

Author: Nemo_2837
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Read ‘*000000*’ Online for Free, written by the author Nemo_2837, This book is a Book&Literature Fanfic, covering Fanfiction, Fan Fiction, Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is:


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The Alpha's Curse

On the night of the annual Sacrifice, Waverly, the daughter of the Alpha of the Lycan pack, offers herself as a candidate when her younger sister is chosen to be the next woman sacrificed to the Crimson Wolf. Upon meeting the Crimson Wolf, Waverly discovers that he is under a dangerous curse that threatens to kill him and whoever dares to stay by his side if he doesn’t find his mate by the next Lunar Eclipse. Full of mystery, lies and betrayal, The Alpha’s Curse chronicles the story of Waverly as she uncovers the secrets behind the curse that plagues the Crimson Shadow pack and establishes a deep connection with the Crimson Wolf that could ultimately destroy her future and place her life at an incredible risk. ** Sawyer’s gaze remained on her, almost studying her. Within this proximity and such a confined space, she could smell the musky scent of his cologne emitting from his unbuttoned collar. His necklaces dangled to the middle of his chest, highlighting the bits of muscle she could see underneath. Sawyer’s eyes trailed to her cheeks and then finally, her lips. His body inched closer to her and with each step he took, the fine freckles that crossed the bridge of his nose became more prominent. Waverly’s body quivered as she closed her eyes and felt the heat of his breath get warmer and warmer… Then it was gone. Waverly opened her eyes to see Sawyer standing near the shelving unit, staring at the ground. His face contorted. “Is everything okay?” she asked, calmly. Sawyer stood still and kept to himself. “Sawyer?” “Leave.” The Alpha's Curse is created by Kianna Walpole, an EGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.

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简介: 我有江山为聘,兵权在手,而我却不知要如何走向你。 —— 那一年春暖花开,阿音遇见了少年的慕贞,原来喜欢只需要一眼。 这个少年惊艳了她的四季。 那一年春雨朦胧,阿音撞见了年少的云墨,原来羁绊也可以猝不及防。 这个少年给了她一生。 —— 阿音活了十四年,只有两个心愿:赚银子和嫁美男。 可是,当她遇见貌美又多金的慕贞,一下又怂了。 慕贞:你这丫头,贪财,好色。 阿音:我那是勤劳,有追求。 慕贞:你不觉得你的追求总结起来就是我么。 阿音:……嗯? 她以为,他是她配不上的美好。 —— 那年山花烂漫,云墨忽然拉着她结拜,她有了这世上最尊贵的哥哥。 可是她的自卑却从骨子里提醒她,她不配。 云墨:阿音,你是这世上最尊贵的女子,你知道么。 阿音:知道,因为有哥哥呀。 云墨:因为你是你,秦氏嫡女配得上这天下任何男子,包括我。 阿音:…… 她发现,原来有一种遥远,无关乎身份等级。 —— 朝起朝落,春去冬来,三个一路相伴,披荆斩棘。 最终,执手并肩山水的两人,回顾往昔,原来一生可以这样短暂,而又漫长。 阿音多么庆幸,他们能在忙满人海中,跨越了千山万水,相遇。 (PS:本文双男主,站队需谨慎,虐哭不负责~~嗷呜~~结局1V1,HE!!!)

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