
(Quick transmigration)Queen of Fishing

As Mary Su, Jiang Ying, a natural charmer, always faces troubles because of her ways of hooking others. Until she is bound to the system, as long as someone has a great interest in her, she will become more and more beautiful. Jiang Ying: It seems like I don't need to do anything; those people will do everything for me without hesitation. Is it wrong to be liked by too many people? If so, the fault is that those people are too easy to take the bait. Fishing system: Refers to a person who is very tempting, attractive, and can firmly catch other people. Logicaly, The plot is bloody, the heroine is a scumbag, if you hate the setting, escape immediately and don't go looking for trouble. ----------------------------------------------- This book does not belong to me and all credit goes to the amazing author Author: Yu Weizhi I love all her work and only one is currently being translated I think Additional Note: I originally didn't write this. All credit goes to the author I just translated and edited. The words, phrases, and sentences might differ from the original. I tried to keep them as close as the translation but had to add or take out some things. This way, it would be easier to understand the text in English. P.S: anything with “the author” in it is not related to me—just the actual author's thoughts, which usually come at the end of each chapter.

hope_hope · Urban
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166 Chs

Chapter 9 part 2

Just now, because Bo Zhu was introducing herself, Mo Jiao didn't come forward.

"Hello, I'm Mo Jiao; nice to meet you." Mo Jiao spoke generously and decently, without stage fright at all.

Zhao Youyou and Tu Siling had seen her shoes before and guessed that someone was there, but when they saw Mo Jiao, they were pretty surprised.

I didn't expect it to be such a girl.

[The program group knows how each of the eight guests has a different style. ]

[Looking at it now, I think Jiang Ying is the prettiest of the four female guests. ]

[Jiang Ying is already a blockbuster if she doesn't talk. Liang Jing was dumbfounded just now. ]

[Wen Ruqi's reaction is so strange; I feel he was surprised just now. ]

[This Mo Jiao looks a little naive. ]

Zhao Youyou smiled sweetly and said, "Hi, I'm Zhao Youyou; it's nice to meet you."

"Okay, Youyou, you can call me Jiaojiao."

The two looked at each other, and their smiles deepened.

Tu Siling: "My name is Tu Siling. You can call me Si Ling."

Jiang Ying: "Jiang Ying."

Mo Jiao nodded and exclaimed: "Wow, your names are so nice; it seems I am so ordinary."

"No, your name is nice too, Jiaojiao; how nice." Zhao Youyou walked to her side and said seriously.


"By the way, you haven't told Bo Zhu your names yet." Zhao Youyou changed the subject.

The male guests introduced themselves one by one.

During the introduction, Bo Zhu gave each of them gifts.

"Let me take you to store your luggage first. The room is over here. You stay with me." Xia Jiayun said.


"What did you have for dinner? Liang Jing cooked hot and sour rice noodles for me just now. It's so delicious that I finished it."

"I brought that hot and sour powder from Sichuan. It's delicious." Zhao Youyou said, looking at Liang Jing, but found that Liang Jing, who usually only pays attention to her, was staring at Jiang Ying.

Zhao Youyou's expression changed immediately.

"We ate Western food at night at a restaurant arranged by the program group, and we didn't know we had dinner with Bo Zhu until we got there." When Tu Siling said this, she was observing the expressions of other male guests.

Wen Ruqi asked casually, "Is it delicious?"

Tu Siling: "It's quite delicious."

Zhao Youyou looked at Wen Ruqi, "What about you? What did you eat?"

She was in a different state when she spoke to Wen Ruqi.

Wen Ruqi said, "I ordered takeaway."

Liang Jing: "You didn't come back, and we didn't know where you went, so we ordered takeaway."

Tu Siling: "When did Mo Jiao come?"

"It's not long since I came here, maybe half an hour." Mo Jiao said.

Tu Siling: "Have you looked at the room?"

"I just went in to put my luggage, but I didn't look carefully. Do we all live together?"

Zhao Youyou: "Yes, girls live in one dormitory, and boys live separately."

Tu Siling said: "But our room is huge, with two bathrooms and a cloakroom. Have you seen it?"

Mo Jiao: "I didn't notice."

Tu Siling: "I'll show you around the house later. We also have a theater and a game room, which are fun."

Mo Jiao smiled and said, "Okay."

She glanced at Jiang Ying, "I feel that Jiang Ying doesn't seem to like to talk."

Jiang Ying was suddenly caught by the cue, paused, and said: "There is also a study room; there are many interesting books in it."

Xia Jiayun and Bo Zhu heard Jiang Ying's words as soon as they came out.

Xia Jiayun laughed out loud, "Jiang Ying is the one among us who likes to read the most. She usually reads in the study room, and she doesn't like to talk."

Bo Zhu looked at Jiang Ying, "I usually read in my spare time, but nowadays, I am swamped."

Mo Jiao: "I've been reading a book recently, and I think it's not bad. "The Choice of Human Nature," I think it's very well written, and I'm almost finished."

Bo Zhu: "I've seen it, and it's not bad."

Mo Jiao looked at Bo Zhu seriously, "Then what else do you like to read, I just finished this book, and I don't know what to read."


In the love observation room.

Luo Wen said: "Mo Jiao is very good at rhythm; she has a high emotional intelligence."

Tan Yiyi nodded: "I also found out that she is very good at turning the topic to herself, and she is also very good at dropping the topic. It is obvious who she is interested in."

Sheng Xue asked, "Who do you think she is interested in?"

Tan Yiyi: "Bo Zhu, I think she looks at Bo Zhu differently."

Sheng Xue: "But when she first came in, I think she was quite proactive towards Wen Ruqi."

Luo Wen: "The arrival of Bo Zhu and Mo Jiao disrupted the whole rhythm. I think tonight's connection is difficult to guess. I can't even see who this Bo Zhu is interested in."

Bai Xu said: "He should give it to Tu Siling; they chatted so well in the car today."

Xu Che: "No, he only glanced at Tu Siling in the car, and he spoke very casually."

Bai Xu: "Really? Then who do you think Teacher Xu will give it to?"

Xu Che was about to speak, but after thinking about it, he still said, "Let's have a look again."


The eight people sitting together were even more crowded than before; Zhao Youyou and Mo Jiao sat on the carpet, hugging pillows.

Liang Jing moved a small bench and sat on the side. This is the classic occupation guessing session.

Newcomers Bo Zhu and Mo Jiao had to guess their occupations based on a short analysis of the six guests.

The six of them had announced their occupations on the fourth night, but the two newcomers didn't know it yet.

Tu Siling: "Guess what we do, and see who can guess right."

Mo Jiao also wanted to know everyone's occupations, so she nodded and said, "Okay, then let me guess first?"

Bo Zhu: "Okay, guess first, and I'll go later."

"Then you should give me some hints." Mo Jiao looked around, and her eyes fell on Wen Ruqi.