
*DISCONTINUED*A Servant and Demon King [BL]

Tatsuya is an ordinary high school boy. He only has one friend named Tamoki and lives a sad life. He was always blamed for the deaths in his family and was called a demon for the strange pentagram mark on his shoulder. Oh, did I mention. He's gay. He lived a boring life until one day he became a demon and killed two of his classmates who were bullying him. He was afraid of the consequences and lied when the police officers came to investigate the incident. Tatsuya met a handsome man who then became his servant and helped him with his new life. Many foes want to kill Tatsuya because they're afraid of the power he posses. As his new servant helps him with his new life, their relationships grows more and more. A great adventure is in store for these two love birds. Let's see what fate brings them.

IWannaSleep123 · LGBT+
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44 Chs

The Twins 2 (End of Volume 1)

The twins seemed to be calmly waited for their drinks, but no one knew exactly what was swirling through their minds. Though they looked like they were happily talking and having a light conversation, they used a spell to communicate indirectly. They were able to tell the other their thoughts and listen to the others thoughts.

The brother said first, "What should we do about that servant Audrey?"

Audrey giggled, "I don't know Athan, what do you think?"

Athan said bitterly, "I say we make him watch his master being tortured until finally killing him. Therefore, we can scare the Atan into submission while getting rid of the pesky servant."

Audrey agreed, "My, that's a great idea brother."

"I know sister," he said arrogantly, "but the question is when."

After a moment of thinking, she replied, "Well, it should be as quick as possible so they don't develop to much suspicion and during the cover of night. So after their shift considering that it's already getting dark out."

"I agree, that is a great plan. According to our intel from Arata's battle, the Atan can use illusion, healing, and summoning magic. He also has six wings so he must have a lot of power," he said.

"What about the servant?" Audrey asked.

"He is ordinary. According to our information, he's a regular class servant of nobleman." he concluded.

"Great so right after they're done here, we take them out, but we want to make sure they die. We need to split them up when we make our attack to ensure that at least one dies." she said coldly with a malicious intent.

"It seems we have our plan sister."

"As it would seem brother."

The two continued to wait for their drinks to be ready. Tatsuya called from the counter, "Order for Audrey," as he placed the cups on the counters.

The twins got up and grabbed their drinks, they left in tow and waited on the side of the building for the time to strike.

Tatsuya and Minyul both took a deep breath as they took off their aprons. They both folded them and handed them to the manager. Tatusya said, "Bye thank you for the training."

Minyul waved, "Yeah thanks, it was really helpful."

The old man chuckled, "Oh it's alright, you two are splendid workers. I'll see you guys tomorrow, goodbye you two."

"Bye," the two said in unison.

Once they left the building, Tatusya stretched his arms into the air and sighed with happiness. He said happily, "Well that was a tiring first day."

Minyul turned to him and smiled, "It sure was, but good since we can get money by the end of the week."

Tatusya grabbed onto Minyul's arm and said, "I just can't wait to get home so I can rest."

Minyul pat his head, "I know, me too."

The two continued to walk until Tatusya bumped into someone. Tatusya was taken aback and said, "Oh, I'm sorry."

The person turned and said, "Oh, no worries."

Tatsuya automatically recognized the person and said in a moment of recognition, "Oh, you're that girl from earlier. Audrey right?"

She said, "Oh and you're the boy who worked at the counter earlier, Tatusya right?" she turned to Minyul, "And you worked there to, though I never got your name." she flashed a mischievous grin towards Minyul.

Minyul glared back at her in disgust and as to serve as a warning. She laughed, "Well, I'll be on my way then, bye-bye you two."

Tatsuya waved her off. He sighed, "I know what you're thinking and I don't trust her either so you don't have to worry."

They both smiled at each other nicely and lovingly, but both couldn't disregard the eyes that were on them. They became very cautious.

They continued walking then all of a sudden, a bright light and force appeared which pushed the two off their feet. Though this time, they both expected it and were able to land back onto their feet. The smoke cleared and the two menacing twins, stood their in their bright white uniforms with huge white wings coming out of their backs. The girl held daggers while the boy held a bow and arrow.

"Well, well, well," Audrey began, "I see that you two were actually able to land on your feet, but don't get to cocky."

Athan shot arrows all around the two and each exploded in a burst of fire and light. Though, in that split second, Tatusya summoned all six wings and completely covered both himself and Minyul, covering them from the blows.

Tatusya looked down towards Minyul, "Are you okay?"

Minyul smiled, "Yes I am, thank to you."

Tatusya opened up his wings and Minyul darted out and threw two daggers toward Athan. Athan was startled, but hurriedly jumped back before the daggers pierced him.

Athan said to his sister through the spell, "I guess splitting them up was a no go, what should we do?"

