




Villain: Eavesdropping, The Heroines Are So Beautiful



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Chapter 234: Domineering Sister Yan, dismiss the head of the family! [3]


"Big elder!"

The Patriarch of Quan was shocked, and he was going to dismiss the Patriarch?

He immediately remembered that there is indeed such a rule in the Quan family rules, and the elders have the qualification to remove the head of the family.

Once approved by all members, the head of the family can be removed.

After the dismissal, the elders have the qualifications to appoint the head of the family!

Under normal circumstances, if the head of the family resigns voluntarily, then the head of the family can designate an heir.

Generally speaking, it is the heir to the head of the family who is the new head of the family.

Even if the head of the family dies, the heir can justifiably become the head of the family.

But now if he is dismissed, not only will he lose the throne of the patriarch, but even Quan Dong will lose his heir status.

These guys are really too much!

However, he was still a bit lucky, because among the three camps of the elders, one of them belonged to the Patriarch's camp, and those elders must support the Patriarch unconditionally.

Therefore, in the history of the Quan family, no elders have ever been able to remove the head of the family because it cannot be recognized by all members.

"Quan Boya, you are no longer fit to be the head of the family!"

The first elder said coldly, and immediately looked at the other elders.

"Vote before it's too late!"

"Quan Sibo! 39

880 Patriarch Quan yelled at the Great Elder with wide eyes. If the other party was so decisive, it would be equivalent to tearing his face. There was no need to call the other party the Great Elder.

If you can escape this time, you will definitely rectify the elders in the future.

It is best to change such clan rules to ensure that the power of the head of the family will not be threatened in any way.


The first elder ignored him, and instead asked Li Yan with a shy smile, "Miss Li, do you think this is appropriate?"

In the end, whether the Quan family can survive or not depends on Li Yan's decision.

If she doesn't want to, then no matter how much they do, it will be useless.

Li Yan smiled and said, "The first elder is very smart. I have never encountered such a thing before, and today is an eye-opener. So, will you make this scene come to an end?"

She looked at the other elders and now gave them the choice of life and death.

If you want to survive, it is inevitable to remove the head of the family!

If you don't want to live, then resist.

Anyway, she brought 20 Fengwei over here, plus herself, crushing the Quan family would not be a problem.

Even if the matter spread to the ancient martial arts world of the ancient capital, and even the ancient martial arts world of the emperor (cgcf), no one dared to refute her half a sentence.

Let's just say the simplest mistake, intending to embezzle Chu Xuan's industry, this alone can kill the Quan family.

After all, embezzling the industry is provoking Chu Xuan's authority.

Taking the initiative to provoke, does the rest of the ancient martial arts world dare to accuse Chu Xuan or her?

Besides, Quan Dong, the heir to the Quan family in the magic capital, even wanted to endanger Chu Xuan's life.

This would allow the Chu family to destroy the Quan family thousands of times, and even the three clans were the lightest.

Even the Emperor Quan's family shivered when they heard the news.

After all, they are all the main family, and the Magic City Quan family is their branch.

It is normal for the family to be held accountable for such a thing.

According to normal circumstances, such a major event will be held accountable, and the Quan family of the imperial capital will also be pulled into the water in minutes, destroying their entire family.

Even if others dared to speak for the Quan family, Li Yan would not hesitate to do so.

She is so arrogant!


The elders looked at each other in dismay, and it was true that they did not expect the first elder to use such power.

The Imperial City Quan family has a history of 800 years, and the Demon City Quan family has been separated for 500 years.

In eight hundred years of history, nothing like this has ever happened.

But now, it's time for them to make a choice.

Soon an elder raised his hand to vote for the elder!

With this elder taking the lead, the other elders raised their hands one after another, causing Patriarch Quan to turn green.

What's so special, they are all people from the other two camps.

Fortunately, the elders of his main camp haven't raised their hands yet, and the vote will probably not pass.

The elders of the other two camps have already voted, and everyone is looking at the elders of the Patriarch camp.

