
Meeting Dr. Shield, Shigaraki's Terrifying Return!

I knocked on Kaminari's door and waited for a bit. He opened the door and grinned.

"Hey! You made it! Nice to see you!" He greeted.

"Yeah, it took me a while to get here, Japan traffic is CRAAAAAZY, I was stuck in traffic for like almost an hour!" I responded.

Bakugo looked up from his phone, "What? You literally fucking live 2 floors above him."

"Isn't it your bedtime, old man?" Mina laughed.

"If we weren't under this stupid damn bet your ass would be grass, Raccoon Eyes! GRASS!" Bakugo growled.

"A bet? What'd you two bet on?" I asked.

"Well, I said that he couldn't go a day without trying to kill someone, he said, 'Yeah right, Raccoon Eyes! I can go a week without doing that'! And from there we bet on it." Mina explained.

I sat down on the floor and wrapped my blanket around myself.

"So, like, you wanna know what's crazy? We're gonna be third years in 5 months. Then we're gonna be Pro Heroes, that shit's nuts!" I remarked.

"God, really? I completely forgot!" Sero responded.

Kirishima sat up from Kaminari's bed, "Dude, that IS crazy! Speaking of that, have any of you thought about changing your hero names?"

"Nah, not really. At least I haven't." Sero shook his head.

"Yeah, I haven't really either." Mina added.

"You fuckers laugh at my hero name; I'm going to murder you as soon as I get up tomorrow." Bakugo replied.

Holy hell... I completely forgot he still didn't have a hero name!

"It's Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight. And yes, it's spelled exactly how you're thinking." Bakugo told us.

We looked at each other, then back at Bakugo.

"Well, if it makes you feel better, I was gonna call myself 'Speed O' Sound' before Leonidus. But I guess they're both kind of bland. I have been thinking of a new name though!" I responded.

Mina sat up, "Ooo! Let's hear it!"

"Well, I was thinking about changing my hero name to 'The Overdrive Hero: Braveheart'. I've been trying to think of more but I've been drawing blanks." I shared.

"I really like that first one! It sounds interesting, bro." Kirishima grinned.

Mina clapped her hands, "I. Want to play. Truth or Dare!"

[5 Minutes Later...]

"Okay soooo... Truth or Dare, Alyx?" Mina asked as the bottle landed on me.

"Uhh... Truth!" I exclaimed.

Mina smirked at me, "So, do you plan on marrying Yaoyorozu once you two graduate from here?"

"W-WHAT?! Isn't it a bit too early to be asking that?" I shouted as my face turned red.

"Dude, you legit go into a huge rage if she gets hurt by anyone. Don't you remember the whole Tomikoa stuff? If that's not future husband and wife material, I don't know what is." Sero piped in.

I grabbed the bottle and spun it, "If you're wanting an answer, then... Yes."

I looked up and saw that Kaminari had recorded the whole conversation!

"Aaaaaand sent! I've done you a service." Kaminari told me.

I narrowed my eyes as I looked down at the bottle. The bottle landed on Kaminari.

"Okay, Truth or Dare, Kaminari?" I asked.

"Dare!" He replied.

"Spell 'There' for me, please." I told him.

His smiled turned into panic, "U-Uh... Which one? Can you use it in a sentence?"

"They're over THERE." I replied.

He stood there for a few seconds to process the word. He opened his mouth and tried to sound the word out.

"Okay, T-H-E-R-E. There!" He confidently exclaimed.

I nodded at him, "I never thought you'd actually get the right one! Nice!"

We continued our Truth or Dare game. It was honestly really fun! We all decided to lay down and try to sleep. It was almost midnight!

"Pssst... Alyx... I have a question." Mina whispered to me.

I turned and faced her, "Yeah, what's up?"

"If your Quirk enhances your speed, how come you couldn't just fly in and save Toga from V.I. Vanilla instead of fighting him?" She wondered.

I turned back and stared at the ceiling. My brain was trying to process what she just said.

Kirishima looked up, "Yeah, also, couldn't you have easily defeated Gigantomachia with your Stardust Shoot?"

My brain was trying to calculate everything they were saying all while thriving off of 4 hours of sleep. I turned back to them and smiled.

"Yeah." I beamed.

They looked confused, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kaminari's shit eating grin.

"YeAAAaH Babeh!" He shouted.

We all starting laughing our asses off! From the dark we saw Bakugo stand up and knock the piss out of Kaminari!

