
(Nameholder) To find what lingers in your very heart. Fire force au oc

Kaguya sets out to find Her father. It is a mystery as to where he has gone. One thing she does know is the promise he gave to her. Though she is not willing to wait for him to return. Is her heart willing to move forward as well from their past?

Skyfall_uno · Fantasy
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4 Chs

2 weeks later

" You fought like hell was on your side!" The proud voice spoke egging me on.

It was pitch black; I would never forget those words.

That day I fought; I fought like the world was against me and them till I silenced my voice filled with a fiery hatred I would not Complete this task.

Then like light flashing before my eyes

I had a made a counter move, silence all my ambitions in my heart instead I took a seeping breath in and before I knew we were grappling on the ground all this was to procure that I would continue to keep Those dear to me on my shoulders.

After what felt like hours; I had him flat on his back The next thing I remember he had blood trickle down his forehead.

My heart raced I felt my face contort Into one of terror and desperation.

"SHIMON, GET UP!" I said through a strangled voice.

'He had tried all this time to TEACH


I Found myself calling out out of breath " MOM!, KONRO!"

My view went black again.

Before I knew It I was sitting up in bed

My stomach felt full of anxiety.

I burst into tears like a child.

I then looked around the light in my room appeared to be that it was Dawn; there I saw Hiroko and Shinmon. My Mother looked disturbed so much so that it silenced her Shinmon as well It almost seemed like he was holding back tears his lip quivered. I looked straight up it was Konro. He looked at me gently with a smile.

My eyes began to water again

Without cause.

Both My mother and Shinmon held my hands. I looked deeply at Shinmon

I then reached up to where his scar was Shinmon then quickly grabbed my hand. He then looked at me with understanding, "I told You to fight to protect, Did I not you had no intentions of harming me."

I knew this was no question;

At once the flow of my thrashing tide of emotions had calmed the sea inside.

Hours later we had received word of another company of fire soldiers that were to come today.

We all awaited for that time.

From the porch we all sat My mother sat behind as she she lay her head on my shoulder as she hugged me; It was her kindness shining through once again. I could not tell her off.

Konro sat to my right As he put a hand on my knee reassuringly, He would glance over at me from time to time.

I then saw Shinmon's gaze as he sat facing me from the look in his eyes he wanted to be closer to me as well.

He put his Arm over Hiro's head and around mine as he put his head over mine.

We all felt a stillness in the air as soon as he did this.

Shinmon then started to speak

"Even If you decide to Go with them today, … Promise me You'll come back and bring that coward of a father back home in an instant" I felt A turning in my eyes like a glare away But needless I could feel My mother's face tense. "Shinmon!" Hiro spoke as she had smacked him in the head.

Her voice seethed that was all he needed to hear. " I thought we talked about our feelings and crap in this family, Hiro chan" Shinmon spoke nonchalantly. Before Hiro could grumble on anymore Konro spoke up

"TOMOE Ay AY AY will be the victor"

He then went on and spoke

'She will find that Great desire in her wherever she may go even If her journey may take her to where the Stars and moon reside Though It may be what she searches for her, Is in her.

One by one their thoughts seem to go in their minds

'Will finding her father be enough to soothe what pains her?'

'She's ready, I know what I said Will be something she considers, But what if that is the very thing keeping her going?'

'Alas My child, May you conquer whatever comes before you, May we be In your heart'

It was not long before we heard footsteps approaching.

We all began to straighten ourselves out.

There stood two young men about My age.

One stood on the left His hair was like the yellow hues of the sunset his eyes a clear sky blue.

The other had twilight red eyes and short black hair that stood up.

I then noticed the blonde glance at me his checks dusted pink for a moment.

The other had a smiled as he took of his hat and bowed with his back as well.

He started to speak clearing his throat

Our superiors- Ack!


Shinmon then turned with a scathing irritation, As well as I.

In Sequence we spoke;

"SHUT UP" " Get on with it!"

Shinmon continued.

The blonde then spoke up again

" If THIS Cretain would've shown the lady the proper respect! This would all have been avoided!"

Shinmon then stood up and seeming with his own overbearing aura stood over them despite his size being almost equal to there's.

He gritted through his teeth.

" Well, Then Get on with it"

They both began to prostrate themselves.


Shinmon spoke in a low commanding tone.

"What have you come here for?!"

The red eye boy the spoke up.

"Sir, We came to ask for a helping hand anyone that would be willing to come and Join the 8th! "

Shinmon started to speak

"Very well…. We have someone"

I felt my Mother's whole body tense from behind me.

My Mother whispered in my ear.

"I trust you"

Before I knew Konro looked at me with an intense look, I had never seen before he stood up and looked ahead.

"I will go with Tomoe! And as soon as she has arrived, I will return!"

Suddenly I felt like something stabbed at my heart.

I stood up Rashly.

" I can do this Konro!" His face went to one of concern.

I took his hand and put one hand on the bottom of his wrist and the other My thumb over the front of his hand.

"I can do it!"

With a heavy heart, something flickered through my Mind.

My Father and myself when I was still small.

I turned my body to meet my two new allies.

I cleared my Throat.

"I Ask that My new Allies will guide me on this long Journey and we shall rest and battle side by side!"