Ten seconds passed, and they still didn't raise their hands. It seemed that they were still supporting the Patriarch?

Li Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, it seemed that he could see some blood!

The elders of the two camps are waiting for their eyes, what the hell, don't you understand the situation clearly?

Up to now, I still support Quan Boya, this fool, it will really kill the family.

Patriarch Quan breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that his throne of Patriarch could be kept.

Then we should consider how to deal with Li Yan. After all, we have to let this matter pass, otherwise the Quan family will still be in danger.

"Elders, judging from the current voting results, the removal of the patriarch has not passed the vote, so I am still the patriarch of the Quan family. Now I announce..."

"No no no, we haven't voted yet!

Suddenly, an elder said, causing Patriarch Quan to choke on his words.

The elder who spoke was obviously from his Patriarch's camp.

"what are you saying?


Patriarch Quan's face was cold, and there was a faint feeling in his heart.

The elder looked at Patriarch Quan, and then said calmly: "It's nothing, I just think, since it's a vote, it has to have a sense of ceremony, and it has to be neat and uniform!

"So, I support!

"I support!"

In an instant, the remaining elders raised their hands at the same time, and they were really uniform.


All the elders supported the dismissal of the Patriarch, and Patriarch Quan was so angry that he spit out old blood.

Even the elders of his family's main camp rebelled?

What a failure he was.

Why can't these people understand him? Quan Dong is really very, very important to the Quan family in the magic capital.

Whether the Quan Family of the Magic Capital can rise in the future depends on Quan Dong.

If there is no Quan Dong, the Quan family in the magic capital will still be a third-rate family in the future, and it is impossible to become a top ancient martial arts family.

Why can't you figure out this crucial point?

However, how did he know that the elders were thinking about how to keep the Quan family alive.

Li Yan's attitude is very clear, if she cannot be satisfied, the Quan family will be destroyed.

The destruction of the Quan family means that everyone present will die.

Li Yan shook his head slightly, and said with a little regret: "It's a pity, I thought it would be good for you to resist, so that you can directly destroy your Quan family."

"Now that you are so sincere, I am a little embarrassed to start. Then Quan Boya is no longer the head of the family, and his son's harm to Young Master Chu must be settled with him.

"There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the son's debt to the father. Quan Boya, what should you give your son's good deeds?"


Chapter 235: Chu Xuan: What the hell! Is my sister Yan so dragged? [4]


In Tan Gong, Chu Xuan was lying leisurely on the sofa, directly using the system brother as a tool, and letting him mobilize the monitoring system to check the situation on the Howard family's side.

At present, the first Howard family master has been killed, through the monitoring system to screen, plan the most perfect route, find the most suitable time, let the nearby Longwei take action, and unknowingly kill a master in the manor Killed, and finally left quietly.

The action went very smoothly without disturbing anyone.

I believe that when the Howard family finds out the next day, it will definitely cause a shock.

The Howard Family Manor is very heavily guarded, with almost no loopholes. There is a team of bodyguards patrolling around the clock, and with various high-tech equipment, it is difficult for even a fly to fly in.

But under the monitoring system, the so-called defense is also full of loopholes.

There are hundreds of action routes calculated by the monitoring system alone.

Even if he wanted to assassinate the old Howard, who was protected by many guards, it would definitely be a sprinkling of water.

Therefore, the Dragon Guard dispatched in the past was only the ninth level of the congenital realm, but silently assassinated a master of the fifth level of the grandmaster.

For other ancient warriors, this is very-unbelievable.

But for Chu Xuan, it's just basic exercises.

There is a monitoring system, and if you want to find the flaws of the master, isn't it as simple as drinking water?

After watching Long Wei's actions, Chu Xuan observed the Quan family when he had nothing to do.

Now that guy Quan Dong has reunited with the protagonist, I have to say that the aura of the protagonist is indeed very powerful, and villains like Quan Dong can't resist at all, and are suppressed in minutes.

There was even a very strange emotion that made him almost break his defense.

Coupled with the thief God's show, won't Quan Dong be taken care of by Ye Fan in minutes?

