
001 - What Makes it Hard to Go Home ?

Rei suddenly woke up in Granblue Fantasy and had the appearance and powers of Lucillus. But he met Djeeta and Vyrn, who helped him adapt to the world there. They then met Lyria, Katalina, and many other people. They all embarked on an adventure towards Estaulica, the legendary home of the Astrals, where anyone who finds it can have their wishes granted. But their adventure was not as easy as they thought, and many dangerous events threatened their lives. However, in the end, they successfully reached Estalucia, and several years had passed. This time, Rei, who could now control the power of Lucilius, wanted to create a portal to his world so he could bring his fiancées there. But he realized that it would not be as easy as he had thought. First World : DxD Second World : Nasuverse [This is gonna be Dimensional Travel because Rei gonna try to find his way to his own world] [Hey there This fanfic is just a side story that I created so maybe i can increase my writing skills, I'm not sure how frequently I'll update this fanfic because I work on it when I have the time. btw I use AI to correct my grammar, so I apologize if you find any strange text. Please let me know so I can fix it. Thank you!]

IamReallySalad · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

27. Meeting With Vali Team

But when I was trapped in my own thoughts suddenly I felt something happening to my body.

This feeling is one that I am very familiar with and have been waiting for since Sturm and I were trapped in this world a few weeks ago.

My body is filled with power, even without using my wings I could feel my strength increase drastically. This is a feeling I usually experience when my body is fully recovered.

"!?" Sturm who could sense my body suddenly filled with power immediately turned towards me with a happy face "Rei!? Are you fully recovered?"

I looked at Sturm while smiling and nodded "Yes Sturm I can feel it my strength has fully returned." I said while clenching my fists.

"Your strength has returned?? So the power I felt before was not you at full strength?" Yasaka who heard our conversation immediately asked me.

"Yes, for certain reason my strength was only half than usual so I had to wait a few weeks for my strength to return to normal," I said to Yasaka.

"Only half...." Yasaka murmured because when she felt my previous strength even though only half it already scared her but what about now? When my strength has fully recovered.

"It took a few weeks and almost a month for my strength to recover huh... using "The End" before really prolonged the recovery of my strength," I murmured with a smile then turned and walked towards the door.

"I will be back Sturm, Yasaka." I continued walking but when I was near my barrier, my portal opened suddenly and I kept walking through it to finish all of this.

With my strength fully recovered it shouldn't take long even though I have to find Cao Cao and the others, after passing through the portal it immediately closed leaving Yasaka and Sturm still in the room.

After I exited the portal, I could see that I was back in the forest that Sturm and I passed through before while following Kunou, but this time the place is filled with fog.

I could sense the three people looking towards Yasaka and Sturm's direction, but when I entered this place one of them seemed to realize that someone had entered.

The three of them then started moving towards me but before they could reach me I decided to summon my weapon.

"Katana of Repudiation," I clapped my hands together and from the clap emerged a black light that grew larger and began to form a katana following the movement of my hands.

Once finished I could see in my left hand a grey Katana with a hint of glowing orange in front of the blade.


"Who are you?" I heard a man's voice in front of me causing me to turn towards him.

I could see Georg, Siegfried, and Heracles standing cautiously while staring at me.

"You managed to entered this place without my permission? You seem to be no ordinary creature..." Georg spoke to me as he prepared his magic spell to attack me.

"Hahaha finally a fight, I'm so bored of spying on that fox woman at least I can warm up by fighting you" Heracles yelled and laughed arrogantly at me.

However Siegfried seemed to be very cautious towards me, especially when he saw the Katana I was holding. "Both of you be cautious the Katana that person is holding looks dangerous, is he also a demon sword user!?"

After Siegfried said that he began to draw his weapons Gram and Balmung and then pointing them towards me.

"No matter if he's a demon sword user or not, he will definitely be my prey," Heracles said again while emitting a golden aura that enveloped his body.

The three of them seemed to be preparing to attack me, but they still hadn't activated their balance breaker at all... they really underestimated me.

"Well, it's not my problem if they underestimate me" I muttered then adjusted my breathing to finish all of this with one attack.

The first person running towards me is Heracles enveloped in his aura. "Let's see what you got!!" Heracles shouted as he ran towards me.

I started to releasing my own aura and black feathers started appearing around my Katana accompanied by a blue aura. "Wait Heracles!!! He's going to do something!!" Siegfried shouted towards Heracles who was still running towards me.


But Heracles completely ignored what his companion said and continued running towards me. Then once he was in front of me he started to try and punch me with his incredibly strong punch which could even match Sairaorg Bael's.

"Let me borrow your technique, Tsundere Demon" I smiled remembering the Two Demon guy who got lost in the Sky Realm before.

