
(R-18) Sister Princess in Isekai like world.

I always had a wish to have a sister character like those from anime, acting cute and beautiful, loving their brother, and acting with different personalities. Even so, in my former world of Earth, it was difficult to fulfill such a wish, so it was only after my death that I encountered a god who gave me the opportunity to live such a life for his amusement. As a result, after that encounter, my new life began, one that was complicated and full of new twists. I was now the heir to a family that had been cursed by the straightforward curse of not having a boy. However, a happy turn of events resulted in the birth of a boy for their family. Unfortunately, that heir was killed or ought to have passed away from overwork, and I was left to share his fate. Having a system with me! That is!

Shubham_Gosai_0895 · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

I am reborn...

After waking up from a vivid dream, the main character, Kai, finds himself in a completely unfamiliar bedroom. As he looks around, he notices that everything is different from what he remembers. Confusion sets in as he realizes that he has been transmigrated to another planet, one that is ten times bigger than Earth.

He slowly opens his eyes, expecting to see the familiar surroundings of his own room. But as he blinks away the remnants of sleep, he finds himself in a room straight out of a dreamworld. Soft rays of sunlight filter through intricately designed stained glass windows, casting vibrant hues across the opulent space.

The room is adorned with ornate tapestries that depict scenes of mythical creatures and epic battles, their vibrant threads seemingly coming to life. The walls are painted in deep, rich colors—shades of burgundy and gold, evoking a sense of grandeur and royalty.

As Kai sits up, he notices a magnificent canopy bed, draped with sheer, gossamer curtains that sway gently in an unseen breeze. The bed itself is made of the finest silks and adorned with golden accents. The room exudes an air of elegance and refinement that is both mesmerizing and surreal.

Upon closer inspection, the room reveals intricate details that showcase the rich culture of this new world. Elaborate calligraphy, written in an unfamiliar script, adorns the walls, telling stories of ancient legends and heroes. Delicate porcelain vases, filled with exotic flowers, grace elegant mahogany tables, their vibrant colors and intoxicating scents filling the air.

A small alcove in the corner of the room houses an exquisite tea set, crafted from delicate porcelain and adorned with delicate cherry blossom motifs. Kai can't help but be captivated by the craftsmanship and artistry that went into creating such a beautiful piece.

As Kai takes in the breathtaking surroundings, he realizes that this new world is brimming with a rich and vibrant culture that is vastly different from anything he has ever experienced. It is a world where every detail is meticulously crafted, where beauty and tradition intertwine seamlessly.

Overwhelmed by the sheer beauty of his surroundings, Kai can't help but feel a sense of awe. This is not just a dream; it's a whole new reality, and he's eager to immerse himself in its wonders and explore the depths of the culture that surrounds him.

It was then when Kai stumbles out of the room and explores his surroundings, discovering that he is now living in a grand mansion. As he explores further, he comes across his "sisters," a group of beautiful young girls who live in the house with him. However, he soon learns that they are not his blood-related sisters, but rather his adoptive siblings.

"What? Where am I? This can't be real!" Kai's mind is clouded with confusion. The vividness of this world makes it feel more like a reality than a dream.

"Oh, you're finally awake! We were worried about you, big brother." It was a sweet voice that pulls his attention towards a beautiful girl in her teens, with silver hair that cascades down to her waist and crimson red eyes that seem to hold a mysterious allure.

"Onii-chan? Wait, who are you? And why are you calling me that?" Kai mutters, his brows furrowing in confusion. The girl with silver hair and red eyes looks at him with a mix of affection and amusement.

"Silly big brother, we're your sisters! Well, not by blood, but we've been living together for years now, and you are still joking around like that." Her voice carries a gentle tone, a hint of familiarity that tugs at Kai's heartstrings.

"Heh!!!" It was then Kai recalls memories that should not be there, memories of growing up together with these sisters, of shared laughter and tears. They feel so natural and real to him, like fragments of a life he had forgotten but somehow remembered.

Kai's confusion turns into a mixture of awe and disbelief. His gaze lingers on each of his sisters, taking in their beauty. His heart skips a beat as a light blush tints his cheeks, the realization that he now lives with these stunning girls causing a flutter of emotions within him.

As he takes a moment to gather his thoughts, Kai can't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude.

Kai's sisters, still giggling with excitement, link their arms with his and eagerly lead him out of the room and down a long, lavishly decorated corridor. The walls are adorned with portraits of regal figures, their stoic expressions seeming to observe the unfolding scene.

As they approach the grand dining room, the scent of delicious food wafts through the air, teasing Kai's senses and making his stomach growl in anticipation. The doors swing open, revealing a spacious room with an intricately carved dining table that can easily accommodate a dozen people.

'I sure was hungry man, but these girls are really cheerful, grabbing my and dragging me like this, even though my previous self was not that kind to them at all.'

A chandelier, adorned with countless crystal prisms, hangs from the ceiling, casting a soft, warm glow over the room. The table is set with fine chine, sparkling silverware, and crystal goblets that glimmer in the gentle light.

At the head of the table sits the eldest sister, Seraphina, her long, flowing auburn hair cascading down her back. Her ruby red eyes radiate warmth and wisdom, and a gentle smile graces her lips as she gazes at Kai.

To Seraphina's right sits Amara, the second sister, with her blue hair and red eyes. She possesses an air of elegance, her graceful posture and delicate features captivating Kai's attention. Amara's eyes twinkle mischievously, as if she's already plotting something for sure.

And on Seraphina's left is Eliana, the youngest sister, with her cascades of silver hair and amethyst eyes. There's an innocent charm about her, her youthful curiosity shining through. Eliana's smile is infectious, and Kai feels a pang of protectiveness towards her, a deep desire to shield her from any harm.

As they take their seats, Kai can't help but be enchanted by the sight before him. He watches his sisters interact, their voices filled with affectionate banter and shared laughter. Their interactions feel so natural, as if they've spent a lifetime together.

Kai's mind races, trying to process the extraordinary circumstances that have brought him to this new world and given him a family he never knew he needed. The warmth and love that emanate from his sisters fill him with a sense of belonging, a feeling he had yearned for all his life.

After all, in his previous life, as long as he could remember there were no family members and nothing that would have attached him to that world.

Each sister, in her own unique way, brings something special to Kai's life. Seraphina, with her wisdom and guidance, becomes a pillar of support. Amara, with her adventurous spirit, sparks a fire within him, urging him to embrace the unknown. Eliana, with her innocence and vulnerability, touches a tender place in his heart, inspiring him to be her protector.

As the meal progresses, Kai finds himself engrossed in lively conversations, sharing stories and getting to know his sisters better.
