
(Quick transmigration)Queen of Fishing

As Mary Su, Jiang Ying, a natural charmer, always faces troubles because of her ways of hooking others. Until she is bound to the system, as long as someone has a great interest in her, she will become more and more beautiful. Jiang Ying: It seems like I don't need to do anything; those people will do everything for me without hesitation. Is it wrong to be liked by too many people? If so, the fault is that those people are too easy to take the bait. Fishing system: Refers to a person who is very tempting, attractive, and can firmly catch other people. Logicaly, The plot is bloody, the heroine is a scumbag, if you hate the setting, escape immediately and don't go looking for trouble. ----------------------------------------------- This book does not belong to me and all credit goes to the amazing author Author: Yu Weizhi I love all her work and only one is currently being translated I think Additional Note: I originally didn't write this. All credit goes to the author I just translated and edited. The words, phrases, and sentences might differ from the original. I tried to keep them as close as the translation but had to add or take out some things. This way, it would be easier to understand the text in English. P.S: anything with “the author” in it is not related to me—just the actual author's thoughts, which usually come at the end of each chapter.

hope_hope · Urban
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166 Chs

Chapter 17 part 1

"Isn't that the president's wife? Why did the president protect Designer Jiang instead?"

"That's right, maybe the president's wife is here to catch..."

"No way, she obviously came to look for Designer Xu."

"Look at how the CEO looks at Designer Jiang; it's so sweet and possessive."

"No way, the president is married, and Designer Jiang is also married."


Xu Cangxing stood aside, listening to the whispered discussion of these colleagues; his face was expressionless, and his eyes fell directly on Jiang Ying; seeing that she was fine, he didn't go forward.

At this time, he was still thinking about Jiang Ying's reputation. If he went to ask for an explanation, it would only add topics for others to chat about, and it would not benefit Jiang Ying or him.

Although Xu Cangxing felt very disappointed and uncomfortable, he still turned his head and left the scene.

Xu Cangxing returned to the conference room, there was no one in it, and everyone went out to watch the fun.

He looked at a table full of documents and closed his eyes. The image of Gu Chen pulling Jiang Ying just appeared in his mind. The way Gu Chen looked at Jiang Ying did not need any explanation; he could see clearly.

Those eyes were full of possessiveness and greed.

His thoughts on Jiang Ying are definitely not pure.

What Jiang Yue said also rang in his ears. At this time, Xu Cangxing still wanted to deceive himself, but it was impossible. Was what Jiang Yue said true?

Thinking of this, Xu Cangxing shook his head and smiled at himself desolately.

He said to himself: "Even if this is the case, so what? Obviously, I am the one pestering Jiang Ying."

Every time it was him who he took the initiative to contact her, he himself asked Jiang Ying for WeChat, and once he saw Jiang Ying posting in Moments(pictures), he was reminded of his past feelings, so he couldn't help caring about her, and later Jiang Ying also rejected him, it was him who restrained himself in order not to push Jiang Ying away with his feelings.

That's why, when Jiang Yue said in front of him that Jiang Ying used him just now, he didn't listen at all. Of course, he didn't need to explain these things to Jiang Yue.

In his eyes, Jiang Yue was nothing, and he didn't want to say a word to her.

All he cared about was Jiang Ying's feelings.

He cares whether Jiang Ying has him in her heart or if he and Gu Chen are just tools to her. Will Jiang Ying choose him or Gu Chen in the end or...will she choose neither.

These questions made Xu Cangxing feel very heavy.

He tried to pick up the materials, trying to calm himself down and divert his attention, but he couldn't do it at all.

Those materials and drawings all became Jiang Ying's name in his eyes.

Xu Cangxing took a few deep breaths and finally called out Jiang Ying's name with a wry smile.


Seeing that many people outside were looking this way, Gu Chen closed the door.

There were only three of them in the room.

Jiang Yue's voice lacked confidence, "I came here to find Xu Cangxing; I didn't look for Jiang Ying at all."

She knew that Gu Chen was so angry because she saw that she was about to hit Jiang Ying just now, but she didn't come here to trouble Jiang Ying; it was Jiang Ying who came to provoke her.

"Looking for Xu Cangxing?" Gu Chen looked at her coldly, with a mocking smile on his lips.

Jiang Yue swallowed, suddenly feeling even more guilty.

Indeed, she ran to Gu Chen's company to find Xu Cangxing because she didn't take Gu Chen seriously.

But... Gu Chen blatantly got Jiang Ying to work under his nose. Wasn't this even worse?

The two were fake couples in the first place, and now they are tearing their faces apart and want to divorce. Who wants to give the other face?

Jiang Yue gritted her teeth and said, "Yes, I have something to do with him; why are you only allowed to find Jiang Ying? Can't I find Xu Cangxing?"

Gu Chen: "Of course, but...you seem to have forgotten whose place this is."

Gu Chen's tone was so cold that Jiang Yue felt a gust of cool air rushing from behind.

She shrank her neck, blinked her eyes, and changed the subject, "I agree to the divorce, but you haven't forgotten the breach of the contract written in the agreement, have you?"

Gu Chen: "Of course, I won't forget."

"Ten million; I'll go through the formalities with you when it arrives." Jiang Yue suddenly gained confidence when he mentioned the ten million.

Gu Chen: "Oh, ten million."

Jiang Yue: "You don't want to renege on your debt, do you? It's written in black and white."

If he dared not give it, Jiang Yue would dare to sue him.

"Of course, there will be 10 million, but I will not give it to you; you will give it to me."

"I give you???"

Jiang Yue thought she had heard wrong.

"I suggest you go back and take a closer look at Article 5 of the agreement. If one of the two parties maliciously violates the agreement, the other party can terminate the agreement at any time and demand compensation of 10 million liquidated damages from the other party."

Gu Chen added this item on purpose.

As a businessman, there is nothing wrong with business; how could he let Jiang Yue get so many benefits for nothing?