
Embodiment of Carnage

Ernesh was rather surprised at Yaoyorozu's speed, he hopped away from her before she could attack.

"Interesting... I'm surprised you got here on time, who exactly are you? Perhaps you'll give me a much better fight than what Leonidus can right now." Ernesh asked.

"I'm the Everything Hero: Creati. You're Ernesh, I assume? Bold of you to be a doppelganger, but if you're anything like Leonidus, you're going to be in for a tough battle." Yaoyorozu replied.

Leonidus tensed up, "𝘋𝘪𝘥 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵...?"

"Ho ho! Quite the confident one, aren't we? Come on then, Creati, show me what you've got!" Ernesh beckoned.

Yaoyorozu took off towards Ernesh, her speed was incredible, being able to attack multiple points on Ernesh with her bo staff before he could counter them. He sent a fist right towards her, she narrowly dodged it and uppercut Ernesh with great force.

"W-What?!" Ernesh stuttered.

He stumbled backwards as blood dripped down his chin. Ernesh watched as his blood trickled down onto his hand.

"Y-You... How could someone like you... Make me bleed?" He muttered.

"I've been training, that's why. What's the matter? Are you not used to fighting someone who isn't injured?" Momo taunted.

"You insolent little brat..." Ernesh fumed.

Ernesh's Quirk sparked to life as he stared Momo down, he held his hands out, Momo was forced to stay in place by Ernesh's aura. Ernesh flew up into the sky and held one hand down towards her.

"Let's see how strong you are! Prepare yourself!" Ernesh laughed.

He fired down a huge blast of energy towards Yaoyorozu, Leonidus tried to move but his body wouldn't budge an inch.

"Momo!" He shouted.

As the blast exploded, Leonidus desperately searched for Momo's Heat Energy, he was relieved when he felt that it was still at normal levels. Alyx's smiled widely as he saw who was holding Yaoyorozu.

"M-Ms. Tomioka!" He beamed.

"A second later and you would've been dead... Are you okay?" Akua asked.

Yaoyorozu nodded her head at Tomioka, Ernesh sighed as he began to look frustrated.

"I'll keep him busy, I'm assuming you came here with others?" Tomioka continued.

"Yes ma'am! Who I'm conducting my Work Studies with and another student." Momo confirmed.

"Good, they'll be able to keep Gorgophone at bay while we tend to Ernesh. Leonidus need assistance, I need you to check on him, immediately." Akua instructed.

Momo nodded once more as Tomioka took off towards Ernesh. Yaoyorozu made her way over to Alyx.

"Are you alright?" She wondered.

"Never been... Better..." Alyx panted.

Momo helped Alyx stand up, "H-Hey... We need to find... Yushiro and Ms. Tamashini. She was making medicine... T-To help me..."

"Right, where to?" Momo responded.

Leonidus used his sense of smell to track Tamashini's smell, the two went in the direction of her scent. They eventually stopped in front of a deserted home that was half a mile away. The two entered the building, Yushiro quickly shut the door behind them.

"We don't have much time, his heart rate is slowing down!" Melissa relayed to them.

"He's got a personal assistant?" Yushiro questioned.

"That's Melissa Shield to you!" She argued.

Yushiro rolled his eyes as Yaoyorozu laid Leonidus down onto the bed roll in front of them. Tamashini carefully poured the medicine into Leonidus' mouth and helped him swallow. They sat there for a few minutes, hoping that the medicine would work.

"What's going on, Melissa?" Tamashini asked.

"His vitals... They're... They're back to normal!" Melissa exulted.

After a few seconds, Leonidus woke up, he slowly stood back up onto his feet. He took a deep breath in before closing his eyes.

Leonidus' eyes shot open, "Hmph!"

His Overdrive burst outwards around him, a marking appeared on the left side of his face, it was glowing the same color as his Overdrive.

"Woah... I feel a lot stronger! What was in that medicine?" Alyx noted.

"Slight additives of what's called 'Trigger', the chemicals used to create it were exactly what I needed to finish your cure. This will only last for today and should subside by the end of the night. I hope that they didn't get their hands on the other batches." Tamashini explained.