I tightly held onto my Katana and prepared to swing it at the three of them. "Apocalyptic Pain: Judgement Cut..." I moved quickly without them realizing.

A few moments later I landed behind the three of them, with my Katana enveloped in its aura and the three of them standing still.

"....The End." I returned my Katana to its place then turned towards them and saw their bodies starting to show numerous slash marks.

Not long their bodies began to be cut into very small pieces, and they fell dead without putting up any resistance at all.

Seeing their bodies cut into small pieces made me sigh, and I began to use "Orbital Blackness" to absorb their remains.

Orbital Blackness is a ability from Lucillus where he summons darkness that swallows any target like a black hole, and this power is really efficient if I want to dispose of something without a trace.

But the problem is if I use it with too much power the entire place could also be sucked in by Orbital Blackness, so I have to be careful every time I use it.

A few moments later I had finished cleaning up this place from the remains of their bodies.

"Now, just four more to go..." I murmured and opened a portal leading to where I stored the weapons I had.

I then reached my right hand into the portal to retrieve something, specifically the Faceless Gauntlet which when used can completely erase the existence of the user making them undetectable by anyone.

It took a while because I had so many weapons, but I finally found it and began to pulling out the two gauntlets.

I could see two white gauntlets with noses and mouths on them, adorned with gold decorations.


After that I began to put on the gauntlets and opened a portal to the Khaos Brigade Base to find Cao Cao and the rest.

I walked into the portal and as soon as I entered it immediately closed leaving this place quiet again as if nothing had happened.

After exiting the portal I could see the Khaos Brigade Base below me because my portal is open in the air and shrouded by the gauntlets ability that I'm using so nobody could sense my presence.

"There are so many creatures inside that place... everything will be quicker if I use Paradise Lost and destroy the entire area without leaving a trace..."

But I sensed that Vali and his friends including Koneko's older sister is also inside so I couldn't use Paradise Lost...

That's why I decided to stop time and talk to Vali and the others, and if possible persuade them to leave this place... but judging by Vali's battle maniac attitude, I'm sure he wants to fight me when we meet again.

<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

In a room there is a woman lying on the sofa with a voluptuous figure, long black hair with split bangs, and hazel-gold eyes with cat-like pupils staring at a man with silver hair.

"Heeyyy Vali, give me kittens~" The woman said to Vali who was reading a book on the chair.

But Vali didn't pay any attention to the woman's words because every day she always insisted on having kittens with him so he only focused on his book.

"Kuroka, aren't you tired of being ignored by Vali like that?" A girl's voice said to Kuroka.

The woman lying on the sofa or Kuroka then turned towards the voice of the girl. "Hehehe of course not, Maybe if i keep insisting someday he gonna give up and I'm gonna have his kitten, Le Fay," Kuroka said to the girl named Le Fay.

Le Fay is the younger sister of Arthur Pendragon, a descendant of Morgan le Fay as well as King Arthur. Le Fay has a slim body, shoulder-length blonde hair, and blue eyes.

"Kekekek, I admire your persistence, ll Kuroka. Despite being rejected many times you still don't give up," a man's laughter was heard as he leaned against the wall.

The man is Bikou a Monkey Youkai with short light-colored hair, brown eyes, and an athletic build.

"Hahhh be quiet all of you," Vali closed his book and said to them all.

At first he just wanted to read the book quietly while waiting for Arthur to return, and then they would continue their search. After the Peace Agreements attack they found out that Ophis had suddenly disappeared.

Since then they have been trying to find Ophis because they knew that even though Ophis is an infinity dragon she is basically just a small girl that can get easily trick by anyone.

Even Ophis is unaware that besides them the others is just using Ophis's power and doesn't care about her at all, so they were worried when Ophis suddenly disappeared.

Usually Ophis liked to disappear somewhere but she always returned here. However they hadn't seen Ophis at all for several weeks.

But when they were relaxing and waiting for their friend, suddenly they all felt something that made them standing up and pay attention to their surroundings.

"Vali!? Did you sense it?" Kuroka said with a serious tone.

"Yes, it's like something very powerful is enveloping this place," Vali said trying to observe his surroundings and anticipate a sudden attack.

"No need to panic like that," suddenly they heard a voice of a man from somewhere.

Soon cracks starting to appeared in the air more precisely in the middle of them causing them to focus on that spot.

"This voice?" Vali murmured when he heard the voice of the man.

Suddenly both of Albion's wings appeared on Vali's back [Finally you have appeared Lucifer] Albion said towards the crack.

The crack kept getting wider and eventually broke open, and someone walked out of it.

That person is Rei while looking towards Vali. "Hello Vali, it's been few weeks since we met," he said with a smile.


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Thank you~

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