
001 - What Makes it Hard to Go Home ?

Rei suddenly woke up in Granblue Fantasy and had the appearance and powers of Lucillus. But he met Djeeta and Vyrn, who helped him adapt to the world there. They then met Lyria, Katalina, and many other people. They all embarked on an adventure towards Estaulica, the legendary home of the Astrals, where anyone who finds it can have their wishes granted. But their adventure was not as easy as they thought, and many dangerous events threatened their lives. However, in the end, they successfully reached Estalucia, and several years had passed. This time, Rei, who could now control the power of Lucilius, wanted to create a portal to his world so he could bring his fiancées there. But he realized that it would not be as easy as he had thought. First World : DxD Second World : Nasuverse [This is gonna be Dimensional Travel because Rei gonna try to find his way to his own world] [Hey there This fanfic is just a side story that I created so maybe i can increase my writing skills, I'm not sure how frequently I'll update this fanfic because I work on it when I have the time. btw I use AI to correct my grammar, so I apologize if you find any strange text. Please let me know so I can fix it. Thank you!]

IamReallySalad · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

14. Talking with Sirzechs

In a work room, there are a lot of documents piled up on the table inside the room.

There are so many piles that they almost reach halfway up the height of the room, and it's not just one pile but almost covering the entire table.

Then there is also a red-haired person sitting and working on those documents, it can be seen from his expression that he does not like any of this at all.

Every time he's almost done with these documents, suddenly more documents appear that he has to work on... all of this even makes it difficult for him to go back home and meet his beloved younger sister and son.

The person who regrets accepting the position as Satan is Sirzechs Lucifer, since the peace agreement, his work has increased so much that he has no time for anything else.

And now with Katerea returning to them because she listened to Lucifer's orders, everything is even more chaotic, listening to her explanations and what the old devil plans make him even more dizzy...

And his beloved sister is still missing... since Rias entered that portal, they have not been able to find her until now, and soon Rias must appear at the Gathering of Young Devils.

If she doesn't return by then, everything will become even more chaotic, especially because Rias is a Gremory...

"What are you thinking, dear?" suddenly, he hears a woman's voice near him.

Sirzechs then looks down and sees his wife, who has been lie down on his lap while hugging his neck this whole time... seeing the seductive face of his wife makes him look away again because if he doesn't control himself, these documents will not be finished by the end of the day...

"Lithia... can you stand up and not lie down on my lap? I'm trying to finish all these documents, and I would be very grateful if you could help me too."

Lithia Lucifuge is the wife of Sirzechs Gremory, they have been married for several hundred years and feel happy with each other, plus they already have a son.

But even though they have been married for a long time, Sirzechs will never get used to the drastic change in his wife's attitude.

When they are with others, his wife always emits an aura that says 'do not disturb me' and is always serious about everything, even sometimes quite cruel to others.

But when they are alone, suddenly his wife becomes like this, always wanting to be pampered by him...

"Well, I can help you... but if I am given a reward if I finish helping you," Lithia says while licking her lips.

Seeing that, Sirzechs really tries to control his impulses and not be tempted by this devil.

"Did I come at the wrong time?" suddenly, both of them hear a man's voice in front of them.

They both immediately stand up and get ready to use their powers upon hearing the voice.

But when they see the source of the voice, they see a man with silver hair and blue eyes staring at them while scratching his cheek.

"Lucifer?" Sirzechs immediately recognizes who the person in front of him is, then stops flowing his magic and calms down.

But his wife is still ready to attack the man in front of her because she doesn't know him well enough.

"Lucifer? Is he the person you mentioned before, Sirzechs?" Lithia asks her husband, but she still doesn't turn her gaze away from the man.

"Just relax, Lithia. He is Lucifer, the person I mentioned before, and I am sure he has no ill intentions towards the both of us," Sirzechs says to his wife.

<Rei PoV>

Seeing Lithia reminds me of Grayfia's words when she was in the sky realm... they both really look alike but compared to Grayfia, she prefers to keep her hair straight without any styling.

