
(the face under her mask)

you get takin from the underground with a grudge with the one and only captain asshole aka Levi you get forced to join his team y'all both despise each other even breathing the same air but what happens when when y'all go out on a mission y'all both get hurt and are left behind and y'all have to survive your way back will y'all bond a little or hate eachother more what will happen between you and captain shorty (I don't own this story or any of the characters)

Sarah_roof · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


"oh Erwin wants to talk to you and Levi real quick" she smirked at me and levis slightly red embarrassed faces. Levis sigh only caused hanji to leave. After hanji left me and levi looked at eachother with a sigh "you speak of this to no one got it brat" levi said with a grumble "please" i looked affended as i walked to him and poked his chest " get your head out of your ass its not a hat Mr. thinks he's so good... I would never think of ruining your perfect reputation tch i would never sleep with the likes of you i think that it would be disgusting it pisses me off just to stand next too you jackass" it pisses me off thinking that he thinks I would try to brag whats he take me for a slut, he raised an eyebrow and looked at my finger "but yet your still touching me" he said with a smart ass tone causing me to just groan and give up I put on my straps I then put on the green silk like cloak and walked out the room to Erwin smiths office I walked up to a beautifully polished oak door I then gently knocked on it "yes" I heard him say in a loud commanding tone he always has yes he defiantly was ment to be a commander for fact, I chuckled at my thoughts as I sighed and opened the door stepped in and closed it "sir you wanted to see me" I said putting on a positive tone trying to clear up my horrible mood thanks to Levi "actually I wanted to see you and Levi-" soon as he said Levi there was a knock on the door "I'm here for that shitty meeting thing you wanted" Levi said clearly trying to clear up his aggravated tone but it wasn't working quite as well as it did for me "yes come in" Erwin said with his booming voice.

(levi pov)

"yes come in" erwins loud damn voice said I opened the wooden door looking at how damn shinny it is, the shitty thing is brighter than my future.....anyways as soon as I walked in as saw the damn brat (y/n) it took everything in me to keep my composure I sighed a low pissed off sigh and walked next to her and then looked at Erwin who was watching us in amusement "im sending you two and ten more cadets outside the walls to get a titan for hanji can yall do that" his voice went from playful and booming to quiet and cold which was strange for him as if he was determining something, somethings up hes not telling us the full story-my thoughts were stopped by (y/n) soft voice "yes sir im pretty sure we can manage" "levi your thoughts" i looked at him and nodded suspiciously "ok your dismissed (y/n) levi stay here real quick please" (y/n) left through the damnnn bright fucking wooden door, i looked at the tall blonde "levi promise me something promise me-"

((y/n) pov)

i left through the wooden door as i heard erwin say something "levi promise me-" by then i had my ear up against the door to listen "something promise me-" but before i could hear the rest i felt someone grab my arm and pull me away from the door the hell who has the nerve to do this shit i turn my head to see who has the balls and it was none other than the shitty glasses.....hanji "can i have some of your blood...please" she pleaded as i slowly pulled my arm away giggling "uhh s-sure i guess miss Dracul-" i was intterupted by a excited hanji scream and a deep monotone voice "you shouldnt have said that brat" i turned my head behind me to see levi "huh" i asked confused "hmph you just sighned your death warrent" my eyes widen as i put two and two together shes a crazy scientist who loves experiments i looked in levis eyes "help" i pleaded "no you got yourself into this mess im not helping shit beside why should i" he said coldly as i feel a slight prick in my arm but i dismissed it "because of that secret you dont want anyone to know" i smirked as his eyes slightly widened as he looked at me " you said that you wouldnt tell anyone because yo-" "what ever it is i dont care i got the blood anyways" hanji said, me and levi stoppped bickering and looked behind us to see hanji with a little tube of blood in her hands "when the hell did you do that" i said but then stoppped and thought about it then remembered the prick next thing i know she let go of my arm and joyfully skipped away as i looked at levi just realizing how close we were i held slightly tented cheeks "erwin said that were leaving in a week brat" i only nodded and punched his arm he looked at me slightly taken back "what the hell was that" he asked confused "hmph wouldnt you want to know" I have no idea why I did that but I just walked to our room with a small smirk as i could see a tent of pink on his cheeks but it quickly went away once me and levi settled down after talking about plans got our showers and stuff i climbed into my bed levi whispered a faint goodnight i could tell i really wasnt meant to hear it i only rolled to my side ignoring him cause I was too focused on the bad feeling in my stomach about the mission the darkness quickly consumed the room once levi blew out the peperment scented candle i slowly fell asleep with anxiety building up in my chest about the mission.

(levi pov)

after i blew out the candle i manuvured my way to my bed cause it was pitch black and laid down as the promise erwin smith told me came back too me and pondered in my head.


"levi promise me something, promise me yall protect (y/n) no matter what shes like a daughter to me ive known her for a while now and shes important to me" erwin blue glossy eyes looked sincere "why bring her on this ,mission if its that bad" i asked confused he only smiled and looked in my eyes and said in a soft warm way "some people are beautiful not in looks or what they say but who they are" i looked at him confused only for him to sigh "life teaches us too make good use of time while time teaches us the value of life.....yall figure out the meaning when the time comes you are dismissed" all i could do was nod my head and walk out.


yep thats a promise i made him god dammit why did i have too its only amount of time before shes taken out of my life....ngh what am i thinking i could care less i yawned and closed my eyes i should atleast try to sleep