

This story is a thrilling tale that plunges readers into the world of online gaming, where virtual realms hold secrets beyond imagination. Jiang Siming, an ordinary gamer, stumbles upon a remarkable phenomenon within the popular game, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG). Unlike his peers, he uncovers vibrant, multicolored fragments scattered throughout the game world. What sets Jiang apart is his keen eye and determination to unravel the mystery behind these fragments. As he delves deeper into the game's intricacies, he discovers that when these fragments are melded together, they unlock a treasure trove of skills, attributes, talents, and even mythical artifacts. This revelation sparks a transformative journey for Jiang as he embarks on a quest to collect these fragments and unlock their hidden potential. As Jiang's virtual avatar grows stronger with each fragment collected, so too does his real-life success. He rises to newfound wealth and unparalleled success, transcending the boundaries between the virtual and the real. But with great power comes great challenges, and Jiang soon finds himself facing adversaries both within the game and in the real world. The story is not just a story about gaming; it's a tale of ambition, perseverance, and the boundless possibilities that lie within the digital realm. Readers are taken on a thrilling adventure where the lines between reality and fantasy blur, leaving them questioning what it truly means to succeed in a world where anything is possible.

Adam_2023 · Games
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104 Chs

Here Comes a Green Tea

Note: In colloquial Chinese slang, "Green Tea", can sometimes be used as a euphemism to refer to a person who is perceived as insincere, superficial, or opportunistic, especially in social or romantic relationships.

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The livestream room is at level 95, which is already very high and belongs to the ranks of top anchors on Douyu.

However, the other party is not a gaming anchor at all but a beauty anchor with just over seven hundred fan cards.

With just over seven hundred fan cards, reaching level 95, it's clear how it was achieved.

Jiang Siming has over three hundred thousand fans but is still below level 98, several hundred times more than her.

Ding ding~

At this moment, Jiang Siming's WeChat received a message from Dumb Little Sister.

"Little Ming, I really don't know this woman. We only met once at Douyu's anniversary celebration last year. I don't know why she followed my YY channel. How about I guide her out?"

Not only Dumb Little Sister dislikes her, even the audience who knows Gu Beining in the livestream room is flooding the chat.

"Damn, why is this woman here!"

"Ming God, don't be fooled. This is a schemer!"

"Don't take her with you. Clearly, she's here to ride on your popularity."

"Who is this person? Acting so familiar? Snatching Dumb Little Sister's nickname for Ming God on their first meeting? Is this supposed to be best friends?"

"Surface-level best friends are the most lethal."

Jiang Siming quickly understood everything. It turned out to be a green tea trying to ride on her popularity.

Jiang Siming replied to Dumb Little Sister, "No need, watch my performance. I'll drive her away for you."

Dumb Little Sister wanted to dissuade her after seeing the reply. She didn't want Jiang Siming to offend another anchor, especially one backed by a management company.

Generally, anchors with a management company background are not easy to provoke. A while ago, Xuxu Baby offended Money Xiaojia, an anchor with a massive management company background, and got into trouble.

In the end, no one won, and they had to reconcile. However, Xuxu Baby actually suffered a loss, showing how powerful a management company can be.

But before Dumb Little Sister could reply, Jiang Siming had already spoken.

"What's your name? Gu Beining?" Jiang Siming asked indifferently.

"Yeah, Brother Ming remembered my name so quickly. I'm really happy~"

"Is that your real name?" Jiang Siming continued to ask without giving in.

"Yes, this is my real name."

"Show me your ID card."

"This... the ID card is a private thing. How can you see it? Brother Ming, don't you trust me, sob."

"Yes, please take a photo of your ID card for me to see. Don't worry, I'll only look at the name."

"Brother Ming, why... why do you want to know my name so much? I..."

"Don't waste time, hurry up!" Jiang Siming's tone suddenly intensified.

"I..." The female anchor was a bit confused. Why was Jiang Siming fixating on this point?

"Fine, you don't have to say. I'll ask the high-level management at Douyu and check if the name on your backstage bank account is indeed your real name."

After saying this, Jiang Siming was straightforward and sought out Douyu's manager, Sun Youcai, to inquire about the matter.

