
001 - What Makes it Hard to Go Home ?

Rei suddenly woke up in Granblue Fantasy and had the appearance and powers of Lucillus. But he met Djeeta and Vyrn, who helped him adapt to the world there. They then met Lyria, Katalina, and many other people. They all embarked on an adventure towards Estaulica, the legendary home of the Astrals, where anyone who finds it can have their wishes granted. But their adventure was not as easy as they thought, and many dangerous events threatened their lives. However, in the end, they successfully reached Estalucia, and several years had passed. This time, Rei, who could now control the power of Lucilius, wanted to create a portal to his world so he could bring his fiancées there. But he realized that it would not be as easy as he had thought. First World : DxD Second World : Nasuverse [This is gonna be Dimensional Travel because Rei gonna try to find his way to his own world] [Hey there This fanfic is just a side story that I created so maybe i can increase my writing skills, I'm not sure how frequently I'll update this fanfic because I work on it when I have the time. btw I use AI to correct my grammar, so I apologize if you find any strange text. Please let me know so I can fix it. Thank you!]

IamReallySalad · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

06. Another World in Another World ?

"How about now?"

Baka-red and Ophis were silent when they heard what I said.

Sturm, seeing that Rei's transformation was complete, immediately used her boundary power to withstand the pressure from Rei's change.

Sturm's body was enveloped in a blue aura, and her hair and eyes also turned blue following the aura that surrounded her.

Ophis and Baka-red, seeing Sturm's transformation, could also feel the strong pressure from Sturm.

Then, the glowing necklace around Sturm's neck began to dim little by little and finally disappeared.

Sturm then approached Rei and stood beside him.

"The two of you... I did not expect there would be someone with this much power."

I was still focused on controlling this power because I was not used to this change at all.

Using this transformation made my astral instincts go wild and made it difficult for me to control them.

If I let my guard down and let these instincts take over, I could end up wanting to conquer this world and make all races my slaves, because astrals have a very high ego and do not want to be under anyone.

"Haaaahhhhhhh," I sighed deeply to try to calm my mind.

"You... are strong," I heard Ophis speak, her tone still emotionless except for her wide-open eyes.

"Are you really going to destroy that other world?" Baka-red said to me.

"Isn't it better that way? I prefer to solve problems before they become bigger and end up regretting it in the end."

Hearing that, Baka-red and Ophis were silent, seeming not to understand what I was saying.

After all, in this world, there is no one who can compete with them, and they both don't have anyone close to protect.

"Forget it, the two of you as the strongest beings in this world probably won't understand."

After saying that, I turned around and raised my left hand.

"Open!" The area I pointed to immediately broke apart, and a portal leading to a world close to this one appeared.

Seeing this, I then turned to Sturm. "Do you want to wait here, Sturm? Or do you want to go back home?"

I didn't want to take Sturm to the world I was going to destroy, fearing that Sturm would also be affected by "The End."

Sturm thought for a moment and decided to go back home because the reason she came here was to fight with Baka-red.

But it turned out that it was all a misunderstanding, so Sturm wasn't interested in all this anymore, she preferred to just sleep at home.

Hearing that, I opened the portal to our home, and Sturm finally walked into my portal.

"Be careful, Rei, I know your power is strong enough to do this, but don't let your astral instincts take over," Sturm said with concern as she entered the portal.

Hearing that made me smile. "Don't worry, Sturm, I'll handle this quickly."

I closed the portal to our home and looked at the other portal.

But as I was about to enter the portal, suddenly I felt someone holding my hand that enveloped in blue smoke.

*Pssshhhhh* I heard a sound like something burning and that sound making me turn around to see who was holding my hand.

But all I saw was Ophis holding my hand, and I could see Ophis's hand emitting smoke and burning when she touched me.

"Ophis!? What are you doing? Let go of my hand" I shouted at Ophis because I could see her in pain while doing that.

Ophis slowly released her grip on my hand, then looked at her severely burned palm.

But she easily regenerated the wound and the burn immediately disappeared.

"Let me come with you" Ophis said to me while looking at me.

Want to come with me? It's too dangerous if someone comes with me when I'm gonna using that.

"Ophis, it's too dangerous for you to come. It's better if you wait here with Baka-red" I replied to Ophis, looking at Baka-red who was still silent.

Ophis then shook her head. "I want to come, I want to see what power you will use."

She continued to insist on coming, and if it's like before when she asked for a treat, she not gonna easily stop asking me.

"Um, Baka-red, can you please help me?" I hoped Baka-red could help stop Ophis from following me.

But instead of Baka-red helping me, I heard baka-red let out a small laugh.

Suddenly, Baka-red's body began to emit a very bright red light.

"Baka-red? Are you changing too?" I heard Ophis speak, but I remained focused on seeing what Baka-red was going to do.

I could see Baka-red shrinking within the red light, and finally, they stopped shrinking when she was the same height as me.

The red light slowly dimmed, and eventually, I could see what was inside the red light.

Oh, wow... that's all I can think about right now.

So all this time Baka-red is "She"?

I don't know why Baka-red suddenly transformed into a bright red-haired woman with golden eyes and cat-like pupils, and that canine teeth she's really looks like vampire instead of dragon...


Why do dragons always transform into women or little girls? Damn anime fanservice.

"Fufufu~ What a shame I can't see your reaction other than those wide-open eyes," I heard Baka-red speak.

Oh wow, her voice isn't even like a delinquent's anymore; it's now like the voice of an Ara Ara onee-san.

"Baka-red, why are you using that transformation? Didn't you say you don't like doing that?" Ophis spoke to Baka-red, tilting her head.

"Of course, I want to join you both."

Wait, what!? Baka-red also wants to join???

"Baka-red, you also want to come along?"