"Not to worry, Lady Tamashini! I used a seal to hide the vials." Yushiro informed her.

"I should get going, Ms. Tomioka might need my help! I can't thank you guys enough, Momo, can you stay here and make sure they don't get attacked?" Alyx replied.

"You bet! Be careful, please!" Momo agreed.

Alyx nodded at her before leaving the home. He walked back towards Ernesh's Heat Energy, Tomioka rolled off the ground as he blasted her down. Tomioka got up to her feet as Alyx casually walked past her. Ernesh tensed up as he felt Leonidus' pressure, it was out of this world! Alyx walked over towards his haori and Nichirin Blade, he put on his haori then pulled his sword out of the ground, placing it back in it's sheath. Ernesh appeared in front Alyx and slammed his fist into his face. Alyx didn't budge an inch as he stared at Ernesh.

Alyx grabbed Ernesh's fist and brought it down, he raised his fist then curled each of his fingers. Like a shotgun blast, Alyx's fist connected with Ernesh's face, breaking the ground the two stood on. Ernesh flew backwards, his right arm coming clean off as Leonidus still held it. Alyx chucked his arm aside as he walked over to where Ernesh landed. Ernesh pushed rubble off of him, using his remaining arm, he fired off dozens of beams towards Leonidus. The beams bounced off of Alyx had he made his slow approach towards him. Akua didn't know what to do as she watched the onslaught unfold.

"He's... Somehow on a different level... Is this his full power?" Akua muttered to herself.

Meanwhile, deeper in the town, Kaminari finally woke up after his fight with Ernesh hours prior. He pulled himself out of some rubble before throwing off his broken glasses.

"Bakugo! Harpy! Are you alright? Where are you guys?" Kaminari called out.

"You damn idio-" Gorgophone shouted.

An electric shock rattled her entire body, Kaminari looked back with a smirk on his face, Gorgophone fell for his trap!

"I set up an electric perimeter just in case you decided to sneak up on us!" Kaminari boasted.

Bakugo dove in from the sky, "YEAH YOU STUPID BITCH!"

Gorgophone turned around, Bakugo planted his hand on her face, unleashing a hellish explosion! Most of her face was burned off as she flew into the air, she slammed into a building where Rei had been waiting for her. Rei lifted her head up by her hair then pushed her into the wall in front of her. She let off a high pitch scream that sent Gorgophone bulldozing through several more buildings. She wound up in front of Ernesh, she stumbled up to her feet as blood ran down her face.

"M-My love... Are you... Okay?" Ernesh asked.

Gorgophone looked over to see that she was standing in front of Leonidus. A single stone serpent hit his chest with little force. The others made their way over towards Leonidus but stopped after they saw Gorgophone attempting to plead with Alyx.

"Ah shit... She's gonna try and sweet talk him!" Rei observed.

Gorgophone had tears running down her face, "I-I'm s-sorry... D-Don't... Don't hurt him... Y-You... You won't hurt him anymore... Please...?"

Alyx stared her down without saying a word, she placed her hand on his chest, Leonidus looked disgusted at her.

"Get the fuck back, you don't know me like that." Alyx retorted.

Using his full power, he back handed Gorgophone, she went flying across the city and past the evacuation zone! A searing hot imprint was left on her face from Leonidus' smack, Pro Heroes gathered around her with bewildered looks.

"H-Holy shit... Did he just bitch slap her?" Kaminari marveled.

"That's not normal." Bakugo remarked.

"My apologies," Tamashini spoke up, "The medicine I gave him had a small dose of Trigger. His sense of reasoning is still intact, only tampered slightly, which is good."

The group was interrupted by a large explosion of energy, Ernesh's aura was now sky high! The place where his right arm once was began to faintly glow. He raised his right arm up to the sun and stared at it.

"Oh Great Phoenix! Grant me your power!" Ernesh yelled.

A huge, fiery orange light shot down onto Ernesh, Leonidus uncovered his eyes as the light stopped shining. He couldn't believe what Ernesh had done!

"Feel familiar? It should, considering it was once your little lover's Quirk!" Ernesh gloated.

