
(Naruto) Rise of the Silent Shinobi

Synopsis is a spoiler for the first chapter so read it at your own risk Art work by Sara Yamini This is my second story I have ever wrote so sorry for any plot holes that may be in the story I will try and make the characters think knowledgeably but I am only a normal human . . . . In the shadowy realm between life and afterlife, Alex Blackwood, known as "Shadowblade," had been a formidable assassin. But a fateful mission left him mortally wounded. In the void of the afterlife, he encountered an ancient and enigmatic entity. This being introduced Alex to narratives from different dimensions, intertwining his life with that of a man named Jake in the Star Wars universe. As Alex navigated this surreal amalgamation of reality and fiction, he discovered the power of stories to shape existence. The entity presented Alex with a choice: to become a ninja in the Naruto dimension or a Shinigami in the world of Bleach. Choosing the path of a ninja, Alex embarked on a new adventure, guided by the deity and the interconnected tapestry of stories.

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Chapter 7: The Forbidden Theory

As Alex Blackwood stood amidst the eerie silence of the night, the heart of the Uchiha clan now a part of him, he contemplated his newfound abilities. The Sharingan had awakened within his own eyes, granting him an ocular power that was both feared and coveted. But he was not content with this alone; he had grander ambitions.

With the power of the Earth Grudge Fear at his disposal, Alex delved deep into the mysteries of the Sharingan. Using the dark Jutsu's unique ability to absorb and manipulate DNA, he focused on the essence of the Uchiha's ocular power. In a surge of dark energy, he absorbed the very genetic code of the Sharingan into himself. It was a daring act that defied the natural order, but it was a testament to the depths of his ambition.

Once the process was complete, Alex felt the power of the Sharingan coursing through his veins. He could now harness its ocular abilities without the need for physical Sharingan eyes. The Sharingan, with its red tomoe, was a part of him, a weapon he could wield at will.

However, Alex's ambitions reached even further. He had heard of the legendary ninja Donzo, who had implanted Sharingan eyes into his arms, granting him incredible power. Inspired by this, Alex sought to replicate the feat.

With newfound knowledge and the power of the Earth Grudge Fear, Alex decided to test the limits of his abilities. He channelled his chakra into his arms, forcing his body to adapt to the presence of Sharingan. To his astonishment, his arms transformed, the red tomoe of the Sharingan manifesting in his flesh. Alex now possessed Sharingan not only in his eyes but also in his arms, a unique power that few could match.

However, this experiment was just that—an experiment. After confirming his newfound ability, Alex decided to remove the Sharingan from his arms. The dark jutsu of the Earth Grudge Fear allowed him to do so without lasting harm. It was a testament to his control over the forbidden power he wielded.

As he contemplated the next step of his journey, Alex's thoughts turned to the Izanagi, a genjutsu capable of altering reality and manipulating fate. He pondered how he could use it to safeguard the hearts he had taken.

Alex considered the potential of the Izanagi, a jutsu that could manipulate reality and cheat death. He theorized that it might be possible to use Izanagi to preserve the hearts he had collected, but the risk of testing this theory was too great. The consequences of failure could be catastrophic.

With the Sharingan as his guide, the Earth Grudge Fear as his ally, and the Izanagi as a tantalizing but untested possibility, he ventured into the unknown, ready to carve a legacy that would be remembered for all time, no matter the cost.

POV Black Zetsu

In the hidden depths of the shinobi world, where shadows held secrets and darkness concealed mysteries, Black Zetsu continued its relentless vigilance. As the will of Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, its purpose was singular: to serve its mistress's interests, whatever they may be.

With its watchful eyes, Black Zetsu kept a meticulous record of the Uchiha clan, an enigmatic and powerful lineage. Every member, every detail, was cataloged in its inexhaustible memory.

However, amidst its unending surveillance, Black Zetsu detected a new and unforeseen anomaly—a battle of darkness and power. It focused its attention on the unfolding events, for the world was about to witness a display of forbidden jutsu that defied comprehension.

Before its very eyes, a ninja known as Alex Blackwood was locked in a grim confrontation. He methodically eliminated Jōnin and pursued Genin with a relentless determination. There was no doubt that this individual possessed formidable power, a power born of darkness and ambition.

The battle raged on, each jutsu cast casting shadows that danced in eerie patterns. But what truly fascinated Black Zetsu was the revelation that this ninja could manipulate the Sharingan bloodline after acquiring a Uchiha's heart. It was a revelation that held the potential to reshape the fate of the Uchiha and the world itself—a power that even Kaguya's descendants were unaware of.

As the battle reached its climax, Black Zetsu watched with a silent intensity that only an observer of its calibre could possess. The outcome of this confrontation held the potential to rewrite the destiny of the Uchiha and the fate of the shinobi world.

But what intrigued Black Zetsu, even more, was the fact that Kakuzu, one of the Akatsuki, remained ignorant of this unique ability—the ability to integrate the bloodline of a Uchiha into one's own. It was a knowledge that Zetsu was not inclined to share, for the risks it posed to the Akatsuki's stability were too great.

As Black Zetsu contemplated the implications of this newfound knowledge, it considered the possibility of enlisting this mysterious ninja as an ally of the Akatsuki. This clandestine organization thrived on the acquisition of power and the realization of its hidden agenda. With this unique ability, the Earth Grudge Fear user could prove to be a valuable asset.

The wheels of destiny continued to turn silently as Black Zetsu watched, waiting for the opportune moment to make contact. In the shadows where alliances were forged and secrets unraveled, the Akatsuki sought those who could further its enigmatic goals. And with the Earth Grudge Fear user on the horizon, the path to power and destiny remained shrouded in darkness.

Back with Alex

After the fierce battle had come to its grim conclusion, Alex Blackwood knew that the lifeless head of the Jonin he had slain would fetch a hefty price. The world of shinobi had its economy, one where death had value, and every Jonin had a bounty on their head.

With a sense of cold pragmatism, he made his way to the bounty board—a grim marketplace where the deeds of assassins and the fates of the fallen were laid bare for all to see. His target had been a low-ranking Jonin, a shinobi of little renown, and therefore, the bounty attached to his name was modest—500,000 Ryo. It was far from a fortune, but in the world of mercenaries and killers, every coin counted.

As he affixed the severed head to a pike—a gruesome trophy of his victory—he felt the weight of his actions, the echoes of his past life as an assassin. In this world, death was a currency, and he was its ruthless collector.

The bounty board, adorned with parchments bearing the names and faces of the fallen, served as a stark reminder of the harsh reality he now inhabited. In this world of shadows, shinobi hunted each other for profit, and the price of a life could be measured in ryo.

With the head of the Jonin displayed for all to see, Alex awaited the inevitable. Soon, another shinobi would come to confirm the kill and the bounty would be his to claim. It was a transaction devoid of emotion, a macabre exchange that defined the world he now navigated.

As he stood by the bounty board, a silent participant in this grim marketplace, Alex Blackwood knew that his path was one of darkness and relentless ambition. The world of shinobi had little room for mercy, and in its unforgiving embrace, he would continue to walk the thin line between life and death, driven by a thirst for power and a pursuit of his own enigmatic goals.

AN) that's the end of the chapter I would like to see at least one power stone to see if anyone is actually enjoying the story hope you have a good rest of your day