
012 [Stranger things X Male Oc]

"Down, Lev. They're on our side." In which 010, 011 & 012 find themselves in the company of three boys after they escaped from Hawkins lab, meeting a bunch of new friends and a lot of old foes. (Mike Wheeler x Male!OC) (Lucas & Max x Male!OC) (Will Byers x Male!Oc) [Season's 1-4] [Possibly 5]

Shyphoenix_1130 · TV
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22 Chs

Act 15: The body [Ep3]

At The Byers house (Upside down), Time: Night . . . .


Twelve softly said, looking at Barb with his bright brown eyes and brown (ear length) short hair. His eyes seemed to show a twinge of relief in them as he smiled up at young woman. Barbara was still wearing the clothes from the party, which were now covered in some kind of slime or goo, Her glasses were cracked a bit at the edge, She was freezing too but overall she was fine. It was the same with Will but he was freezing his butt off even more since he had short sleeves on. 

"H-How do you know my name?" Barbara questioned Twelve, she was still suspicious of him but tossed her fear to the side for now. Twelve looked from her to Will, who had been wondering the same thing since he saw him a while ago. 

"Twelve" He answered with an innocent smile, He didn't notice how the two people in front of him tensed. Twelve was too happy about saying his name, Papa never let him say his own name to others, he was always introduced for him to preserve his voice. "T-Twelve? Like the number?" Will asked, before they quickly quieted down when they heard a loud, distant roaring. Twelve tensed, He and the other two crouched down in front of the window. Twelve peeked through it, His face paled when he saw the demogorgon sniffing (Somehow) around outside. 

He remembered his knee, He quickly pulled the sweatpants up and saw that his knee was bleeding again. If he knew what swear words were than he would probably be cursing like a sailor. He quickly turned back to the pair but paused, The two noticed this. They saw that his gaze wasn't directed towards them but towards the woman behind them. 

They both turned around slowly, They saw Joyce finishing the makeshift Ouija board (I'm joking, kinda. It looked like one) with the paint and lights. Will thanked his mother so much, He hurriedly stood up and ran to his mother. While they were doing that, Barbara turned to Twelve. 

"How did you know my name?" She asked him, staring straight into his eyes. Twelve blinked, "Mike t-told El a-and M-me .  .. .  Nan-Nancy's b-best . . . Fri-friend . . .  " Twelve explained to the best of his ability. Barbara digested what he said before slightly nodding her head, "You know Mike?" She asked him ,He nodded his head with a smile on his face. 

"A-And du-dustin. . . .  A-And L-Lucas b-but I not Li-Like h-him " Twelve huffed, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Barbara chuckled, "I see, Well How did you get here?" Twelve was about to answer when he felt the Demogorgon getting closer to them. He sat straight up and peeked through the window, He gasped and backed away when he saw the Demogorgon right in front of the window. 

"Barbara! Will! Run! Hide some-somewhere!!" He screamed as he pushed Barbara towards Will, Who had finished his conversation with his mother, (When she saw the demogorgon burst through the wallpaper. Also just so you know, Time works differently in the upside down (In this story at least) just so that everything makes sense so if things don't add up in the real world time wise then this is why. Sorry if that is confusing.), and held onto Barbara. He saw that Twelve hadn't left, He stopped running towards the back door, "Twelve! Aren't you coming with us!?" He shouted, but Twelve shook his head. 

"No, Pro-Protect Barbara and W-Will" He spread his arms out, nodding towards Barbara to take Will away. She did, hesitantly, and they ran out the front door, Leaving Twelve alone with the monster. Just as Twelve was about to scream at the monster, He felt someone shaking his shoulders and yelling at him. 

". . .  Lev . . . Twelve!!" Eleven shouted, shaking him harshly with her hands on his shoulders. Twelve snapped out of his daze, Realising that he was back in the real world. He looked around, calming his breathing down. His eyes finally focused and his breathing evened out, He looked towards the group. They were still outside the Byers house, "El . . . .  Saw Will . . . .a-and Barbara . . . running . . . " Twelve explained to her, She nodded her head before turning to the trio. They seemed upset, except for Mike- - -Who seemed like he was struggling with something. 

"Mike? What w-wrong?" He asked him, tilting his head to side as he stepped closer to the boy. Mike looked up at Twelve, an unreadable expression gracing his features. Twelve had a bad feeling about this. 

"Lev, El, Why did you bring us here?" He asked them, hoping for them to give them an answer but they couldn't explain. How were they suppose to when they hadn't grown up the right way? Eleven tried to explain but found the words lost on her tongue. 

"Mike, Don't waste your time on with her" Lucas glared at the siblings, Twelve had hugged Eleven to comfort her. He glared back at Lucas, who nervously looked away from them and looked at Mike. 

"What do you want to do then?" 

"Call the cops, like we should have done yesterday" 

"We are not calling the cops" 

While Mike and Lucas were arguing, Dustin thought he heard police sirens coming their way. Eleven and Twelve heard them too, They looked in the direction they were coming from while Dustin got the fighting pair's attention. As soon as he got them to stop tearing at each others throats, they heard the sirens pass them and head towards the lake a little bit from here. 

