"Wow... This place is beautiful!" Uraraka marveled.
"Yeah, my parents bought it a few years back, we lent it to Ikari after we fought him. Trust me, it's a looooong story." I replied.
"Huh, I didn't know you were a rich kid, Alyx." Kirishima noted.
I nodded at him, "My family is of wealth, being that they were the former number 3's in America before they retired. I guess they still had merchandise and other things selling left and right."
We entered the resort building, it felt like there were hundreds of people here! I found my family, Kariya brought along with him...
"W-Wait... YOU'RE DATING MT. LADY?!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah, I knew you were gonna act like this..." Kariya sighed.
Honestly, out of the things I could've expected, I guess I hadn't planned on this being one of them.
"Izuku!" I heard a man call out.
I looked over to him, there was his Mother and... His Father! He was a near spitting image of Deku! Deku greeted him with a big smile and a hearty laugh. They both embraced, Bakugo's Mother and Father came over to them to chat. Deku's Father looked over at me and smiled.
"Hey, you're that kid I've heard so much about. Leonidus, was it?" He asked.
Bakugo's parents looked over at me, his Mother lowered her eyebrow, "Yeah, Alyx Leonidus. You've got quite the Quirk from what I've heard."
"O-Oh? Whaaat? It's nothing really." I bashfully laughed.
"Jiro, Mom! Look! They've got beans here!" I heard Kaminari shout.
Jiro and his Mother looked at each other, I guess they both had quite a bit in common by the way they looked! I conversed more with the Midoriya's and the Bakugo's, I couldn't help but notice that there was a woman talking to Mineta, she was holding his hand and everything! Hmm... Something was off here. I approached the two after finishing my conversation.
"Oh, Alyx, there you are! I'd like you to meet my girlfriend!" He smirked.
G-Girlfriend?! Has he been hiding her this entire time? She looked and smiled brightly at me.
"Hello! My name is Amari Yoriko, it's a pleasure to meet you!" She greeted.
I bowed slightly, "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Yoriko!"
"I-INOSUKE! DON'T DO THAT YOU IDIOT!!" I heard Uncle Zenitsu shout.
I heard him cackle as he devoured a huge chunk of one of the 10 layered cakes! I shook my head and sighed, I saw Great Grandpa try and drag him away.
"Gosh, speaking of cake, I'll be right back babe. Just hang tight." Mineta told his girlfriend.
Mineta left to go somewhere, I stood there with Yuriko, I activated my Overdrive in my fingers and touched her arm. I put my hand back into my pocket as I kept my Overdrive on my fingertips.
"So, I'm assuming you really aren't his girlfriend?" I asked telepathically.
"H-Huh? What do you mean? Of course I am, also, how are you doing this?" She responded.
I gestured her to walked with me with my head, "Come on, let's go somewhere to talk."
I started walking towards one of the balconies, she closed the door behind her and stood next to me.
"Honestly, I'm surprised you've even lasted this long around him. Not trying to be rude, but I wouldn't expect you to be with someone like him. Which brings me to what I asked you." I spoke up.
She didn't say anything to me. I leaned against the balcony and sighed.
"I do have to thank you though, I'm sure it's against the rules to even be doing this. He truly does need this confidence boost, being with someone like you even if it's a trial, that's something he can learn from." I continued.
"Wait, you... You know that I'm a rental girlfriend?" Yuriko wondered.
"Uh huh, I could see it plain as day, mostly because of your body language. It honestly takes a lot of guts to do something like that, I don't even want to know the number of creeps you've met." I confirmed.
I pulled my wallet out and handed her ยฅ150,000, "Here, I think this should cover as a thank you and an apology for doing this. Although I wouldn't really call this a secluded location, but still, I understand if it does count."
She took the money from me and marveled at it. She looked back up at me, almost as if she thought I was joking.
"Thank you, but... How do you know so much about this?" Yuriko asked.
"I thought about using this service myself quite a while ago. I actually stumbled across you, so I guess that's why you looked a bit familiar to me." I explained.
"Oh... I see." She replied.