Since Quan Dong has reunited with Ye Fan, he must do something to the Quan family.


Although they knew that Su Yanran and the others were already attacking the Quan family property, as for the ancient martial artist, it was better to use the ancient martial artist method.

[Do you want to find a time to destroy the Quan family?]

[If Ye Fan knew that the Quan family in the magic capital was destroyed, would he still believe that Quan Dong could help him?]

[Or will I encourage Quan Dong to use the network in the imperial capital? Hehehe~ Not bad, that's good. ]

Quan Dong, the prince of the magic capital, has a good relationship in the imperial capital, and the Quan family in the magic capital is destroyed, so the power that Quan Dong can borrow is only the network of the imperial capital.

Anyway, to deal with Quan Dong and Ye Fan, let Quan Dong use the relationship there first.

I just took this opportunity to beat some people in the ancient martial arts world in the imperial capital, let them be honest, don't really think that Chu Xuan is a Muggle.

Although some things from the ancient martial arts world of the ancient capital were passed on to the ancient martial arts world of the imperial capital, apparently not many people believed it.

No way, whoever said that the ancient martial arts world in the imperial capital knew that he was not interested in ancient martial arts power.

So now there are those rumors, they feel that there is a high probability that it is the wind released by the Chu family, and they want to confuse the public.

That being the case, then use Quan Dong's network to spread the news that he is already an ancient warrior and a master.

Quan Dong, Ye Fan is a tool person, and he is also a tool person.

That guy is destined to be a tool man, otherwise he is an experience baby.

Thinking like this, let the monitoring system call up the monitoring screen of Quanjia Manor.

Just didn't expect...

[f**k! What is Sister Yan doing at Quan's house?]

[Good guy... this, this, the Quan family was scared to pee? ]

[You even did things like dismissing the head of the family because of Sister Yan?]

Chu Xuan was stunned when he saw Li Yan.

I really didn't expect that she would be in the Quan family, and she would threaten the Quan family lightly and let the Quan family elders make a decision and dismiss the family head.


Man, such a crazy thing was actually done.

But why things happened to her always made people feel for granted.

Chu Xuan quickly took a look at the situation, retrieved the video of the surveillance system, and checked it at a faster pace, and then he knew what happened.

Fortunately, there was a monitoring system to monitor Quanjia before, so the route was preserved, and everything that happened in the manor could be easily checked.

After learning about it, I was even more shocked.

[Lying trough! Lying trough!]

[My sister Yan is actually so dragged? The Quan family is simply scum in front of her, and she is easily manipulated. ]

[Hi~ There are women in the world who can do this kind of thing, besides my sister Yan, just ask who else! ]

Chu Xuan praised Li Yan without hesitation. There is no way. In the plot, Li Yan is such a perfect woman, even more perfect than the first heroine Su Yanran.

She is mature and evil.

... Ask for flowers...

She is good at guessing people's talents, so that she can always accurately control everyone's emotions, observe everyone's bottom line, and make the best choice.

Now she knew exactly where the bottom line of the Quan family was and what the elders of the Quan family wanted urgently, so she made an open and above-mentioned threat.

Facts have proved that there is no problem with her calculation, and the elders of the Quan Family is just as she imagined, attacking the head of the family and trying to please her.

Seeing these things, Chu Xuan had the urge to set off for Quan's house.

Looking at the handsome Li Yan in the picture, I really wanted to rush to the scene and hold her tightly in my arms.

Such a mighty and domineering sister Yan is so fragrant!

Besides, Sister Yan went to the Quan family to make trouble for him.

Can he not be moved by this state of mind?



Otherwise, how could Chu Quan's family be in her eyes.

At this time, the female protagonists who heard their hearts were speechless.

Scumbag, is it really okay for you to tout Sister Yan so much?

Did you take us seriously?

We are also very good!

But only the heroine who has been with Li Yan knows that Li Yan's perfection is really unparalleled.

She can take care of all sisters just like the big sister.

But like the queen, she can decide the future of the country while talking and laughing.

