
(Quick transmigration)Queen of Fishing

As Mary Su, Jiang Ying, a natural charmer, always faces troubles because of her ways of hooking others. Until she is bound to the system, as long as someone has a great interest in her, she will become more and more beautiful. Jiang Ying: It seems like I don't need to do anything; those people will do everything for me without hesitation. Is it wrong to be liked by too many people? If so, the fault is that those people are too easy to take the bait. Fishing system: Refers to a person who is very tempting, attractive, and can firmly catch other people. Logicaly, The plot is bloody, the heroine is a scumbag, if you hate the setting, escape immediately and don't go looking for trouble. ----------------------------------------------- This book does not belong to me and all credit goes to the amazing author Author: Yu Weizhi I love all her work and only one is currently being translated I think Additional Note: I originally didn't write this. All credit goes to the author I just translated and edited. The words, phrases, and sentences might differ from the original. I tried to keep them as close as the translation but had to add or take out some things. This way, it would be easier to understand the text in English. P.S: anything with “the author” in it is not related to me—just the actual author's thoughts, which usually come at the end of each chapter.

hope_hope · Urban
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166 Chs

Chapter 5 part 1

Just as Jiang Ying finished speaking, Chang Wenwen's expression changed suddenly. She couldn't hide the astonishment on her face, and a dark and damp haze slowly appeared in her heart. The corners of her mouth were tightly pursed, and she said in a strange tone: "Judging from Fu Sennian's character, he seems to be calm and serious after all, so he probably doesn't like girls who are too charming."

Isn't that charming girl Jiang Ying?

This is not to say it implicitly.

It can be seen that Jiang Ying's words made Chang Wenwen a little impatient.

Jiang Ying smiled, "If you say that, he probably doesn't like me, but it just so happens that he chose me as his date tomorrow. It's extraordinary."

She smiled, looking soft and charming.

Even if they are both women, Chang Wenwen will look at her, distracted.

Chang Wenwen turned around with a cold face and said nothing.


The next day.

Everyone else left the cottage; Jiang Ying got up, walked out of the room, and Fu Sennian sat in the living room reading a book.

Today's weather is fine; Fu Sennian is wearing a white shirt, the curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows are all drawn, a large area of sunlight is shining on him, his skin is very white, and his whole body seems to be shrouded in soft light.

And because there happened to be a big tree outside the window, the colorful tree shadow trembled with the wind on his white shirt; he was wearing glasses and looked very serious while reading a book; Jiang Ying saw him stroke his glasses and then flipped the pages of the book.

She couldn't help but think of the four words "Time is quiet and good."

However, Fu Sennian soon heard footsteps, he turned his head slowly, saw Jiang Ying in pajamas, and put down the book in his hand.

"you're awake."

"That's right, didn't you say it's eleven o'clock? I calculated that it's almost ten o'clock." Jiang Ying smiled, "I just had a late sleep; what about the others?"

Fu Sennian: "The others have already set off, so you should also prepare."

Jiang Ying: "Okay, then you can read the book for a while; I will be very fast."

"Is half an hour enough?"

"No, change your clothes and take a shower. It will be fine in ten minutes."

Fu Sennian was a little puzzled. Did Jiang Ying not use makeup?

But he didn't ask; he just nodded and said hello.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Ying was ready and came out with her bag.

She was dressed differently today than usual. She was wearing a blue square-neck skirt, her hair was tied into two braids, she had no makeup on, and she looked very pure without makeup. She only applied a little lipstick and made her lips Crystal clear and pink.

Generally, girls with charming appearances are not suitable for this kind of dress, but Jiang Ying interprets another sort of youthful beauty; the girl's innocence is mixed with softness, and the beauty is not pure, but it is more mysterious and attractive.

Yesterday she asked Chang Wenwen what color Fu Sennian liked, and the answer she got was blue and green, and she wore blue today.

"Okay, let's go." Jiang Ying walked to Fu Sennian.

She was holding a small white embroidered bag in her hand. The embroidery was also blue, which matched her clothes very well. She was wearing the small cross-body bag, with one hand on the bag. When she walked over, she admitted a lively atmosphere.

Although she was pretending to be tender... Since her body exuded a sense of freshness from top to bottom, she felt this dress was very suitable for her, so she washed away the suspicion of pretending to be tender.

Fu Sennian stared at her big watery eyes, "It's pretty fast."

"Because I don't want you to wait." Jiang Ying said without scruples, "Does my skirt look good?"

Fu Sennian paused and subconsciously pushed his frame with his fingers, "It's pretty."

Jiang Ying looked at him with a smile.

Fu Sennian: "Let's go."

Jiang Ying: "Do you drive?"

Fu Sennian" "Yes. "

Jiang Ying: "Let's eat first; I'm so hungry."

Fu Sennian: "What do you want to eat?"

Jiang Ying: "I want to eat barbecue, the kind of self-service barbecue."

Fu Sennian thought for a while, "Let me see, where is it?"

Jiang Ying: "I know; let me open the navigation for you."

Fu Sennian: "No, just tell me which way to go."


The car was parked in the yard outside. It was Fu Sennian's car. It was a black car with a low-key style and a spacious interior. It looked like his style.

After getting in the car, Jiang Ying turned on her mobile phone to check the store's address and then told Fu Sennian the exact address.

Fu Sennian knew where it was as soon as he heard it.

"I see; fasten your seat belt, and let's go."

At the barbecue restaurant, Fu Sennian handed the order to Jiang Ying.

Jiang Ying ordered six or seven plates of meat and was still debating whether to call more.

Fu Sennian: "Do you have a good appetite? These should be enough for you; I can't eat much."

"Is it enough? Well, every time I order, my eyes are big, and my stomach is small. I always feel that there is not enough to eat, but I can't eat much." Jiang Ying said with an embarrassed face.

"That's enough, that's enough; you can add something else." Fu Sennian said softly, "Don't girls like desserts?"

Jiang Ying sighed; her tone was delicate and soft, and she looked at Fu Sennian with lingering eyes, "You say that; I'm worried that I won't be able to finish eating."

Fu Sennian: "You can order it if you want."

Jiang Ying: "What if I can't finish eating and waste it? Can you help me eat?"

Fu Sennian looked at her and slowly looked away, "If you can't finish eating, you can take it away."

Jiang Ying laughed out loud, "Okay, that's it."


After the meat came up, Jiang Ying passed the scissors clip to Fu Sennian.