
Taking it Easy! Photoshop?

Thankfully, Momo was still asleep on top of me. I reached over and turned off my alarm.

"Hey, are you awake?" I asked.

Momo yawned and stretched, "I am now."

We got up and got ready for school, we met back up downstairs with everyone else. I made sure I kept a barrier of Overdrive around my body so that way I didn't get anyone sick.

"Yo, how long have you had that up?" Kaminari wondered.

"For about... possibly almost 12 hours now, I think? I don't want any of you to get sick." I responded.

"Nice thinking! Preventing an illness outbreak is definitely kind of you!" Iida complimented.

"Whatever Iida just said, I agree!" Kirishima exclaimed.

[10 Minutes Later...]

"Alright, everyone, today we'll be continuing those Pre-Calc packets from yesterday. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. In about an hour or so we'll move on to something different." Mr. Aizawa told us.

I got my packet back from Mr. Aizawa and got to work. These problems were fairly easy, although this was probably the most boring thing in the world. I felt despair in the air, and I knew exactly who it was coming from.

"What's on your mind, Momz?" I telepathically asked her.

"You aren't mad at me after last night, are you?" She answered.

"No, why would I be? I completely understand why you'd be upset." I told her.

"Okay." Momo replied.

There was silence for a bit, which I broke, "You wanna talk about it during lunch?"

"Yeah, I do." Momo confirmed.

I looked to my left and she looked up at me. I gave her a smile that Grandpa Tanjiro would be proud of, she perked up a bit and smiled back. I went back to work on my boring math work. As I was working, I felt something hit my head, I looked up towards Kaminari.

"What's up?" I telepathically asked him.

"Help me. Please." Kaminari begged.

"Kaminari, Mr. Aizawa purposely gave you the easier version of the packet. There's only 6 pages and they've got only one question!" I responded.

"That's the problem, there's six questions! It took me all of class Friday to finish the first two." Kaminari explained.

"Alright, what exactly do you need help with?" I agreed.

[1 Hour Later...]

"GOOOOOOD Morning Class 2-A!" Present Mic shouted.

"G-Good morning, Present Mic!" We all shouted back.

I'm not gonna lie, being blasted by Mr. Present Mic's Quirk wasn't as bad as I originally thought. Then again, I honestly didn't like one bit of it.

"I bet you're wondering what crazy shenanigans we'll be getting into during English today and..." His voice trailed off.

Someone else's voice broke through my thoughts, "Alyx? Allllyyyyxxx?"

"God?" I telepathically responded.

"No! It's Great Grandpa, silly! How come you didn't tell us you got your Quirk back?" He questioned.

"O-Oh! Sorry! I guess it slipped my mind." I replied.

"ALLLLLYYYYYYXXX!!!!" Present Mic roared.

I slammed my hands on my desk and my papers when flying everywhere, "Y-YES, MR. PRESENT MIC!"

"Did you happen to catch a bit of what I said?" He asked.

"S-Sorry, I was talking to God, so I didn't really hear a whole lot. BUT I understand what we're doing!" I quickly reassured him.

He nodded and smiled, and we continued on with the lesson.

[2 Hours Later...]

At lunch, I sat outside with Momo, I could tell the whole situation from last night was still bothering her.

"Are you sure you aren't mad at me?" She asked again.

I shook my head, "Good grief... If I was mad at you, you'd know, trust me. You're still stressed out about the Quartet Girls, I can tell."

"Wouldn't you be? If your parents were kidnapped, I'm pretty sure you'd be stressed, too. What do I even do, Alyx?" Momo wondered.

I sat there and thought for a bit, something about that picture she got didn't sit right with me. It seemed a bit off.

"Can you show me that picture again, please?" I questioned.

She pulled out her phone and showed me the picture, I went into Mode Four and studied it. Something was definitely off! This picture was photoshopped!

"Photoshop. It's just a trick they're using to try and lure you in. Their outlines are heavily modified, so is the lighting. We can go visit your parents after school just to make sure." I explained.

She nodded, "Alright, I just hope what you said is true. But what if they aren't there?"

"Then we'll go look for them, together." I smiled.

My phone started to ring, I pulled it out and looked at it. It was from a random number.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Meet me outside at the Etro Outlet at 5." The garbled voice instructed.

Before I could get an answer out of them, they hung up. I looked down at my phone and narrowed my eyes.

"Who was it?" Momo asked.

"I dunno. They said to meet them at the Etro Outlet at 5. Isn't that place a ghost town now?" I wondered.

"Yeah, it is. I'd be cautious if I were you, who knows what that could've been." Momo warned me.