"Will . . " Mike mumbled with wide eyes. The trio and pair quickly boarded their bikes, pedalling as fast as they could manage without getting hurt down the road. Twelve couldn't stop thinking about how Mike really thought he and El were tricking them or something. Will is here. Will was here. He should be gone with Barbara, hopefully. 

At Byers house, (Real) Time: Night . . . 

(This was when Barbara and Twelve were talking, Again time works differently in the upside down) 

Joyce had just finished painting the letters on the wall, She exhaled shakily as she stopped down from the couch. She put the paint brush down, "Okay. Okay, Baby, talk to me. Talk to me, where are you?" Joyce said aloud, hoping that Will could hear her. 

She saw one of the small light bulbs light up over R, "R' Good, good, good, good. Thats good, come on, come on" She encouraged him gently as she rubbed her hands together, The lights unnoticed spelling something so he kept her attention to that. 

"I. . ." 

"G. . . " 

"H . . .T. . . " 

"H. . . " 

"E . . ." 

"R. . .E . . . " 

"Right here" She said, putting all the letters together but it didn't make sense, "Right here? I-I don't know what that means. I need you t-to temm me what to do. What should I do? How do I get to you? How do I find you? What should I do?" Joyce stammered, She was too focused on the wall in front of her to bother taking notice of the wall behind her. 

(Will and Barabra had run out, Twelve came back to reality) 

She heard something from behind her, it was a low guttural noise. She remembered hearing if from the Phones that were burnt, She slowly turned around. Her eyes landed on the wall behind her, Something was ripping its way through the wallpaper. Joyce whimpered, frozen when the monster screeched at her. 

At The lake, Time: Night . . . 

Hopper and Powell were already at the Lake, They saw the medics pulling 2 small, soaked bodies out of the lake on stretchers. Hopper felt his heartbeat fasten, "Oh God. Please tell me it's not the kids" He prayed softly under his breath. 

Behind some of the trucks and all that, The trio and the pair arrived at the lake. They all quickly dismounted their bikes and hid behind a firetruck, (I think it was a firetruck), as they watched the medics pulling The two bodies out the water. 

They all began breathing heavily, "It's not Will. It can't be" Mike mumbled as they continued watching the chief nod his head, meaning those were the two bodies of the missing children. Lucas saw it, "It's Will. It's really Will" He cried, his hands hanging by his side as they turned away from the scene. 

Twelve hated this, That wasn't Will. He had just seen Will. It couldn't be him. He stepped loser to Mike, Gently grabbing his wrist with his own smaller hand, "Mike . . . " He started wanting to tell him of what he saw, that Will was alive but he wasn't here. 

However, Mike yanked his arms away from Twelves grip, "'Mike'? 'Mike' What?!" He shouted, Twelve gasped softly as his eyes widened and he took a step back from Mike, who was glaring harshly at him and Eleven. 

Eleven quickly took a hold of Twelve's hand, He knew that she didn't like being yelled at. Her hands and shoulders were already shaking as she stared at Dustin, who wouldn't look back at her. 

"You two were supposed to help us find him ALIVE! You said he was alive, that you saw him! Why did you lie to us?! What is wrong with you? What is wrong with you?!" He exclaimed, taking a few steps back from the group. 

Twelve felt tears prickle his eyes and his nose start stinging, He squeezed El's hand- - - She was in the same situation but She was looking at Dustin. Twelve took a small step towards Mike, "Mike . . ." He softly started but stopped when he saw the glare evident on Mike's face. 

Mike didn't answer him, However, He just turned around sharply and ran back over to his bike. He quickly climbed on it and took off with Lucas and Dustin shouting after him. El and Lev felt paralyzed, The first friends they even had, the first people to make them feel like they belonged somewhere, the first people to not fear them for what they could do. And they destroyed it. Like they destroy everything else. 

At The road, Time: Night . . . 

Joyce screamed when she saw the faceless, ugly creature crawl out of her wallpaper. She ran out the house as fast as she could, Not stopping until she was away from her house. She turned around when he heard someone coming closer, but it was just Jonathan. She quickly embraced her eldest son, whimpering as they held each other in the middle of the road. 

"Mom, What happened?" But she didn't answer him, so they stayed in silence as the police cars began driving closer to them, to tell them the horrible news about Will. Joyce was sobbing in her sons arms, forcing herself to forget what she just saw. 

At The Wheeler's house, Time: Night . . . 

Mike burst into the house, he hadn't even bothered to park his bike properly. His mother quickly ran out of the living room where she, ted and Nancy were. Mike ran and hugged his mother, Karen was wondering why her children suddenly wanted to hug her today. 

"Michael?" She softly called out but Mike wasn't listening as he was sobbing in her arms. Karen gasped softly,  quickly wrapping arms around her son. Oh God, Will. 

That night was a night for tears, death and . . .  Fear . . . . END EPISODE.