
001 - What Makes it Hard to Go Home ?

Rei suddenly woke up in Granblue Fantasy and had the appearance and powers of Lucillus. But he met Djeeta and Vyrn, who helped him adapt to the world there. They then met Lyria, Katalina, and many other people. They all embarked on an adventure towards Estaulica, the legendary home of the Astrals, where anyone who finds it can have their wishes granted. But their adventure was not as easy as they thought, and many dangerous events threatened their lives. However, in the end, they successfully reached Estaulica, and several years had passed. This time, Rei, who could now control the power of Lucilius, wanted to create a portal to his world so he could bring his fiancées there. But he realized that it would not be as easy as he had thought. First World : DxD [This is gonna be Dimensional Travel because Rei gonna try to find his way to his own world] [Hey there This fanfic is just a side story that I created so maybe i can increase my writing skills, I'm not sure how frequently I'll update this fanfic because I work on it when I have the time. btw I use AI to correct my grammar, so I apologize if you find any strange text. Please let me know so I can fix it. Thank you!]

IamReallySalad · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

22. Gonna Going on a Date

*BOOOOOMMMM* Right now I am watching Koneko get thrown far away because of Grace's punch.... huh I hope Grace not going overboard when she tests Koneko's strength.

But from earlier I could see that Grace didn't hold back at all when hitting Koneko... all of Grace's attacks on Koneko caused severe injuries to her body, I could even see Koneko arm break from trying to block Grace's attacks.

"Weak...." suddenly I hear Grace mutter.

"So weak! How can there be a Senjutsu user this weak!? She only uses Senjutsu to strengthen her body and throw fire at me!?"

After Grace yelled that, she turned towards me and quickly walked over to me, then grabbed my shoulders and stared at me with her golden fox eyes, "Rei! Where did you find this cat!? In thousands of years of my life, this is the first time I've met a Senjutsu user this weak."

Grace kept shaking my body while continuing to yell in my face.... "Okay Grace, I understand, stop shaking me."

But Grace didn't stop and continued, "But Rei, that cat is literally just using Senjutsu to strengthen her body and using it to make flame!? Flames that usually even child Senjutsu users can easily play with!? And this cat is using that fire to fight!!!"

Okay damn calm down.... I mean I know about that because I see a lot of Erune children using Blue Flame for playing and dancing but Koneko never trained with her Senjutsu so that's kind of normal...

"Okay Grace, I understand very well, so calm down first." I said to Grace again and pushed her to stop shaking my body.

"I'm sorry... I got a little carried away.... I just didn't expect there to be a Senjutsu user this weak...."

I sighed as I heard Grace's words... then I started walking towards Koneko to check on her condition and heal her.

After I arrived at Koneko who was unconscious, the only thing I could think of was.... Damn, Grace really went overboard....

Koneko's body was really severely injured, I was even sure that if she not getting any help she definitely could die....

I immediately tried to heal her and soon I could see Koneko's body starting to recover, even her torn clothes were returning to normal.

"Ughh...." I could hear Koneko's voice, it seemed like she was starting to regain consciousness.

"!?" After waking up, Koneko quickly stood up and prepared herself in case another attack would come, but because she suddenly moved her body, she began to lose her balance and started to fall again.

But before she fell, I manage to caught her and held her to prevent her from falling. "Relax, Koneko, your fight is over." I said to her.

"Don't move too much, even though I have healed you, you are low on energy due to blood loss and I cannot replenish it because you are a Devil and I need holy energy to do that," I informed Koneko.

"That was... not a fight at all... I was completely useless..." Koneko muttered to herself.

I let Koneko mutter to herself because at the moment she was aware that she is really weak right now... maybe this way she would be more motivated to become stronger, and let me see Kuroka's surprised face later.

After a while, Koneko stopped muttering and finally I was able to lift her and carry her in a princess carry because she was very short.

"Ehhhh!?" I heard a surprised voice from Koneko.

"What are you doing!? Put me down! Put me down!" Koneko squirmed in my arms, trying to get me to release her.

"Koneko, you are still weak so you can't walk on your own, can't you feel that your legs are weak right now?" I said to Koneko.

After that, Koneko stopped struggling and tried to move her legs... and as I said, she found it difficult to do so, so she just stayed still in my arms.

As Koneko had calmed down, I then began to walk towards Grace to listen to the decision she would make.

Would she train Koneko, or should I revive the nearly extinct Nekoshu so they could train Koneko in Senjutsu... Or forcibly find Kuroka using Primal Beast.

"So, what's your decision, Grace?" I said to her with Koneko who is still in my arms.

Grace seemed to be thinking while observing Koneko who was staring at her with pleading eyes. Grace then shifted her stare towards me, "Hahh... Rei, you know what will happen if I train this cat."

"Yes, I know what you will do, but because Koneko really wants to become stronger, it's better if you ask her," I told Grace, then turned to Koneko.

"I want to... It doesn't matter if the training is very tough or not, I just want to become stronger and reunite with my big sister," Koneko suddenly said to Grace.