[2 Hours Later...]

Rights as we left school, Momo and I went to check on her parents. A part of me was feeling that same doubt as her, it wouldn't surprise me if they pulled a stunt like that. We finally landed down at her house after a few minutes of flying. Momo ran to the door and knocked. We stood there for a few minutes; I was starting to get worried. Thankfully, they answered the door. Momo hugged the both of them tightly.

"I think I'm going to stay here for a bit, could you pick me up after you go to that Outlet?" Momo told me.

I nodded, "Sure thing, I'll be back soon!"

I waved goodbye to them and took off into the air. I wonder who could've called me? I tried to look for any heat energy, but I couldn't sense any outside of Toga, Dabi, and Kiko's. I got to the Etro Outlet and stood there, alone. This place sure was creepy, it's giving me goosebumps! I stood around for a few minutes, was this person ever going to show up? I was just about to leave until I heard a familiar voice. I turned around and saw Tomikoa walking up to me. I thought I had her number saved?

"Hey! It's been a while!" I greeted her.

She looked at me dead on, "I love you."

I was taken back a bit by that, "W-Wha... Huh?"

I mean, at least I wasn't getting ambushed or kidnapped again?

"I said I love you, and I'm tired of holding my feelings back." Tomikoa told me.

"Woah... Wait, let me get this straight... You do know I am dating Momo, right?" I reminded her.

She grinned at me, "And does she have to know? What's she gonna do, hurt me?"

"No, but she'll hurt me if she finds out, and I really don't want that to happen." I nervously replied.

"Well, how about I just prove my worth to you?" She winked.

"A-And how are you gonna do that?" I reluctantly asked.

She smiled and pointed, "By challenging her to a fight of course!"

Oh God... Here I thought things were about to get wild in the middle of this ghost town mall. I subconsciously let out a sigh of relief.

"Well, and how do you plan on doing that?" I questioned.

"I have her number, you know." Tomikoa disclosed.

I was about to leave but she put her hand on my chest, "Would you at least think about it?"

"Uhh... Okay bye!" I quickly flew into the air back towards Momo.

After about 5 minutes of flying, I landed at the Yaoyorozu's residence. I got ready to knock on the door before it went flying into my face.

"I'M GONNA FUCKING- Oh, darling! Are you alright?" Momo quickly realized.

I was a bit dazed, "Oh yeah, I'm fine."

"I'm so sorry, that outburst was uncalled for!" Momo apologized as she helped me up.

I wiped blood from my nose, "I-It's alright, babe! I'm assuming Tomikoa called you?"

She simply closed her eyes and smiled, "Whatever gave you that inclination?"

"...Let's just get back to the dorms." I sighed.

Momo hopped onto my back and we flew back to the dorms.

"So, what'd she want?" Momo questioned.

"Oh, you know, she told me she wanted me to date her on the side and I'm pretty sure you know the rest." I explained.

"I just don't get that girl... Anyways, I'm in the mood for some training." She answered.

My eyes lit up, "Really?! I haven't used my Quirk in a while! Awesome!"

We got to the dorms and I got ready to train with Momo!

[2 Hours Later...]

"When you said training, I didn't think you meant that!" I exclaimed as I laid in Momo's bed.

"That... Was an amazing stress reliever..." Momo gushed.

I nodded, "Honestly, I think we should just take it easy. I highly doubt Tomikoa is going to do anything, same with the Quartet Girls."

"Are you sure, darling? I think we should take it easy as well but..." Momo put her hand on my chest.

"I really want to kick her ass." She continued.

I pulled her closer to me and she laid her head on my chest, "Maybe some other time. Besides, I don't think Mr. Aizawa or the staff at Shiketsu would allow that. But if you do go through with it, I'll be there to monitor it."

"Well, I suppose so. But what would happen if we just... Randomly & coincidentally... Ran into each other?" Momo asked.

I narrowed my eyes, "You aren't suggesting anything, are you?"

"No, whatever do you mean, darling?" Momo laughed.

"Good grief..." I chuckled.

Momo's door opened and Mina walked in.

"Geez, what was all that racket about? It sounded like a war was going on up here!" Mina shouted.

She took one look at the room and immediately understood, "Ooooh, Special Training, eh?"

After Mina left, we got dressed and went downstairs, I didn't know that 2-B was here too! Everyone was in the middle of watching a movie, I slid past them and walked into the kitchen. Kendo followed suite and stopped me.

"Hey, can I talk to you outside?" She asked.

Tomikoa flashed in my head, "Oh, okay!"

I followed her outside and we sat down on the stairs.

