
(Quick transmigration)Queen of Fishing

As Mary Su, Jiang Ying, a natural charmer, always faces troubles because of her ways of hooking others. Until she is bound to the system, as long as someone has a great interest in her, she will become more and more beautiful. Jiang Ying: It seems like I don't need to do anything; those people will do everything for me without hesitation. Is it wrong to be liked by too many people? If so, the fault is that those people are too easy to take the bait. Fishing system: Refers to a person who is very tempting, attractive, and can firmly catch other people. Logicaly, The plot is bloody, the heroine is a scumbag, if you hate the setting, escape immediately and don't go looking for trouble. ----------------------------------------------- This book does not belong to me and all credit goes to the amazing author Author: Yu Weizhi I love all her work and only one is currently being translated I think Additional Note: I originally didn't write this. All credit goes to the author I just translated and edited. The words, phrases, and sentences might differ from the original. I tried to keep them as close as the translation but had to add or take out some things. This way, it would be easier to understand the text in English. P.S: anything with “the author” in it is not related to me—just the actual author's thoughts, which usually come at the end of each chapter.

hope_hope · Urban
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166 Chs

Chapter 19 part 1

Seeing Jiang Ying's silence, Bo Zhu smiled and said, "If you don't want to go, you can refuse."

"No, it's ok."

"Then it's done; I'll pick you up tomorrow."

"Since it's tomorrow, why are you giving me this now?" Jiang Ying asked.

Bo Zhu was stunned for a moment, then quickly smiled and said, "Because I suddenly wanted to ask you out earlier for fear of being intercepted."

Jiang Ying: "How could that be?"

Bo Zhu shook his head, "Yes, it's true; I'll go to work first."

Jiang Ying: "Okay, see you at home tonight."

"Well, see you later."


After separating from Bo Zhu, the shyness and embarrassment on Jiang Ying's face disappeared instantly.

She wiped her lips, took out the mirror, and looked at her tongue; it was boiling.

When Bo Zhu took out the date card, she was pretty surprised.

According to Bo Zhu's performance in the past two days, she thought that Bo Zhu would wait a little longer, but she didn't expect him to take it out now.

However, it is also understandable that it is not too early at this time, and it is still essential to seize the opportunity.

Moreover, Jiang Ying hasn't sent a text message to Bo Zhu.

Bo Zhu didn't ask her out tonight, so he must have another date tonight.

When Bo Zhu said tomorrow night, she immediately realized it.

Thinking about how Tu Siling dressed up in the room this morning, everything added up.


In the afternoon, Jiang Ying returned to the hut early.

The experiment ended early today, so she went to the supermarket to buy some things and came back.

It was her turn to cook again, and the person who cooked with her tonight was Wen Ruqi again. It wasn't him at first, but there were always people who didn't come back two nights ago, so the order changed, and today it became the two of them again.

She went to buy vegetables and came back, and not long after, Xia Jiayun also came back.

He also carried a big bag in his hand, which was full of snacks and fruits.

Xia Jiayun went straight to the kitchen after entering the door and saw Jiang Ying standing at the dining table arranging the things she bought; he smiled and said, "Have you gone to the supermarket too?"

Jiang Ying turned around, "Yes, you bought a lot of food."

Xia Jiayun also put the bag in his hand on the table, "See if there is anything you like."

Jiang Ying: "Let's see, in a while, I'll put the vegetables in the refrigerator first."

Xia Jiayun: "I'll help you."

Jiang Ying: "OK."

After all the dishes were put in, Xia Jiayun asked, "Are you going to cook later?"

"Yes, Wen Ruqi and I are on the schedule tonight." Jiang Ying said directly.

Xia Jiayun's expression changed, and he didn't continue the topic, "Then call me if you need my help."


Xia Jiayun hesitated for a moment; seeing that there was no one else in the kitchen, he took out the paper that he had been carrying all day from his pocket.

"This is for you."

When Jiang Ying saw the date card, her eyes widened, "This is?"

Xia Jiayun: "Are you free tomorrow night? Let's go to the cinema to watch a movie together. A horror movie with a good score was released. If you can, I'll buy a ticket."

In fact, he had bought the tickets a long time ago, the best viewing spot he had chosen, but to avoid putting pressure on Jiang Ying, he said he didn't buy them.

