
(Quick transmigration)Queen of Fishing

As Mary Su, Jiang Ying, a natural charmer, always faces troubles because of her ways of hooking others. Until she is bound to the system, as long as someone has a great interest in her, she will become more and more beautiful. Jiang Ying: It seems like I don't need to do anything; those people will do everything for me without hesitation. Is it wrong to be liked by too many people? If so, the fault is that those people are too easy to take the bait. Fishing system: Refers to a person who is very tempting, attractive, and can firmly catch other people. Logicaly, The plot is bloody, the heroine is a scumbag, if you hate the setting, escape immediately and don't go looking for trouble. ----------------------------------------------- This book does not belong to me and all credit goes to the amazing author Author: Yu Weizhi I love all her work and only one is currently being translated I think Additional Note: I originally didn't write this. All credit goes to the author I just translated and edited. The words, phrases, and sentences might differ from the original. I tried to keep them as close as the translation but had to add or take out some things. This way, it would be easier to understand the text in English. P.S: anything with “the author” in it is not related to me—just the actual author's thoughts, which usually come at the end of each chapter.

hope_hope · Urban
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166 Chs

Chapter 18 part 1

Gu Chen: "Designer Xu should be clear about this kind of thing."

Xu Cangxing: "That may require Mr. Gu to explain; what is this kind of thing?"

Gu Chen sneered, showing his sharpness.

Seeing the two talking more and more intensely, Jiang Ying interrupted them, "Talk slowly, I'll go out first."

When two fish fight, others suffer.

Although these two people are doing this for her attention, she doesn't want to be burned by the flames of war. Jiang Ying has seen too much of this kind of excitement.

Her highest record is a group of more than a dozen people fighting for her. At first, they were friendly, but later they quarreled and finally got into a big fight. She couldn't persuade them and was almost accidentally injured. (T/N I am dead girl said a dozen☠️)

Since then, when Jiang Ying encountered such a situation, she would run away, out of sight and out of mind.

Hearing that Jiang Ying was leaving, Xu Cangxing's expression changed, but since Gu Chen was here, he couldn't tell Jiang Ying what was in his heart, so he didn't stop her.

Gu Chen came here to find Jiang Ying, but after hearing Xu Cangxing's words just now, he changed his mind.

"Do you have time, Designer Xu? Come to my office for a cup of coffee and chat."

Xu Cangxing frowned, not knowing what Gu Chen was up to.

Gu Chen looked at Jiang Ying, "Jiang Ying, do you want to come too?"

Jiang Ying raised her eyebrows, thinking Gu Chen was trying to make trouble.

Invite her to a good show?

She is not this leisurely and elegant.

"I'm not going; I have something else to do."

As long as she's not there, it doesn't matter if they fight as much as they want.

"Talk if you want." After she finished speaking, she closed the door and left.

Only Gu Chen and Xu Cangxing were left in the room.

Gu Chen seemed slightly disappointed, "Then Xu Cangxing, come here; I believe we still have something to discuss."

Xu Cangxing narrowed his eyes, "If you have anything to say, you can talk about it here; we don't need to drink coffee."

There was a trace of determination in his eyes; if he were asked to give up Jiang Ying, he would never agree.

If war is declared, he will gladly accept it, and he will also show that he will never back down.

Gu Chen stared at Xu Cangxing, "Alright."

The two looked at each other and then sat on each side of the conference table, drawing the boundary as if they were in court.

The atmosphere in the meeting room instantly became tense. The curtains of the blinds were not drawn down, and the situation inside could be seen from outside.

Many people were looking this way, but Jiang Ying, the person involved, didn't care at all.

The two stayed in the conference room for more than ten minutes and still haven't come out.

When Jiang Ying went to the tea room to pour tea, she happened to hear other people talking about it.

She subconsciously glanced towards the meeting room.

The sitting postures of Xu Cangxing and Gu Chen didn't seem to have moved from the beginning, and the two faces were frozen in confrontation. This scene was hilarious. (T/N: oh my God f***ing, imagine that. They have been staring at each other for 10 minutes😂)

And in the past ten minutes, the system's notification sound kept ringing, and the greed value of Gu Chen and Xu Cangxing continued to increase.

Jiang Ying, who initially didn't want to know the content of their conversation, suddenly became interested.

She made two cups of tea and carried them on a tray to the conference room.


Xu Cangxing: "If Jiang Ying chooses you, I will bless you guys, but that doesn't mean I will leave. Whenever she needs it, I will protect her."

"I'm afraid you don't have this chance."

"If it's for Jiang Ying, I don't have to have this opportunity, but...Jiang Ying may not choose you."

