
(Reincarnated as Toji in Chainsaw Man:Paused)

The strongest sorcerer assassin became a hunter's hunter. (This is not the original Toji)

Chester_LV · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
35 Chs


(First of all I would like to ask you what do you think Itadori's Power Up is?)


The trip went smoothly, there were no problems at all, especially after the 'incident' Touji had with one of the murderous stewardesses; None of them approached him again.

While he knew this wouldn't be the last attempt on his life, he frankly didn't care. Although the stewards lacked the necessary skills, he felt somewhat disappointed, as he expected more from the potential assassins of him.

But they hadn't even reached China yet; They had just disembarked in the hangar.

Once the trip was over, the three murderers decided to disembark from the uncomfortable plane.

Touji, who was the first to get off, began to stretch his muscles. After breathing deeply and conditioning his lungs, he quickly examined the area, his sharp eyes searching for abnormalities.

After scanning the arid landscape, he turned his head and saw his companions talking to a man with an unusual Chinese hairstyle, dressed in an elegant suit, carrying an ax on his back.

The Chinese, who seemed like the typical traditional and tough individual of those places, noticed Touji's calculating look but decided to ignore it.

Toji approached and noticed that his classmates had somewhat strange smiles, smiles that were very unusual for them. However, Toji didn't pay much attention to it; after all, they would die if they tried anything against him.

On Katana Man and Sawatari's side, Sawatari was excited and relieved by what the Chinese hunter had told them, and even Katana Man couldn't help but feel relieved.

This Chinese hunter, named Ki Yieng, was known for his skill with his cursed axe, which was given to him through a contract with the demon Axe, a demon that had long terrorized China. Even after being defeated, Ki Yieng had decided to make a contract of servitude with the demon Axe, who would transform into his weapon and only obey him. In exchange, the Ax demon would not be killed or sent back to hell by stronger Chinese hunters.

Hell in Chainsaw Man was one of the most unlikely places where not even Touji himself would have a chance of surviving, no matter how strong he was. Toji was strong, both Sawatari and Katana Man knew it, but Hell was a place where new demons appeared every day, including the Primordial Demons, which were the most powerful in history and far surpassed the Gun Devil.

However, what Ki Yeng had told them had them in a state of euphoria, at least on Sawatari's part, while Katana Man maintained his stoic and repressed demeanor.

What Ki Yeng had said was that they were going to bring a team of hunters from the United States, including America's famous number one hunter, "Divider". That was his nickname, as it was said that he could cut anything with his katana, even attacks with the highest density of cursed energy. According to many, he was not yet 30 years old and many called him a prodigy due to his incredible ability. He was similar to Toji, except that he did not have a contract with a curse that allowed him to store and retrieve items.

Divider's only interest was Toji's Storage Devil, or at least that's what Divider called it. There were also rumors that America's Number 2 Hunter would join, but not much was known about him except that he used a type of spear called Nanigata, which was extremely powerful, and his contract type was a mystery.

From the Chinese Assassin Association, it was unclear what kind of assassins the Chinese would bring, but it was confirmed that the No. 1 Assassin in China, Dai Shiong, would be coming. He possessed an unknown contract that allowed him to manipulate weaker demons. It was a fairly powerful ability since he could store them in his body and even replace his lost limbs with those of the demons under his command, providing him with abilities from those demons in exchange for which his vitality was taken and in extreme cases years of life

Katana Man was relieved; he knew they would have a chance. However, something didn't add up. Why did the Americans get involved in an issue like this? While Toji was a threat, it wasn't much of a threat that the best hunters from one of the strongest regions were involved in a region that had been competing for the strongest hunters since the appearance of the demons.

This intrigued Katana Man, but he put that thought aside for another time.

Ki Yeng, who was talking to the now semi-enthusiastic Sawatari, noticed that Katana Man was lost in thought of him, and Toji...well, Toji was still Toji, just yawning and staring absentmindedly at the sky.

"Nice to meet you; I'm Ki Yeng and I'll be your guide to the hotel," Ki Yeng said, fixing his gaze on Touji's face, who looked back at him.

"Toji Fushiguro," Toji responded lazily, as he grabbed Ki Yeng's hand with overwhelming strength.

Ki Yeng's face twisted a little from Touji's oppressive grip, but he remained mostly stoic in the face of Touji's action.

They stayed like that for a few more seconds in a staring contest before they both released their grip and stopped looking at each other.

"Alright, prepare to head to the hotel," Ki Yeng said before turning around and showing them his axe, which had a peculiar appearance with a medium-sized handle and a head that had a strange design with a curve instead of a curve. the beak and an unusually long cutting edge.

Toji couldn't help but admire the weapon and notice the strange oppressive aura emanating from it.

"Is it a demon or a contract?" Touji wondered in his mind as he examined Ki Yeng's weapon, which seemed powerful. If Ki Yeng turned out to be against him, he might have trouble dealing with him, especially if Ki Yeng was strong and smart.

I'll have to get to work, Touji thought, knowing it wasn't just Ki Yeng. With the reward and the hunt placed on his head, the best hunters would come for him.

Getting into the waiting car, Ki Yeng spoke.

"I hope they kill that Nid Devil; it's been causing us problems," Ki Yeng said in an apparent tone of frustration before continuing.

"However, you'll have to wait until tomorrow because we need to inform the higher-ups of your arrival and have a plan in case everything goes wrong," Ki Yeng said again before turning his gaze forward with a relaxed look on his face.

Toji, whose alarms had been triggered, began to analyze the situation.

"There's something wrong here." While they had to eliminate the Nid Devil, there was no reason why his comrades would be so calm and composed. That was part of Katana Man, but it wasn't something Sawatari would do. Sawatari was an energetic and noisy girl, but for some reason, she seemed relieved about something. There was also the fact that Ki Yeng was strong enough to face the Nid Devil by himself. Toji knew he was walking into an ambush, but he didn't know the extent of it or who would come after him. While he was prepared for it, he couldn't let his guard down. He knew that China's number one assassin would probably come for him. Toji nicknamed him the "Suguru Geto of China," except this one could use the limbs of the demons under his control in case he lost them.

He just hoped that Japan and China would be the only ones involved in this hunt against him. He didn't expect anyone else to join in.

Sighing to himself, he decided to save that thought for when they were at the hotel.

"It seems like this smells worse than I thought," Toji thought before relaxing his body and keeping his instincts active in case something happens.