
Plus Ultra!! Flash Cannon of Hope!


"I want... I want to get stronger!" Alyx remembered himself saying.

(I.R.P.: Listen to "You Say Run" from My Hero Academia)

His eyes shot open as he entered his Base Gear and as he created a Flash Cannon.

"So, you still continue to fight? I gotta say, you have my full respect, Leonidus." Elijah complimented.

"I-I... Have students... That need to see... Where resolve gets them!" Alyx shouted.

Elijah smiled as he sent the giant ball of darkness down to Alyx. Leonidus reeled his hand back and chucked the Flash Cannon at it! The two attacks connected, Alyx was holding Elijah's attack back!

"W-What?! I-Impossible... Something that minuscule shouldn't be stopping our attack!" A girl noted.

Alyx kept his hand out, struggling to keep the attack away from him. He slowly began to slide backwards and the ground started to indent at his feet. Suddenly, two hands intertwined between his.

"M-Momo? Mabel?" He wondered.

"Not just us, Father... ALL of us!" Mabel announced.

Alyx looked behind him, standing over his shoulder and reaching out towards his hand, was the rest of team U.A.! Elijah tilted his head backwards in astonishment. His team hadn't eliminated the other members of U.A. after all!

"D'ya really think we'd leave you hanging, Alyx?" Bakugo smirked.

Alyx looked forward and smiled, the daunting task in front of him just became ten times easier! The Flash Cannon was slowly pushing Elijah's attack backwards!

"This... This can't be happening! Nobody has managed to stop this attack!" Elijah exclaimed.

"I... I'm not gonna say this is because of the power of friendship, or anything like that stupid shit. This Flash Cannon... It's powered by the promises I've made everyone and the promises I'll make in the future. If I let this thing die, if I fall here, then all of those promises will be broken. And I can't allow that! In order for me to become the hero I want to be... In order for me take that mask off... I have to stay true to those promises! I won't let them be so easily broken anymore!! Mark my words, Elijah, I won't lose here! I can't afford to even think about losing here!" Alyx proclaimed.

Alyx looked back at his friends, "Everyone, let's do this! Let's show them what U.A.'s motto really means... What it TRULY stands for!"

"To go beyond..." They all spoke.

Alyx's Overdrive flared out around his teammates! He looked up and smiled at Elijah and his team.

"PLUUUUSSS ULLLLTRAAAA!!!!" They all roared.

Alyx's Overdrive washed over Team U.A. and the Flash Cannon split Elijah's Darkness Ball attack in half! It slammed right into Elijah and the others, sending them flying into the air! Elijah's face of pain turned into one of humbleness.

"S-So... If this is how I go... Then so be it, there isn't a nobler way... Than to go out fighting you... Alyx Leonidus..." Elijah thought to himself.

The Flash Cannon exploded into a bright array of colors, Elijah and his teammates appeared on the bleachers. They weren't upset however; they were filled with humbleness and joy. Alyx's hair fell down once more as he fell backwards into Momo's arms. He let off a tired laugh and an exhausted smile.


Momo held me in her arms tightly and started giggling out of joy. Everyone sat down on the ground, clearly exhausted from that attack, it took everything out of me as well!

"T-That... Was... C-Cool...!" I panted.

Momo laid me down on her thighs, "You did an amazing job, darling! That was stupendous!"

I could barely move my body, it kinda hurt to breathe too, hopefully this tournament was almost over.

"Teams Japan, China & Europe are the only teams to remain." Some robotic voice announced.

I glanced over and saw Gregory and Arletta! Were they watching that entire time? They walked over to us and smiled.

"You all... You all have displayed an act of love greater than what we've ever seen. It was beautiful!" Arletta teared up.

I tried to sit up but Momo held me close to her, it felt like she was trying to protect me, which my hunch was right. She created a sword and kept a firm grip on it. Kaminari stood up and put his finger out, electricity zapped around his hands.

"If you're gonna try and one up us, think again! Some of us can still fight!" Kaminari yelled.

Gregory put his hand up, "No, we aren't going to eliminate you. You've proven yourselves to share a much greater love than ours. For that..."

They both knelt down in front of us. Kaminari tilted his head with confusion.

"We'd like for you to eliminate us." Arletta requested.

Bakugo got up and smiled, "With fucking pleasure!"

Bakugo and Kaminari approached the two of them. I mustered the strength to actually speak.

"W-Wait!" I called out.

They both stopped and turned around to look at me. Gregory and Arletta looked up as well.

"L-Let... L-Let them go... Please." I pleaded.

"What? Are you fucking nuts, Alyx? They're letting us eliminate them for god's sake!" Bakugo argued.

Momo helped me up to my feet, I stumbled out of her grasp to walk over to them. I wasn't going to let them get eliminated like that.

"You don't... Have to be eliminated like that. It wouldn't sit right with me since you didn't do anything to harm us like Elijah's team. I think you two should eliminate yourselves together, by yourselves, that might be the greatest act of love I've ever seen." I continued.

