
Chapter 2 Strongest General

Salem looks at him half shocked to think a human would want revenge against his own kind but even more so that he was telling the truth since she could see through lies. she looks at him and says "very well you will become the 5th demon general do you have appropriate armor befitting your position" Dagon shakes his head sadly "they took everything and burned my home to the ground I have nothing" everyone even Zero was shocked "humans are ruthless...even to their own kind" Dagon nods sadly but recovers "why did you become a demon Salem what happened to when we were kids what changed" he looks at her once again with a deep sadness in his eyes and voice Salem is caught off guard and realizes it was Xerxes he must have changed his name after he vanished. "my god... Z is that really you" Salem says as she she slowly gets up and walks over to Dagon who says "my name is Dagon now but yes it's indeed me" a tear forms in Salem's eyes and she says "i've missed you so much" Dagon shakes his head "we walk different paths I will help you but I'm alone on the path of revenge now what about my weapon and armor so i can hurry up and get to work" Salem nods and gives him a ring containing the armor and the sword Endbringer she says "From this day forward you will be known by the demon race as Ragnarok the harbinger you will head the elite soldiers and you will make your own our elite soldiers right now are the {Dark Scions}" Dagon puts on the ring and summons his armor (auxiliary chapter will provide the link however you'll need to manually type it in to see the armor) "As you wish it will be done" Dagon bows his head and Salem puts her hand on his shoulder "your soldiers will be from the Dark Scions" Dagon bows his head lower in acknowledgment and says "I will begin the reconstruction of your army starting with true organization I will need to redesign the structure of your army and assign captains and Warlords I will leave the gathering of the strongest of your army to the 3rd general" Salem nods "you heard him do everything you can to help him" the other generals fall to one knee and yell "yes my lady!"