
The Calm Before the Storm


Winter break was finally over, and it was the start of a new year! We were greeted by Iida once we got to class, and he's gotten a lot more flexible since we've all got back from our Work Studies!

"Happy New Year everyone! Today we'll be giving practical reports on our Work Studies! We'll be sharing our experiences and what we've gained from them!" Iida was really energetic! Even I was feeling pumped from his briefing!

"Geez, Iida-kun, you're real fired up today!" Kaminari noted.

"Of course! After my work studies with Manuel, it made me more flexible than what I was capable of before!" Iida smiled.

Mr. Aizawa came into class and stood in front of the door as Iida told us to put on our hero costumes.

"Alright, let's get moving." Mr. Aizawa told us.

We got up and we all went to our changing rooms.

"Hey, Midoriya, nice job on controlling your new moves! You've really improved since the last time I saw you!" I heard Kirishima say.

"Well, I can really only handle it for a little bit. It doesn't have too many uses besides helping capture people or getting me to higher spots." Deku responded.

Then, Bakugo came over and hit Deku on the head! He gave him a disgusted look as he walked away, and Bakugo's mask was stuck on his head! We went outside, Deku told us more about that tendril ability of his. Instead of Mr. Aizawa, All Might was outside making cotton candy?!

"I am here! Making cotton candy!" All Might announced.

"Where's Mr. Aizawa?" Iida asked him.

"Eraser Head? He's got an emergency to attend to. He should be back here soon." All Might informed us.

That's odd, I wonder what was going on? We started up the class, each of us taking turns showing off what we've gained from our work studies. Aoyama did some sort of move he called "Navel Saber" and he cut through a bunch of villain bots! Then, Hagakure jumped in and grabbed one of Aoyama's laser beams! She could apparently grab and warp light! Mina caught some robots who were trying to surprise attack us and covered herself in acid!

"That's what I call: Acidman!" Mina exclaimed.

"Young Leonidus! Young Yaoyorozu! Have you improved any during your internship?" All Might asked.

"Yes sir, of course! I can control my Overdrive for a much longer duration, plus I don't have to worry about running out of breath anymore once I activate it." I shouted to him.

"I can create objects at a much faster rate, plus, I don't need to eat a whole lot anymore in order to create objects! I've also obtained better predictive abilities and I can establish when and where to move!" Momo told him.

A giant villain robot was coming towards us!

"And we've got a new super move as well!" I added.

I looked over at Momo and smiled, she grabbed my hand, and I gave her my Overdrive.

We jumped into the air, "PHOENIX DANCE!!"

We unleashed a huge Overdrive Phoenix at the robot and we went right through it! I looked back at the robot as it blew up! We landed back on the ground and looked back towards everyone else.

"Woah! Amazing! That was incredible you two!" Uraraka shouted with amazement.

I smiled and nodded. We saw how much Deku, Bakugo, and Todoroki improved. They were a million times better since the last time I saw them! They were moving around and doing things almost as if they were already Pro Heroes! We went back to the dorms, except for Deku and Bakugo. Today was really fun! Having seen everyone's new abilities, it was cool to know how much we've all improved! I really can't wait until we're second years! Who knows what's in store for us!

[A Few Hours Later...]

Deku and Bakugo came back to the dorms while we were helping the other students set up a work study party. Soon, people started arriving even Class 1-B showed up! Surprisingly, Monoma wasn't his usual cocky self. He was actually being nice for once. Everything felt right, everyone was talking and laughing. We were all having a good time together. I went outside into the front yard and leaned on the balcony.

I couldn't believe how far I've come, not to mention the people that've helped me out. Deku, Kirishima, Momo, Kaminari... The list goes on and on, I don't think I'd be where I'm at today if it wasn't for them! I felt a hand on my back, and I saw I drink get put down in front of me. I looked back and saw Momo.

"Lavender Tea?" She asked.

I smiled at her and took a drink from it.

"You know, I guess I've never really told you this, Alyx," She said, "But, I'm really grateful to have you in my life, you know?"

I looked at her, and she smiled at me, "Hey, don't get all mushy on me now."

I wrapped my arm around her as we looked out towards the sky. The sunset was rather beautiful.

"Wow, the sun looks kind of like an explosion." I remarked.

"Was that really your first thought?" Momo asked.

"Yeah... I guess so! I think I've been hanging out with Bakugo for too long!" I chuckled.

"Guys! I-Wait... You two are dating?" Kaminari asked.

Momo and I gave Kaminari a dumbfounded look, "Kaminari-kun, you were the first person to know this!"

"Oh, right! Anyways, I've gotta show you something!" Kaminari exclaimed.

We went inside with Kaminari to see that Monoma and Bakugo were fighting. But not with fists... Surprisingly!

"They've been like this for the last hour!" Kaminari said while laughing.

Well, I guess I wasn't surprised, it was bound to happen the moment those two made eye contact! The party ended at around midnight, and I was tuckered out. After helping everyone clean up, I went upstairs and into my room. I was getting ready for bed, when I heard a knock on my door. I opened it, and there was no one there. I looked down at the ground and noticed that there was another one of those earrings like the one that boy gave me! I picked it up, and I closed my door.

You know, maybe I should wear these. They do clip on, so I won't have to pierce my earlobes. I turned it around and noticed that there was something written in Japanese on the back. It said, "Good." I think? My kanji reading abilities aren't exactly the best. Which made me think that the other one most likely said "Luck" on it as well. I set the earrings back down on my desk and went to bed.

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3 )

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