
(The Rising of the Anti Christ dropped finally

It is the 41st millennium and it has been years since the corrupt dystopian society of the imperium of man has come . But one parent less and unloved boy decides to fight against it . On the day of his parents murder he decided that he would get revenge using all necessary options to do it . But perhaps this vendetta isn’t just that a vendetta it might be more a journey for self discovery . For who they really are . Will they just be another shadow in history which is never mentioned or will people look at him with terror and with fear . Will people use his name as a way to quiet down children at night only time will tell . Cause this is the rising of the Antichrist he shall carve his path and his future toward and will attain riches beyond imagination he shall become a soul plunderer a pirate all of them . He shall have them all he shall have everything . If it’s not already his his cruel hands will take it from them this is not a story of where he will be the nice pushover. No he shall be the villain in this story he shall be a king an emperor he shall have those titles . He shall attain love and companionship as well in this power . He shall finally be the man people look at with Terror and with fear for vengeance for self discovery . And most importantly of all Love I do not own Warhammer 40k and there will only be a few things in the story related to 40k cause I do not know much about Warhammer 40k and so other creatures will be made right off the top of my head But if you want me to add something related to Warhammer 40k just tell me

Animecormade · Sci-fi
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63 Chs

The interrogation

As they continue to fly and Jake continues to plan . Jake finally yells out stop to his servants and they all start hovering in the air beating their wings . He then continues and says to them all now dive and then says to the woman carrying him I can fly now . He jumps of falls shortly and soon gets back up with his wings coming out from his back .


He then says now dive dive dive . And he and his followers dive for it down as the wind rushes into their faces . As Jake tries to keep going further into the dive to go faster down . Before he yells out again to them pull up and all of his followers who have gotten very used to wings pull up . They all hover above the ground before he gently lays his feet onto the ground . As soon as they land hundreds of weapons are pointed at them. And they can hear man starting to count down one two three four five six seven eight . But before they could Say eight someone yells out wait . And nice to see you again Jake is the first thing Jake says to him when he says .


Yeah nice to see you again you do not know how much stuff I have to do know because of you. But anyway Jake come with me I think I might have to know a few things of what you've been doing . Ever since I've left you go off from interrogation . And let you walk away from that well where gonna do that after the war is done or during the war when we have time . Cause we really need you so now come with me . Okay okay Jake says raising with black gloves hands into the air . They start marching him off down a path with James Jake doesn't get very much of a chance to see the surroundings and so just leaves . It when they stop in front of a black building . They bring me inside towards a room and James goes to the other .


Soon enough they raise what seems to be a bulletproof glass window in front of me in order to keep us apart . The room that I'm in is pretty light with big lights . I then hear James say okay reaper what have you been doing while you were on that battlefield . I say okay to him and say if you wanted to know I could have easily told you but you probably already know about my killing sprees and driving back the entire army . Right I say James nods and says so what were you doing in detail . Well I say me and the group I was going with finally joined the battle . And the next I knew it I was sleeping eating and drinking in those trenches waiting for the enemy to come .

Once I finally had the chance for some action I started stabbing enemies with a bayonet through the heart to kill them quickly . Or through the brain I continue . Then after that I started rushing through the army and into the trenches going at the speed of sound . By that time I had finally reached the trenches and started brutally killing the men in the trenches who were left behind for defense for any stragglers . Who got through the charge of enemy army . Every single time I killed one of them my attacks would start to get more animalistic brutal and quadrupedal . And I killed them like that at some point I started biting them at the neck like a tiger and I even drinker the blood from a heart which was still somewhat full of it . It dropped onto my suit and so I drunk it once I finally got to my senses . I started killing them with Bowie knifes instead . After that I summoned my servants and I started the purge of holy fire . I had my servants go out and kill the enemy and bring back the strong ones and the ones who surrendered I told them to yell out while they killed convert or die . To the enemy and then I ordered them to make a faint circle in the middle I flew up into the air and started raining holy fire imbued bikers on the enemy .

Which burned the majority of them and killed them while I just looked at it with a grin on my face . I then got back to the ground and proceeded to tell them to leave this place . For that land was not their land but the emperors land. Jake then looks at me with the same serious expression on his face as I can see him writing that all down and saying I will now proceed . To make a file on you Jake and if possible give me as much information as possible about your background .

And so I spill out about my parents being murdered but I avoid telling him the supernatural way of how they died .And lie and tell him they were killed by a gun and run . And were killed in the process with only him still surviving . Jake listens to this tale and says seriously thank you for your cooperation . This will be of great assistance.

I say no problem and it's not like I really have a choice I say Annoyed .

He says but it's all in the name of the emperor and in all realities the emperor is absolute . I have looked into 140,000 realities .

I reply back in how many of them does the emperor protect . He responds back the emperor always protects . And he continues on and says to me the only good heretic is a heretic burned in holy fire so let's make these heretics good .

I then laugh and say nice raising up a thumb he smiles and says but now you're free to go . But beware the others most likely won't be like this with you . Cause the others are much serious I'm already very serious but they won't treat you this nicely so make sure you try to keep your nose clean .

And stay away from getting into mysterious events cause the others will break your body and soul . Until you are finally willing to give them the information their looking for .

So be warned he continues be warned cause for some of them once you walked into the interrogation room you may never walk out .

I say thinks for the tip I'll make sure to be more cautious with them then . I then make for the door when he says to me once more and be careful in general . I say thinks again and walk out I then start to think I'm my hand as I start walking down the path . And into the sunset 🌅