Most importantly, her affection for Chu Xuan was so profound that it moved everyone.

For Chu Xuan, she can make any world, even if she is the enemy of the whole world.

[No, no, I can't help it, I have to go to Quan's house! ]

Seeing Li Yan calmly controlling the situation, Chu Xuan couldn't hold back.

It's a waste of such a good opportunity if you don't see it on site.

As soon as he thought of it, he did it. A carp flipped over from the sofa, stretched out his hand, and the car key flew over and fell into his hand. He directly cast Phantom Lost and rushed to the garage, making Qiu Yuxin and the others beside him speechless.

You can see Sister Yan every day, why are you still so uncontrollable?

If it really doesn't work, you can wait for Sister Yan to come back, and then the two of you can go to the room to have a good conversation.

If not, you can consider us first!

With such a group of beautiful goddesses around you, are you still not interested?

How delicate the grass on the edge of the nest has been taken to the mouth, you really don't think about eating a wave? Dry.


Chapter 236: Li Yan: No one can offend Young Master Chu! [1]


Li Yan's words made the elders break into a cold sweat. Fortunately, they were wise and made the most correct choice, otherwise Li Yanzhen would not let anyone in the Quan family go.

If he failed to remove Quan Boya just now, then Li Yan would definitely let Feng Wei take action, to deal with them first, and then destroy all the Quan family members, linking the three clans together.

Even on the side of the imperial capital's main family, they couldn't save them from splitting up at all.

What a terrible woman, as expected of Li Yaonu, she is really ruthless and very decisive.

Quan Boya is really scared now, the position of the head of the family has been removed, and now he is just an ordinary family child.

In the face of the life and death of the family, if they can push a family member out to save the family, then the elders will definitely not show mercy.

In other words, when he was dismissed as the head of the family, the elders had no intention of holding back.

Even if Li Yan didn't kill him, the "880" elders would definitely not let him go.

There are so many ways to kill him.

It is impossible for him to compete with the elders with his own strength, and even if the elders make a move, they can directly take him down with a few elders.

Now when it comes to the matter of Quan Dong, he really doesn't know what to do.

At this moment, he really regretted giving birth to Quan Dong.

If there is no dutiful son of Quan Dong, then the Quan family may be ordinary, but it will never encounter such a thing today.

How good it would be if Quan Dong was pasted on the wall!

It is a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world, even if he handed over Quan Dong now, and even beheaded the filial son in anger, Li Yan would definitely not let him go.

For the inquiry, it is just to torture him, to play with him.

"It seems that you haven't made up your mind yet, is it a fluke?


Li Yan asked with a smile, and she knew that Chu Xuan was coming through her heart, so she was not in a hurry to kill Quan Boya now.

When Young Master Chu wants to come over, she must not wait for a while. It should be better to kill the other party in front of Young Master Chu.

In other words, Shao Chu still wants to play, so he will keep Quan Boya first and let Shao Chu have a good time.

Quan Boya was so anxious that he broke out in cold sweats, instinctively wanted to ask for help from the elders, and suddenly remembered that the elders wanted him to die now, the whole person was decadent, lost all strength, and slumped on the ground, tears of remorse flowing down.

It would be nice if, if not for these things.

The Quan family had the opportunity to flourish, but his filial son was turned into trouble.

"Kneel down."

Li Yan said lightly, Quan Boya was shocked and hurriedly knelt down.

"Young Master Chu, come over immediately, you all, prepare yourself mentally for being judged by Young Master Chu.

After she finished speaking, she no longer looked at these people at the scene, but took out her mobile phone and chatted in the hostess group.

I did this thing today, and I can't show it off to my little sisters?

At present, Su Yanran and the others are cleaning up the Quan family, some are attacking from the business side, some are assassinating the disciples of the Quan family, and some are attacking from the ancient martial arts world.

In general, the Quan family has been targeted by a group of terrifying women, who can kill them anytime, anywhere.

Now that you come to the Quan family to crush a wave, the little sisters should admire them very much, right?

Li Yan: "How is your sister's operation today?"