They looked at each other and nodded. The two lovers got up and walked towards the arena's edge. They turned around and waved at us as they fell off the stage. I heard Kaminari sniffle and I looked over to see him wipe his nose.

"That was beautiful! Those two really love each other, huh?" Kaminari sniffled.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. All that love shit was making me cringe." Bakugo grumbled.

Kendo looked over at him, "You really have no passion for anything besides being angry, do you?"

Bakugo scoffed and looked the other way. I guess we still had some competition to deal with. Russia and China still had members on their teams, however many, I wasn't so sure. Europe had 2 less being that Gregory and Arletta were gone.

"Father, are you okay?" Mabel asked.

"Y-Yeah... A little banged up, but I'm fine." I reassured her.

Right in front of us, a gigantic wave of yellow, zapping light stormed past us! Whoever the hell did that must've made sure that their opponent was eliminated rather quickly! We grouped up and made our way to the source of the attack. We found two boys, one was hysterically crying while holding the other one in his arms. He looked up at us and his eyes widened.

"P-Please! Help! My brother... H-He... He won't get up!" He begged.

Kaminari, Mabel and I rushed over to them. I already could tell what happened, that attack must've used every ounce of his Quirk's power, potentially killing him! Luckily though, he still had a heartbeat, it was rather slow but still there. Mabel started to heal the boy and Kaminari stood at the ready, just in case he needed to resuscitate him. He slowly started to open his eyes after coughing.

"Ch-Chizou... W-What...?" He muttered.

He looked over at us, "Y-You're... Team... Japan? Why didn't... Why didn't you eliminate us?"

"It wouldn't have been right to do so. We aren't gonna take advantage of a situation like that in order to get a cheap victory. I'm sure the other participants would've done so in a heartbeat." Mabel answered.

We helped him stand up and his brother helped him balance himself. A few members from Team Russia made their way over as well.

"Looks like we've got company." Shoto pointed out.

The team surrounded us, I'm guessing this was all that Russia had, just 6 people. Chizou and his brother stood with us and we faced our opponents.

"I'm assuming you're the only two left on your team, right?" I questioned.

"Yes, we are." Chizou responded.

I nodded at his statement, "Alright, let's finish this tournament in style!"

Mabel and I charged towards this huge hulking guy! He looked like a mini All Might on steroids! He slammed his fists down onto the ground, uprooting and spreading debris everywhere!

"Yo! Cool it, big guy!" I shouted.

Mabel and I zoomed in towards him. I was in Gear One and it looked like she was in Gear Three! We got right up close to him and started our assault.


We slowly started pushing him back, I'm sure he was confused as to what to even do! We hopped backwards and reeled out hands back.

"HAA!!!" We roared.

We fired a combined Kamehameha at him, taking him out of the arena. Chizou came flying by alongside his brother, they too, fell out of the arena. At least we didn't have to worry about them anymore. I felt some sort of tentacle wrap around me, one wrapped around Mabel as well!

"Ah ha! Gotcha! Get ready to get the hell out of here!" A girl shouted.

I turned my head around and smiled at her.

"Wow, your Quirk is really cool! You know, I'm in the market for someone special, and a cutie like you is exactly my type! You wanna... Talk later after this?" I cajoled.

She pulled me closer to her, "Mmm... I like you! These tentacles can do more than just wrap around you; you know~"

"Yeah, I know, they can give me the advantage!" I smirked.

I delivered a hard headbutt to her, making her stumble backwards, she went to attack but stopped running towards me. Her arms fell limp as she fell backwards.

"Wow, you really have a way with words, don't you?" Mabel laughed.

"Yep! And now that's two down!" I grinned.

I picked her up and threw her out of the arena. I turned around and saw Momo flying right at me. She nearly knocked me out of the arena! I looked over her shoulder and my eyes lit up with excitement. I realized that her and Laura were working together! Laura lit up whoever she was facing with a Phoenix Fist! I looked at Momo who was knocked unconscious from whatever attack she received.

"Mabel, go help everyone else, I need to tend to Momo!" I instructed.

She nodded and took off towards Laura. I placed my hand on Momo's chest, I healed her up, which caused my left arm to lock up and fall to my side. I winced as pain shot up my arm. Momo started to regain consciousness and she shot up.

"Hey, hey! Take it easy! I saved you from falling out of the arena." I calmed her down.

"Oh... Thank you! Those students are impressive, she managed to hold out against Laura and I for quite some time." Momo remarked.


"Eh? There was a time limit? Thanks for telling us..." I muttered.

[10 Minutes Later...]

We returned to the bus that brought us here. Apparently, we were going to be rewarded something sometime this week? Was this tournament really even planned out? First, we don't get any announcements, then we get told that there was a time limit RIGHT AS the tournament ended. I leaned my head back on my seat, one thing was for certain, I was super tired!

"Hey, Alyx, I gotta question." Kaminari whispered.

"Hm? What is it?" I replied.

I opened my eyes and he was right in my face, "What if I told you that like... Momo actually planned on dressing kind of like Jiro for a day."

I violently coughed up blood and looked at him with excitement.

