
*Forced Love*

[Jikook/Kookmin ff] (Jimin)- "I love Jungkook but he's straight." (Jungkook)- "I love Jimin but he's gotta be straight, right? " (Tae)- " I love Jimin but, he likes Jungkook. And I'm not going to let that happen. " (Yoongi)- "Tae this isn't a good ide-." (Tae)- "Jimin is going to be mine one way or another."

JikookJeonPark · Others
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16 Chs

Why do you make me feel this way?

Jungkook POV

It's Friday and tomorrow I have a date. Ok, maybe not necessarily a date but, I want to think of it that way.😁 OMG I TOTALLY FORGOT TO GET HIS NUMBER, NAME, and ADDRESS! God, Jungkook, why are you so stupid?! *Palmface* I gotta go find him.

Jimin POV

I was getting my things from my locker when I heard a familiar voice beside me. "Hey!" He said. I started to blush and then looked at him. " H-Hi. " I stuttered. "Umm, I just came because I didn't get your name, phone number, or your adress. And I kinda need those so we can go on a da- I mean hang out tomorrow." He scratched the back of his neck. Was he about to say date?! Anyways I didn't realize that I didn't give him any of those. Whoops. "Oh yeah sorry about that. My name is Jimin, my phone number is (XXX)-XXX-XXXX, and my address is (Just make one up) ------------------------------. What about you?" I asked. " My name is Jungkook, my phone number is (XXX)-XXX-XXXX, my address is (whatever you want)-----------------, and I'm 22. " he said. "Oh that's nice to know!" I was so shy. "Well, I'll see you later! And remember to pick me up at 9:30!" " I would never forget! " he said. And then he winked. HE FREAKING WINKED AT ME! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Jungkook POV

I FREAKING WINKED AT HIM! WHAT WAS I THINKING?! HE PROBABLY THINKS I'M A WEIRDO! UGH! Stop being so stupid Jungkook. You stupid stupid IDIOT! Ok, ok. C a l m d o w n. He probably didn't notice. N.o. What are you thinking? OF COURSE HE NOTICED! Let's just get to class for Pete's sake. He was cute though. I wonder what he thinks of me....

~The next morning~ (A/N Its just 3rd person for a while)

While both boys got ready for their "date", they decided they would just wear casual clothes. Jungkook would pick up Jimin from his house. Jungkook didn't live very far from Jimin, only about 7 minutes. After JK took a shower, put on his clothes, and ate breakfast he went to go pick up JM. On Jimin's side he did the same and just waited for Jungkook to pick him up. He told his roommate Jin all about his crush on Jungkook and how he wants to see how JK thinks about him. JM was so excited he was talking so much and Jin was ready for this guy named Jungkook to come and pick him up. (Lmao) Then they heard a knock on the door. Jimin RAN to the door to see who it was and then took a deep breath and calmed down. He opened the door and welcomed the boy inside.

Jungkook POV

I was so nervous but I had to knock on the door or I would be considered late so I knocked on the door and waited. He opened the door and took my hand to lead me inside. I WAS BLUSHING LIKE CRAZY! I met his roomate, his name was Jin and he was really nice to me. The best thing was that Jimin never let go of my hand. I was about to faint right then and there but then Jin said that we should get going or we 'll waste time. So we left and got in my car. But before he let go of my hand he looked at me and gave me a sweet smile. I felt this funny feeling in my stomach. I got in the driver's seat and asked him where he wanted to go. He said "I want to go to your house." And then he looked straight at me , then at my lips. I did the same. He leaned in closer and so did i. Eventually our foreheads were touching. I tilted my head and then he did. Our lips were millimeters apart and then I closed the gap. My lips against his. They were so soft. It was a passionate kiss. I loved it. I think he did too because i could feel him smiling. Once we let go I looked down and blushed. Then I asked, "Why do you want to go to my house where we could go to the movies or something ?" Then I was just shocked by his answer. " Because it's soon going to be my future house, and I also want to see what you can do. " he winked at me and kissed me again.