Gu Chen crossed his arms and stared into Xu Cangxing's eyes, "She will definitely choose me; she is mine; you don't have to be concerned at all."

Xu Cangxing was not afraid, "Mr. Gu is too confident. It is too early to say such things now. After Jiang Ying divorces, there will naturally be an answer."

Gu Chen: "Then I will send you an invitation to attend my wedding with Jiang Ying."

Xu Cangxing stood up and stared at Gu Chen coldly. This sentence irritated him, but soon he calmed down and counterattacked: "President Gu said this too early, I will marry Jiang Ying, and I will be the one sending you an invitation; Mr. Gu must come when the time comes. If Mr. Gu is willing, he can also be the best man."

(T/N: 😏)

Gu Chen's eyes became colder and colder, and he snorted coldly, "We'll see then, but I want to remind you that the company didn't invite you here to discuss your relationships."

Xu Cangxing: "Mr. Gu, don't worry; I will never be distracted during working hours."

Gu Chen: "That's good."

Xu Cangxing, "Actually, Mr. Gu, you can let me leave the project. Wouldn't it be better to isolate me from meeting Jiang Ying?"

Gu Chen said disdainfully: "I still don't have this principle. I separate work and personal relationships. It would be best if you'd do the same."

There was a knock on the door, and Jiang Ying pushed it open and walked in.

"Aren't you guys thirsty after talking for so long? I made two cups of tea. Do you want to drink?"

The undercurrent between the two dissipated instantly, and the stormy sea became calm and waveless.

"Okay, I just happened to be thirsty." Gu Chen walked to Jiang Ying's side.

Xu Cangxing was a step slower but walked over immediately.

The two were very tall, and so when Jiang Ying was put in the middle, she was not able to even turn sideways.

On Jiang Ying's left is Xu Cangxing, and on her right is Gu Chen.

She was holding a tray in her hand, Gu Chen took a glass, and Jiang Ying handed the other glass to Xu Cangxing.

Because of Jiang Ying's actions, Xu Cangxing's expression relaxed, but Gu Chen's expression darkened.

The two men looked at each other from a position above Jiang Ying's head; they became nervous once they couldn't see her expression.

Feeling that the atmosphere was not right, Jiang Ying turned around and bumped into Gu Chen. The teacup in his hand was tilted, but it happened to spill on Xu Cangxing's clothes.

"Sorry, my hands are slipped."

Jiang Ying looked at Xu Cangxing with concern, "It's my fault. Did you get burned?"

Seeing that Jiang Ying was concerned about him, Xu Cangxing shook his head gently, "I'm fine, It's not hot."

"Why Wouldn't it be hot? It's tea made recently from boiling water." Jiang Ying frowned.

Xu Cangxing: "It's fine."

Gu Chen looked at the two of them and said in a low tone: "Xu Cangxing should go and have a look; maybe you did get burned."

Xu Cangxing: "Don't bother Mr. Gu; Mr. Gu, just don't spill your drink next time."


Jiang Yue received a call from a lawyer.

Gu Chen sued her for violating the agreement maliciously, demanded the termination of the contract, and compensated 10 million liquidated damages.

At the same time, the divorce agreement was sent.

Jiang Yue decided to find Gu Chen to negotiate a peaceful settlement. She couldn't bear the possibility of losing the lawsuit and 10 million.

But she contacted Gu Chen's lawyer and said she wanted to negotiate. Still, the attitude on their side was very tough, as if they had no intention of a peaceful settlement at all and insisted on a lawsuit.

Jiang Yue's lawyer advised her to have a good talk with Gu Chen; after all, it was for her own good. Otherwise, she would be the one who would suffer if there was a lawsuit.

The lawyer Gu Chen hired was a well-known barrister, and it was said that he had never failed.

Facing someone like Gu Chen, she had no other choice but to beg him. In the end, after finally meeting, Gu Chen's attitude was also extremely indifferent, and he only gave her two minutes to finish speaking.

Jiang Yue took a deep breath and made it clear why she had come.

Gu Chen sneered, "Are you finished? So what do you want?"

"Please let me go. I will sign the divorce agreement. Can you not pursue the breach of contract?"

Hearing Jiang Yue's words, Gu Chen raised his eyebrows, "Why don't you ask Jiang Ying about this matter? If she is willing to forgive you, I can let you go."

Jiang Yue's face was hideous.

Asking her to beg Jiang Ying made her feel dying was a better option.


Cheng Sinian has been working hard for a while to help the company in its crisis but to no avail. On the contrary, his company is about to go bankrupt under the pressure of Gu's Group and Jiang's Group. If he refuses to agree to the divorce, he may lose his company.

The elders in the family also began to put pressure on him, forcing him to divorce.