"HUH WHAT?! Like... Punk rock?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah! Isn't that right, Yaoyorozu?" Kaminari responded.

"Well... That was my original outfit plan one day this week, but I wasn't sure if it would look cohesive or fitting to be called 'punk rock', if that's what you call it." She confirmed.

I smiled at her, she giggled and shook her head at me.

[2 Hours Later...]

We finally returned back to the dorms. I took a well-deserved nap on the way there. I opened the dorm doors and was rushed by Kirishima, he nearly knocked me over as he hugged me.

"You guys did it! That was awesome, man!" He laughed.

"Thanks! I'm glad to be back, that tournament was not exactly organized." I smiled.

We entered the dorms and were greeted by everyone else. Kaminari wanted all of us to camp out in the Common Room for the night, all of us were up for it! We all brought down our blankets and pillows from our room and gathered around the Common Room.

"Hey, so, Alyx. What if you had Midoriya's Quirk alongside your other ones?" Sero asked.

"I'd be the strongest person on this entire planet. I'd be like some sort of overpowered fanfic character with absolutely no character development." I answered.

"Really? I'm sure I'd be able to beat you!" Kaminari argued.

I looked over at him, "I'd probably send you into the Seventh Plane and back at least 3 times."

"Oh really? You wanna test that theory?!" He exclaimed.

(I.R.P.: Listen to "JOTARO VS DIO" uploaded by J Isaacs until you get to Jiro smacking both of them in the face. This is in sync with the lines.)

We stood up and stared at each other.

"Tsugi wa Denki, kisama do!" I pointed.

"Yarou... LEO!" He scowled.

"Ho... Mukatta kuruno ka? Nigetsu ni kono LEO ni chikazuite kuruno ka? Sekkaku sofu no Sero na, watashi no Za Warudo no shotai yo. Shiken shuryu chaimu chokuzen made mondai yo toitte iru jukensee ne you na? Kisshi koita kibun de wo shietekure ta to yuu no ni?" I smirked.

"Chikadzu kanaka teme wo buchi no me tenain de na." He replied.

"Hoho! Dewa juubun chikazukanai youi." I grinned.

We started to walk towards each other, menacing auras surrounded the both of us. Jiro then smacked the both of us with her earphone jacks.

"Did you two... Just reference a damn anime?" Jiro sighed.

"I'm just wondering how they ended up looking all buff. Not to mention how they changed their voices." Tokoyami added.

Kaminari tilted his head, "Huh? What do you mean? We didn't change at all."

After our bizarre little adventure, we sat down with everyone else.

"Alright, now, how about we do a game! B.G.Q. time!" Mina beamed.

"B.G.Q. time? What's that?" I wondered.

"It's 'Boys or Girls Question Time'! We go around and ask a question either for the guys or the ladies!" She explained.

"Ooh, I get it!" I replied.

As per usual, Kaminari starts the game off with a banger of a question.

"Okay, guys, would you rather have a goth girlfriend or one of your choosing?" He asked.

I slowly looked up at Momo who was already looking at me with her arms crossed. She had this look on her face, almost as if she was expected me to answer with something wild.

"Sorry Alyx, but Yaoyorozu would be my ideal woman!" Mineta winked.

Kaminari shrugged his shoulders, "I gotta go with the goth."

"Well, are you going to answer, darling?" Momo wondered.

"Um... U-Uh... Well..." I muttered.

I planted my hands down on my legs, "Goth Momo!"

"Y-You can't have both, bro. It's one or the other." Kaminari responded.

"I can have both, you did say 'one of my choosing', so that's my choice. Momo but in goth attire. Dream woman." I countered.

"I think it's rather obvious who I would choose in this situation." Tokoyami chimed in.

After question upon question, we really figured out a lot about ourselves. Apparently, Bakugo's favorite movie is something called 'Ponyo' or something like that? Then we had a dance off, where I was second place, ONLY BECAUSE Mina got a perfect 10! 1:00 AM rolled around rather quickly, and we all decided to sleep in random spots around the Common Room. Most of us made makeshift forts to sleep in, as for Momo and I, we decided to sleep on the couch. I turned to face her and I smiled.

"Goodnight to the prettiest person in the whole world." I whispered.

"I should say the same to you!" She smiled.

I put my hands up to my mouth, "Aw... You're too kind! I seriously have a noticeable burn scar on my face, plus I look rather ugly when I use that Demon Form of mine."

"Why don't you use that then? I haven't seen it in a while, you do have a much better control over it." Momo suggested.

I nodded and transformed; the horn shot out of the left side of my head. She touched the horn on my head.

"I think it's cute! That horn on your head is adorable!" She smiled.

"Next you're gonna wanna carry me around in a box all day..." I muttered and chuckled.

"I mean, it's definitely a plausible option! Oh, before I forget, my father would like to have you over for his birthday dinner tomorrow evening. You don't have to worry about your attire, it's just casual dress." Momo told me.

Dinner with her entire family? Or well, assuming her entire family? Tomorrow is definitely going to be interesting for sure! I wonder if the Yaoyorozu's have done anything to their house since the last time I was there with Momo?

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3 )

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