

Heroism is just a hobby. Save people and upgrade your characteristics. A cheating character who decided to become a professional hero. Reminder!!! I'm not the author of this fic. I just translating it, using Google.. If the owner want me to delete this fic..pls say so, and l will delete it.

Feng_Ye_4604 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 8 Heroic Cooney 18+

When Bakugou collapsed the floor, the four of them were in serious danger. Although, with these window shots, the test was dangerous from the start. Kirishima, as the owner of the Transformation Quirk, cannot keep his ability active for too long. He was still strengthening his body, but the effect was no longer as powerful as at the beginning of the test. Iida was wearing armor, but he was in a vulnerable position, bound by a net. And most of all, the danger threatened Katsuki and Yaoyorozu. But, the test is over, and it took place in a neighboring building ...

- Phew, I did it. I smiled.

Call me Martin Sue.

Before the floor collapsed, I was already in the room and picked up the girl in my arms. Alas, so as not to seem like I was doing it solely for her sake, I had to pick up Katsuki at the same time. Having pressed Momo to me with one hand, with the second I grabbed the guy by the collar, pulling him to the surviving part of the floor. Kirishima would not have been seriously hurt without my help, but Iida still needs to be dug up.

- Midoriya-san? Yaoyorozu was surprised.

Given that I just threw Bakugou on the floor, and continued to hold her in my arms ...

- Can you stand? – I ask.

- Yes.

The girl nodded, and I had only to put her on her feet. But, I liked holding it. Yaoyorozu has a really juicy mature body. Ten out of ten. For some reason, my appearance surprised her so much that the girl froze, looking at me in shock, as if she were seeing me for the first time.

- Well, I just have a hobby, helping people ... - I decided to somehow fill the reigning silence.

Surprisingly, Katsuki remained silent as well. The guy bulged his eyes and tried to drill a hole in the concrete with his eyes. Well, he doesn't take defeat well.

"Just fine, young Midoriya. The teacher's voice sounded nearby. "I am grateful to you for your help in this incident. If anyone is hurt, you'd better go to the school infirmary.

While saying that, Allmite cleared the small blockage with one hand and pulled out the remaining two guys. Kirishima, despite his quirk, suffered even more than the four-eyed bespectacled man. Yes, I remember that it is not polite to call him a bespectacled man, but I'm only in my thoughts.

- I can see the trials of the others. - Said Yaoyorozu.

By this time, bruises had already begun to appear on the open areas of her body, which are very many. And there weren't many of them either. In addition, she also broke her lip. Katsuki didn't look any better, but he's used to that sort of thing. Kirishima seems to have broken something and agreed to visit the medical office right away. Iida didn't fare any better, both of his arms were broken, but the guy kept his usual serious attitude. He was also sent to the infirmary. But this is all such nonsense for Yuuei's lessons that the teacher didn't even think to finish the lesson. The only thing he did...

- So, in order to avoid new injuries, a new rule is introduced into the test! Battles take place only inside the building, throwing the enemy out the window is prohibited.

- Hey! The students responded cheerfully.

I thought to myself that this is a very cool school, where the teacher has to forbid throwing students out the window.

- It was just awesome! Ochako sighed in admiration as I returned to my girls.

"Oh, come on, I didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

- Actually, Ochako is right, you are very cool! - Issued by Ashido.

- Come on, it's you who are cool, the coolest girls I know.

- I am not talking about that. We're just learning to be heroes, but for you it all comes so naturally. You act like a professional hero without thinking about it.

Ohh kami! Well, enough already!

I've gotten a little used to it lately, but now that these two girls were almost sticking to me in front of the whole class, it was really embarrassing. The views of classmates, as if burned with fire.

- That's it, kids, choose the next team! Allmite announced gleefully, drawing attention to himself.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

The box of chances gave out new balls. Two teams will pass the next test. The villains are Shoto Todoroki and Minoru Mineta. The team of heroes included Koji Koda and Rikido Sato.