We walked back into the main room, it's almost as if Mineta was by himself. He was doing hounding over Momo, I looked at Yuriko and made my way towards him. I stood directly behind him and glared down at him. He froze in place right before he grabbed one of Momo's legs. He slowly and shakily turned his head to look at me.
"H-H-Hey... Alyx..." He nervously smiled.
"Whatcha doin', Mineta?" I wondered.
He slowly scooted toward Yuriko and away from Momo. I looked over and saw waiters coming out with trays of alcohol? It kind of looked like it to me, unless they were something completely different.
"Huh, looks like they've got booze, sweet." Kariya noted.
"Weeeell... I guess someone's gonna have to get everyone to the boat then." Annie added.
"Yeah, it wouldn't surprise me if that happens." I agreed.
I felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked over and saw Momo standing behind me.
"Hey, Alyx, I'd like to discuss something with you." Momo told me.
I nodded and followed her out to the lobby area. Before she said anything, she handed the ring I gave her back to me.
"Huh? Is something wrong?" I asked.
"I... I've given it a lot of thought recently and... I don't think we should see each other anymore. I have a reason but I don't know if I can bring myself to say it. I'm truly sorry, Alyx." She confessed.
"Oh, that's okay, I understand! I'll go give this to Ikari so he can hold onto it for me until we leave." I replied.
Momo nodded at me, "Okay, thank you, Alyx."
As she walked away from me, it was like everything had ended right then and there, my entire body felt numb. I dropped the ring onto the ground then walked outside towards the yacht all of us came in on. I entered one of the bedrooms and slowly climbed into one of the beds that were next to a wall. As much as I felt like crying, I couldn't bring myself to do it. I just laid there, staring blankly at the wall in front of me with the blanket up to my cheek.
[Several Hours Later...]
I heard the door to the room open which woke me up from my sleep. I looked over and saw Laura standing there with concern on her face.
"A-Aly? Are you...?" She wondered.
I didn't say a word to her as she stopped talking. Laura sat down on the bed as I started to sit up. We didn't say anything to each other for a bit.
"I'm sorry that I didn't get you anything for your birthday yesterday, Laura." I spoke up.
"It's alright, I didn't want to celebrate it this year anyway." She told me.
I looked away from Laura. There was an unusual silence between the two of us.
I looked down at my feet, "I've been questioning a lot since I've came back. Since I've talked to Chandelier, it's made me think a lot more about everything. Do you wanna know the worst part? In the midst of everything that's happened so far, I've almost forgotten about you, almost as if I lost my memory again."
Laura moved closer to me; I couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt. Or maybe, just maybe, it was a sense of stupidity coming from me.
"Alyx... Can I... Can I be completely, 100% honest with you right now?" Laura spoke up.
I nodded at her and she sighed before continuing, "I... I still love you. More than just friends, like how we used to be. I know it'll never happen again between us but I can't keep bottling up these feelings anymore. I also tried to step in to stop them from doing those tests on you constantly."
"Y-You did?" I wondered.
"Yes, but they didn't listen to me. I tried to reach out for help from everyone else but they never believed a word I said. Kendo, Monoma, Tetsutetsu, all of us in the other class talked to Vlad King about it, he had no idea that they were doing those things to test your Quirk out." She explained.
Her fists began to slowly tighten as they trembled, I saw teardrops fall from her face and dampen the blanket and her legs. I quickly hugged her as tightly as I could as I wrapped the blanket around the both of us.
"Thank you... Thank you so much..." I spoke softly.
Laura's grip tightened on the back of my shirt. At this point, I felt like telling my Mother to forget about staying here, that it was a better idea to move back to Nevada. I remembered the smiling faces of Joshua, Sheyenne, and Karson, they would never do anything like this. We weren't that far from Nevada as it was, so maybe... I got up with Laura in my arms.
"Where are we going, Alyx?" Laura questioned.
"Home." I responded.
I activated Gear Five and took off towards Nevada. I wasn't going to stay there, as much as I wanted to. It took us about 20 Minutes to get there due to how fast I was able to go in Gear Five. We looked down towards the town with old memories, I wonder how much has changed? I searched for their Heat Energies, all three of them were together, I made my way towards where I felt them. I landed down behind them, I guess they were out camping, like what we always did.
