
A New Body

"Erg," I groaned when flashes of light blinded me. I felt exhausted and weak waking up after going through the portal. As I slowly came to I suddenly was very aware of my surroundings. I shot up from the floor and rubbed my eyes trying to look around me. I thought I'd be in a different location like a secret facility or something, I definitely didn't expect to be in what appeared to be an apartment living room. It actually looked similar to mine, though as I examined the things around me further I realized that it wasn't my room.

I was scared for a second that the person living here would appear out of a room in a second and probably scream at the random stranger in their house, yet nobody seemed to be in the house besides me. Thankfully it looked like the person wasn't here even though it was night outside.

Then I realized that my body felt different than normal. I curiously examined my arm that looked like the complete opposite of my original arms. My arm hair that I normally let grow out due to me being lazy and not caring was gone not to mention my arms felt and looked softer...weaker. I wiggled my fingers around to discover that they were no longer short and were longer than before.

After staring at my arms for a couple of seconds my brain finally made the connection as my chest felt heavier. I slowly started to peer down at my chest where I saw breasts hanging out in front of me.

"No, no, no, no this can't be happening to me!" A female voice screamed out. I froze again and brought my hand to my throat and I couldn't find my Adam's apple poking out from my neck. I was about to yell again, but then I clamped it shut knowing that my voice would probably sound the same.

I took a deep breath to calm my senses and awaken to the reality that faced me right now. I knew that continuing to panic would do no good especially when my member down there was- no not even going to think about that right now. First and foremost I needed to find out my identity so I set out on my task looking around the apartment for a wallet-or probably a purse. I first patted down myself only to realize I was wearing some sort of leggings that had no pockets. I internally cursed myself for my stupidity and started looking through the rooms. I had a feeling that this probably was my or her apartment I really didn't know at this point.

The first room was a simulation/exercise room so I didn't have much hope for that room, though it would be foolish if I didn't look around. I noticed that this person had a lot of game simulation stuff so it seemed she was into video games like me. I was actually surprised to see that the type of video games she had are similar to the types of games that I liked which increased my opinion of her in a good way. There were only two other rooms left in the apartment which were a bathroom and a bedroom. I guess that the other room was supposed to be a guest room, but she turned it into a game room instead.

I don't know why she hadn't set it up in the living room instead since there was more room. I wasn't going to question her choice on that, after all, it was her apartment. As I was walking past the bathroom I suddenly stopped. I was tempted to look at myself in the mirror and after a couple of seconds I couldn't resist and I stepped inside the bathroom. It was a pretty nice bathroom that really didn't seem all that girly as I thought it would be. It had female products and things meant for what I assumed was my hair, but it wasn't overzealous. I became more and more amazed how similar we seemed, if I met this girl I'd definitely be interested to take her out on a date.

I brushed off those thoughts to finally turn towards the mirror. My face immediately widened staring at myself in the mirror or whoever this girl was. She was beautiful with blond hair that smudged itself with milk chocolate that made her hair dirty blond. Her eyes were a deep blue that I swear it reflected the ocean. Her nose was smaller than mine and she had pale milky skin that made her entire body sparkle. On the right and left side of her face were small, but still, noticeable freckles if one examined her more closely. I was still utterly amazed staring at this body, "her breasts were also pretty decently sized," my internal male mind spoke.

My face lit up with embarrassment due to my horny thoughts. Actually, I don't even know what I was feeling at this point. My male mind was having a field day and I couldn't even imagine what would happen when I had to take a shower, but I surprisingly didn't feel lustful. I decided to store those thoughts away for the moment until I discovered what was going on and who I am or she was.

"God this is so confusing," I muttered. I took one glance at the mirror to admire this girl's beauty before exiting the bathroom. With the bathroom being checked as I couldn't find anything in there it left only one room left which was the bedroom. I don't know why, but I felt that this room would be what would shock me the most because someone's bedroom normally contained what made them or they were. I paused before the door and steadily turned the knob and entered.

Surprisingly there really wasn't much for me to be shocked at due to there being not much in here. What stunned me the most was how the room seemed similar to mine. From the layout to how things were organized to the small sim-book device that she probably read at night like me.

