

This story is a thrilling tale that plunges readers into the world of online gaming, where virtual realms hold secrets beyond imagination. Jiang Siming, an ordinary gamer, stumbles upon a remarkable phenomenon within the popular game, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG). Unlike his peers, he uncovers vibrant, multicolored fragments scattered throughout the game world. What sets Jiang apart is his keen eye and determination to unravel the mystery behind these fragments. As he delves deeper into the game's intricacies, he discovers that when these fragments are melded together, they unlock a treasure trove of skills, attributes, talents, and even mythical artifacts. This revelation sparks a transformative journey for Jiang as he embarks on a quest to collect these fragments and unlock their hidden potential. As Jiang's virtual avatar grows stronger with each fragment collected, so too does his real-life success. He rises to newfound wealth and unparalleled success, transcending the boundaries between the virtual and the real. But with great power comes great challenges, and Jiang soon finds himself facing adversaries both within the game and in the real world. The story is not just a story about gaming; it's a tale of ambition, perseverance, and the boundless possibilities that lie within the digital realm. Readers are taken on a thrilling adventure where the lines between reality and fantasy blur, leaving them questioning what it truly means to succeed in a world where anything is possible.

Adam_2023 · Games
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104 Chs

When the Family is Harmonious, All Affairs Prosper

"Grandpa, I'm going to visit Uncle's house to say hello and invite them over for dinner," Jiang Siming said to his grandfather.

"Visiting is fine, but please don't invite your uncle for dinner," Jiang Guoqiao's face showed some displeasure.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Siming asked.

"It's about the house matter. Your uncle came to your dad last week asking for money again. When your dad refused, they had a quarrel, and now your uncle is sulking," Jiang Guoqiao sighed helplessly.

"But didn't I give my dad 100,000 yuan?" Jiang Siming was puzzled.

"Your dad is afraid that you'll need money again, so he's keeping the money you gave him for now, not spending a penny, and definitely not giving any to your uncle," Jiang Guoqiao explained.

Jiang Siming smiled and patted Jiang Guoqiao's back, comforting him, "Grandpa, don't worry, I'll go invite Uncle's family for dinner. We're all family, there's no need to ruin our relationship over such a small matter."

"Sigh, that's what I think too. A harmonious family leads to everything going smoothly," Jiang Guoqiao sighed.

"Alright, I'll go now."

Jiang Siming picked up the cigarettes, alcohol, and a box of foreign milk that he had taken from the car earlier, and slung his bag over his shoulder, then hurried to his uncle's house.

His uncle's family was just preparing dinner. When they saw Jiang Siming arrive, they greeted him warmly and inquired about his well-being.

Both his uncle and aunt understood the situation. They knew that the argument between their generation had nothing to do with the younger generation.

His uncle only had two daughters, both married and living elsewhere, so their home was quite empty, with only the two of them.

Jiang Siming was the only child in the Jiang family, so his uncle had always been very fond of him since he was young.

Sitting in the living room, Jiang Siming smiled and placed the gifts he had bought on the table.

"Aming, you've come, there's no need to bring gifts, you're too polite!" His uncle scolded jokingly.

Jiang Siming chuckled, "It's been a long time since I've seen you and Auntie, I had to bring something over. It's also my dad's idea."

Hearing that it was Jiang Shaoying's idea, his uncle's expression turned a little sour.

Jiang Siming could see it, and his aunt nudged him gently, then changed the subject, "Aming, I've never seen these cigarettes and alcohol you bought before. How much did they cost?"

"Oh, these cigarettes are 100 yuan per pack, and the alcohol is over 1,000 yuan per bottle," Jiang Siming honestly reported.

This shocked the couple. His uncle was surprised at first, then his expression turned even uglier.

Unable to hold back, he quietly asked Jiang Siming, "Aming, did your dad buy these? Can he afford them? Doesn't that mean he can't repay us?"

Taking a sip of the tea his aunt had poured, Jiang Siming smiled and took out a thick stack of banknotes from his bag, laying them neatly on the table.

The couple stared in astonishment, as they had never seen so much money before. The most they had seen was when they built their house, when they took out more than 70,000 yuan.

This sum of over 200,000 yuan was truly unheard of for them.

