
Hope Vs. Destruction! A Master of Darkness Returns! (Movie Saga)

[A Couple Days Later...]

"Isn't toothpaste just bone soap?" Kirishima wondered.

Mina looked at Kirishima, visibly worried, "Eiji, I love you. Let's start off with that."

"No, let him finish, I'm intrigued." Kaminari replied.

"Yeah, he might just have a point." I added.

"Kaminari, spell 'intrigued', will you?" Jiro asked him.

Kaminari sat there in silence for a while. It looked like he was processing thousands of things all at once!

"Uh... I-N... T-R-E-E-G-E-D!" Kaminari spelled with confidence.

We all started laughing, the way he smugly looked after saying that was just too much!

"What? Am I not right?" Kaminari questioned.

After breakfast, Ikari, Annie, and Mr. Aizawa took us into Las Vegas. Although it was pretty bright out, you could still see all of the neon lights glow!

"Woah... They've got arcades here too?!" Deku exclaimed.

We walked around the Vegas Strip, there were so many things here!

"So? What do ya'll wanna do first?" Annie questioned.

We decided on a place to eat, which was this burger restaurant. Kirishima downed at least 8 burgers in one go! Then, we went to one of the arcades, there were so many things to do in there!

"NO WAY! Is that D.D.R.?!" I shouted as I ran over to one of the arcade games.

"It seems like it's two players." Jiro noted.

I looked over to Momo. She smiled and reached in her purse for something.

"Do you still have those thingys?!" I asked with great excitement.

"The tokens? Of course, how many does it take?" Momo responded.

"Only... Two!" I replied as I checked to see how many it took.

Momo gave me two tokens and I heard Mina shout from a few feet away, "ALYX! WAIT FOR ME!"

Mina stood on the other side and I gave her the other token and we put them in at the same time. The game started up and the pads on the floor lit up! We stepped forward, left, right, and backwards in rhythm. It got faster and so did we!

"Time to kick it up a notch!" I beamed.

I activated Mode One and gave Mina some of my Overdrive. We were going as fast as the game could handle! With one last step forward, the song ended.

"Wow, I didn't know you could move like that! How come you weren't one of the backup dancers during our concert?" Mina wondered.

I put my hand on the back of my head and smiled, "Well, I guess I've got a bit of stage freight. Maybe not a bit, but still! I guess I wasn't really to sure about what I could do."

I heard someone gasp, "NO... WAY!"

We looked over and noticed that she was standing in front of a Deep Dope poster.

"They're performing here, tonight?! No way!" Jiro exclaimed.

Jiro turned to Annie and Mr. Aizawa, "Can we go? Please? I've always wanted to see them in person!"

Mr. Aizawa looked at Jiro, then at all of us, he made eye contact with Annie. She nodded at him and he returned his attention to the rest of us.

"Well, if you all are up for it, then alright." He agreed.

[A Few Hours Later...]

We got to the concert and the entire stadium was packed! In a matter of moments, the concert began. Lights galore were strewn across the stadium, fireworks and fog were all over the place! The songs that they sang sounded incredible! Especially now since we're hearing it live! The concert lasted for about two hours, and oh man, was it fun! We were all singing and dancing, just having an amazing time! After the concert we left the stadium, I had a blast tonight!

"Wow! That was amazing! I can cross that off my bucket list now!" Jiro smiled.

As we were walking, I heard a blistering noise. Like a mixture of a high pitch noise and garbled noises. I stumbled around and lost consciousness.

*Annie's P.O.V.*

"Are you alright, Alyx?" I heard Denki ask.

I turned around and saw Alyx with his hands on his head, he activated Gear Three and screamed in agony. What was going on?!

"Ikari!" I called out.

Ikari looked at me and nodded, I went into Gear Five and put my guard up. Eraser Head tried to cancel out Alyx's Quirk, but it wasn't working! Alyx exploded and sent us all flying back! Ikari and I quickly got up, it didn't take long before I realized what just happened. Alyx flew into the air and looked into the sky.

"Do not fret, my mortal subjects. I, Mikaboshi, have returned!" He announced.

Mikaboshi looked down at us, "Hello again, Ikari, Annie. What a nice surprise! I never thought I'd see you again."

"If you think we're gonna let you use my brother's body as some sort of weapon, you've got another fucking thing coming, Mikaboshi!" I shouted.

Ikari and I charged towards Mikaboshi, he caught both of our punches, Ikari headbutted him and sent him into the ground. Eraser Head held Mikaboshi with his capture weapon.

"You fool... Do you really think that something as mundane and simple as this can hold back a God?!" Mikaboshi argued.

"Clearly it's working. Some God you are, using one of my students as your vessel, I take that personally!" Eraser Head growled.