"𝘋𝘪𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘓𝘢𝘶𝘳𝘢'𝘴 𝘘𝘶𝘪𝘳𝘬?! 𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘩𝘰𝘸?" Leonidus thought.

"What do you say, Leonidus?! Let's go all out!! The whole place is to ourselves!" Ernesh cackled.

Alyx grinned back at him, "Now you're fucking talking!"

Ernesh jumped into the air and sent down a huge ball of energy towards an unmoving Leonidus. Once the explosion cleared, Alyx stood seemingly unaffected by the attack, he continued to smile at Ernesh. He raced towards Ernesh, ramming his fist into Ernesh's open palm. The two began exchanging a fast flurry of strikes and kicks in the air, moving throughout the town, their clash picking up huge amounts of debris and dust. He disappeared and got behind Alyx, elbowing him in his back. Alyx went flying down into the ground, he quickly rebounded by backflipping away from him as he dived straight down. He went full force into the concrete, but it didn't seem to have phased him! Ernesh stood up to his feet as Alyx wiped blood off of the corner of his mouth.

"This is pretty fun, Alyx. Don't you think?" Ernesh called over to him.

"I'd prefer it if you just died already, asshole" Alyx responded.

"Funny, I was just about to say the same thing to you..." Ernesh muttered.

Alyx smirked at him, Ernesh charged towards him, Leonidus ducked his punch and swept his legs out from underneath him. Ernesh retaliated with a kick of his own which sent Alyx high into the air! Ernesh appeared behind him and sent him back down into the ground, which Alyx immediately shot a Flash Cannon out at him! Ernesh looked at the ball of Overdrive with confusion, Leonidus opened his closed fist, right before Ernesh's eyes, it exploded. Alyx stood up and brushed himself off as he waited to see the results of his ultimate move.

"You gotta be shitting me..." He sighed.

Ernesh put a shield up just before the explosion could do any damage. Kaminari was about to run in but Tomioka stopped him.

"Tomioka, what are you doing?" Tamashini asked.

"I... I don't know..." She answered.

Tomioka's faced turned to that of dread as she sensed a change in the air. Ernesh looked at his right arm, studying the Quirk he now had in his possession.

"You know something, I wasn't made with this Quirk, you know." He insinuated.

"What? Then... Then how are you able to use it?" Alyx questioned.

"I don't know, but perhaps this will answer your question, does this look familiar?" Ernesh replied.

Ernesh tossed over a blood stained bow towards Leonidus, he looked at the bow with confusion. His eyes widened as he recognized the bow's pattern.

"That little friend of yours, the Nomu Girl? We didn't need her anymore, so a doctor we've associated ourselves with put her out permanently, giving me her Quirk in exchange. Of course, I had my own fun over at Tartarus as well!" Ernesh explained.

Leonidus' entire body went limp, he recalled them being so close to bringing Laura back to her human state. The rest of the group watched on in silence as red and black smoke rose around Alyx.

"I... I failed you... Again..." Leonidus muttered.

"Rambling to yourself? How adorable! I guess you really are scared after all." Ernesh smirked.

As the smoke continued to form around Leonidus, a red mist filled the area, Ernesh looked around to see an endless view of mist on the ground. Blood ran down from Leonidus' nose as he stared blankly at the ground.

"Mom... I'm sorry... For this..." Alyx mumbled.

Red and Black smoke quickly flourished out as ungodly winds ravaged the landscape. Ernesh recoiled with horror as he saw Alyx's hellish transformation! Two arms burst out from his sides as four rage arms burst out of his back. Momo was about to cal out to Leonidus but Tamashini quickly covered her mouth. Leonidus' head gently rose towards Ernesh, his entire body was glowing red and black, just like his Rage Quirk.

"I'm going to enjoy... Bathing in your blood... Ernesh!" Alyx thundered.

"W-What is this?" Ernesh wondered.

The four Rage arms grabbed Ernesh's limbs, Leonidus charged towards him, beginning his onslaught of fists. Hundreds upon hundreds of punches struck against Ernesh's body, Leonidus' last punch hit with such force, Ernesh went flying as his limbs were still in Alyx's possession. He tossed them aside as he ran towards Ernesh like a feral animal. He grabbed Ernesh's head with a rage arm, raising him up, giving him a sinister grin.