"Oh shit!" I shouted.

Bakugo laid back down and we didn't hear a single word come from Kaminari.

[3 Hours Later...]

I woke up due to my Insomnia yet again. Everyone else was asleep still, so I quietly got up to go downstairs. Once I reached the common room, my heart sank and I nearly jumped out of my skin. Tsuyu was standing in the middle of the room, dead asleep, she must've sleepwalked down here. I quietly walked over to her and gently picked her up. I set her down on the couch and went into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and stared into it. I felt my eyes grow heavy and I started to fall backwards. Someone caught me, but I wasn't sure who.

"God?" I groggily called out.

"Not quite, I do not call myself a deity, Alyx." Iida answered.

"Oh... Iida? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well, I reside here, if that's what you're asking. Are you aware that it is almost 3 in the morning?" He replied.

I nodded and closed my eyes.


"Alyx? Are you asleep?" Iida questioned.

He looked down and saw that Alyx was asleep, at first, Iida wasn't sure what to do. He decided to pick Alyx up and take him to his room. As he walked into common room, he spotted Yaoyorozu waking Tsuyu up from her sleep. She looked up towards him.

"You can take him up to my room, I can lead you there." Momo told him.

Iida nodded and he followed her to her room.

"Have you noticed that he hasn't gotten much sleep? Even Mr. Aizawa has noticed that his academic skills have decreased a bit." Iida noted.

Momo nodded, "Yes, I have. I've been trying a lot of remedies to try and lessen the severity of his Insomnia. It also doesn't help that he's been on the frontlines of so many traumatic events. PTSD, Depression, Insomnia, and his random nightmares definitely aren't helping."

"I see, perhaps his medicine needs to be upped with his dosage? We should consult someone about this. How do you know he's having a nightmare?" Iida fretted.

"Whenever he's asleep, his Overdrive Quirk activates. I've managed to calm him down though, so that's good at least." Momo explained.

They arrived at Momo's room. She opened the door and Iida walked inside her room. Momo pulled back her blankets and Iida laid Alyx down in her bed.

"I can't thank you enough, Iida." Momo smiled.

"Don't mention it! I'm glad to be of service!" Iida responded.

Iida left the room and Momo looked down at Alyx who was still asleep. She picked up her phone and searched through the internet. She dialed a number and held her phone up to her ear.

"Hello? Dr. Shield? This is Momo Yaoyorozu from U.A. High, I'd like to discuss some things with you." She answered.


[5 and a Half Hours Later...]

I woke up and felt a hand on my chest. I looked down and saw the white and gold colored blanket. I closed my eyes and smiled. Shoto opened the door and peered in through the doorway.

"Breakfast is ready." He announced.

I nodded and he left the room. I sat up and woke Momo up.

"Good morning, sunshine." I kissed her on the forehead.

"Morning, sweetheart. You've got an appointment with Dr. Shield on Tuesday." Momo replied.

"Dr. Shield? As in David Shield?" I asked.

"Yep, I'm assuming you've heard of him? He is rather well known in the American Hero community." Momo answered.

I got up and stretched, "Yeah, as a matter of fact... I actually do. I guess he's a family friend. Him and my Father were college roommates and best friends until my Father moved from California. Ms. Warlock told me about it."

"Hmm... That must be why he was so quick to make an appointment then." Momo suggested.

"Most likely. What exactly is this appointment for?" I questioned.

"Just a routine check-up, that's all." Momo replied.

A routine check-up that required Dr. Shield to come and visit? But why? If it's just a simple check-up, wouldn't I just go see a regular doctor? I figured I should talk to Momo about it later, since I would have to tell Mr. Aizawa about it unless he's already been contacted by Shield himself. I walked out of Momo's room and headed into mine to get ready for the day. I looked up at the Nichirin blade on my wall and noticed a marking on the scabbard. There was a peace sign etched into it, I took it down from the mantle and smiled. Glad I kept practicing my breathing techniques at night, or Grandpa Tanjiro would be pissed!

I decided to put my Hanafuda earrings on and take my sword with me after I got dressed. I walked downstairs and was met with the smell of cinnamon rolls.

"Is Sato baking? That smells really good!" I announced.

"Actually, I am! They're homemade cinnamon rolls!" Deku yelled over to me as he pulled them out.

Uraraka floated over and hugged Deku from behind, "I didn't know you could bake! Those look amazing!"