I have to say, it was not an interesting fight.

The villains did not prepare for the fight in any way, simply because Todoroki did not see the need for it. And he was right. When the heroes entered the building, Shoto simply froze it. The whole house was covered with a crust of ice, and the heroes froze to the floor. They got out, but by this time the snowman himself came out on them and froze both guys into blocks of ice up to their necks. We never saw Koji's quirk in action.

However, from the very beginning I was not particularly interested in this fight. After all, the girls did not participate in it! Four guys, that's all. What's interesting here?

Here's the next test...

Yuga Aoyama and Fumikage Tokayami as villains. This is a brilliant knight who shoots light from the navel, as well as a bird boy who summons a shadow.

They are opposed by a team of heroes - Denki Kaminari and Kyoka Jiro. Lightning boy and plug girl.

The villains split up. Aoyama remained guarding the rocket, while Fumikage hid on the second floor, hiding in the shadows under the stairs. But, Jiro turned out to have a great ear! She stuck one of her plugs into the wall and immediately located both villains. Thanks to this, Fumikage's ambush failed and the guy was stunned by Kaminari's electricity. Well, the watchman just fooled. After ripping off the door from the closet on the ground floor, Kaminari used it as a shield as he burst into the weapon room. Aoyama can't shoot for more than one second at a time, and by wasting that second on his shield, he was vulnerable to Jiro's sonic attack.

- Finally, the team of heroes won! Ochako rejoiced. – Before that, the villains always won, but now justice and goodness have triumphed!

Evil is always one step ahead. I smiled.

- Come on, now will be the last test. 

The random box was no longer used as there were only two teams left.

The villains are Mashiro Ojiro and Hanta Sero.

The heroes are Mezo Shoji and Toru Hagakure.

In this test, I hoped for the invisible girl and even cheered for her. Even during the five-minute handicap, Sero wrapped his duct tape around all the passes. Ojiro was just getting ready to fight. And when the test began, the fight began on the first floor. Mr. Tentacle had a huge melee advantage over Ojiro. And he cut Sero's ribbons with sickles, which he grew on his tentacles specifically for this. Hagakure was nowhere to be seen. She had taken off her gloves and boots, so it could only be assumed that she was somewhere nearby. She also had a transmitter, but it looks like the girl covered it with her hand, so she couldn't see it either. Personally, I just waited for the girl to make it clear that she ...

- Hooray! I've got a weapon! Hagakure's voice sounded joyfully from the speakers.

With such a composition of teams, it was natural. Although Sero tried to protect the rocket with his ribbons, the girl was still able to get to it.

- Phew, that was cool. Uraraka sighed.

"Looks like the lesson is over.

- Yeah, an hour ago. We are delayed.

- Well, I think it was worth it.

In fact, that was the end of the course. At least for this day.

As usual, we left the school together. For a while we walked in silence. And this time we were not on the way with those classmates who were heading to the metro station.

- Izuku...

- Yes?

- Do you remember the date? Ashido smiled.

- Of course! - I was indignant.

How can you forget about such a thing? It's just absurd!

- Ochako, you've been living in this area the longest of all of us. - I noticed.

- Yes! Last time I chose the place, now it's your task, friend. – Supported me Mino.

"Oh, well, we are not even ready, not in suitable clothes…" But Uraraka herself was a little confused.

- It's right. - Demonette is upset. A date in school uniform is not romantic at all. But do not transfer it to the weekend!? I want now.

- Then, maybe, instead of a romantic date, today we will arrange a joint training, and we will go on a date just for the weekend. Moreover, we have never done anything like this together.

It was like a lightning strike. Realization came instantly, and this thought just captured my mind.

Well, you can try...

- Nightmare. Ashido was horrified and immediately smiled cheerfully. - I support!

Although, my idea was not the training itself. This is just the first part of the plan. And the girls didn't mind turning our second date into a workout. It may not sound so romantic, but for someone like us, it's not a bad choice.