"Man if I weren't for her being a girl I swear I'd think she's my clone." I internally said. I scanned around the room until finally, I saw a purse sitting on the nightstand next to the bed. I almost ran over to it in excitement mainly cause I wanted to figure out who this girl is and how I could find her. I wasn't a creep or anything I'd just try to impress the lady you know, hell I'd take her out to a 4-star restaurant. Can't do 5 otherwise I'd run out of money within minutes.

Despite my current predicament, I couldn't help but laugh at my attempt of making light at my situation. I already knew that on the back of my mind I was on the verge of a mental breakdown and I'd probably cry later tonight in bed while hugging my relief pillow.

… "Wait what the hell was that," I thought. I assume those thoughts came from this body and I felt a spike of panic shoot through me. Did that mean I was merging with this body somehow or was it simply just this body's lingering thoughts? I hope it's the latter. I started digging through the purse that was pretty simple as well and it didn't feel girly either. I thought that I'd run into some feminine products, but besides a small brush with a mirror attached, there wasn't anything else besides a sim-charger and other small electronic stuff. My searching thankfully came to fruition when I spotted a small wallet buried at the bottom of the purse. I quickly took out the small transparent identification card and read out the words on the right.


"Is this… a joke?" I whispered softly. I stood there like a statue gazing at the name in front of me. My mind was blank trying to process the name, "Marcy Gaton."

How was this even possible? Was she my sister or some long lost cousin I never heard of? I sat down on the bed with countless thoughts buzzing through my head. My thoughts finally zeroed in on the similarities of me and this girl. From our general body figures to our likes and the way, we organized things just confused me. Was I somehow this girl or was she actually me?

"Ahhh!" I groaned loudly. All these thoughts were hurting my brain. "You know what, screw it, I got to adapt to prevent myself from going crazy," I said to myself.

There was no real way I could comprehend what happened after I went through the portal and the best way to get back would be to figure out who I am, where I am, and then finally figure out how to get back to my proper body. With a new goal in mind, I started to feel better and I decided to first figure out where I was.


After a couple of hours of looking through everything, I was pretty much surprised at every little thing I discovered. Apparently, as I found out before my name was Macy Gaton, I used to live with my two aunts which were Cienna and Jennifer. I went to Central Terminia High School and according to my contacts, Frank was still my best friend. Though I doubted we had the same relationship that we had as guys. To top it all off I was an Enforcer for Terminia and I was twenty years old.

My life was practically the replica of my original self it just was all so odd, but I had to ignore it otherwise I'd be pondering this for probably the rest of my life. It was Thursday as well-meaning I had work tomorrow at 9:00 am-6:40 pm. Luckily I had a great schedule so I don't have to get up at like 6:00 am or something. "Oof," I felt my stomach growl in hunger. I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge to see what food I had.

"No way...." I said in amazement. I saw a cooked T-bone steak ready to go just sitting in the fridge. I immediately got it ready and prepared a meal for myself. As I sat down on the table with my food, I was even drooling and I had to use my sleeve to wipe it off.

As I took bites out of the steak with my fork it tasted like heaven. It appeared that no matter whether I was a male or female I will always enjoy steak.

After I finished my meal I suddenly realized how tired I'm feeling so I decided to take a shower and get up early to sort out my last few thoughts before heading off to work. Actually, after debating about it for a couple of seconds I decided to put off taking the shower for tomorrow. My body is clean enough and I had a feeling that if I got naked my male mind would implode. I headed into my room and closed the door, I took off my clothing so I was only left with my underwear and bra then hopped into bed with my eyes closed the entire time. I knew that if I looked I probably wouldn't be able to help myself from taking a shower and maybe try experimenting with the new body I had. I shoved those horny thoughts back down and cleared my mind by listening to some ocean waves that played through my ear. After laying there for a couple of minutes I felt my eyes getting sleepy and I gradually fell into a nice deep sleep.

Chapter coming tomorrow for being short today.

ExStratoscreators' thoughts