We all grabbed a cinnamon roll from the pan, which for everyone besides Shoto and I, was a bad decision.

"Hot! Hot! Hot!" Kaminari shouted.

"You know, these did just come out of the oven not even a minute ago. Did you think they'd be cooled down as soon as they touched the stove top?" Deku chuckled.

[Two Days Later...]

I arrived at some warehouse with Momo, which was kind of an odd place for Dr. Shield to hold an appointment at. But I guess he doesn't exactly have a place to do this at. We walked in, and it was almost completely like walking into a lab! There was a huge pod sitting in the middle of the room. Dr. Shield stepped out of a room.

"Ah! There you are, nice to meet you Alyx!" He greeted.

I nodded and shook his hand.

"So, this appointment is about my mental health?" I asked.

Shield nodded, "Yes, I'm assuming Momo's already told you everything?"

"Yeah, last night and on the way here." I told him.

He nodded and we followed him to that pod I saw on the way in. He used a remote to open it, I was kind of confused.

"Okay, so, in order for us to completely evaluate you, you'll need to step into this pod. It'll put you under until the process is done. You'll have to unclothe yourself before stepping into the pod." Dr. Shield explained.

"Okay, give me a moment." I replied.

[5 Minutes Later...]

After I undressed, I hopped into the pod. I laid on my back and Dr. Shield hooked up a bunch of stuff to me. He put a respirator on my face and closed the pod. I felt my eyes get heavy and I drifted off to sleep.


Momo watched as Dr. Shield walked to a computer to monitor Alyx.

"You've brought his suit redesign, correct? Depending on how long this takes, he may need it, from everything I've heard." David claimed.

"Yes, I have it right here. So, with this machine, will it actually bring back all of his memories?" Momo questioned.

Shield leaned down and looked at the suit design, "Yes, but it could take a while, especially while I treat his preexisting conditions. Those conditions will be dampened down moderately, but they won't exactly be gone entirely. I haven't gotten that far yet with this machine. But his memories... They should be completely restored."

Melissa walked out of a room with notes and more. She walked up to her father and greeted Yaoyorozu.

"He's in good hands! We've roughly estimated that this'll take up to about 2 weeks for him to completely recover. By that, I mean his memory restoration and moderate dampening of his mental conditions." Melissa noted.

Momo looked at the pod, "Two weeks?"

She put her hand on the pod at looked down at Alyx on the inside. Was it worth it? Was two weeks worth risking the possibility of the Quartet Girls or even Shigaraki making their presence finally known?

"Okay, I'll check back in next week." Momo spoke up.

She left Dr. Shield and his daughter as they kept observing the screens in front of them.

"Dad, this outfit he's designed, it looks an awful lot like his Father's. Didn't you design his suit before he left California?" Melissa asked.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I did. This suit will be the best hero costume I've ever created, it has to be, especially with who he's about to face." Shield responded.

[1 Week Later...]

"Master! Master!" A Nomu shrieked.

Shigaraki sat upon a throne made from the skin and bones of the people he's killed. His hair was now tainted a crimson red in random spots. A hand stayed firmly placed on his face, rotting away and falling to pieces.

"What is it?" Shigaraki grunted.

"It's the Quartet Girls! They've been captured! Captured!" The Nomu squawked.

Shigaraki rested his head on the palm of his hand, "Oh? That's a shame. I could've used them as my pawns. Pathetic beings like you could never understand what this feels like."

Shigaraki lifted his hand and beckoned the Nomu to come closer. He placed his hand on the Nomu and it crumbled to ashes. Shigaraki stood up and fastened the hand closer to his face, under the hand, he smiled devilishly.

"Father... Brother... I'm coming home..." He grinned.

[Back at the Dorms...]

Izuku shot up from his sleep in a cold sweat. He looked around his room and let out a sigh of relief.

"Just a dream, just another dream." Deku muttered.

He sat up from his bed and walked over to his balcony. Izuku stared out of the window. The glow of One For All appeared and he looked down at his arms. His eyes widened as he realized that what he dreamed wasn't a simple dream, it was a message, a warning.

"He's awake." A voice echoed in Izuku's mind.

[1 Week Later...]

David Shield stood watching the news as he waited for anything unusual to happen. Thankfully, there wasn't any major fighting or some sort of war going on.

"Dad, his suit is ready!" Melissa exclaimed.

