


nen_nen · Fantasy
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13 Chs


"Don't worry too much. I'm sure the captain can get through this. You know he's not that weak." Oliver said as we reached the gate of the headquarters.

I left and went back to work with thoughts in mind, wondering if they got ahold of the evidence that easily because it was something really important and the captain should've hidden it somewhere not known to other soldiers.


As night fell, I decided to sneak into the underground prison where Captain Palmer was held. I thought I should treat his wounds somehow since helping him escape won't be of any help at all. It will just make him more of a traitor.

As I stealthily walked through the halls, I saw a mysterious figure. It is too dark for me to see clearly.

Following this mysterious figure, we ended up in Captain Palmer's cell. I hid behind a wall and listened to them talk. The voice sounds familiar.

"bastard! How could you drag Adi into this? Are you using her against me? Captain Palmer said

The mysterious figure replied and said, "Hah, nothing really." "She just happened to come, so I brought her here." "Are you not happy to see her?"

this fucker! It is Oliver! as I said in my thoughts.

The captain snickered and said, "You dog of nobles, you're not only not talented, you're even rotten to the core."

Oliver felt offended and clicked his tongue. "Yeah, that's right." I have a big dream for someone untalented like me. so what? At least I'm not behind bars like you, right?

"You don't have to feel bad about me. I'll take care of Adi in your place," he added.

Captain Palmer laughed and said, "You think you can take care of Adi?" "Hahaha, she's probably the one who'll take care of you!"

"That soft and naive girl you said would take care of me?" "There's no way," Oliver replied.

Once again, the captain laughed and said, "You probably haven't seen it yet since she always wears gloves, but I saw it." Her hands have the calluses of someone who trained with swords or some sort of weapon. "She's probably even stronger than you."

"Hah, as if I'll believe anything you say. It's time for your daily punishment. Taunt me and insult me all you like; I'll just punish you even more," Oliver said.

Oliver brings out various torturing devices and hits Captain Palmer with them. The captain didn't even let out a single scream as I watched Oliver torture the captain.

From each of the captain's open wounds, blood spilled. His face gets paler and paler. Oliver doesn't even treat a single wound on the captain.

He had already lost a lot of blood when I saw him this afternoon. When is Oliver going to stop?

I can no longer bear the sight of it and decided to leave in anger.


bastard! I know he's suspicious, but to think he betrayed someone who is so kind to him?! How ungrateful!


I continued my daily life and attempted to visit Captain Palmer again but was refused, even by Oliver, that bastard. I even sneaked in at night, but the captain's cell seems to have been moved. He's no longer in his previous cell. I scanned the whole place and didn't see the captain at all.

Looking at his wounds, he probably didn't make it.


The morning comes, and just as I was about to leave for work, someone knocks on my door. its oliver.

He told me the captain died. The spy killed him in his cell, even though he was being moved into a different cell every night so the spy wouldn't be able to get him.

I was indifferent to him and said it was not impossible for that to happen, and I left.

leaving him and his shocked face.

"what?! thats all? That's all she's going to say? oliver said


In the library, I did my usual menial work.

It's already been half a year since I worked here.

I let out a deep sigh.

Even though I never stopped my training, to think I'll do this again. Those bastards really are testing my patience.

For sure, the captain died unexpectedly that night, which is why he has to delay and cover it.


As the night comes, darkness covers the sky. I went to Oliver's house and sneaked in.

It looks like he's still not home. I hid behind the door and waited until he came.


I set up my threads while I was waiting.

After almost two hours had passed, Oliver came.

I set up a magic barrier when he finally closed the door. I grabbed him with my threads the same as I did with Zed to make him float.

"Where is the evidence that I gave you people?" i said

"Who are you?! Why are you doing this to me? Don't you know who I am? I am now the leader of the patrol guards," Oliver said.

"Shout all you like. No one will hear you. Besides, I know you." I replied.

"W...wait! This voice! Adi! he said.

Why are you doing this? How could you do this to me?" he added.

You think I didn't know you were the traitor? i answered

He paused for a moment and laughed, "Hah, so it's true. You're not some sort of soft and naive girl? To think that a kind-looking girl can do something like this, Don't tell me the rotten skulls destruction is your doing too?"

I just stared at him as he kept on babbling.

He suddenly looks shocked and scared. "Don't tell me it's really you," he says.

Why didn't you think of my question earlier? I said the evidence I gave you, right? Of course, it's me, you idiot.

"No, that can't be..." he thought, scared witless while thinking of the scene he saw in the headquarters of the rotten skulls.

"Of course I'll do the same to you, don't worry," I said.

"W...wait, L...let's talk this out. You need the log, right? right? It is already burned, as I was ordered to do." oliver said

I snickered and said, "You think I didn't know of your rotten personality? For sure, you didn't trust those nobles. You probably didn't even touch the evidence at all, and it was still where the captain placed it since it's safe there, even more now that you have the captain's position."


It's pretty easy to deal with him since he's so weak. He only has his stupid brains.


I put the silver threads around his neck and said, "If you don't tell me, you'll die the same way as Zed Felon."