- Then, there is a club for jocks nearby! Uraraka was excited.

- Kachkov? The demon snorted.

- Maybe a fitness club?

- Yes, yes, he is the best! The girl confirmed.

- Aha, let's try! Ashido liked this idea more and more.

And we have tracksuits with us. - I noticed.

Actually, it's the academy's uniform, but why not?

Following a friend, we quickly got to this club. It turned out that Ochako was already known there. True, one shortcoming of such establishments was quickly discovered. All these simulators, they are simply useless. No, the girls will be good at such training. But for me it's all useless. I just completed my daily quota of cheating exercises other than running. But, this does not mean that I did not find something to do.

- You know, it's a little embarrassing. Mino said cheerfully.

- Is it true? I smiled as I continued to watch her do the exercises.

- Is it true. - The girl nodded.

- So it's just wonderful. I like to embarrass you.

At this point, Ochako used her Quirk and began to lift heavy dumbbells with one hand, which not every terminator will lift.

- What? This is how I train my quirk… - She looked away.

We spent at least an hour in the hall, where I admired the girls more and encouraged them than I did myself. And we ended up not in the hall, but on the street, deciding to have a run in the park. I still need to complete my cheat code.

"Hah… how long… we have already run at least five kilometers. Ochako mumbles wearily.

"Yeah... I've been so long... I don't usually run..." Ashido was a little more awake, but she also seemed exhausted.

- Tired? I smiled.

- N-no! I can still run! - Stubbornly declared demonetka.

- And I'm all ... - Uraraka slowed down.

"Then I'll take you in my arms." I nod to the girl.

"Waaah… what!?" - The brown-haired woman squeaked, being in my hands.

"Ha ha, tell me when you're rested."

Hey, I'm tired here too. Ashido immediately changed her mind.

The remaining five kilometers were much more fun. Periodically, I ran with one of the girls in my arms. Somehow they agreed among themselves about the order. True, Ashido was a more athletic girl and didn't get as tired as Uraraka. So it turned out that I carried Ochako in my arms longer.

"Haa… I can't take it anymore…" Ashido breathed out tiredly.

Only a measly half a kilometer left.

- Then let's do this...

I helped Ochako onto my back and Mino picked me up.

We looked strange and even funny. The other people in the park couldn't watch our run without laughing.

- Y-yes! We did it! Ashido exclaimed in my arms as I stopped.

"We were able to…" Ochako rejoiced, leaning wearily.

At the same time, her soft breasts lay on my head, but the girl did not care at all. She is too tired.

- Well, for a light workout will do. I nodded. - But, since you are such sissies and already tired, then you can come to you. How are you?

- Yeah, it's close.

"We're not sissies…" Ashido muttered stubbornly.

- Okay, okay, I get it. I smile at my demonet. - It's just a joke, I can see what great sports girls you are. You are simply amazing!

And yet, before going to the girls' rented apartment, we lingered a little in the park. They needed time to catch their breath. It was really close, just like Uraraka said. We got to her house in less than ten minutes.

"Um, well, it's not really..." As Ashido approached the door, he began to have doubts.

But Uraraka didn't react at all.

- Ohh, I'm so tired. – Exhaled Ochako, just tumbled into the apartment.

It immediately became clear what caused the doubts of the demonetka.

- Wow, you are my lucky pigs. - I appreciated the decoration of the girls' lair.

Clothes are scattered everywhere. On the table are plastic plates of instant noodles and several plastic bottles of soda and even one of beer. Bed not made. By the way, there was only one double bed. I already like it. Girls without parents are completely unbelted, yeah.

"Izuku, we're just...

- Come on! I waved my hand. – If my mother didn't make me clean my room, I would have even more mess.

True, here I was a little cunning. Inko never made me clean my room. She would rather clean up herself than start scolding me. Because of this, I try to clean up more often so that my mother does not have a desire to clean up on her own. Sometimes I just feel embarrassed by her sincere concern and want to respond in kind.

