
**"Abyssal Sovereign: The Demon's Dominion"**

This is a novel about a former human becoming a demon because of a game . Living the life as a demon from the abyss and crossing to other worlds. His main objective is to destroy and cause chaos among the multi universe. Also this novel is using a ranking that affects both the anime verse and comic verse. Void becomes a primordial demon and step by step changes the view of all races about demons.demons are not weak , demons are pure chaos. Note the MC is cruel and indifferent to life . A dark novel.. don't expect a son of destiny... Infact void isn't a villain he is much much cruel . Don't read if u are weak minded. The start is a little bit rough but I think after chapter 5 the novel is okay .

lyonciv0 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

chapter 20: the unfair contract. impeding doom


"My lord... what's wrong?" the angel on the left asked, trembling as she spoke.

"One of my chosen is dead," the colossal being responded, his deep voice rumbling like thunder.

The two angels stood frozen in shock. It had been centuries since anyone dared to harm their Lord's chosen. The last time someone attempted such an act, they were utterly annihilated, their family wiped out, and their entire race was nearly destroyed—saved only by the intervention of other gods.

Now, they wanted to see who had the audacity to defy their Lord.

"My lord, should I lead my army and descend into the mortal realm?" the angel on the right asked, his voice strained with barely contained anger as the pressure of the god's presence weighed on them both. Their bodies quaked under the immense aura.

The colossal being withdrew his overwhelming aura and spoke, "No, not yet. We must prepare. The world's consciousness has foretold that our universe will soon clash with another. We need to be ready for war. Inform the Pope of this and have him investigate the matter."

"Yes, my lord," both angels responded in unison, kneeling before him. The angel on the left vanished moments later, leaving her counterpart to carry out their god's command.


**At a Grand Cathedral**

The church was enormous, almost opulent with its excessive decoration of gold. The holy building brimmed with paladins whose auras radiated at the level of high-level mages (considered Rank 0). The paladins maintained order, keeping the different classes separated—aristocrats had their own special pathways far from the commoners. Adventurers, much like in other isekai worlds, had their own separate route as they came and went to fulfill various quests for rewards.

At the center of the cathedral stood a towering statue of the God of Light. Rich or poor, powerful or weak, all came to worship beneath its shadow. Deeper within the church, where the public could not see, was the domain of the Pope, the paladins' leaders, and the generals and commanders of the church's military. It was a sacred space reserved for the church's most powerful.

The Pope, dressed in flowing white robes, had been resting when something stirred his soul. His eyes snapped open, and he immediately knelt on the cold floor, his forehead pressed to the stone.

"My God... what is your wish?" the Pope murmured in reverence.

A projection of an angel descended, radiating divine brilliance and carrying a sword that shimmered with holy light. The angel spoke of the death of the chosen, and the Pope's heart raced with shock. Once the angel vanished, he wasted no time springing into action.

"Summon the generals," the Pope commanded one of the guards stationed outside his quarters.

"Yes, my lord," the guard replied with haste, rushing off to relay the message.


**At the Generals' Training Ground**

Behind the church, there was a vast training ground where the paladins honed their skills, but the generals and commanders trained in a separate, far more fortified location. Every general was at least at the semi-legend level (Rank 1), and the sheer destructive force they wielded required this additional space to contain their power. Even so, the training ground, made from the hardest material known to their world, was now littered with cracks and dents.

A middle-aged man, muscular and bearded, was sparring with a young, cold beauty. Every clash of their blades sent shockwaves through the air, shaking the very ground beneath them. Despite their incredible strength, they had trained to contain the destructive force of their strikes. However, in actual battle, they would unleash their full power without restraint, leaving devastation in their wake.

"Your strikes still lack decisiveness. Be more focused!" the middle-aged man barked, halting his movements.

This man was one of the generals of the Church of Light and a demigod—one of the highest-ranking figures in the mortal realm. The woman sparring with him was his daughter, Ariya, known for her beauty and cold demeanor.

"Yes, father. Sigh... You're getting old. I'm catching up to you," Ariya teased, her lips curving into a rare smile.

Anyone witnessing this scene would be shocked to see the infamous cold beauty smiling so freely. It was a side of her she rarely showed.

"Haha! I still have a few centuries left in me!" the middle-aged general laughed, stroking his beard. As a demigod, his lifespan extended far beyond that of ordinary mortals. At only 200 years old, he had barely scratched the surface of his potential.

Ariya rolled her eyes playfully and tossed her father a shirt. "Dad, put on some clothes. No one wants to see your muscles. It's embarrassing."

The general caught the shirt and laughed heartily. His daughter was always so grumpy, but at 18 years old, he wondered if it was time to find her a suitor.