Su Yanran: "...Sister Yan, didn't the Quan family let us clean up?

Tang Qiutong: "Yes, yes, you have shot now, we don't have to play.

Li Yan:???


Seems like, like, maybe, really said that?

Li Yan was a little embarrassed. When Su Yanran and the others decided to clean up the Quan family first, they really did intentionally let them settle it.

But why can't she see it, how can the Quan family endure Chu Shao's industry?

So I came over and stepped directly on the Quan family.

Li Yan: "Cough cough~ Those are all small details, don't pay too much attention to them. Shao Chu will come over immediately and see how Shao Chu arranges it. If you want to destroy the Quan family, you can take action directly and kill the Quan family completely. !

Wen Xiaoxiao: "As expected of my sister Yan, I pushed the Quan family directly!

Everyone who understands understands that this is just to use the life and death of the Quan family to resolve the embarrassment.

After all, she has always been a very mature and stable person in everyone's heart, and now she is taking the initiative because of Chu Xuan, which is indeed a bit surprising.

But it seems to understand that as long as it involves Chu Xuan, she will always be very serious.

Even if it is a little thing, a little trouble, she will go all out.

Knowing that Chu Xuan was about to come, the Kwon elders group was also panicked, standing there at a loss and fidgeting.

"What? There are needles on the ground, and you still can't stand still? Then, kneel down too...""

Li Yan glanced at these guys, the more they looked, the less pleasing to the eye.

The Quan family will definitely be destroyed, and Young Master Chu will not keep them.

Now is just to give them a little time to survive. When Young Master Chu feels tired, that will be their death.

The elders wanted to cry but had no tears, so they could only follow Quan Boya to kneel on the ground, divided into two columns, with their heads lowered, their eyes fixed on the ground, not daring to move.

That action is like waiting for an audience with the emperor, very loyal.

About half an hour later, Chu Xuan finally arrived at the Quan Family Manor.


Barely being blocked, he entered directly into this huge living room.

As soon as I came in, I saw the person kneeling on the ground, I was a little surprised, and said, "Yo~ This kneeling is very neat and has received professional training?


The mentality of the elders almost collapsed, can there still be professional training for kneeling?

It makes them seem to be ready for the enemy to knock on the door and kneel down to beg for mercy, it's too much!

But they didn't dare to say it, the other party was Chu Xuan, an unattainable big man, and it was blasphemous to look at it.

"Sister Yan, what's the situation?

Chu Xuan pretended not to know anything and looked at Li Yan on the throne.

Li Yan stood up with a smile, knowing that Chu Xuan was pretending to be stupid and not exposing it, so he briefly explained the matter.

"Ah? Is it so straightforward?"

Chu Xuan blinked and sat on the throne of the head of the house, while Li Yan stood beside him naturally.

"2.5 No one can offend Chu Shao, whoever offends Chu Shao, my sister will definitely not make him feel better. What about Quan Dong, how about my sister looking for a chance to kill him?

Li Yan tentatively asked Chu Xuan's meaning, what is the prince of the magic capital, Chu Shao is here, he is qualified to be called the prince?

Really long face?

To speak of the prince, Young Master Chu is the only prince of the ancient warriors of the Xia Kingdom!

Chu Xuan was greatly moved, he lightly grabbed Li Yan's soft weeds, and said softly, "Sister Yan, don't care so much, it's just some small things. If you get angry, Master Ben will feel distressed. That guy Quan Dong can feel bad at any time. If you can kill it, keep it now and use it as a toy.""

"As for what Quan Boya is, it doesn't matter. If you kill him, you will die. Anyway, doesn't that guy in Quan Dong care about his father? Then put Quan Boya's head in front of him."


Chapter 237: The big villain's mentality burst, is this a gift? [2]


What is a murderous heart?

That's it!

Quan Boya had a little expectation for the filial son, and hoped that the other party could bring the Fei family and Fei Fei him.

But what about the result?

Quan Dong did not help the Quan family at all, nor did he give him a good face.

