
*DISCONTINUED*Ancient Tree Spirit [BL]

His whole life, Leo was made fun of. For his feminine appearance and big green eyes. Leo was always considered to be a weird kid. He would often talk to birds and rabbits in the forest. When he was young, he lived in a cabin in the forest with his grandpa and he would often play there after school. He lived there alone with his grandpa. Leo was found as a baby and the old hunter took him in and raised him, so Leo never meet his biological parents. Nevertheless, he loved his grandpa with all his heart. He taught Leo many survival skills and how to live off the land. Leo was taught how to determine if something was poisonous, what to and not to eat, and how to track animals. Even though his grandfather was a hunter, Leo absolutely hated it when he would hunt since he was friends with the creatures of the forest. Leo would cry and beg his grandpa to not hunt the animals, so eventually the man gave in and stopped hunting. He eventually took up wood working and carpentry and made a living off of it. Leo loved the forest and all it's creatures and everyday he would go into the forest to his special place. There was a patch of forest where there weren't any trees and there was a rock that sat in the middle of the circle. He would sit on the rock and all the animals including deers, rabbits, and birds would all go to him. Later on, he found that he was able to understand what they would say. He would always talk to them, but soon, that happiness was all ruined. When Leo turned eleven, his grandfather got very sick and without enough money to buy medicine, he eventually died. Leo cried at his grandfather's grave for many days. Eventually he was put into the care of Sarah and Dave who gladly adopted the boy. They took him in as their own and Leo lived a happy life, but after the death of his grandfather, he couldn't face himself to go back into the forest. In result, there old cabin was deserted and the forest was deemed haunted by the old hunter. Leo lived his life like any ordinary kid, but still was bullied from his peers. They would tease him and call him cursed. They said mean things to him everyday at school. He would often be called cursed, a freak, or a monster when he would talk to the animals so he never did it again for he wad afraid. The animals eventually stopped gathering around him and he never talked to them again. Later on he became the personal assistant of a man named Mr.Coleman who was the CEO of a major company. Who knows what's in store for Leo and his new boss. Hopefully love will unfold.

IWannaSleep123 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Filming 2

Leo glanced at his plate and giggled.

Antonio looked at him and said, "What?"

When Leo managed to stop giggling, he looked up towards Antonio, "Oh, nothing. I just expected you to be more of a carnivore and to eat steak or something. I guess I didn't expect you to eat mainly vegetables."

Antonio put his plate down on the seat next to him and said in a sassy tone, "I actually prefer vegetables over meant, though I still eat meat I only eat pork and chicken." He smiled and dragged his hand down his neck, "Why, did you think I mainly ate meat because of my physique."

He made a silly and happy smile, which made Leo laugh.

Not soon later, two woman who looked to be identical twins, walked over to them.

When Antonio saw them he got up and stretched. He said, "Well, guess I got to go get ready."

"Ok, bye."

Leo waved as Antonio left where they were sitting and headed over to the dressing room. The room was off to the right and had Antonio's name with a picture of him, tapped on the front.

The three went into the room leaving Leo by himself.

Leo put in his earbuds and began listening to music and he read a book on his phone. About fifteen minutes later, Antonio came back out in costum and he sat down in a chair.

His outfit made him look like a gangster. He wore fitted leather pants with chains, a belt, black leather boots, a white t-shirt, and a leather jacket. The outfit looked nice on him and accentuated his tall, lean form.

He looked very handsome in his clothes, like he just came out of a movie. Antonio took a seat in a read chair the was circled with lights. The two woman came out again, and began his makeup. They added a scar on top of his right brow and some basic makeup. Lastly, they gave him slight fangs on his teeth.

Whenever he smiled, you could see the fangs, which gave him a charming yet other worldly feel to him.

The set was that, Antonio or Randy, was planning to raid a mine, to get to hell's gate which was in a secret part of the mine with the help of some others demons who got stuck in the mortal realm.

Once Antonio and the other actors and extras were placed, the director shouted, "Action!"

Everyone on set stopped moving and what they were doing, becoming completely silent. You could hear a pin drop in the room.

The whole time, Antonio flew through his lines perfectly. He didn't mess up, there were never any cuts because of him, and all his words flowed together perfectly.

They were able to get through the scenes they needed to do and even ended early and before schedule.

The director shouted, "All right everyone, thank you for your time, you may all leave."

Everyone dispersed and left the building one by one. Since they ended before schedule, Leo had to call the driver and see if he could come earlier.

Antonio and Leo waited outside in the shade for the car.

Leo sighed and leaned against the wall, "I don't know how you can do this, I'm tired and I haven't even done anything."

Antonio leaned against the wall next to him and leaned his head back. He chuckled, "You get used to the busy schedule."

Antonio looked at Leo and smirked, he grabbed Leo and wrapped his arms around him. He rested his chin on Leo's head and groaned, "Let me lean on you please. I'm tired."

Leo's face went red, "H-Hey didn't you just say that you're used to the busy schedule!?"

"Yeah, but it doesn't mean I don't get tired. I've been on my feet all day. Please just let me lean on you."

Leo narrowed his eyes. He sighed, "Fine you can, but only because you have been on your feet the whole day."

"Aw thank you," Antonio said in a cute voice.

Antonio continued to rest his head on top Leo's until he was finally pushed away once Leo saw the driver heading towards them.

The two got into the back seat of the car and headed back to Antonio's house.

The ride was casual until Leo heard cracking in the distance. He turned to Antonio, "Hey, do you hear that?"

"No why?" Antonio asked as he turned to him.

Leo heard more cracking and he looked around out the window.

His face had a worried expression as he furrowed his brow.

The cracking became louder and louder until it seemed it was right in front of them. Suddenly, Leo saw the tree on his right start to fall and headed right towards the car.

In an instant, Leo's eyes glowed bright green and vines all and around the tree encircled it and tightened around it. The tree stopped cracking and stood there, leaning over, as if it were suspended in time.

The driver kept driving and it seemed that no one else had seen what just transpired. Though that is how it seemed, Antonio saw the whole thing. He knew the tree was going to fall, but wanted to see his beloved in action. He pretended not to notice the vines wrapping around the tree, but on the inside he was ecstatic.

On the inside, he wanted to hug Leo and tell him how much he loved him. Antonio got a notification on his phone that said that there would be an eclipse a week later and he knew, 'By then, I will be through his wall of thorns, and then I'll tell him I know his secret.'

He smiled to himself, "This is going to be perfect, I'll even set it up like a little date.'

As Antonio was fantasizing all the date plans he could come up with, Leo sat in silence in the backseat.

Everytime he used his power, his mind went blank and he couldn't think. Even when he was little and would accidently use it, his mind would go blank and it would take a minute for him to return to reality.

Eventually, they got back to Antonio's house and dropped him off at home.

The driver took Leo and dropped him off at his own house before driving off. As Leo entered, he was already half asleep.

Ha lazily stripped out of his clothes, ate, and climbed into bed. Not soon later, he had drifted to sleep.


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed

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