
(The Rising of the Anti Christ dropped finally

It is the 41st millennium and it has been years since the corrupt dystopian society of the imperium of man has come . But one parent less and unloved boy decides to fight against it . On the day of his parents murder he decided that he would get revenge using all necessary options to do it . But perhaps this vendetta isn’t just that a vendetta it might be more a journey for self discovery . For who they really are . Will they just be another shadow in history which is never mentioned or will people look at him with terror and with fear . Will people use his name as a way to quiet down children at night only time will tell . Cause this is the rising of the Antichrist he shall carve his path and his future toward and will attain riches beyond imagination he shall become a soul plunderer a pirate all of them . He shall have them all he shall have everything . If it’s not already his his cruel hands will take it from them this is not a story of where he will be the nice pushover. No he shall be the villain in this story he shall be a king an emperor he shall have those titles . He shall attain love and companionship as well in this power . He shall finally be the man people look at with Terror and with fear for vengeance for self discovery . And most importantly of all Love I do not own Warhammer 40k and there will only be a few things in the story related to 40k cause I do not know much about Warhammer 40k and so other creatures will be made right off the top of my head But if you want me to add something related to Warhammer 40k just tell me

Animecormade · Sci-fi
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63 Chs

Beating the shit out of Ethan and advancements in relationship chapter 4

After I caused Ethans chest to feel like fire I then said you weakling and proceeded to take out my great sword and you might be thinking isnt it now an actual weapon yes but no I can change forms it can even become other weapons even guns so it is pretty versatile so right now I'm using it as a spear I used the spear pointer it down and used it to jump as high as the air would allow me and then threw it down towards Ethan Ethan seeing this tried dodging but it was futile I increased the spears length and it crashed into the ground it blew Ethan away. Taking advantage i then proceeded to fall near the spear I then picked up from the ground with my new strength and started to become a ferocious beast I felt a connection between me and god slayer it was like if me and god slayer were made to be I danced beautifully around jabbed left and right at every single possible angle of Ethan he was receiving great wounds and cuts on his body . Ethan POV: how did this retard suddenly become so strong all of a sudden. It was supposed to be me beating him not him beating me I then yell out is that all you got idiot he says nothing to me I'm annoyed by it I get real angry. Ethans POV I'm still attacking Ethan I'm getting kinda bored with this so system can I create a ultimate move the system says yes then I say then this is it 1000 strikes of revenge I then quickly dash towards Ethan in the blink of an eye for him and yell out the technique I. My mind cause I'm not a idiot I'll only do that stuff when I'm powerful enough to not really have to worry about it anyways I then proceed to strike Ethan with what I count is 1000 strikes and proceed to finish it off with the finishing move revenge smash I jump up in the air throw the spear into the ground near him it makes him stumble he says shit I'm losing it I can't lose to you he says I then proceed to say with a kingly manner I was just about to say the same thing Then my body straightens and starts spinning towards the spear I then use all of my strength and focus on my legs divine slam I then proceeded to knock Ethan out well it seems like my torture revenge isn't gonna happen at least not yet;) is say well system are there any skills for this yes host can I get the rewards for the quest yeah okay i then go into the interface and face the (quest named quest get revenge on your bullies and show who's boss) 1/2 so far well ain't that fun well let's continue i then say okay so I cant but host you have gotten rewards for this okay system show me the skills skills shadow clone healing eye of the storm reincarnation resurrection self combustion eyes of the night and then I see it the thing I will be working for demonic form skill points needed 300 I got about 200 skill points and a few other items for defeating Ethan so only gotta defeat the next Robert gray you're going down . I then proceeded to return back to school meanwhile at the crime scene . Hehe well it seems like he is the perfect messiah just like I expected who could it be the author perhaps or another power in the shadows of this story we'll find out in another chapter in another time.Jakes POV : I then proceeded to go back to my room and just rest there for a whole system can I do the quest again of the workouts yes you can master anytime you like you also got another one to start circulating your magic in your body and filling your magic circles by absorbing more of it. Well first I'll calm myself down by circulating and then proceed to do workouts meanwhile someone says sir the target is in the room what should I do the mysterious person proceeded to say keep waiting I'll know this one will be extraordinary when we get the chance we'll recruit him but for now let's wait before that happens cause when that happens he'll still be in school so we'll still have to treat him like a student and wait for him graduate first before he joins us so be patient okay sir the man says he then cuts the call and says you will do great things for now bye they say silently a figure watches them and says master everything is going smoothly just as you expected even better that's what I thought report back in a few hours please stay safe cause you're or only line of surveillance to him besides you know who I do know who sir the mysterious figure says we will meet but so soon you the chosen of the god and you and him shall meet again some time somewhere you will meet again the mysterious figure than dissapears a man in an office chair then says everything's going the way I predicted it then a beautiful lady with jade like skin blue hair and emerald green eyes then says sir you are the creator so of course it is still you forced yourself into human form and that human is the one who carries the secret upon himself he may not know it but he is one of the most dangerous men in the galaxy and the man in the office chair then says and he'll become only more dangerous he then smirks and then starts chuckling to himself quietly then it starts to get louder until it sounds maniacal he then says we'll champion Godspeed you'll need it happy huntings.;) Jakes POV well right now Tiamat isn't in the room so I'll get to it he then sits down on the floor and then starts breathing the system gives him some advice by saying host imagine it like there are twelve l points in your body which are filled with mana and that all of these parts circulate mana around your body when you use a skill

