
(Nameholder) To find what lingers in your very heart. Fire force au oc

Kaguya sets out to find Her father. It is a mystery as to where he has gone. One thing she does know is the promise he gave to her. Though she is not willing to wait for him to return. Is her heart willing to move forward as well from their past?

Skyfall_uno · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 The night after the dream

I sat in the dark of the library shadows cast on the shelves.

I was in my father's Library, Here he made books some he read some penned by his own hand.

What I was questioning was where was the place of secrets of our world, and why did all of the continents burn but Asia? Why do we have pyrokinetic abilities? These are things My father questioned. we said We'd search high and low for the answers when I came of age. What kept him from waiting? I thought in frustration. Then I remembered his eyes at that time he was pained but why? This is why, I Tomoe would be responsible.

As I remembered his face from that time I began to feel that feeling as well.

"Tomoe" I heard My mother whisper from the entranceway Her kind and beautiful face was before me.

I still felt puzzled. She walked up to me with a Tea mug And one for herself.

It was Father's favorite drink it gave off a bit of Nostalgia. I took the Mug and cradled it to feel its warmth.

"Is something troubling you, My Dear?

"No Mother, Not anymore"

Hiro was now sitting a little ways away from me on a chair.

"Do you want to tell me what was bothering you?"

"Dad, he never saw enough in himself did he?"

Hiro's face then crumpled.

My mother almost spoke mournfully.

"Kaguya, I don't care what name you choose to go by"

She stopped for a moment.

"If you wish to know about your Father, then I will hold nothing against you"

"I do not wish for you to linger where your father has"

I started to speak out of someplace I didn't know how I was feeling.

"Even if that's so, All that we had experienced together, I wish to know the secrets of his heart.

I will find him one day and I will hear all that he has to say."