"Ha ha…" Mino laughed not very cheerfully.

Ochaco just walked into the room and collapsed exhausted on the bed, and I realized that it was time for the third stage of my cunning villainous plan.

"You know, that's where my skills come in. I modestly stated.

- Skills?

- In addition to heroism, I have another hobby. Let me give you a massage! You'll like it.

Saying this, I began to defiantly stretch my fingers.

"Oh, well, I don't know…" Uraraka hesitated.

- I agree! Ashido immediately gave out.

- Then, lie down.

As long as there are no oils or anything. Moreover, this is not even my level. I'm just an amateur. The usual relaxing massage is the pinnacle of my skills. However, this is enough for now. Ashido herself didn't expect it to be so easy.

- Is it that simple? She doubted.

- Now you will understand everything. - I tell her.

- Hey, oh... wow...

Actually, I've already started.

Just a couple of movements and the girl arched under my hands, still not quite understanding whether she likes it or not.

- Ay…

At first it was a little painful and unexpected, but after that, the girl's lips quickly stretched into a relaxed, pleased smile. I felt her shoulders and arms relax. And Ochako, looking at the expression on Mino's face, bit her lip enviously.

Gradually, for greater convenience, I myself moved to the bed with the girl.

Although I often did this with my mother, but now the whole situation looked somehow more intimate.

"Haa… good…" Ashido sighed in satisfaction. - Ohh, yeah...

Ochako bulged her eyes in shock at her moaning friend.

Whatever, I was dumbfounded myself.

And also excited.

Ashido reacted as if I wasn't giving her a massage, but something completely different. And to be honest, I really liked her reaction. Thanks to this, I decided to switch to a back and leg massage. Although, I didn't massage the girl's ass for a particularly long time, as I usually did with Inko. But, Mino's slender legs are also very good. Now, feeling the girl's body, I only confirmed for myself that she really takes care of herself. She had developed muscles and a strong physique. It was just obvious that she practiced often. It's entirely possible that her recent performance in Aizawa's class was the result of those trainings and not her predisposition to mutation. Although, most likely, all together.

- Mmm ... ahh ... - Passionately sighed the girl.

Ochako somehow quietly and imperceptibly moved away from us and got up from the bed. Yet, despite my passion for my current occupation, I tried not to lose sight of the second girl. And my hearing is very good. Or Uraraka relied too much on the fact that no one would listen in such a situation. In general, after a few minutes I could hear how the girl began to quietly rustle on the sidelines, continuing to watch us. And after a while, rustling well, she quickly went to the bathroom.

Of course, I was a little surprised by this turn, but ...

It was cool.

Meanwhile, Ashido had already completely melted and now she was just crazy. So, now I have without any fear crushed her ass. Now I was even a little sorry that I had two girls, and not one. Because if Ochako wasn't here, I could do whatever I want with Mino. The daemonette wouldn't mind.

The sound of water came from the bathroom. Looks like Uraraka decided to take a shower. In general, after training, this is not a bad idea.

"Mmm… Izuku, this isn't a massage anymore." Ashido caught me.

My hand trembled, although the girl's voice did not sound displeased at all. It doesn't look like she would mind at all. Thanks to this, it was easier for me to collect my thoughts, and I even continued to massage the girl's buns.

- I'm sorry, I succumbed to the devil's temptation. Are you uncomfortable?

"Well…" Ashido was too relaxed to resent. "I guess you deserved it, well, as long as Ochako can't see, you can…"  

 Ashido couldn't express her thoughts clearly due to the embarrassment that had washed over her. The pink face of the girl darkened, acquiring a bright burgundy color. And I'm just glad, I continue to greedily knead her ass. And yet, I just couldn't ignore her statement.