She held up the white and gold colored suit. David smiled at his daughter's creation.

"Incredible sweetheart, you did an amazing job!" He complimented.

They both returned to the screen and noticed that Alyx's brain wave activity spiked.

"He's here." Nana's voice echoed in Alyx's head.

His eyes shot open and he looked around and saw Melissa and David Shield.

[On the Battlefield...]

The Pro Heroes and students had been locked in a heated battle with Shigaraki. Shigaraki managed to get the upper hand and launched himself savagely at Izuku.

"MIDORIYA!" Shoto shouted.

(I.R.P.: Listen to "Each Goal" From My Hero Academia)

Time seemingly slowed down as Izuku's life flashed before his eyes. The beaten and bloody Deku couldn't move a single muscle. Tears filled his eyes as he closed them.

"I'm so sorry Mom... I'm so sorry..." Izuku whispered.

He turned his head and accepted his death. Shigaraki had seemingly won the battle of life and death!

"Gurk!" Shigaraki uttered.

Deku opened his eyes, and was met with Alyx standing in his new gold and white hero suit in front of him. He had Shigaraki by the throat!

"Sorry I'm late, everyone." Alyx announced.

Alyx's gripped tightened around Shigaraki's throat. Alyx simply smirked and elbowed him in the face! It sent Shigaraki flying backwards! Alyx walked forward stronger than ever before!

"From now on, I'm no longer Leonidus. Call me, 'The Overdrive Hero: Braveheart'. And Shigaraki, I've come for you!" Alyx shouted.

Shigaraki shrieked and charged towards Alyx. Alyx went into Mode Four and blocked Shigaraki's strike with his forearm. With the previous knowledge of fighting coming back to him, Tomura stood no chance! Alyx dropped his forearm and uppercut Shigaraki, breaking the ground beneath him. He flew into the air after Tomura and sent him skyrocketing back down with a hellacious kick!

Alyx put both hands out in front of him, "Stardust Shoot: Ten Fingers!"

His attack pierced Shigaraki dozens of times! He finished it off with a Flash Cannon! Alyx then appeared directly behind Shigaraki and sent him into a destroyed building with an Overdrive Fist. Shigaraki rebounded by shooting his decay straight at Alyx. Alyx put up a barrier and charged right into him, burrowing into the ground. He hopped backwards and charged up an attack!

"Ka... Me... Ha... Me..." Alyx muttered.

Shigaraki sent his Rivet Stab Quirk at Alyx.

"HAAA!!!" Alyx roared.

He fired the Kamehameha move directly at Shigaraki! It destroyed the Rivet Stab and rammed into Shigaraki! Alyx let go of the move, thinking that it had done damage to Shigaraki. His eyes widened as he saw steam rise from Tomura's body, but it was almost as if nothing happened!

"Impressive... You've gotten... Stonger..." Shigaraki smiled.

Alyx clenched his fist and stared in disbelief.

"You want to see exactly how strong I've gotten, Tomura?!" Alyx shouted.

Alyx put his arms out to his side and concentrated all of his Overdrive Quirk into his hands.

"I promise you, Tomura Shigaraki, there WON'T be a trace of you left this time! For the safety of Earth, my friends, my family... I WILL take you down!" Alyx shouted.

The energy in Alyx's hands grew larger and brighter. The surrounding debris began to lift off the ground as Alyx's Quirk output increased! The others looked on in awe, what exactly did Alyx have planned? Momo stumbled to her feet.

"Oh no, e-everyone! Clear the area!" She called out.

"FINAL FLAAAASH!!" Alyx screamed.

The attack lit up the surrounding area in a golden light! It bulldozed straight into Shigaraki as it grew larger!

"BOOST FIRE... TIMES 100!!!" Alyx roared.

The Final Flash attack grew larger than a skyscraper as the ground beneath Alyx crumbled! The amount of pressure the attack generated knocked everyone back! Alyx kept outputting more and more into this move, making sure that Shigaraki would be disintegrated! After a couple minutes, Alyx stopped outputting his Overdrive into the move. He took deep heavy breaths as the area was filled with smoke and dust. The smoke had finally settled, and for the first time, everyone saw a genuine look of fear on Alyx's face. His body twitched in terror as he saw Shigaraki still standing there, regenerated the burnt off skin from Alyx's attack. Shigaraki grinned at him.

"So, let us begin, shall we?" Shigaraki asked.

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! :) )

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