


Two months have passed.


These last two months have been too hectic for my father. He has to guard leaf village for eleven days straight. After this he is given three days of holiday, two of which are spend in making a round trip from the village to here; with room for a day in between. A normal civilian takes about a week to reach leaf village from here. A Shinobi can cover this distance in couple of days. From the way it looks like, this time can further be reduced as demonstrated by my father. He would then stay an entire day with us.

I was sitting on the dining table in the kitchen. Mother was preparing breakfast.

Urahara :"Mother, how is the meeting for signing up for peace treaty going with cloud village."

Fuyuki :"Your father was tired so he not talk about it."she said.

Urahara :"....Must be fine otherwise he would not have been able to come home this frequently from his duty. Though I am worried. He is always tired whenever he comes back and when he is leaving next morning."

Fuyuki :"..."

(author :wink wink)

Fuyuki was standing still. She didn't know what to say. Afterwards, she began to prepare the table while avoiding the topic.

Fuyuki. :"Hopefully it will be over by next week."

Shizuku entered the room after my short conversation with mother.

Shizuku :"Mother is food ready." She was famished because to her training in the morning. She had to do it at home to cover for her late entry in academy.

Fuyuki :"Almost done."

Shizuku :"Hurry up or ..." She tried to exaggerate by grabbing her stomach adorably, and continued saying," give!food! give! food!..."

Fuyuki :"Wait" she said when she got annoyed.

Then she continued ,"..... maybe your training is not sufficient to discipline you.... I should increase it probably."

Shizuku :"NO! who is hungry. I am not."

This made both me and mother burst out laughing which annoyed Shizuku.

Urahara :"Shizuku you will join the ninja academy from next week are you excited."

Shizuku :" Yes I am. You just see I will become a greatest kunoichi (female ninja) ever.....even better than both mother and father." she said confidently. she then proceeded to ask mother...

Shizuku :"Mommy, why is Daddy only comes once or twice in a month."

Fuyuki :"He is busy Shizuku. He has to protect the leaf village." She said while she laid down food in dishes.

We said our prayers, "Itadakimasu", and eat our breakfast. This was the last time I had eat with them....


Tetsui's point of view

Cloud village and leaf village were at war. In an attempt to put an end to the fighting, they agreed to a peace treaty to be signed.

ANBU Shinobi :"Bear, Hizashi Hyuga has killed the head of cloud village (who presided over peace treaty)-Stay on alert! Prepare your squad.There might be an outbreak of cloud ninja"

Tetsui :"What! How did this happen?"

ANBU Shinobi :" Hyuga clan's head, Hiashi Hyuga has claimed that The Head Ninja of cloud village had attempted to kidnap Hinata Hyuga, next head of Hyuga clan. The shinobi had been killed in his attempt by his brother, Hizashi Hyuga."

Tetsui :"I was afraid something like this would happen" he said with an exasperated tone.

The treaty was soon revealed to might be nothing more than a cover in order to obtain the Byakugan and its secrets and would later be known as Hyuga Affair.

Tetsui :'Bandits and Rogue Ninja will see this as an opportunity because village's attention is towards cloud village' he thought with anxiety. 'hope they are fine....why do I have a bad feeling.....'


Author note : Hyuga Affair happen yesterday night and negotiation and above chat is happening simultaneously next day in the afternoon.


That night there was a lot of noise and ruckus outside. Mother woke me up and my sister hurriedly.

Fuyuki :"Get up both of you hurry" she yelled.

Shizuku :"what happened Mommy?"asked with innocence.

Fuyuki :"just hurry!"

I could not make out her expression in the rush.

We immediately rushed outside but from back door.

Fuyuki :"Listen both of you whatever happens don't look behind and run as fast as you can.

I will carry you for however long I can. If I fall don't think about anything and just run away.

Do you understand. DO YOU UNDERSTAND!" she said it with terror.

Shizuku and Urahara :"Yes!" said it in unison.

Then without wasting time she grabbed of us with each arm and ran as fast as she could have.

I saw behind and tentacles of horror were gradually talking hold of me. Village was burning, bandits and some ninjas were looting the village, killing everyone with a grin: without any care for life.

Some of them saw us and signalled a group of ninja. They rushed after us immediately but were hindered by my maternal uncle. Mother did not look back but was crying. They must have decided upon this. My uncle was not a ninja but he was a brave man. This gave us a head start. Soon after ten Shinobi following us and were catching up on us. As soon as she realized, she pushed herself to again gain some distance. Perhaps we were slowing down mother otherwise she could have escaped. As I could assess our situation mother suddenly jumped rightward and then an explosion occurred. We were sent out falling due to shockwave. It was an explosive Kunai.
