

Sandy was sitting inside their family's car outside her school and she has no plan on going out. The worst thing that may happen in her life has just happened. She was wearing a caramel elegant flowy dress and she hates it. Everybody knows her reputation and it will ruin it just by seeing her wearing a dress like that.

"Miss it's time to go, your gonna be late" She looked at her guard/driver with anger.

"So what, that's not your concern"

"It is Miss, your grandfather told me to report your every action, if you don't want me to tell him that you didn't go to class, please go to class"

"Are you threatening me!" she looked t him angrily

"Indeed I am Miss, please" She just rolled her eyes. As if there is something she can do about it.

As soon as she stepped out of the car, the world around her stopped. As in everybody stopped, looking at her. This is the first time they saw her wearing something like that.

"Damn!" She knocked on the driver's car window.

"Can I borrow your suit, its chilly here" the driver's eyebrows met.

"But it's a sunny day" she rolled her eyes.

"I felt cold as if you an feel what I'm feeling, okay fine don't let me borrow your suit, I don't mind, it will be your responsibility if I catch a cold, what will grandpa do if he knows"

"o-okay" the guard took off her suit and gave it to her. As if he has a choice, he still loves his job "Thank you, your so kind"

Then she realized that the suit is bigger than she expected, but so what at least it's not showing her whole angel-like dress, it's more embarrassing than wearing it over with an oversized suit. She walked around school feeling embarrassed by what she wears. She can also hear people laughing at her.

"Laugh all you want I don't care" she just said to herself making herself feel better.

Sandy reach her room, but before she could take a step inside the room, her classmate Stein blocked her. Stein is their school junior president. He is the very definition of smart but not nerdy. She had never had a conversation with him ever since the first day, although they bumped into each other many times.

"You look ridiculous" Sandy looked at him. It was the first time ever, Stein talked to her. She was amazed yes, there are times that they have looked at each other's eyes but never actually have a wordy talk

"Go on, laugh all you want, I don't care" She just looked at the floor, if she feels embarrassed walking in the hallway wearing that clothing, she felt much worse when Stein looked at her saying those. It's not like she likes him.

Without a word, Stein gently grabs her wrist and walks towards the female dressing room. Her eyebrows met in confusion. Why did he bring her there?

"Go change your clothes, it's my Tennis jersey, you can wear it for today, just give it back to me tomorrow" Sandy looked at the paper bag that Stein handed to her. It was a couple of seconds before she gets it. He didn't say a thing after and walks towards their room.

"Why did you let me borrow this?"

Stein looked at her, then smiled.

"You seem uncomfortable with your dress, I couldn't bear to see a lady feeling that all day" She didn't know why suddenly, the man in front of her look attractive. She lowered her face feeling her cheeks burn. "T-thank you" Sandy look at the shirt that Stein gave her. She feels weird looking at the jersey, she wasn't fond of it, but looking at it, she can't help but smile.