
001 - What Makes it Hard to Go Home ?

Rei suddenly woke up in Granblue Fantasy and had the appearance and powers of Lucillus. But he met Djeeta and Vyrn, who helped him adapt to the world there. They then met Lyria, Katalina, and many other people. They all embarked on an adventure towards Estaulica, the legendary home of the Astrals, where anyone who finds it can have their wishes granted. But their adventure was not as easy as they thought, and many dangerous events threatened their lives. However, in the end, they successfully reached Estaulica, and several years had passed. This time, Rei, who could now control the power of Lucilius, wanted to create a portal to his world so he could bring his fiancées there. But he realized that it would not be as easy as he had thought. First World : DxD [This is gonna be Dimensional Travel because Rei gonna try to find his way to his own world] [Hey there This fanfic is just a side story that I created so maybe i can increase my writing skills, I'm not sure how frequently I'll update this fanfic because I work on it when I have the time. btw I use AI to correct my grammar, so I apologize if you find any strange text. Please let me know so I can fix it. Thank you!]

IamReallySalad · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

19. Sad Cat

Heya it's me again just like my other novel I'm here to announced that I'm gonna out of town tomorrow so this novel update not gonna be like every 2 or 3 days anymore because I'm definitely gonna be busy until I'm back.

And I'm using my free time to write my main novel instead of this so yea i don't know when the next chapter is but I'm gonna still try to write it little by little.

And by the way don't forget to give me your feedback on this chapter

Thank you~

<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

"You're not bad little cat. Even though you're being influenced by your instincts, but you can quickly make a plan to attack me," I said to Koneko who was under me after I slammed her.

But Koneko just stared at me with her cat eyes, but I could see her ears were down, meaning she was sad now.

Not long Koneko started to crying... wait, what!?

"Koneko!? Why are you crying?? Did I slam you too hard!?" I felt panicked and then lifted Koneko and carried her using princess carry, then jumped back to the club room.

"Rias!! Koneko is crying!!" I entered through the broken window because I had thrown Koneko through it earlier.

"Eh!? Koneko?" Rias started to panic, then approached me and saw Koneko covering her face with her hands.

"What happened, did you hit her too hard??" Rias said to me while checking on Koneko.

"No, no, I just slammed her but because her body is covered in Touki, I'm sure she won't be too hurt because Touki strengthens her body!"

Hearing the name Touki made Rias shocked, then she turned back to Koneko. "It's okay, Koneko, everything's okay," Rias patting Koneko's white hair.

Ah, that's right... If I'm not mistaken, Koneko has trauma with that because she thought she would lose control like her sister and kill her king.

But here, she accidentally used it when she fought me, and when she realized it, she started to fear that she would become like her sister.

well... I can't really do anything with trauma except for changing her memory to remove her trauma but I'm not gonna do that

so I just handed it over to Rias to calm Koneko who was still in my hands.

after a while, Koneko finally started to calm down and I could see her cat ears and tail starting to disappear again

"hmm, it looks like you're back now" I said to Koneko

Rias is still wiping Koneko's face with her handkerchief.

"so, can you release your hand that's holding onto my shirt..."

right now one of Koneko's hands without her realizing is tightly gripping my shirt, so I couldn't put her on the sofa while Rias was calming her...

hearing that Koneko immediately let go of her hand and looked down while saying "Please put me down" in a small voice

I then put her down and placed her on the sofa so she could sit there, but after she sat down, she remained silent without speaking at all

I then sat on the sofa in front of her, waiting for her to speak... I felt a little guilty because I forced her to use her Touki

"So why did you suddenly start crying?" I said to Koneko, pretending not to know the real reason

but Koneko just remained silent and didn't answer me at all, still looking down at the floor below.

"let me explain it, Rei," Rias then sat next to me after saying that

and just like the one i already know Rias told me about Koneko trauma and her sister who was labeled as stray devil because she killed her king

"But you know what happened" Rias finished her story by saying that

what Rias meant was the real reason why Kuroka did all that, she knew it because of the vision I gave her before.

"So, did you not gonna tell her about what really happened?" I asked Rias

"But would she just believe my words? Koneko has believed for years that her sister lost control and killed her king, then left Koneko alone until she was sentenced to death before being saved by my brother," Rias said while sighing.

Huh, what Rias said makes sense too. Unless she sees it directly, she not gonna easily believe what Rias or i said. Besides, Koneko still cares a lot about her sister, but because of her trauma she tried really hard to stay away from her big sister without asking why her sister did all that.

Hmm? Seeing it directly, huh...

I then turned to Rias beside me with a smile. Meanwhile, Rias looked confused about why I suddenly acted like that.

But in the end, she understood what I planned and also smiled, "That's not a bad idea after all."

I then stood up and started walking towards Koneko, who had been silent this whole time.

She didn't seem to realize that I was approaching her, but that's not bad either so I can do this quickly.

I then touched Koneko's forehead with my fingers and sent her a vision of what happened with her sister and what happened on that day.

Because Koneko was not ready to receive what I sent to her mind, unlike others who simply closed their eyes, Koneko immediately fainted so her brain wouldn't have to work too hard to process all the information I gave her.