Even so, Quan Boya wanted to defend the other party until just now, but he felt regretful under the pressure of Li Yan.

Now Chu Xuan's words are the last straw that broke the camel's back, completely breaking his mentality.

Yes, the filial son doesn't care about his life or death at all.

If he really cared, then he would not speak coldly on weekdays, or even look down on him, and even bring disaster to the family.

So now even if Chu Xuan kills him and sends his head to the big dutiful son, he won't have any sadness, right?

Yes, it must be so!

What the hell did he give birth to, how could God play him like that?

Quan Boya lowered his head and finally collapsed to the ground completely, without any strength, his life was completely hopeless, he fell into the darkness, and there was no more light of dawn.

Li Yan glanced at him and liked Chu Xuan's black belly.

Just a few words can make people like Quan Boya completely desperate. If it is possible, Quan Boya wants to commit suicide now, right?

The elders are basically old and mature, and there is no way to see that Chu Xuan is attacking Quan Boya's confidence and completely defeating his last belief.

'This Chu Xuan is horrible!'

'The only heir of the Chu family has no simple means of controlling people's hearts.


'Absolutely not to offend him, absolutely not!

'Back then we still wanted to embezzle the Sheng'an Group, really, really deserved death!'

The elders shivered, really knowing what kind of person Chu Xuan was, and they fell into a deep panic.

Chu Xuan is someone they can't afford to offend, and someone they shouldn't offend.

No matter whether the other party is the heir of the Chu family or the existence of other ancient warriors, their means are not something they can compete with.

Li Yan probably also knew what Chu Xuan was thinking, that he wanted to kill Quan Boya first to stimulate Quan Dong.

As for the Quan family, in fact, it can be destroyed at any time.

The last is Quan Dong. Chu Xuan doesn't want to kill him yet. It is estimated that he wants to let the other party cooperate with Ye Fan and do more things to pass the boring time.


That guy, Quan Dong, is destined to be Chu Xuan's toy, and he can take it out and play with it at any time, and it can be dismantled at any time.

"Then elder sister killed Quan Boya first. As for the matter that the Quan family wants to embezzle Chu Shao's property, how about asking the Quan family to pay a certain amount of compensation?"5

Li Yan made a suggestion, and Chu Xuan agreed without thinking.

As long as it was the idea given by Sister Yan, in fact, there was no need to think about it too much, it was good for him anyway.

Moreover, Li Yanshi is a very smart person, with a IQ like a demon, and he often considers everything in the long term.

"Okay, let's do that."

After Chu Xuan agreed, Li Yan didn't talk nonsense, and a scarlet real qi roared out, turning into a sharp blade and cutting off Quan Boya's head.

Blood splattered, and his head fell to the ground. When he died, Quan Boya's eyes were still full of despair. His eyes were wide open, and he couldn't rest.

Seeing Li Yan's actions, Chu Xuan secretly admired it.

As the top demon in the ancient martial arts world, Li Yan's infuriating attributes actually changed a lot. For a woman like Chen Ruobing, her infuriating attribute was ice, which was directly related to the cultivation method.

And what is Li Yan's?

a lot of!


Because she practiced a lot of exercises, and the exercises did not conflict with each other, which led to her being able to possess many different types of infuriating qi.

She even researched some ways to make a variety of infuriating qi fuse together, and at the same time display infuriating qi of various attributes.

Of course, the attributes of the body itself are also very important.

When each person obtains True Qi, he actually activates his own attributes, which can be of various attributes, but there are always some that stand out.

When ancient warriors are cultivating, or when choosing a practice method, they will also choose a practice method that fits their own attributes, and determine their own cultivation direction.

For example, Lu Li, she has the body of nine yin, and if she chooses a practice method, it is best to fit with the body of nine yin, and it will be more effective in practice.

Li Yan has chosen a lot of exercises, and it can even be integrated, which of course she did deliberately.

Besides, Chu Xuan himself has more attributes!

When the system signs in each exercise, it will give him the corresponding attribute.