- I don't know Mino, I don't like it all, I deserve it, I don't deserve it. I drawled philosophically. - This is not trade, I'm doing you a favor, and you'll let me feel the ass. Or a kiss. No! We do it because we like each other. Do you like me?

- Yeah. - The girl smiled.

- Here! And it's okay when you want to please the person you like. Don't think that I offered the massage just to feel you, I really want to help you relax.

- Yes, I understood that. The demon grinned merrily. "Your thoughts were definitely pure and innocent, and only now did you succumb to the temptation. I have a great butt, don't I?

- Yeah, I can't argue with you here, your ass is just awesome!

- What did you say about the kiss?

- Well, this is ... - Unexpectedly, I felt embarrassed.

The girl abruptly rolled onto her back, and I had to take my hands off her.

 - Do you want to try? she suggested.

Curiosity burned in the demon's eyes. She was as excited as I was, but it was this feeling of intimacy between us that allowed her to take that step. Also, her eyes kept looking down. Even though I sat on the bed next to me, it was still noticeable how excited I was about this situation. But, I'm glad it doesn't put Ashido off. On the contrary, she looks quite interested. The girl approached me, but, despite the interest, she was at a loss. So I decided to take the initiative into my own hands.

It's in the hands. Taking the girl by the shoulders, I brought her closer to me and leaned towards her face.

At the last moment, Mino twitched awkwardly and instead of kissing, our noses touched.

"Pfft…" the demonetka snorted.

Well, it doesn't always work out the first time.

Mino lowered her head and burst into a cheerful laugh.

At this point, I couldn't help it and laughed.

- Oh, what are you doing here? Ochako showed up.

The girl was in clean home clothes, and she herself looked noticeably fresher. Even the hair is still wet. And it kind of freaks me out. Although I came to visit, I don't feel like a stranger in this apartment at all. I even thought about moving here. Maybe not right now, but later, when our relationship goes further, we can discuss this possibility.

- We're trying to kiss. I honestly answered my friend.

- Aha-ha-ha, yeah, so far it's not working out very well. Ashido supported me.

- And I, this is ... sorry, I did not want to interfere ... - Uraraka hesitated.

- Ohh, no, don't worry about it.

Yes, you're my girlfriend too...

- Yeah...

- Exactly...

Somehow it all sounded insecure. The girls do not seem to mind anything against such a relationship, but they do not understand how it all happened and why it suits them.

- Ochako, do you want me to give you a massage too?

- Yes! I mean, I don't mind trying...

The girl's eyes sparkled with excitement.

- Yeah, massage. Ashido chuckled slyly.

However, the mood of the demonette quickly changed when I started the massage. Under my hands, Uraraka quickly grew mad and began to moan sweetly. And since she was not dressed in sweatpants, but in short house shorts, massaging her slender legs was even more pleasant. And, both for me and for the girl herself.

Ashido at this time began to fidget strangely, but at least she didn't rustle like Uraraka.

I'll take a shower too! – Sharply threw demonetka and fled.

Ochako had already completely relaxed and did not even pay attention to the flight of her friend. And here I wanted to pin up the brown-haired woman.

- Do you think she went to the bath for the same thing as you?

"Probably…" the girl drawled dismissively. 

- You could ask me, I would be happy to help.

"Yeah… w-what?" What are you talking about? – Ochako's voice frightened trembled.

I don't know where I got the nerve to do this, but...

Leaning towards the girl, I ran my hand along her back, as if in the framework of a massage. But Uraraka shuddered, and I hurried to speak out, quietly, almost in the girl's ear.

- I'm talking about when you played while I was giving Mino a massage.

From the expression on the girl's face, I realized that I hit right on target. She "rustled" in this sense!

- Hehe, yeah, you're pretending to be a good girl, but in reality you're still that hot little thing.

