
*sigh* Lets get this over with

A war veteran is taken from death to help save the Naruto world, apparently Kishimoto nerfed the enemies so Naruto and company could actually win. *sigh* I swapped one war for another.

dr_hobbes · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Wish upon a star

I have five wishes to make this both an enjoyable and a memorable experience. I need to think this through thoroughly, make the best of this, the best choices are abilities that require a lot of training to master, but once mastered, make me overpowered. I could wish for One punch man's power but that would make the whole experience very boring.

*lightbulb* (search for gru lightbulb on utube)


Thats what I'm gonna go for, its overpowered, but its not a power I can gain instantly, I will need to train it up to acceptable levels, not to mention that Busoshoku Haki requires the body to have reached a certain stage before I am capable of using it effectively. Kenbunshoku depends less on the body and more on my spirit, and Haoshoku can't be trained period, the only way I become better at Haoshoku is through the tempering of my will.

I have to thank the army for allowing entertainment such as manga and anime to be available for the soldiers, this is giving me way too many ideas.

Should I wish for a devil fruit? Nah it would be hard to explain how I got such power, not to mention the individuals that would want to experiment on my ass. They're not subtle either, Haki at least can be masked as something else or not noticed at all so Devil fruits are out.

That leaves four more wishes


My body.

My body, will be like the body of a Naruto character, compared to the One piece characters whose bodies can rise to a level beyond even chakra constructs. I mean look at Mihawk with one swing of his sword he could casually shred a meteorite, and cut in half a frozen tsunami. Whereas Madara and Naruto need susanoo and kurama mode respectively to achieve anything close to the same magnitude. Let me also mention that Zoro carried boulders at the age of 9.

So my second wish is for a body that functions the same way that it would in the one piece anime, with limitless physical potential, heals through eating food and unparalleled natural defenses. So I can take a beating, get up and say it tickled.

My third wish, im gonna gamble on this one. I want a poneglyph placed somewhere close by konoha, which is where I assume i will be placed by the being. "Yes that is where you will be placed, you will be two years older than Naruto and the other main cast."

Ignoring the fact that the boss read my mind, this makes everything easier. Anyway I digress.

The poneglyph.

Garp mentioned when he fought Don Chinjao, that he trained his Busoshoku by bashing mountains. What would happen if I trained my Busoshoku by punching an object which is considered unbreakable?

Yeah thats my third wish.

My fourth and fifth wish... I wonder if i can redeem those later, cause I cant think if anything. Oh! Yes just remembered, the Rokushiki. I need a manual describing how to learn those. Ninjas can walk on water, vertical surfaces and upside down surfaces but none of them can walk on the air itself, and soru is just a better shunshin. While the Rokuogan won't be entirely necessary as Ryuo Busoshoku deals internal damage. The rest of the Rokushiki could be useful, but soru and geppo are the most important, with the Rankyaku and the shigan being slightly less impotant.

"Your wishes have been granted, do not worry about your fifth wish it will be granted when ever you think of something, good luck Darius Black, may you succeed in your endeavors."

"Wait" I say but im already losing consciousness.

Bastard boss. You don't. Spring.. this. Out. Of. Noowheere.


Busoshoku = Armament

Kenbunshoku = Observation

Haoshoku = Conquerers

Soru = Shave

Geppo = Moonwalk

Shunshin = Body Flicker


Hope you all enjoyed

I'm open to suggestions on that third wish, it does not have to be one piece related but im trying to keep him underpowered in the beginning, but whatever u guys think will fit with his skillset, do give me a shout.