"I'm assuming Yaoyorozu's told you about the whole Muteki situation?" Kendo wondered.

I nodded, "Yeah, I guess you can say I was the first person to know, Tomikoa did tell me first before she told Momo."

"Ah, I see. But from what I'm hearing, things are gonna get pretty violent. You're really the only person that can stop her if things do turn out how I'm thinking." Kendo continued.

"That's what I'm afraid of, you remember what happened during the tournament, right? It took everything I had to match up with her, even in Infinite Mode." I explained.

She looked over at me with a curious look, "Everything you had? You're talking about that white glowing hair stuff, right? You were kicking her ass, she barely touched you!"

"I wasn't even using it to its full potential, not that I could since I was worn out. I've never used it at max power before, I'm just too afraid of what'll happen if I do go all out with my Quirk again. I've only done it once when I saved Toga from V.I. Vanilla." I told her.

"That's when you almost died, again, right? So, you're saying you can potentially die if you used your Quirk at 100%?" Kendo assumed.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I guess so? Like I said, I've only tried it that one time, I haven't gone 100% since. I just don't want Momo to get hurt, I understand that this is her problem, but it makes no sense to end it by fighting."

"Oh? I thought you liked fighting? Didn't you say you found it awesome when you were fighting someone stronger than you? I could've sworn you said that." Kendo noted.

"That's the thing, I don't like fighting. If I'm gonna be honest, it's just a mask I put up every single day. When I said I was excited for all of those tournaments, I never really meant it. I guess it really started to show when I got chosen as the team captain. It's kind of funny, right? I've got a strong Quirk, great combat abilities, and yet, I'm scared of fighting?" I confessed.

I continued, "I'm scared of what'll happen if I do lose control, I nearly hurt Deku and the others the last time it happened. What makes you think that won't happen again if Momo does accept Tomikoa's offer?"

Kendo looked down at the ground, we both were quiet for a bit. I felt someone else sit down next to me.

"You shouldn't be scared of letting go, Young Leonidus." All Might announced.

"A-All Might?" I was stunned!

He smiled at me, "Yep, it's me. Thanks to those relatives of yours, I'm able to communicate with any of you!"

Kendo looked over as well, "Woah, that's... Strange?"

"Alyx, it's alright to be afraid of your own power, but you can't let that fear dominate you. That fear is what makes you lose control, which is why you lash out. Not out of anger, but out of fear. Going all out won't kill you." All Might advised.

"He's right, Alyx." Kendo added.

I looked at my hands where the barrier of Overdrive was still surrounding me.

"So, don't fear it, embrace it?" I restated.

"That's the idea! It'll take a bit of time, but I'm sure you'll be able to do it, Young Leonidus." All Might reassured.

I smiled at him, and in a flash of light, he was gone. We both stood up and someone landed down on the ground a few feet away from us.

"So, where is she? She told me to meet her here, and here I am." Tomikoa smugly yelled over to us.

"She's inside, I suggest you leave, now." Kendo demanded.

She tilted her head, "Itsuka Kendo, was it? I won't hesitate to bring you down, either."

I could tell Kendo was starting to get nervous, that's when I heard the door open. I turned around, and to my dismay, it was Momo alongside the others. She walked towards Tomikoa and stared down at her.

"Guys, come on, we shouldn't do this! It's not right!" I exclaimed.

It seemed like everyone ignored me! All it took was one blow from Tomikoa to lay Momo out! She stood over her and started beating the holy hell out of her!

"That's enough! What are you doing?" I heard Mr. Aizawa shout.

She kept going as Momo tried to defend herself. Mr. Aizawa rushed over and tried to nullify Tomikoa's Quirk, but she threw sand in his eyes!

"S-STOP IT!" I yelled.

Tomikoa picked Momo up by her hair and looked at her, "Is this more than enough proof, Alyx?"

I stood there and stared, and a memory flashed in my head.

"LAURA!!" I shouted while trying to reach for her.

She looked at me, the same way Momo was, "I-It's... Okay... I-I... Love you... Alyx...!"

I heard Black-Heart's laugh and then... He killed her... That memory repeated over and over in my head. I slowly clenched my fist as I felt a tear roll down my face.

"I... I won't let it happen... Not again... Not again..." I muttered.


The wind slowly grew fierce and Alyx's anger began to boil over. Remembering the words of All Might, he closed his eyes and let those feeling wash over him. Alyx's Quirks erupted! A huge gust of wind knocked everyone down to the ground, the area lit up in blue, white, black, and red light! Listening to All Might's grand advice, Alyx had finally understood how to control his power, a power beyond anyone's wildest expectations!

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! :) )

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