"Alyx, don't!" Momo yelled.

Ernesh's head was crushed instantly by Leonidus' Rage arm, his body dropped to the ground, Alyx beat his remains into the ground. A huge, bloody mess was all that was left of Ernesh. He let out a piercing shriek that echoed throughout the town.

"Alyx! It's okay!" Yaoyorozu told him.

Leonidus quickly turned around to see Momo standing several feet away from him. She calmly approached him, Akua stood ready to intervene in case things went south.

"You did it, it's over, you don't have to fight anymore." She continued.

Momo hugged him and put his head on her shoulder. She watched as his Rage Quirk began to dissipate, the back of his haori was bloody and torn.

"Momo," Alyx quietly deadpanned, "I feel cold."

She held him closer to her, "It's alright... It's okay..."

Soon, more Pros would arrive to clean up the town and tend to those that were injured. Leonidus sat next to an ambulance as medics finished patching his wounds, he stared down at the blood stained bow in his hands.

"Are you alright, Alyx?" Yaoyorozu asked.

Leonidus stopped looking at the bow and stared at the ground in front of him.

"I guess this ends this chapter of my life. I don't know if I'll ever truly be okay after this, but I've got no choice but to try, right? Moving on towards the future... It's something she'd want me to do." Alyx replied.

Momo sat down next to him, she held his hand which surprised him a bit. She gave him a smile as he looked at her.

"Then let's stick together until you feel better, even after that!" Momo bubbled.

"Yeah, let's do that." Alyx faintly blushed.

[Later That Night...]

Leonidus was standing in his shower, trying to wash off the blood from his back. There was a knock on his bathroom door.

"Hey man, could you hurry up in there? I gotta pee." Kaminari told him.

"Kaminari, you have your own bathroom." Alyx replied.

"Yeah but... Um... I kinda sorta locked the door and shut it... And the lock's on the inside." Kaminari nervously laughed.

Alyx stood still with a look of disappointment on his face, "Okay... Give me one second..."

Leonidus hopped out of the shower and dried himself off, wrapping the towel around him, he opened the door to let Kaminari in. He closed the door behind him as he went towards his dresser. There was another knock on his bedroom door, he sighed as he walked over to it and opened it.

"Yes, he's in my bathroom." Alyx answered.

Rei stood there in disbelief with her eyes glued to Leonidus' abs.

"Could you answer the door like that all the time?!" Rei exulted.

"No. No I will not."

Alyx shut his door then opened it after a couple seconds, changed into his bed clothes. Denki left his bathroom and thanked him before returning to his room.

"Did you need something?"

"Well, I heard you were upset, sooooo I figured I could cheer you up~"

"Whoa... You don't mean...!" Alyx gasped with delight.

[One Hour Later...]

"YEAH!!!!! MONSERT TRUCKS BABEY!!!" Leonidus exulted.

Leonidus and Rei traveled clear to America, simply to visit a Monster Truck Rally, Rei was dumbfounded by Alyx.

"T-This... This is not even close to what I meant."

"Huh? What do you mean? I thought that's what you were implying?"


"Eh? What's that?"

Rei's eyes widened even more, "ARE YOU THAAAAAT DENSE?!?!?"

"H-Hey! That's rude! Don't be so mean! If you were taught everything you were supposed to know by a God then you wouldn't be saying that!"

"Were you sheltered or something?"

Alyx blinked a few times before answering, "Amatsu taught me things that were influential in my life, like fighting and all that, he also basically implanted memories of my friends into my brain too. He avoided everything he thought that wouldn't improve me!"

Rei sat there, mouth agape, awestruck at what she just heard. The two then returned back to Japan after a couple hours of flying. Leonidus entered the dorms, the common room light came on, Aizawa stood next to the doors.

"Where have you been?" Shota questioned.

"Oh! I was at this Monster Truck show in America with Rei! See? It was actually super fun!"

Alyx showed him a picture of the two of them at said show, Rei didn't look too thrilled to be there.