Just as they were catching their breath from training, a guard approached, bowing deeply.

"General, Commander Ariya, I apologize for interrupting," the guard said, his voice laced with urgency.

"Stand up. What's the matter?" the general asked, his tone sharp and commanding.

"The Pope requests the presence of all generals and commanders immediately."

The general's brows furrowed in concern. "Very well," he said, signaling Ariya to follow him.


**At the Round Table**

Twenty minutes later, nineteen people gathered around a large, circular table. Each bore a stern expression, aware that the Pope would not summon them unless the matter was dire.

"Thank you all for coming," the Pope began. "I have gathered you here because one of our God's chosen has been killed."

A wave of shock passed through the room. The audacity of someone daring to kill one of their God's chosen was unfathomable. On the table sat four generals, all demigods, and fourteen commanders of varying power levels, from semi-legend to supreme legend.

"Who dares to do this?" one of the generals shouted, standing up in outrage. Though he did not release his aura, the weight of his anger was palpable, felt by everyone at the table.

"Calm yourself, Codel," the middle-aged general interjected. "The Pope has already informed me, and I have devised a plan."

"And what plan would that be?" another general asked, his voice laced with impatience.

"We will send a commander to investigate," the middle-aged general said with confidence.

"Isn't that overkill?" a female general asked with a soft chuckle, though her tone held a hint of concern.

The commanders exchanged wary glances. While they outranked most in the church's military, they rarely got the chance to speak in the presence of the generals.

"We cannot take any chances. It might be the rebels. We must be prepared for anything," the middle-aged general said firmly.

"So, who will we send?" another general inquired.

"I believe Ariya is well-suited for the task. She has already reached the legend level," the female general suggested, smiling.

Though the middle-aged general frowned, he nodded in agreement.

"I will go," Ariya said, standing up. "I accept the order."

She bowed, and after receiving the necessary information from a paladin, she prepared to leave. Ariya led a force of 100,000 paladins as they set out for the village of Side Haule, their arrival causing ripples throughout the continent.



Linkir slowly emerged from the cave, her body stiff and sore from the previous night's transformation. Her hand instinctively touched her face, and she winced, still adjusting to the unfamiliar sensations. Confusion clouded her mind as she scanned the surroundings, trying to piece together the events that had led her here.

She spotted void, sitting by a fire, roasting the leg of a massive creature. The smell of cooking meat filled the air. His expression seemed distant,yet calm, as he muttered to himself.

"Earth...." he sighed . " I miss the spices , the flavor".

Linkir's bro furrowed at his words. What is he talking about? She took a step forward , still feeling the strange power coursing through her veins. It was unlike anything she had felt before , a surge of strength that made her feel...evolved.

"You!" Linkir's voice trembled slightly as she pointed a finger at him, barely managing to keep her composure.

Void turned his head lazily, a grin spreading across his face as his gaze fell on her. He let his eyes linger for a moment, observing her new form.

" You're... Different," Void remarked with a smirk. " I see it suits you."

" What are you staring at?" Linkir snapped , her hands instinctively covering her chest, only then realizing she was completely exposed. Her face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and anger.

" Oh , nothing." Void's tone was casual, as if the situation were perfectly normal. He looked back at his meal, his focus entirely on roasting the meal to perfection.

Linkir panicked, immediately wrapping her arms around herself in a vain attempt to cover her nudity. Her mind raced. She had to regain control. She took a deep breath, forcing herself to remain calm, but her body still trembled with a combination of shame and confusion.

" What did you do to me ?" She demanded , her fists clenched tightly at her sides.

Void didn't bother turning around. "Sign this."

With a casual flick of his wrist, a scroll appeared in front of her, it's parchment old and worn, glowing with an ominous energy. Linkir hesitated, her eyes narrowing as she leaned in to read the text. As her eyes scanned the document,her initial curiosity turned to outrage.

" This is impossible!" She shouted , fury overtaking her embarrassment. " This isn't fair! How can you —"

Before she could finish, void moved swiftly. In an instant, he was in front of her , his hand clamping over her mouth as he slammed her head back against the wall of the cave with enough force to crack the stone. The impact left her dazed, fear gripping her heart as her legs shook beneath her.

" I don't have time for your whining," void growled, his voice low and dangerous. " Threaten me again, and I will end your miserable life. Understood?"

Linkir's eyes widened, the sheer malice in his voice sending chills down her spine. She nodded, her throat tight with fear, the anger from moments ago dissolving into terror.

Void released her and returned to his meal, acting as though nothing had happened. Linkir gasped for air, her body trembling as she sank to her knees , staring at the ground. The reality of her situation hit her like a crashing wave— she was powerless against him.