Perhaps it was Ashido who provoked me so much. And now with Ochako I decided to be more bold. Otherwise, I would not have been able to get my hand into her shorts so calmly. Putting my hand through the pant leg, I climbed under her panties and squeezed the girl's buttocks in my hand. But, on this my pressure has dried up. Even though the girl didn't push me away, Ochako just lowered her head, burying her nose in the blanket so that I couldn't see her face. She shrank all over, but not frightened, rather, from embarrassment.

- I'm sorry, are you uncomfortable? - I withdrew my hand.

The girl shook her head. However, I didn't quite understand what that meant. It was some sort of awkward gesture.

- Should I continue?

"Yes…" Uraraka squeaked.

And I returned to the massage with a clear conscience. From embarrassment, the girl became very stiff, but, soon, I managed to help her relax. Then I began to act a little more cheekily, running my hands under the brown-haired woman's clothes. And while it was still within the framework of the massage. Even when I returned to her bottom. Ochako started moaning again as I massaged her legs. And, it seems, because of this small conversation, the girl was a little excited. On purpose or not, but at some point she raised her ass, as if urging her to go further.

I was just waiting for the right moment, so I immediately took advantage of the invitation.

- Mmm ... - The girl squeezed the blanket in her hands.

My hand got under her shorts again. Her skin was damp from the shower, but right now it was especially wet. It was just amazing. Even in the morning I could not imagine that I would do something like this today. Of course, I hoped to quickly move forward in relations with the girls, but I did not think that it would be so abrupt. Ochaco arched her back like a cat when I lightly stroked her bud. She definitely liked it, but because of her embarrassment, the girl did not even dare to look around and simply buried her face in the bed.

Listening, I made sure Ashido was still in the shower.

It's not that I'm so afraid that she'll catch us here. I had absolutely no intention of hiding things like that from her. It's just that somehow I don't want the demonet to return at the most crucial moment and violate the intimate atmosphere. Yes, and Ochako should be embarrassing, to appear in front of a friend with her panties down ...

Namely, in this form, she was now when I carefully lowered her shorts along with white panties.

- You are very beautiful here. I drawled, stroking the girl's slender hips.

And if at first I just wanted to play with her fingers, then as soon as I saw the girl's excited pussy, I wanted to kiss her. And a light fluff on the pubis did not spoil the view at all. It even looked cute.

- Ochako, can you roll over on your back?

Without ceasing to be embarrassed, the girl obediently complied with my request. But, she still did not want to open her face at such a moment, and she covered it with her hands. At the same time, she also brought her legs together, blocking a beautiful view. True, not for long. Stroking her knees, I slowly parted her legs back. Putting my hands on the girl's hips, I leaned towards the inviting bud.

"Ahhh…" Uraraka sighed noisily.

As I wanted, I kissed her.

The girl somehow reflexively brought her legs together, clutching my head, and even clung to my hair with her hands. She seemed to not want to let me go, although I didn't run away anywhere, but continued to play with her slit. Now that she finally revealed her face, I saw a wet gleam in her eyes. The girl bit her lip in pleasure and tried to hold back a moan, but her every exhalation was still too sonorous.

Yes, in the morning I definitely did not expect such a development of events.

But I definitely don't regret it!

"Mmm… Izuku…" the girl groaned, throwing her head back.

She did relax her legs, but not for long. The girl's pussy was already throbbing with tension. She seems to be very sensitive here, or just so inexperienced. But, I did not have to caress her with my tongue for a long time before the girl shuddered with pleasure, splashing with squirt. And at the moment of orgasm, she again brought her legs together, squeezing my head and clutching me tightly with her hands. She seemed to want to press me to her with all her strength. Also, Ashido seems to have already finished. But, interrupting at such a moment would be a terrible mistake.

Here, Ochako, breathing heavily, slightly relaxed, but she still continued to hold me, and I was not going to break free. And yet, the thought was spinning in my head, how to hint to her that I would, as it were, not at all against reciprocal caresses in the same style.

- Wow. Ashido spoke up. - Just wow.

For the past few minutes, she's been quietly watching the free show."