"I see... Wait, you traveled to America and back within the span of a couple hours? That's impressive. Anyhow, you should get back up to your room, I've got to lock this place up for the night." Aizawa responded.

Alyx nodded and hurried up to his room. He grabbed a hold of his door knob before freezing up, a scent hit his nose, it was coming from his room. Leonidus opened the door to see the Yaoyorozu was reading a book in his bed.

"You smell... Upset." Alyx noted.

"Well, I've been waiting hours for you! You do realize it's a quarter past midnight? What in God's name were you doing all this time?"

Alyx sat down on his bed in front of her, giving her a rather peculiar look, Momo started to blush and look away.

"This whole thing isn't a 'Japanese Tradition', is it?" He asked.

"W-Well... That... You can smell if I'm lying, can't you?"

Alyx nodded at her and she sighed, "Okay, the truth is... I've liked you for quite some time now, I couldn't muster up the courage to tell you upfront, so I've been slowly working my way there. I just didn't know if-"

Leonidus leaned in and kissed her as she spoke, she was taken by surprise, her cheeks turned bright red. Alyx leaned back and smiled at her.

"I was waiting for you to say that, honestly, I was in the same boat as you!" Alyx chuckled.

Leonidus looked at her to see that she was frozen with shock! Her eyes sparkled with delight as he waved his hand in front of her face.

"Huh? Oh, my apologies! I guess I'm trying to process this."

"It's alright! I guess it's for real this time, eh?"

"Yeah, for real this time."

Leonidus hopped off of his bed towards his dresser, "I should probably get dressed for bed too! I almost forgot about that!"

As Leonidus got dressed, Momo sat there in thought, taking note of his positivity even after Laura's demise.

"𝘐 𝘨𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘵'𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥... 𝘐'𝘮 𝘨𝘭𝘢𝘥 𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘨𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘮𝘺." Momo thought.

Alyx's hair fell down to it's natural state, he knelt down in front of a small shrine, he placed Laura's bow on a small, oval shaped plate. It accompanied his Father's leather wallet. He sat there in prayer, Momo watched silently, paying her respects as well. Eventually, Leonidus got up and returned to his bed next to Momo.

"That's rather kind of you, Alyx."

"I hate the feeling of being forgotten, that's all."

"Huh? What was that?"

"O-Oh, uh, just talking to myself! That's all!"

Alyx wrapped his arms around Momo as she faced away from him.

[The Next Day...]

A huge pile of schoolwork was placed on Leonidus' desk, Shota returned to the front of the room as Alyx stared at the papers with dread.

"Just because you saved the world that doesn't mean you can skip out on your academics. That's three months of work you need to finish." Shota told him.

"Yes sir..."

Alyx activated his Quirk in order to enhance his mental processes. He read through each and every paper before answering questions. Soon, their heroics class period arrived, Leonidus made his way into Gym Gamma after finally finishing his work. He presented the papers to Annie and Shota.

"Uh huh... Okay... Interesting..." Shota muttered.

"Well, your results are pretty good. You've gotten an A+ in English, B+ in Heroics, B in Mathematics, A in Heroic Art History, and an A in Modern Literature. Not too bad, kiddo!" Annie informed him.

"You know, I don't think cramming three months of work within several hours is healthy, but at least my brain is capable of it!" Alyx laughed.

Leonidus watched as all of his peers trained, he kept watching Izuku train on his own.

"I think he'll fill in his shoes, without a doubt in my mind." Alyx thought outloud.

Annie leaned over towards him, "Hey, bro, I don't mean to be rude buuuuut... What's that on your lip?"

Leonidus wiped his lip to see a bit of crimson was on it, he quickly wiped it off before his cheeks became flushed.

"T-That was nothing!" Alyx blurted.

Annie looked over to see that Yaoyorozu was wearing crimson lipstick, she grinned deviously as she nudged her brother's arm.

"You made out with her, didn't you~" Annie teased.


"Yeah right! I can see it plain as day! You seriously no good at lying, not when that hair bang of yours twitches!"

Alyx looked up at his bang to see it twitching, "Why you... This is ridiculous..."

All was finally well once again! But, it would only be a matter of time before things would turn for the worst!

Next chapter