"Sign the contract," void said , his tone now calm but carrying the same weight of finality. "Or your village will be nothing but ash."

His words lingered in the air ,and linkir knew there was no choice. She stood up shakily and approached the scroll, her hands trembling. The contract hovered before her , its text glowing with an ominous light. She bit her finger, letting the blood drip onto the parchment. Instantly,the document absorbed the blood ,then burst into flames and disappeared.

A faint sensation coursed through her, like a chain tightening around her soul. The connection was undeniable. She belonged to him now.

Void chuckled, glancing over at her. "Good girl."

Linkir's eyes moistened as she fought back tears. She refused to show weakness, especially not in front of him. But the weight of her new reality was suffocating.

" Aww, don't cry." Void's voice was lighter now, even teasing. " You're mine now, but that's not so bad. Come, sit with me. I made this for us."

His demeanor had shifted entirely, the coldness from earlier replaced with an almost cheerful tone. It caught linkir off guard,and for a moment, she stood frozen, unsure how to respond, slowly, she walked towards him,her movements stuff and uncertain.

"Okay," she mumbled , sitting down next to him.

Void handed her a piece of the roasted meat. Linkir hesitated,but he, cautiously, she took a bite. Despite everything, it tasted good. It was warm ,and for the first time in what felt like forever,she felt a small flicker of comfort.

Void observed her quietly, the grin he wore earlier fading. His mind was already elsewhere, thinking ahead. "We need to move soon. The church might already be aware of my presence, and I'm not interested in entertaining their divine playthings just yet." His voice was calm, yet the underlying edge carried the weight of someone who was accustomed to being pursued but never caught.

Linkir glanced up from her food, her mouth full. She swallowed quickly and asked, "Where are we going? What are you planning?"

Void chuckled softly, wiping his hands on his animal hide. "You'll see soon enough. But for now, let's just say this world and its rules are about to get a... lesson in chaos." He stood up, stretching lazily as if he hadn't a care in the world, but his eyes were sharp, constantly scanning the horizon beyond the forest.

Linkir stood as well, the reality of her new situation sinking in. She had no choice but to follow him. She could feel the bond of the contract, tying her fate to his. If she disobeyed, the consequences were clear. But in that moment, she made a silent vow: if there was a way to break free, she would find it.

As Void began to walk, Linkir fell in line behind him, unsure of what the future held but knowing that whatever it was, it would not be kind.


**Meanwhile, back at the Church of Light…**

The Pope, along with the generals and commanders, had convened once more. Ariya, standing before them in full armor, prepared to depart on her mission. The air was tense with anticipation as they laid out the strategy to deal with the unknown threat that had dared to kill one of their God's chosen.

The Pope stood at the head of the room, his eyes filled with the divine light of their god. "This mission is of the utmost importance. Ariya, you are to assess the situation and report back immediately if it's beyond your ability to handle. We do not want unnecessary risks."

Ariya bowed her head respectfully, her cold exterior giving nothing away. "I understand, Your Holiness. I will not fail."

As she rose, the generals exchanged glances. They all knew Ariya's capabilities, but there was a lingering doubt. This enemy had managed to kill a chosen one of the god, something that hadn't happened in centuries. Whoever was responsible was either incredibly powerful or incredibly foolish.

The female general who had previously suggested sending Ariya spoke up. "Ariya, remember, we do not yet know the true nature of this enemy. Proceed with caution, but do not hesitate to act if necessary. The honor of our god rests on your shoulders."

Ariya nodded, her icy determination unwavering. "I will bring them to justice." With that, she turned and left the room, her mind already focused on the task ahead.


**Hours later, in the heart of the Haule Village's forest…**

Void stood at the edge of a cliff, overlooking the vast expanse of the land below. The sun was beginning to set, casting a fiery glow across the sky. Linkir, still unsure of her place in this strange new world, stood beside him, silent.

Suddenly, Void's eyes narrowed, his senses picking up something in the distance. A smile crept across his face as he turned to Linkir. "It seems we'll have company soon."

Linkir frowned. "Company? You mean the church is already coming?"

Void laughed, a low, menacing sound that sent a chill down her spine. "Not just the church. Something more interesting. Something… worth my time."

Linkir's confusion grew, but before she could ask anything further, the ground beneath them began to tremble. Void's grin widened as he sensed the approach of a powerful aura. "Ah, yes. This will be fun."

Linkir stared at him, dread pooling in her gut. Whatever was coming, it was beyond anything she had ever encountered before. And Void? He seemed to relish it.

The winds picked up, the sky darkening even more as a distant rumble echoed through the forest. The storm was coming, and Void was ready to face it head-on