"Yeah, like I was saying, the fish market stocks are-" Joshua stopped as he gazed over at me.
Laura hopped down from me, Joshua stood up and grinned, Karson & Sheyenne turned their heads to look at me as well.
"H-Hey, man! Long time no see, what are you doing here?" Karson beamed.
I simply stared at them; their smiles quickly turned into concern as I fell to my knees. They hurried over and embraced me.
"Alyx, are you alright? What's wrong?" Sheyenne worried.
"So much... So fucking much..." I softly wept.
Joshua looked up at Laura, "Holy shit, you're alive?!"
I heard Sheyenne smack the back of his head. I sat there and cried into them, there was just so much that I could tell them, but what would I even say? It's things like this that make me wonder how easy it would've been if I was Quirkless. Would I even be dealing with any of this, not to mention the plethora of other things?
[50 Minutes Later...]
I was back on the boat, alone this time, I guess the only company I could say I had were my thoughts. I leaned against the side of it as I looked out towards the horizon that was glistening from the moonlight.
"Alyx." I heard my Mother call out.
I looked to my left, there stood my Mother and Father. I returned my gaze to the horizon.
"Did you two have to deal with this when you were training to become heroes?" I asked.
They didn't answer me, but I could already tell that their answer was going to be "No".
"I figured as much. I'm assuming Laura told you both about everything, yes? Then you'll understand how I might be feeling. But let me be honest with you..." I continued.
I looked at them and gave them an empty feeling smile, "That gives me time."
"Alyx, sweetheart, time for what?" My Mother wondered.
I turned away from them, without saying a word, and I walked back into the living quarters of the yacht.
[Several Days Later...]
In Gym Gamma, I was practicing my Rose Breathing Style. Since what happened at the Valentine's Day Party, I've been more... Reserved... Focused on my Total Concentration Breathing and Breathing Styles instead of my Quirks.
"๐๐ฐ๐ด๐ฆ ๐๐ณ๐ฆ๐ข๐ต๐ฉ๐ช๐ฏ๐จ... ๐๐ฆ๐ค๐ฐ๐ฏ๐ฅ ๐๐ฐ๐ณ๐ฎ... ๐๐ข๐ฏ๐ค๐ช๐ฏ๐จ ๐๐ฐ๐ด๐ฆ ๐๐ฆ๐ต๐ข๐ญ๐ด." I thought.
I swung my Nichirin Blade around similar to my Water Breathing's Sixth Form, instead of having it be far away from me, I held it close to me as I spun into the air. I cut the massive stone pillar in front of me like it was made out of butter. I quickly used my Water Breathing's Third Form to slice away the debris into small bits and pieces before landing on the other side. I placed my Nichirin Blade into it's sheath as I took a breath in.
"Wow! That was super awesome, Alyx! Was that all with your sword?" Hagakure chirped.
I looked over at Hagakure before walking over to Mr. Aizawa. He looked rather impressed with my progress so far.
"Not that bad, you're definitely improving with your swordsmanship. You ready to head out now?" He remarked.
I nodded at him before we left Gym Gamma, I'm sure Cementoss could supervise the others without problem.
"I know I keep telling you this, but you can tell me if something's bothering you. I know it might not seem like it since Nezu's treated you like shit, but I fought to try and get them to stop what he was trying to do. Mic was doing the same thing alongside All Might." Mr. Aizawa told me.
"Thanks." I responded quietly.
He smirked as he looked at me, "Well, look at that, seems like you still have a voice after all."
I didn't say anything else as we continued to walk towards the dorms. I couldn't let my inner thoughts get the best of me, if I did, I'd be a wanted criminal. I entered the dorms as Mr. Aizawa walked back to Gym Gamma, I made my way upstairs to my room so that I could work on adjusting the kimono that Great Grandpa gifted to me a while back. I entered my room and looked at my bed, in all honesty, I really felt like sleeping for a while.
Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!
Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero
Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3)