Ikari and I rammed straight into Mikaboshi, knocking him through a stone pillar. Mikaboshi fired off those blades of energy at us. I put up a force shield and so did Ikari. We couldn't let him get past us, no matter what!

"MAKE SURE THE CITIZENS ARE SAFE!" I yelled to the others.

They all jumped into action, protecting and evacuating the people on the streets. The Heat Energy Mikaboshi let off was insane! It felt like a damn thermonuclear bomb!

"A simple shield isn't going to help you!" Mikaboshi laughed.

This bastard was living rent free in my brother's body, waiting for this moment to strike! I knew I shouldn't have trusted this scumbag!

"Alright asshole, let's dance!" I shouted.

I put down my shield and charged at him. Right before I could hit him, and Overdrive whip pulled me back, I felt someone grab me by my waist.

"Are you fucking nuts?" Kariya growled.

"W-What?! How did you...?" I asked.

Kariya gave me that usual dumbass smile. And as usual, he was always late to things.

"Alyx told me, telepathically of course." He smirked.

Mikaboshi landed on the ground and was about to make a move, but he froze? He didn't blink or move, what was going on?

"W-What's going on with him?" Momo wondered.

I closed my eyes; I was trying to figure out what was going on inside of Alyx's head. I smiled, then the realization hit me.

"Ikari, Kariya, we need to open up a portal to the Seventh Plane, it's falling apart!" I told them.

"What? What's going on?" Izuku asked.

I ignored him as Ikari, Kariya and I started to make a portal, hopefully this would work!

"Midoriya! Asui! Once he gets close enough, grab him! We can't risk losing him!" I yelled.

Izuku and Tsuyu ran towards us, hopefully he makes it out!


[Moments Before...]

I woke up, where was I? I couldn't move at all, wait... I'm in the Seventh Plane? But how? Wasn't I just at that concert? I looked up and saw Mikaboshi, then, I realized what happened. I tried to move, but I was being held back by some sort of black goopy shit. Mikaboshi turned around to face me. Was he controlling my body?

"Ah, you're awake! Splendid!" He grinned.

"W-What is this? What are you doing?" I asked.

Mikaboshi simply laughed and turned back around.

"Answer me, damn it!" I demanded.

Mikaboshi looked at me, "I don't have to answer to you, mortal! Keep that mouth of yours shut and we-"

(I.R.P.: Listen to "Hashira ~Main Theme~ from Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba!

Mikaboshi got punched right in the jaw by a shadowy hand! Something cut me down from my binds. I looked behind me.

"T-Tokoyami?!" I shouted with excitement and bewilderment.

He smiled at me, "What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Mikaboshi stood back up and clutched his cheek. I don't think I've ever seen Mikaboshi actually get hurt before, if he had been before I lost my memory.

"Y-You... How did you...?" He questioned.

"It's simple, the Seventh Plane isn't that hard to enter. Or leave, for that matter. Clearly, you don't truly understand how this place works." Tokoyami told him.

"This place is mine to rule! I control his body, not him!" Mikaboshi shouted.

"No, you control his body, but not HIS reality! You don't seem to understand, Amatsu, the Seventh Plane is a space designed for the consciousness of whomever wields the ability to access it." Tokoyami yelled.

I looked over at Tokoyami, "Is that why I'm still here?"

"This isn't your place to rule, Amatsu. This is Alyx's reality, whatever he desires, he gets." Tokoyami nodded.

I looked up at Mikaboshi, who seemed to be stunned and confused.

"Whatever I want, huh?"I smirked.

I thought of the hundreds of possibilities that I could wish for. I tried to activate my Quirk, but I couldn't. I guess Mikaboshi had something to do with it, did he put some sort of spell on me? I knew exactly what I wanted to do! The warriors of my imagination appeared in front of me. I didn't think that it would work, but I guess Tokoyami was right!

"W-Who are these people?!" Mikaboshi shouted.

"These 4 people in front of you are a part of the Joestar family. Aaaand they're here to kick your ass!" I replied.

It seems as if reading manga actually came in handy! In a matter of seconds, there was a mixture of ORAs, MUDAs, and DORAs. They stopped pummeling him and Tokoyami and I stepped in front of them.

"And another thing, that spell you put on him-" Tokoyami smirked.

"-Fuck your spells!" I exclaimed.

I activated my Quirk and Jotaro, Josuke, Jolyne, and Giorno phased into me. Mikaboshi actually looked scared!

"Now, it's my turn!" I boasted.

I reeled my fist back and prepared to hit him with an Overdrive fist. The arms of Star Platinum, Crazy Diamond, Gold Experience, and Stone Free enveloped my arm as I hit Mikaboshi with an Overdrive Fist. Mikaboshi went flying and hit the empty walls of the Seventh Plane. The aftershock of the attack started to make the place shake. It even started to crumble!

