the frog desk. 

"What's taking so long?"  He inquired, exhaustion and sorrow painfully obvious in his voice. The receptionist sighed lightly, touching her cheek with her right hand. She parted her red tinted lips, "Well, Everythings been a bit chaotic around her without Gary" She answered Hop's question. 

Hopper furrowed his brow, "Without Gary? Where's Gary?" He asked her with a frown hanging on his lips. The receptionist frowned a bit too, "Well, I thought you knew. Those men from State, they . . .  they sent gary home last night" She answered her question, removing her hand from her cheek as she shrugged her shoulders a little bit. 

However, Hopper's Frown only intensified, "So who did the autopsy?" He began wondering if maybe Joyce was right, maybe . . .  maybe it wasn't Will but if it wasn't him then who was it and why would someone fake his and another child's death? 

"Someone from state" The receptionist answered him, before going back to work on the computer in front of her. Hopper's frown didn't dissipate, it stayed on his face as he sat back down next to Jonathan. 

At the morgue, Viewing room. Time: Morning . . . . 

Joyce was finally called to the back, to see Will. Joyce's hands were trembling as she clutched them together in front of her chest. Just before she left the waiting room, Jonathan gave her a tight hug, telling her that everything was gonna be fine, that they were gonna be fine, even if neither of them believed it. Not like it helped much but she was grateful he was here with her. She felt so bad for leaving him on his own while she was just constantly worrying and panicking about Will. 

When they finally rolled the body into the room on the other side of the glass window, Joyce gulped lowly before nodding her head, watching the coroner lift the white blanket off of the bodies head, revealing a child that resembled Will so much, Joyce was fighting back tears. 

"Um, He has a birthmark on his right arm. Can you show that to me, please?" 

At the morgue, Waiting room. Time: Morning . . . . 

Hopper and Jonathan were sitting next to each other in the waiting room, waiting for Joyce to be done. Hopper decided to strike up a conversation, seeing as how it was silent except for the sound of keys clacking. 

He cleared his throat, "How's your mom doing?" His voice was laced with concern, Jonathan shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know" He sighed as he leaned forward in his seat a bit with his hands laced together on his lap. 

"How, Huh, How long's this stuff been going on? With the lights and, uh . . . " Hopper trailed off, not really knowing how to end his sentence correctly, so Jonathan did it for him, "Will and the thing in the Wall?" Hopper nodded his head.

Jonathan sighed, "Since the first phone call, I guess. You know, she's had some anxiety problems  . . . In the past but this . . .  I don't know" Jonathan took a deep breath, turning his head to Hopper, "I'm worried it could be. . .  Ugh, I don't know. She'll be okay. We'll be okay. My mom . . . she's tough" Jonathan and Hopper chuckled lightly, "Yeah, She is" Hopper nodded his head, crossing his arms in front of his chest. 

Jonathan was still worried though, He knew how tough his mother was but he knew that she wasn't indestructible and that she would break eventually. Hopper must have read his mind because he uncrossed his arms, laid on hand on his shoulder before reassuring him sincerely. 

"Hey. She is" Jonathan nodded his head with a small smile, his worry and anxiety lessening a little bit. He was about to thank Hopper when they heard yelling and quick steps coming towards them. They both turned their head, watching Joyce and the Coroner barrel out of the white double doors leading to the viewing room's. 

Joyce was very clearly upset by something, and the Coroner seemed to be getting inpatient with her. 

"Ma'am! Ma'am, I need you to sign!" The Coroner shouted, basically shoving a clipboard into her chest btu Joyce pushed it away as she continued to walk away, however, she stopped just before she reached the door and turned around. 

"I don't. . .  I don't know what you think that thing is in there, but that is not my son!" She yelled before pushing the doors open, Hopper and Jonathan quickly following her. 

"Joyce, Wait a second" Hopper pulled her to a stop but She quickly yanked her arm out of his grip, "No!" She stormed off with Jonathan right behind her, "Mom!" The Coroner was still calling after her, "Ma'am, I--Ma'am!" However, Joyce didn't listen to them, She continued on walking with Jonathan following behind her before quickly remembering the car they brought with them. He ran back to their car, got in it and started driving slowly to catch up his mother. 

He rolled the window down, "Mom, Will you get in?" He asked her in as soft voice yet Joyce just shook her head, "No, I . . .  I need to think. Just go home" She stammered, stubbornly walking on. Jonathan hated when she did this yet he didn't want to leave her alone in the state she was in right now So he tried to ask one more time. 

"Mom, Will you just get in, please?" 

But Joyce ignored him. 





Jonathan groaned, parking the car on the side of the curb before getting out and catching up with his mother. 

"Mom- - - Stop" He grabbed onto her arm, pulling her to a stop. Joyce sighed, taking her arm away from hr eldest son before turning her head around too look at him, "Just go home, Jonathan" She told him, just hoping for him to leave. Yet he didn't. 

"No, This is not an okay time for you to shut down" He argued, Joyce halted her movement, "Shut down? What. . . - - - " We have to deal with this, Mom. We have to deal with the funeral!" He shouted at her. This only made her more upset, "The funeral? For . . .  For Who?" Her voice started getting louder and louder, "For that thing back there!?" She exclaimed. The two were getting quite a look of whispers and stares thrown their way seeing as they were arguing in the middle of the street. 

Jonathan just finally had enough, "Okay, let me get this straight. Will, that's not his body, because he's in the lights, right? And- - -And there's a monster in the wall? Do you even hear yourself?!" 

Joyce snapped even more, if that was even possible, "I know it sounds crazy. I-I sound crazy!" Jonathan nodded his head, "Yeah", "You think I don't know that? It is crazy! But I heard him, Jonathan. He talked to me! Will is- - -Is calling to me! And he's out there, and alone, and he's scared, and I . . .  I don't care if anyone believes me! I am not gonna stop looking for him until I find him and Bring him Home. I am going to bring him home!!" She was shouting by the end of her rant, Panting and huffing heavily. 

Jonathan was yelling as well, "Yeah, well, while you're talking to the lights, the rest of us are having a funeral for Will! I'm not letting him sit in that freezer another day!!" He was also panting heavily. Joyce just walked away without another word, leaving Jonathan in the middle of the street with everyone watching him. 

"Alright, Show's over" He panted before walking in the opposite direction of his mother. 