Hearing Koneko's words, Grace held her head and sighed, "Little cat... you use Senjutsu like a little child who is just starting to use Senjutsu, you can use Senjutsu for anything in daily life and for fighting... You can even use Senjutsu to sense your enemy's attacks and your body will automatically move to avoid their attacks," Grace said to Koneko while fanning herself with her folding fan.

"Can you do all that?" Koneko asked Grace.

"Hah!? Of course I can do all that, I can even do things you can't imagine using Senjutsu," Grace proudly said to Koneko.

Yes... like using Senjutsu to punch Archenemy, an attack from Avatar that can destroy the world....


"Then please train me, I want to become stronger and find my big sister," Koneko said firmly to Grace, staring at her with determination.

"Hmm hmm, since I have nothing else to do, I will train you. But if your progress doesn't satisfy me, I will stop training you immediately," Grace replied to Koneko with a smile, then reached out her left hand to touch Koneko's forehead.

After Grace touched Koneko's forehead, a bright image of a nine-tailed white fox appeared on Koneko's forehead for a moment, then the light dimmed and the fox image disappeared.

Koneko then touched her forehead to feel what Grace had done to her, "That is a symbol that you are still in my training. The symbol will protect you from anything because I don't want my student to die before completing their training."

Koneko after hearing Grace's words opened her eyes wide understanding what she meant, "Thank you very much for agreeing to train me."

Koneko said this while still in my arms, really making this scene more funny than touching, as I was sure Koneko would bow to Grace if she could move.

<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

"Since you are tired now, we will start training tomorrow. I will come back tomorrow, so Rei, don't forget to call me when the little cat is ready," Grace said to me before disappearing back to her place.

After that, Koneko and I walked back home because I could sense that Sturm was awake now and it was time to eat as well.... huh, I just realized that it had only been 1 hour since Rias and I left this dimension.

So much had happened in that one hour and suddenly I brought another person to this dimension....

Koneko looked very happy because she had been smiling the whole time... I hope she won't regret her choice to be trained by Grace because she's a bit sadistic...

Koneko and I, still with her in my arms, entered my home, "I'm home, Sturm, Ophis, Ingvild," I said as I entered the house.

But when Koneko heard the name Ophis, she was shocked and immediately asked me, "Ophis!? Do you mean the Dragon of Infinity??"

So Koneko knows who Ophis is. "You know Ophis?"

Koneko simply nodded quickly and said, "Yes, I heard about her when a group attacked the peace agreement before and then teacher Azazel explained more details to us."

Huh teacher Azazel?? You mean the fallen angel from that time? So he already become their teacher at their school and the advisor to their club.

"Yes, but even though her nickname is like that, she's too cute to be called that," I said to Koneko.

I then entered the main room where we usually gathered to chat or watch TV, and I saw Ingvild and Sturm talking while eating snacks.

"Welcome back, Rei," Sturm greeted me, but when she saw that I was carrying a little girl, she immediately stood up and walked towards me.

"Rei... who else have you brought here?" Sturm said to me with an annoyed expression.

Ehhh!? Why did she look so annoyed? "Sturm, calm down, I will explain what happened."

After that, I began to explain to her and Ingvild what had happened after Rias and I left this dimension.

"At least you only want to train this little girl..." Sturm said to me after finishing listening to my story.

"So you are a half-devil like me?" Ingvild looked happy to have someone similar to her.

After that, not much happened except Koneko being pulled by Ingvild as she wanted to chat with her, and I went to the kitchen to prepare food.

Ophis still hadn't appeared, maybe she was still sleeping, but I was sure that once she smell the scent of my cooking, she would come out.

And just like I said, after my cooking is almost ready, Ophis and Fenrir immediately appeared to join us at the dining table.

Without waiting long, we started breakfast. Koneko seemed to be staring at Ophis who was on my lap.

"An interesting sight, isn't it? I heard from Rias that Ophis is considered one of the strongest beings in this world, but now she's being held like a child and fed," Ingvild said to Koneko.

"Yes..." Koneko muttered in response to Ingvild while watching Ophis chew her food and me feeding her.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Hey Sturm, if you're bored, do you want to go on a date later? This world is similar to mine except for the supernatural part, so you can experience the technology of this world," I said to Sturm.

Sturm stopped eating and appeared to be thinking for a few moments before saying, "Is it not a problem? You know how problematic is the creatures from this world right?" Sturm said to me.

I mean, they definitely not a problem, more like annoying... but if they try something, I can just kill them no problem. "No problem, besides, we can hide our aura to resemble normal humans."

"Well then i want to. I'm curious about the differences in technology between this world and the sky realm," Sturm replied to me with a smile before continuing to eat.

Ingvild after hearing this seemed want to join because she also wanted to see the human world after hundred of years, but as long as her Sacred Gear is not activated yet I couldn't let her go alone since an inactive Sacred Gear could not hide their aura.

"Ingvild, how about going to the human world tomorrow? I can take you to see it," I suggested.

Ingvild looked surprised after hearing my words, then smiled brightly and nodded, "I want to!"


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