"Alyx, go!" Tokoyami yelled.

I looked at him and grabbed his arm, "No! We can both get out of here, Mikaboshi's done for!"

"Alyx, you know as well as I do, that he's not going to stay down," He argued, "Please, let me do this, for all of you!"

I looked down, then back at him, I gave him one last smile.

"Thank you," I spoke softly, "Thank you for everything, Tokoyami."

He nodded his head and turned his attention to Mikaboshi. He held him back using Dark

"Now, go!" Tokoyami yelled.

I activated my Quirk and ran. I ran as fast as I possibly could. The entire Plane was collapsing! Please, for the love of God, Tokoyami needs to survive! In the distance, I saw a portal opening. There was Ikari and Annie! Wait, Kariya was there too?! How!? A piece of debris fell in front of me, I jumped over it. Then, another one fell behind me which catapulted me into the ground due to the impact. I quickly got back up and got back to running, right before I got to the portal, my right leg locked up! I put all of my Overdrive into my left leg and propelled myself forward.

"Please, God, please let me live..." I thought to myself.

Right before a piece of debris crushed me, I felt Deku's Blackwhip & Tsu's tongue pull me through the portal.

"Alyx! Are you alright?!" Kirishima frantically asked.

I didn't know what to say.

Annie healed me and I sat up, "Tokoyami... He... He saved me."

Everyone looked down, we sat there in silence, remembering Tokoyami.

"Hey! Look!" Sero shouted and pointed to the sky.

We all looked up in the sky, we saw two ravens, one smaller than the other. They flew by and perched themselves, facing our direction. I smiled, as I knew Tokoyami and Dark Shadow were watching over us. Then, I heard an explosion. I looked towards where I heard it, Mikaboshi was in the air, how was he alive?!

"Did you all really think... That I'd be killed by something like that?!" Mikaboshi bellowed.

I got up and looked at Mikaboshi, then back at everyone else, "Stay here, I'll deal with him. Alone."

"Alyx, are you stupid or something? This guy's fucking crazy strong!" Kariya noted.

Bakugo agreed with him, "How about you let us kick his ass with you? You shouldn't be playing hero by yourself!"

"Don't be irrational about this, Alyx." Shinso advised.

"No, this is my fight to finish alone." I sternly replied.

"Alyx, wait! Here!" Deku touched my shoulder.

I felt a rush of power go through my body, did he just...? I turned to face him.

"I'll give it back to you once he's dead. I promise." I smiled.

Deku nodded his head quickly and I walked towards Mikaboshi.

"So, shall we?" Mikaboshi asked.

I went into Infinite Mode and One For All: 100%. I flew into the air and stared Mikaboshi down. He smiled menacingly at me.

"Wonderful, let's fight somewhere a bit more... Secluded. Also, I figured you should fight in something more comfortable." Mikaboshi's voice echoed.

I looked down at myself. I was wearing my Father's hero suit! In a flash, Mikaboshi created a void space, it was only him and I inside of it. We stood there in silence for a bit. Our fists collided, and the impact managed to make two black holes! Mikaboshi dodged my high kick, which destroyed the black holes. Every fist and kick that collided shook the void world. This was the first time that I was fighting beyond 100% of my Quirk's power. This wasn't a fight for my life, but a fight for everyone on the planet's lives, and the lives of everyone in the universe! Each of my strikes held meaning behind them, they also meant to kill on impact.

I swept his legs out from underneath him, and started my Dorarara rush! The impacts were so fast and so strong, I was putting dents in Mikaboshi!

"RAAAAAH!" I shouted.

I hit Mikaboshi with my Stardust Shoot. Mikaboshi retaliated by sending red energy spikes at me. They hit me and impaled me! But I kept fighting, I didn't let up at all! I fired a barrage of Flash Cannons at him! The explosions sent him flying higher into the air, we clashed again, the force started cracking the void space! He used an energy blade and impaled me.

"That's the end for you!" Mikaboshi cackled.

I cut his arm off with a blade of my own and my afterimage vanished. His arm evaporated, and he flew backwards from me.


"There's one thing you don't understand, Mikaboshi. They've all entrusted their lives to me, all of them. I'm the shining ray of hope in a world filled with dismay. A symbol of peace, harmony, and everlasting life. I made a promise to every single one of them, that I would be there to protect them, no matter what. If you think for one second... That I'd let someone like you break that promise..." I replied.

"THEN YOU'RE THE FOOL!" I shouted.

One For All and my Overdrive ignited into a rainbow of colors. I charged at Mikaboshi and reeled my fist back.

"OVERDRIVE..." I shouted as I hit his face with my fist.

"SMAAAAAASH!!!" I roared.

I sent him down into the ground! The impact shattered the void space, which he quickly repaired. He slowly stood up.