And her hair seems shorter than Grayfia's, and she have silver eyes and not like Grayfia's red ones.

"Can you stop staring at me like that? I know you're looking at me without any lust, but I still feel uncomfortable being looked at like that," Lithia says to me, staring sharply with her silver eyes.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I was just comparing you to the story told by Grayfia when she was in my world." I shift my gaze elsewhere and stop looking at her.

But I can see Sirzechs react when I mentioned my world and immediately say something.

"Your world... I heard from Grayfia that you two met during the Devil Civil War, right? And you are also the reason why Grayfia was able to defeat Serafall easily even though they both had equal strength before?"

Hm, it seems Grayfia has already told them what happened, but I have no problem with that, and Grayfia already telling the story saved me time from having to repeat it.

"Yeah, for you, Grayfia and I met 500 years ago, but for me, I met her a few years ago," I answer Sirzechs.

"So the time in both worlds is very different..." Sirzechs looks like he's thinking about something.

"So you're the reason why my little sister has been in a daze all these 500 years and she's always looking for someone," Lithia seems to realize something as she listens to both of us.

"Yes, when we parted ways, I had to use the primal beast power to lock her memories of my world because if I didn't do that, Grayfia wouldn't have returned to this world and she would have lost her life.

But now there's no need to worry about that because my friend has changed the rules of my world, so if someone returns from the sky realm, they won't lose their memories."

I then summon a chair from my dimension and sit in front of them.

"I'm here for a different reason, so do you two have time to talk?"

"Hahhh, you can see for yourself how many documents I have to work on," Sirzechs holds his head with his hands feeling dizzy looking at all of this.

"Well... I hope you can finish all of this quickly," I can only say that to him.

I then start telling them the reason I came here, "I want to inform you that your sister Rias Gremory will be in my dimension for a while."

They both hear the name Rias and immediately look at me seriously. "What do you want to do with Rias?" Sirzechs asks me.

They both seem worried that I might do something with Rias. Hmm, Rias is really cherished by both of them.

"This is Rias's own request. She said she wants me to train her and become stronger."

They both look surprised when they hear that. "Training? Who are you talking about? Rias? Are we talking about the same Rias?" Lithia looks confused as she speaks.

"Lithia is right, are we talking about the same person? Are you sure Rias told you that?" Sirzechs also has the same expression as Lithia.

Oh wow, even though they both love Rias, they really have no hope for her...

"Yes, she just realized something and knows she needs to become stronger," I tell them.

Sirzechs hearing my words immediately realizes that I don't want to tell them what Rias saw, so he won't ask me about it.

"I don't mind if Rias wants to become stronger, but has she told you about the Devil Gathering she has to attend?" Sirzechs asks me.

Devil Gathering? If I'm not mistaken, that's where young devils like Rias and Sona will gather and talk to each other, and where Rias should introduce Issei as the Red Dragon Emperor, and where Kuroka and Bikou will appear to kidnap Koneko.

"Yes, Rias has told me about it. You don't need to worry because I will send Rias back home when the Devil Gathering starts."

Then I stand up and intend to return home because my business here is finished.

"In that case, I will leave, my business here is finished," I prepare to open a portal, but suddenly Sirzechs says something to me.

"Wait a moment, can you help me heal someone? I heard from others that you can heal the White Dragon Emperor when he is severely injured after fighting you."

Huh? Oh, he means when Vali steals too much of my power and his body starts to disintegrate from within.

"Yes, that's true..." I have a feeling he's going to ask me to do something troublesome.

And my feeling is right, he tells me that devils have a disease called Sleep Disease that makes a devil fall asleep until they become weaker and weaker until they eventually die.

They want me to heal Misla Bael and Ingvild Leviathan from that disease.

Hearing these two names immediately brings back memories from the event shown by Akasha. Misla Bael is not so important because she will wake up on her own later.

But Ingvild Leviathan, even though she successfully woke up because of her Sacred Gear, she was eventually kidnapped by Nyx and later get under Mind control by her.

Sirzechs thinks I might not accept his request, and he only says that just to try, it's not wrong if he wants to try.



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