Jiang Ying: "But..."

Xia Jiayun's heart rose, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Ying: "But I have something to do tomorrow night."

Xia Jiayun was stunned; what's the matter? What's up? According to the rules of the program group, this is unacceptable. According to his understanding of Jiang Ying, she doesn't have much social life. If she has something to do tomorrow night, it means she has been asked out.

Someone beat him to an appointment with Jiang Ying tomorrow night.

Xia Jiayun's face was a bit ugly, but he still held his breath and said in a low voice: "It's okay. Can we choose another day? The night after tomorrow?"

Jiang Ying: "Okay, that's fine."

Xia Jiayun: "Then the day after tomorrow, I'll buy tickets. I'll pick you up from school when you finish. I'll have dinner first and then go to the movies."

Jiang Ying: "OK."

Xia Jiayun heaved a sigh of relief, but the big rock in his heart still hadn't let go. He wondered who invited Jiang Ying, "Then you put this away."

However, we will know who will come back later tomorrow night.

Just as the two were saying this, Wen Ruqi also came back.

Coincidentally, he also bought a bunch of vegetables.

Seeing that Jiang Ying and Xia Jiayun were both in the kitchen, he frowned and asked, "Is it my turn to cook today?"

Xia Jiayun narrowed his eyes, "Yeah, I helped Jiang Ying wash the vegetables before you came back."

Wen Ruqi nodded and then took the vegetables he bought to the refrigerator, but when he opened the fridge, he found it was packed.

The capacity of more than 500 liters can be filled to the brim; thanks to their recent purchase, they bought it quietly without saying anything before buying it.

There are several bags of peaches in the refrigerator. Liang Jing bought them at first, and then Xia Jiayun also bought them. They ate slowly, and now they are piled up in the fridge, taking up so much space.

"Have you all bought vegetables?" Wen Ruqi asked.

Jiang Ying glanced at Wen Ruqi and said nothing.

Xia Jiayun: "Yes, everyone bought it."

Wen Ruqi said helplessly, "Okay, I can only do more today."

Xia Jiayun: "Let's discuss it before buying to avoid such a situation. The ingredients in the refrigerator seem to be duplicated."

Wen Ruqi: "Well, that's how it should be."

Jiang Ying glanced at the refrigerator and said, "Why don't you continue to eat hot pot tonight? So many vegetables, it would be a waste if we don't eat them."

Xia Jiayun looked inside, "It's fine, but who won't be coming back today? Did anyone inform you guys"

Jiang Ying said directly: "Bo Zhu and Tu Siling are not coming back; they seem to have something to do."

[These two must be dating! ]

[But how did Jiang Ying know? ]

[Bo Zhu probably told Jiang Ying in the morning. ]

Jiang Ying and Bo Zhu were not filmed by anyone from the show on the way out, so the audience didn't know that they went to eat wontons together.

"What about the others? Will they all come back?" Wen Ruqi asked.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard footsteps.

Liang Jing is back.

Holding eight cups of milk tea in his hand, he walked in and said, "I'm back."

Mo Jiao also heard the voice and came out of the room.

"Wow, why did you buy so much milk tea?" Mo Jiao said in surprise.

"I bought it for everyone to drink together. This store is tough to line up. My friend and I queued for a long time. He bought six cups, and I bought eight." Liang Jing said with a smile. He looked around the room, " What about the other people?"

"I don't know. Probably in the kitchen?"

The two walked towards the kitchen together, and when they came in, they saw Jiang Ying, Wen Ruqi, and Xia Jiayun huddled together

"Are the three of you cooking?" Mo Jiao turned her eyes to them.

Liang Jing went to see Jiang Ying first.

Xia Jiayun: "We were discussing whether we should have hot pot together at night since we bought a lot of dishes."

Mo Jiao: "I can do hot pot, but didn't you say you had it recently?"

Wen Ruqi: "Fortunately, I don't get tired of eating hot pot, but Tu Siling and Bo Zhu will not come back tonight because they have something to do. If you have no problem, we can."

Liang Jing said: "Jiang Ying, you can't eat spicy food, right?"

Liang Jing's words were slightly too directional, and everyone's expressions were somewhat subtle.