Although this involved privacy, it was just a name, not bank card numbers or passwords. Sun Youcai wouldn't provoke Jiang Siming's dissatisfaction over such a small matter.

After all, recently, Zhao Zong had been staying in Jiang Siming's livestream room every day, sending gifts worth millions. Sun Youcai didn't dare to offend Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming quickly obtained the real name of the self-proclaimed anchor Gu Beining from Sun Youcai and loudly proclaimed:

"You fucking named Liu Genhua, stop bullshitting with this Gu Beining nonsense!"

The audience in the livestream room first froze, then burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, Liu Genhua, this name is really amusing~"

"I always thought this female anchor, although not great, had a nice-sounding name. Never thought she fooled me for so long!"

"Liu Genhua, let's change your name to Genhua Baby from now on." (Name has similar phonetic as "green tea" in chinese) 

"Tsk tsk, exposed by Ming God, haha, green tea!"

"At first, Ming God's tone sounded serious, but forgive me for not holding back after hearing this."

Even Dumb Little Sister and Tuantuan felt quite uncomfortable, quickly muting their microphones to laugh for a while.

The truth exposed, Gu Beining, or rather Liu Genhua, was infuriated, her face full of anger. She almost burst out cursing in public.

But thinking about Jiang Siming's popularity, she held back. There was no need to make an enemy of Jiang Siming over this small matter; she came to ride on the popularity.

So, she tried to calm down her anger, and Liu Genhua pulled out a faint smile, saying, "My name was given by my parents, and I have no way to change it. I've wanted to change it, but I just haven't had time to go to the public security bureau."

"Oh, changing from the surname Liu to the surname Gu? Don't even want to recognize your ancestors?" Jiang Siming's words were like a sharp file, hitting right at the heart.

"I didn't mean that, Brother Ming... I just like this name. Well, let's not talk about this topic, okay? How about playing games with me? If you play with me, I can show you the artistic photos I just took."

Hearing this, Dumb Little Sister and Tuantuan were a bit angry. It was obvious she was trying to seduce their men!

Jiang Siming, however, sneered and said, "Who said I would play games with you? Also, who cares to see your artistic photos? I don't even care about artistic photos, let alone nude ones."

"Jiang Siming, what do you mean!"

Liu Genhua couldn't hold back any longer. Anyone would find it unbearable to be humiliated like this.

Upon hearing Liu Genhua's outburst, instead of feeling remorse, Jiang Siming became even more pleased.

"What? Can't stand it anymore? If you can't stand it, you can leave. I won't say anything more." Jiang Siming shrugged.

Liu Genhua, who couldn't bear the humiliation, took a deep breath. She wouldn't leave; after all, she had come all this way and being humiliated like this, leaving now would be admitting defeat.

Suddenly, Liu Genhua's crying voice came through the headphones.

"Sob... I'm sorry, Brother Ming. It's my fault. Although I don't know why you dislike me so much, I'm sure there's some misunderstanding. If you don't like me, I'll leave. But please don't blame Dumb Dumb because of me. Dumb Dumb is a good person, she's innocent. Sob..."

Initially, when Jiang Siming urged Liu Genhua to leave, some viewers thought he was a bit too heartless. However, upon hearing this, many viewers gained insight.

"This woman is cunning, really good at playing mind games. She can endure this level of humiliation."

"Ming God has sharp insight, seeing through the true nature of this woman in an instant."

"Being humiliated like this and still pretending to be wronged to speak up for someone else—either she's really cunning or just plain stupid."

"If it were me, I would have left long ago. She says she wants to leave, yet she's still crying. Is it real or fake?"

Jiang Siming chuckled. Hearing that she intended to drag Dumb Little Sister down with her, he decided not to hold back and went for the harshest move.

"Do you know what you are in my eyes?"

"Sob... Brother Ming, are you saying I'm a green tea bitch?"

"At least you have some self-awareness," Jiang Siming replied candidly.

"Brother Ming, why do you have such a big misunderstanding about me? Sob, I really don't know what I did wrong. Sob."

Jiang Siming retracted his hands from the keyboard and mouse, originally prepared to play games. He leaned back in his computer chair, looking relaxed. However, he delivered a classic statement that struck the hearts of green tea bitches everywhere—the 'Green Tea Definition'!