
(Please?) Pick Us

"Why did we have to reincarnate as UNDATABLE GUYS IN A DARN DATING GAME?!" Four Friends after an accidental death find themselves stuck in a purgatory where the only way to get out is to charm a girl that they are pretty sure that isn't human or be stuck in the purgatory forever. After they go on to fail multiple times they get an incentive that if they suceed only one of them will be able to accomplish their deepest desire. If you expect this to be a idyllic story about how a girl falls in love with a hot lad then you are in the wrong. Otome games/Dating Sims usually focuses on the generic main char.jpg since they are the ones that the reader has to relate too. Yet what if we look at it from the perspective of the suitors - Suddenly after two or three encounters they have some sort of crush to a girl that hobbies include hanging around with three or more people. It gets even worse where the girl has read dozens of romance stories. So do treat this work as an Anti-Romantic Comedy. I also enjoy placing references and cursing so expect that.

its_joules · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Extra Curricular P1.

The ******************* Highschool had quite a lot of clubs to be managed by the student council, if they needed any extra help, funding or just anything they would turn to the council for requests. Ray didn't mind, sure it also meant panic at the school festivals, sports matches, open days and proposals on how to improve the high school experience but for now all he had to do was carry a few boxes to the auditorium. He also wasn't alone, Emil tagged along too.

The rain was singing outside, caressing the windows filling the silence between the both of them. Ray voluntarily preferred it like this - Is this still the Emil I know, Ray asked to no one, will these experiences drift us all apart?

"You know Ray, you sure do carry a lot on your shoulders. You are always so cool" Emil's compliment would slowly degrade down into him bringing more self-pity than anything onto the table. Seems this wasn't a case anytime soon

You have to believe that Ray always wants the best for his friend, he was always able to hear Emil out, explain the worksheet or Coach him but he couldn't change Emil. Worst of all Ray couldn't even bring himself to dislike Emil or to really snap at him as Emil never meant any harm to him or the rest of them when going to them about their problems. Emil idolised them in different ways often to no actual change.

Ray bit his tongue, he wouldn't dare to look his friend in the eye, for he wanted to grieve. Instead, he didn't know when he'll be alone to cry over his last love - bet you didn't see that coming. However, Ray did have a girlfriend, by definition. She was quite a -

"Oh! Ray~ Thank you so much! I hope they weren't too heavy for you and your friend" They assumed that the girl was one of the members of the drama club, they doubted they would see her again so they didn't pay much attention to her presence.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Emil.", he gave a slight nod to go alongside it.

Ray thought that Emil's introduction was really smooth and found himself impressed with his friend's courage, it gave him hope that maybe Emil will truly be independent on his own and able to walk his own path. An urge to give him a thumbs-up rushed through him as he kept looking at his friend with glee.

Emil noticed Ray's joy and he felt happy enough to look like a puppy looking at his owner with all of the admiration in the world.

"Thank you, again..."

The other girl just looked at both of them strangely with an aura pushing her away from a scene that she clearly didn't belong in and started taking the luggage inside.

They didn't seem to mind and made their way back to the council room to pick up few things.

"Emil, I'm so happy for you - you actually talked to a girl"

"I guess I did? Albeit, I will never be on your level Ray."

Just like that Ray turned the conversation and brought up how nice the rain was for once. Emil agreed with him and asked about walking together to the dorms, Ray acted like he was busy and Emil believed him-

"Thank you for always sticking around with me you know, but I think I will be able to manage better now."

Ray opened the council room, it was a little office with two couches in the centre with a coffee table in the middle there was a coffee table. At the other end, you had another table with few chairs for each member while at the walls you had a filing cabinet, a printer and few bookshelves with a bin filled with snack plastic wraps.

"What are we here for?" Emil asked

"I'm pretty sure there's an umbrella here." Ray kept peeking around looking for it.

"Oh, okay, Can I check the cabinet as it's kinda full?"

"Go ahead"

Emil did go ahead and he found a bunch of letters, all tilted in cursive and addressed to Ray, He picked up the first one as there seemed to be something inside.-

"Okay, got it!"

Emil looked at his friend with shame. He realised that it was a love letter that wasn't addressed to him.

"Do you know about these letters?" Emil interrogated, he was slightly jealous of his friend which nagged him with unease.

"I keep getting them everywhere, from my bag, class desk or here - I'm also pretty sure that they are from different girls, but they never leave their names, but they leave snacks or small items."

There was a knock on the door, Ray welcomed them in there were two girls that they have also never seen before they were flustered and asked them out for a coffee, there was a little "urgent and limited time only" as apparently, Ray tutored them. Emil looked at him for answers to which Ray couldn't provide. Instead, they communicated through silent glares -

"Listen, you could go out with them and enjoy yourself"

"W-wait, Ray why?"

"Shut up! You are going"

The pair smiled and Ray gave away Emil. It was a fair exchange to everyone but Emil as he looked with fear when leaving Ray back.

Little did Ray know that he will come to regret this decision.