"I'm curious about what you're going to do, so of course, I will join," I saw Baka-red answer with a smile.

Hearing that made me look at Ophis, who also wanted to join now, and now with Baka-red wanting to join too.

"Fufufu~ Unfortunately, Rei, it's 2 against 1 now, so let us follow you," Baka-red spoke again with a teasing tone.

Hearing that, I just gave in because my experience with women is that once they decide on something, if I don't follow, I'll be the one in trouble later.

I then directed my right hand to the right to retrieve two necklaces from my storage dimension.

After searching for the two necklaces for a while, I finally found them, then I pulled my hand out of the portal of the storage dimension, and two necklaces that I brought could be seen.

The necklace with a blue crystal like the one I gave to others to protect them and allow me to teleport to them when we are in different dimensions.

"Wear these necklaces first if you want to come along" I gave these necklaces to both of them.

Ophis, without many words, immediately took her necklace and began to examine it for a moment.

Baka-red also took her necklace but not before teasing Rei, "Oh, Rei~ I didn't expect you to give me a really beautiful necklace like this. If I'm not mistaken, in the human world, people give items like this to seduce someone, don't they?"

How... how did Baka-red's nature change so drastically like this... when she was a big dragon, her behavior was similar to a delinquent's, but now why is she like this?

After hearing Baka-red's words, there was only one thing I could think of... ignoring her.

I then turned around and began to enter the portal to that other world to quickly finish this and return home.

"Fufufu~," but I could still hear Baka-red's voice.

After coming out of the portal, I could see that I was in outer space, with a very large planet visible below.

This planet seemed more larger than Earth, And I could also sense that the inhabitants of this planet were all incredibly strong.

In fact, some even exceeded Great Red in terms of the energy i could feel from them.

Unfortunately, I could also sense that the inhabitants of this planet were in the midst of a devastating war.

Many inhabitants were dying because of this war, and the planet appeared to be on the brink of destruction if they continued fighting on this scale.

"Hmm, so this is the other world," I heard Baka-red's voice coming out of the portal as well, her necklace glowing brightly.

"I... I can feel that many people are dying and blood is scattered all over this planet," Ophis also spoke while using the necklace I had given her.

"Not only that..." I responded to both of them as I turned to look in another direction.

"Almost the entire population in this universe is extinct... it seems this war is happening almost everywhere, affecting other planets as well."

I could sense that in this world, there were only a few normal living beings left, and the rest were powerful beings or strange robots.

Well whatever i will finish this quickly.

I began to release all of my energy without hesitation.

My 12 black wings began to emit a very bright purple light in response to what I was about to do.

*Crack* *Crack*

Hmm? I heard cracking sounds from behind?

I then looked back and saw that the force field protecting Ophis and Baka-red was starting to crack little by little.

Oh... it seems the necklaces were not strong enough to withstand the pressure from the energy I was releasing.

I then gave my energy to the two necklaces to strengthen their force field, and quickly the cracks in the force field disappeared, and it looked thicker.

"Wow, your power is truly amazing," Baka-red appeared to still be able to joke around, unlike Ophis who was looking at me seriously.

Seeing that they were both safe, I then refocused on my initial goal.

Destroying this universe.

<3rd PoV>


"[Sephiroth.... Counting Down 13 Seconds]" suddenly they heard voice that come from Rei's 12 wing but it sounded like a woman instead of rei voice.

Rei's 12 black wings immediately began to release all the energy they had and channel it to Rei.

Rei, feeling his body filled with limitless energy, began to focus on completing his goal.

"[12....11....10....]" The countdown from his wings had begun.

With each count, the planet below trembled under Rei's pressure, even causing all creatures engaged in war to suddenly stop due to the overwhelming pressure they could feel.

"[9.....8.....7.....]" A massive magic circle appeared at Rei's feet, so large that even Baka-red and Ophis could not see its end.

Rei could sense many creatures heading towards him from a planet very far away, but unfortunately, they would not arrive in time.


The area around Rei and the others began to crack, as reality slowly started to crumble, with the planet below them gradually disappearing.

"What kind of power is this..." Great Red looked at Rei with a seriousness that was very different from her usual playful demeanor towards Rei.

Ophis remained silent, watching the planet beneath them slowly vanish, unable to bear the aura from Rei.


A pillar of light emerged from the magic circle beneath Rei, stretching endlessly upwards and downwards.

The light that reached downwards struck the planet beneath them, and without delay the planet vanished as if it had never existed there.

Great Red and Ophis tried to open their eyes and see all of this, but the light they saw was too blinding, making it difficult for them to see.

Both of them were protected from the light by the necklaces Rei had given them, so the light just passed by them without touching them at all.

Even Rei did not know how far the pillar of light would stop.

"[0....THE END]"

The light began to expand and continued to widen until the entire universe was enveloped in it.

Any creature touched by the light vanished instantly, including planets, meteorites, stars, and black holes - everything that came into contact with the light disappeared without a trace.

Even beings who were supposed to be immortal or could get revived if they died also vanished without a trace.

After a while, Baka-red and Ophis were able to open their eyes again.

However, instead of seeing the previous scenery in outer space, all they could see was white.

White, everything was white, there was nothing else but white.

Except for Rei, who was in front of them emitting a very strong blue aura.

Then, after a few moments, the magic circle beneath them began to disappear, and they could see Rei's body returning to normal.

His blue hair returned to white, the his aura emanating from his eyes vanished, and the blue smoke that surrounded Rei also began to dissipate.

His really dark wings with a hint of purple also returned to their usual black color.

After Rei's transformation was complete, the force field protecting Great Red and Ophis began to slowly vanish until it disappeared completely.

Rei then turned to them with a smile.

"Everything is finished."


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Thank you~

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