She replied reluctantly, "Our only option is to go and attack them head on. Equip you're spear."

The two jumped back to stand next to each other, the daggers and bow and arrow disappeared into golden dust, but a spear instantly formed in within their palms.

The two leaned back and used their wings to launch themselves forwards. Tatusya and Minyul jumped to the side.

Tatusya looked behind him and saw the alleyway, he grabbed Minyul's hand, "Come on!"

The two ran down the alleyway at full speed while trying to remain hidden from the twins. As they turned their heads to look behind them, Athan appeared directly in front of the two and said, "Boo."

Tatsuya and Minyul came to a stop and got into a protective stance. Audrey came up behind them and laughed, "My that was a good chase, but unfortunately this game must come to an end."

After a moment of silence, confusion spread onto her face. Tatsuya grinned and said, "I don't think so."

Tatsuya placed his hand on the floor and gathered all the shadows within the alley. The shadows built up under his hand in an immense build up of force. The force exploded and through the twins back, while leaving Minyul standing.

Tatsuya was still on the floor panting with beads of sweat forming on his forehead. Minyul rushed over frantically, "Master are you okay!?" he yelled while holding Tatsuya in his arms.

Tatsuya looked up towards Minyul, "Yeah, I'm fine just give me a minute."

Minyul grabbed Tatsuya and pulled him close to his chest. He summoned his wings and flew up the the top of the building. He carefully set Tatsuya down and touched his face, "Are you sure you're okay?" he asked worriedly.

Tatsuya chuckled, "Yeah I'm fine." He propped himself up using his elbows and sat up. His wings went slack against his back.

Minyul felt a terrifying presence and pushed Tatsuya out of the way. Golden strings enveloped Minyul and Tatsuya's bodies. The strings held Tatsuya's wrist and he was forced to stand. They covered his body like snakes capturing their prey, but his own situation didn't scare him at all. He looked in horror as the strings climbed up Minyul's body and began to strangle him with no mercy.

Minyul gasped for air over and over again as he peered into Tatsuya's eyes and smiled, he said sparsely, "My.... love... please.... live."

"No! Please, Minyul don't say such things! You will live with me!" he shouted. Tears were streaming down Tatsuya's face and his eyes became red.

Suddenly, he stopped. Tatsuya stopped struggling and moving. His head was faced down, but when he lifted it up, an intimidating face was plastered onto it, that it even terrified Minyul. A black mist swirled around Tatsuya, admitting a dark purple light.

The twins stepped back. Audrey shouted, "What's going on with him!"

Athan shouted back, astonished, "He's unleashing his true power as an Atan! This is bad! Really bad!"

Tatsuya had lost all control. As the mist dissipated, the strings snapped and the area around them was all rubble. Tatsuya stood calmly in the alley with all six wings slightly wrapped around him. His eyes were pure black with a yellow pupil as he just stared at Minyul. He didn't do it in a menacing way, even though his eyes were terrifying, they were filled with love as he looked into Minyul's eyes.

Tatusya turned and focussed his attention on the twins. He calmly reached out his right hand and Cerberus appeared. The hound was snarling and growling at the twins. It's eyes were burning red and fire formed around him. Cerberus howled then attacked the twins. He launched towards Audrey.

Athan screamed, "Sister!" as he blocked Cerberus' path to her. Instead of biting the sister, his snouts pierced and bit Athan's arm. He winced in pain as the the dog wouldn't let go of his arm.

Audrey summoned her spear and pried the dog's mouth off her brother, and as he fell, she hald him in her arms. She yelled, "Brother, are you okay!?"

He groaned while looking at his arm, "Yeah I'm fine, but I can't fight like this."

As she looked at her brother's pain struck face, her eyes filled with anger. She glared at Tatsuya, "You will pay for this!"

She launched towards Tatsuya, but it was all in vain. As she propelled herself towards him, shadows pulled her down and stopped her from moving. Audrey struggled vigorously, but she couldn't move a muscle. Tatsuya glared at her, "Don't mess with me or my servant because if you do, then I will not hesitate to kill you!"

Audrey stares into Tatsuya's eyes and shivered and trembled with fear. Once, the shadows were released, she grabbed her brother and said, "This is not over," then flew away into the night.

Tatsuya's eyes returned to normal and he rushed over to Minyul. He yelled, "Minyul, are you okay!?" as he helped Minyul get to his feet.

Minyul chuckled and said, "I think you're ready now."

Tatusya asked confused, "Ready for what?"

He looked him dead in the eyes and said, "To meet your brothers and finally go back home."


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed. Please comment I love hearing from my readers.

This is the end of volume one and I really hope you all liked the story so far. I really appreciate all the love and support I have been getting from all of you. I will be starting another volume although I don't have a certain date of when I'll continue, but I hope you all stick around and wait for some new chapters.