"Uncle, to tell you the truth, I gave my dad 100,000 yuan before. But he was mainly worried that I might need it later, so he kept it for me and didn't dare to spend a penny, let alone give any to you. Now that I'm back, I'll use this money to repay my dad's debt to you."

"But... we don't need so much..." 

Jiang Siming handed a cigarette to his uncle and lit it for him.

"Uncle, you've looked after me since I was a child, and you've always been so kind to me. What's this little money compared to that? Besides, when my dad owed you money, that was over ten years ago. Let's just call it interest."

"Aming, are you doing some big business outside?" His uncle asked curiously.

"Kind of," Jiang Siming nodded.

"No wonder, Little Ming has a bright future! Your uncle has always been hoping for you!" His uncle sighed, genuinely happy for Jiang Siming.

"Thank you, Uncle. Come over for dinner later? Grandma has cooked some delicious dishes."

"Well..." After a moment of hesitation, his uncle nodded, "Let's go! I also need to apologize to your dad as an older brother."

The three of them looked at each other and smiled.

Family harmony brings prosperity, this has been a famous saying since ancient times.

Among relatives, blood is thicker than water (The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb), a small disagreement is nothing, once discussed openly, it's all good.

At night, the Jiang family's lights were brightly lit, everyone was present except for the two married sisters.

The family was harmonious, even Jiang's father and Jiang Siming's uncle reconciled and enjoyed themselves, drinking heavily until they all fell asleep in no time.

Jiang Wanwan only ate half a bowl of rice, then cuddled with Jiang Siming, holding the pile of snacks he bought her, enjoying them while watching TV, feeling very content.

This night, Jiang Siming slept in his familiar little nest, tossing and turning happily unable to fall asleep.

Isn't this moment what he has been striving for in his struggles outside?

Ding ding~

His phone received a message, Jiang Siming picked it up and saw it was from Zhao Xuan, asking how he was at home, and there was another message from Wang Xinyi, sent in the afternoon, which Jiang Siming hadn't noticed at the time.

Jiang Siming replied to each one, saying he was doing well.

Just as he was about to make a tender call to Wang Xinyi, his phone rang, it was from Wei Shen.

"Hey Jiang, we're in first place today, isn't that awesome?" Wei Shen came over to share good news.

Even without Jiang Siming's assistance, 4am still remained a top-tier team.

The first day they played against teams of varying skill levels, so it's normal to come out on top.

"It's just the first day and you're already getting carried away, I'm starting to suspect you'll have flashbacks to S5." Jiang Siming joked.

Wei Shen's S5, that was his nightmare and shame, during the League of Legends S5 World Championship, Wei Shen led LGD as the number one seed to compete in the world.

But unexpectedly, they were eliminated in the group stage and returned home in embarrassment, facing the anger of countless fans, Wei Shen reluctantly retired, leading to the Wei Shen of 4am today.

"Go on, go on, go to hell! You open one pot, I'll open another, come back and wait to die!" Wei Shen laughed and cursed.

After chatting briefly with Jiang Siming, they hung up.

Jiang Siming then fell into a deep sleep, feeling very content.

On the third day, after Jiang Siming woke up, he found the biggest restaurant in town and generously booked it.

In a few days, it would be Jiang's father's birthday, and his uncle's birthday was also in these days, Jiang Siming planned to celebrate with a grand and lively birthday banquet for them.

The banquets in town are generally cheap, with a hundred or so per table considered good, Jiang Siming gave the restaurant owner a hundred thousand dollars, which was just a deposit.

He instructed them to arrange each table for over a thousand dollars, and it include cigarettes and alcohol, with cigarettes uniformly being Soft Zhonghua, two packs per person, and the alcohol being the best Wuliangye.

Fifty tables were tentatively booked, and the whole village would be invited.

After arranging everything, Jiang Siming returned home to tell his father, his father said it wasn't necessary, but his face was beaming with joy.

His uncle was the same, the two elders had never had a birthday celebration before.

On the day of the celebration, almost the entire village came.

Everyone was shocked by the grand banquet, with over a thousand dishes per table, plus Soft Zhonghua cigarettes and Wuliangye liquor, it was too impressive!