"ENOUGH! It's t-time... TO DIE!!" Mikaboshi angrily yelled.

I dropped down to the ground; my left arm was toast! I put my full power into that attack hoping it would take him out! He created a gigantic ball of dark energy.

"GO ON! TRY AND STOP THIS!" Mikaboshi cockily said with a fierce, devious laugh.

I put my right hand out in front of me as I felt myself lose Infinite Mode.

"Ka... Me..." I started up an energy wave.

I put my arm behind me, "Ha... Me..."

Mikaboshi threw the ball of energy down at me.

"HAAAAAH!!!" I shouted as I let the Kamehameha wave loose!

It connected with the ball; I was struggling to hold it back.

"M-MODE... THREE!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

My Quirk activated and I felt that rush of power return to me. But the ball was still pushing through! It was moving slow, however! I knew this wasn't going to work! No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't push it back towards him, it was a stalemate between us! I felt myself slide on the newly created ground, was he pushing me back now?!


I stopped putting my Overdrive into that blast and I reeled back my right arm. The ball of dark energy was getting closer and closer! I only had one shot at this, could I do it with the power I have...?

"It's because of the promises I made to everyone! It's because..." I started to say.

I jumped into the air, I felt energy get added onto my arm. My arm was glowing the brightest violet blue that I've ever seen! I looked back and noticed the faces of everyone behind me! Tanjiro, Nezuko, Father, Momo, Izuku, Eijiro, and all of the past One For All users... Everything felt slower, I looked back and smiled at them.

"Thank you, all of you!" I smiled.

"ALYX! GO!!!!" They shouted.

Everything resumed at normal speed. I looked back at the ball of energy and grit my teeth.

"...I'M LEONIDUS, DAMN IT!!!" I yelled.

I put launched my arm forward, and a huge multi-colored dragon encased me! I hit the energy ball dead on! Rainbow colored sparks of energy were flying around me as soon as I made contact with his attack!

"OVERDRIVE: ONE FOR ALL, 10,000,000%!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I burst through the energy ball and hit Mikaboshi!

"I-IMPOSSIBLE!" Mikaboshi shouted.

"I... AM... HOPE!!!" I shouted as I went right through Mikaboshi's chest!

Mikaboshi and the void space exploded and shattered into a rainbow of colors. I smiled as I felt the cool Las Vegas air hit my face. I crashed into a destroyed building and I heard footsteps running over to me. Doing that at 10,000,000%, I broke practically every bone in my body besides my spine, neck, and skull.

"Alyx!" Momo shouted and she hugged me tight.

They all surrounded me, Annie knelt down, "Alyx! Can you move?"

"I-I'm pretty sure... At least 40% of my bones AREN'T broken." I lightly laughed.

I looked over at Deku, "H-Hey... You should-"

Before I could finish, he used One For All! I smiled again. Annie healed me, and Bakugo and Kirishima helped me up. I noticed that those two ravens landed next to us. I walked over to them and knelt down.

"Thank you... So much." I said to myself.

"Any particular reason that you guys are looking at birds?" A voice wondered behind us.

I looked behind me, and my eyes widened. I felt my mouth drop... I couldn't believe it!

"T-TOKOYAMI!" We all shouted and ran towards him.

"How?! I thought you died?" I was astonished!

Tokoyami laughed and sighed, "I have my ways. You aren't the only one that can defy death."

We helped clean up what was destroyed, thanks to Annie and Ikari being there, it only took us a few minutes instead of a few hours.

"Geez, I'm starving! You think there's any ice cream places open right now?" I asked.

Iida pulled out his phone, "It's only 10:00, so I would imagine so! They typically cater to people during these hours."


"Oh, you don't know about the differences in time between Planes, do you?" Annie questioned.

"WHAT?!" I yelled.

Everyone laughed as we started finishing up the cleanup. We finally got ice cream, it tasted so damn good! I looked at everyone and I couldn't help but smile. Momo grabbed my hand as she was talking to Uraraka and Hagakure. Everything was right again, hopefully we didn't have to worry about anymore villains showing up! I looked over at Tokoyami and smiled.

"Thanks, I owe you the world!" I telepathically told him.

"Don't mention it, I'm just glad to be back, and I'm glad that you're alright." He responded.

I looked out of the window, and for a brief second, I saw Tanjiro, Nezuko and my father! They were smiling and waving at me, I was going to wave back but they disappeared as soon as a car passed by.

"Whatcha looking at, bro?" Kirishima asked.

I turned around to face him, "Oh, nothing! Just thought I saw something."

We eventually went back to the hotel, I was honestly super tired from everything that happened today. I still couldn't wrap my head around how I only fought Mikaboshi for 30 minutes! I couldn't wait until we got back to the hotel, I could hear my bed calling me!

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3)

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