For other creatures they use their hearts to do this but because you're special you can do this very easily now picture them breath in and picture tiny little blue particles in the air floating around then breath in and out that's good and imagine absorbing these particle now that's good the start feeling them try to absorb these particles jake then says okay ive absorbed them now what the system then says now start imagining this mana circulating throughout these 12 meridians jake then says got it. The system says very good okay now do this on your own I got some things to do alright jake then says alright system I would like to ask what but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be allowed to know . Your very right about that the system said before it stopped talking jake then said well let's continue before he keeps continuing this meanwhile sir I liked to report that he is very talented and quick to learn he quickly got the hold of it and is currently practicing. Very good agent the man says I knew he was talented but not this talented but the man. Says he still has a lot to learn like the tragedy of war and he isn't powerful enough to face him head on for he is the messiah of the demon god and he is the one you know who these two shall change the fate of they entire galaxy whichever one wins will cause great change well Godspeed with the both you including you .well Jake POV well it's been a days and after I was finished my relationship between Tiamat grew quite a bit we weren't friend zoned we needed up somewhat a couple we kiss and our very affectionate of each other but I have the feeling that some person will come after me for this in the future so to keep that form happening I have been training like hell every single hour and every single time I finish talking to Tiamat and I'm general being a cute couple here are my stats now jake abaddon race: human stats : speed Mach strength able to lift 500 kilograms stamina 2 million level level 30 power level peak earth realm so he would now be able to crush all of his bullies and he is currently preparing to take out Robert gray the one who tortured him and the one he will torture. Jake says in his head now it's time to show who's king but I know that I'm not powerful enough system you there yes host the system replies jake then said okay you're finally back okay so what's my next assignment take out Robert gray you will be provided with a map to find where he is and when the mission is completed 200 more skill points and other weapons and other things in return happy hunting agent abaddon said the system . Jake couldn't help but say it's go time i shall unleash my fury for I jake abaddon take this holy creed almighty demonic god I promise to serve as your messiah in this world and so convert others through death and I will achieve my goal now jake says with a smirk on his face let's go he then runs

I fell like revealing you know who’s spying on mc who is system really working for who is he the one the you know who does he have anything to do with Jakes parents murder or does he play an even deeper role in the story what is the secret in jakes body why does it exist and what is the true prophecy any and all of these secrets will be revealed in due timeLike it ? Add to library!

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