I caught Koneko before she fell to the floor and directed her to sleep on the sofa she was sitting on.

Seeing Koneko sleeping, I returned to the sofa and sat next to Rias, waiting for Koneko to wake up...

I really have nothing else to do, huh... I'm sure the others are probably still asleep so I have no other activities than to follow the flow of what's happening here...

But as I was thinking, suddenly I saw Rias stand up and walk in front of me, so I turned towards her, "Are you going to do this again?"

Rias just smiled as she listened to my question, then she started to sit on my lap while facing me, "Of course, as I always say before as long as you train me, I will try to make you like me until you bring me to your world."

This all happened when Rias who is very interested in fantasy anime heard about my world and wanted to go there after learning that my world was filled with many fantasy creatures and floating islands in the sky.

But I have no reason to bring Rias to my world, and besides, I still don't know how to deal with the different time gap... because it would be dangerous if I bring Grayfia for 1 year but when we return it turns out 100 years have passed here.

But every day she keeps pushing me to take her until finally Sturm told me to give up because from seeing Rias' attitude since she's living with them Sturm was sure that Rias would not stop asking me to take her there...

In the end I made a deal with Rias that if she could fully harness the power of the weapon I gave her, then I would grant her one request, but unfortunately for her, the weapon I gave her is no ordinary weapon but a weapon from Bahamut called the Sword of Bahamut Coda.

In its normal form, the Bahamut sword only has a dark red color that looks like an old sword, but when someone has mastered the sword, it will respond by giving the user full power of the sword and changing it color to silver and purple.

[Sword of Bahamut]

[Sword of Bahamut Coda]

Although the sword is still in its normal form, it can still cut through the earth to touch its core, and if the sword has become Coda with one swing the earth can be split into two.

But Rias's task is to swing the sword and control its power so that only one tree is split, but unfortunately, Rias still cannot control that sword, so every time she swings her sword in my dimension all the trees in front of her are immediately cut down with just one swing from her sword.

So yeah, I'm just waiting until she gives up and gives the sword back to me...

"I already said that you have to master the sword first," I said, looking into Rias' blue eyes in front of my face.

"Of course I remember, and I will master the sword as soon as possible, but would you mind if I do this?" Rias replied while licking her lips.

Of course, I don't mind... after all, what man would refuse a woman like Rias, especially someone with a body made for human desires.

Seeing that I didn't answer her question, Rias thought that I didn't reject what she said, so she started moving closer to my face until we both kissed for a few moments while waiting for Koneko to wake up.

<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

"Onee-chan!!" Koneko suddenly woke up from her sleep and shouted, calling her older sister.

But as she looked around, she found herself still in the clubroom, not where her sister left her while crying when she was young.

"What is this? Is it all true!? Did Onee-chan do all that to protect me? But why didn't she tell me what really happened?" Koneko looked down at her feet as she spoke with tears.

She kept thinking about why her sister didn't tell her, but she couldn't find any reason so there was only one thing she could think of, "I have to meet her and ask her directly."

Koneko then looked around to find Rei and Buchou, but she didn't see them at all. She couldn't sense their presence too so she's thought maybe they both already left this place.

Koneko stood up and wanted to go out to search for clues about her sister's whereabouts, but suddenly the door to the bedroom next to the clubroom opened, and Rei walked out of the room.

"Hey, looks like you're awake," Rei said to Koneko as he walked over to the sofa and sat down.

"Rei... is it all true? What you showed me? Is it all true? Did Onee-chan do all that to protect me? And didn't take me with her because she was afraid I would have a hard time if I was with her?" Koneko started asking Rei many questions without stopping.

"Yes, that's all true," Rei simply replied to Koneko.

Upon hearing that, Koneko stopped staring at Rei and looked back at the floor, seeming to be thinking about all the information she had received.

"Let me guess, now you want to find your older sister to hear her answer?"

Hearing that, Koneko could only nod, responding with low voice "Yes..."

Rei sighed after hearing Koneko's words, "And then what? You're looking for someone who is labeled as a terrorist and stray devil. Even if you find her, you will also be labeled as a stray devil and hunted by other devils."

Koneko clenched her fists tightly upon hearing all that and then lifted her head, staring at Rei with tear-filled eyes, "Then what?? Should I just stay silent and let Onee-chan face it all alone?"

"Now you can only grow stronger until the other devils won't comment if you bring your sister back."

"Grow stronger...?" Koneko murmured upon hearing Rei's words...

But how could she become strong quickly enough to find her sister? She didn't know what to do and remained silent for a few moments.

Rei, seeing their conversation had finished, turned towards the door of the room he had exited earlier while thinking, 'Why Rias taking so long to come out?'

Meanwhile Koneko continued to think searching for a way to become stronger quickly, until she remembered that Buchou had returned after a few weeks of missing and suddenly had become much stronger.

Even when Buchou moved to hugs her before she couldn't even respond at all until she was crushed in the embrace of Buchou two mountains.

So only one thing appeared in her mind. Koneko then turned towards the man with silver hair who called himself Lucifer.


Don't forget to give me your feedback on this chapter.

Thank you~

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