For example, Yang Wulei gave him Yang attributes and thunder attributes directly, Yin Wulei gave him Yin attributes, Fire Cloud Palm gave him fire attributes, and so on.

A variety of attributes, he can figure it out in minutes.

Because... he is already a land fairy.

The real qi of the land gods is different from the innate qi, it is a purer and more extreme power.

"Sister Yan, let's go back first.

Seeing Li Yan's great power, Chu Xuan really couldn't help it, and he had to take her to Tan Gong immediately.

Such a mighty and domineering sister Yan, who can stand it?

"OK, OK~"

Li Yan rolled his eyes and let him leave holding hands. When he was about to come, he also instructed Feng Wei to pack Quan Boya's head and send it to Quan Dong.

Right now, Quan Dong is still in the small bungalow. Due to some special emotion, he feels inseparable from Ye Fan now.

Thief God, the operation is extraordinary.

Ding dong!


The doorbell was rang, and Quan Dong looked away from Ye Fan, who was lying on the sofa, and walked to the door.

When I opened the door, there was no one there, just a very delicate gift box with a greeting card on it. 880

"what is this?"

Quan Dong frowned, picked up the huge gift box, and weighed it, there was still some weight.

When I opened the card and checked it, I saw that it said, "Mr. Quan Dong, please accept the gift we have prepared for you."


"what are you doing?"

Before Quan Dong could understand, Ye Fan's voice came from behind. When he turned to look, Ye Fan was already standing behind him, staring straight at the beautifully packaged gift box.

"Oh, I don't know who gave the gift. I guess it's someone who wants to have a relationship with me. 39

Quan Dong immediately explained, but Ye Fan frowned.

"Open it, people want to see what it is."

"Oh, alright."

Quan Dong nodded hurriedly, and immediately opened the gift box, but when he saw the contents inside, he shouted 'wow' in fright and threw the gift box out.

The whole person jumped up, his lips trembled, and his mentality burst.

"What's wrong with you?"

Ye Fan was startled by his sudden action, and immediately shouted angrily.

At this time, Quan Dong was staring at the gift box, his eyes bursting, as if he saw something incredible.

What, is this a gift?

Are you sure it's a gift?

Which bastard is scaring people?.


Chapter 238: Why are you a little happy when your father died? [3]


Heaven and earth conscience, how could his father's head appear in the gift box?

Tricky, someone must be playing tricks on him!

Quan Dong was angry.

The first reaction was that someone was playing tricks on him. After all, his father was still at home, so how could his head appear in the gift box?

This kind of joke is really not funny at all!

'Don't let Lao Tzu know who it is, or I'll kill you!'

Quan Dong was furious, watching from side to side, wanting to know which bastard did it.

But the surrounding is very quiet, there is no trace of anyone at all.


"Bastard! What are you doing with a start?"

Ye Fan didn't look at the gift box, but felt that the current Quan Dong was not pleasing to the eye.

The ghost knows what happened, it's very scary to bluff!

He glared at Quan Dong's back, and Quan Dong turned his head helplessly. When he was about to explain, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Bloody smell?

Wait, why does the gift box smell bloody?

Could it be that...

He was shocked and looked at the head in the gift box again, his eyes locked.

After a moment, his face darkened.

Really, it turned out to be true!

The head in the gift box is actually his father's!


My dear, what kind of bastard did it? He even killed his own father and brought his head in front of him.

Does he remember who he has sinned against?

Could it be Chu Xuan?

No, if it was Chu Xuan, there is a high probability that the Quan family would be wiped out directly, and he would not engage in such small tricks.

Could it be his enemy in the imperial capital?

It is possible that in the process of developing the relationship network in the imperial capital, some people will inevitably be offended.

If it was those people, then there was nothing he could do.

After all, those people are of noble status, and it is not something that he can offend now.

Even though he has a lot of connections in the emperor, his connections are still very hard.

"Bastard! Ignore people! Is your father dead? As for?"?

Ye Fan's angry voice came from behind again, his dissatisfaction with Quan Dong was very, very strong.

Quan Dong had no choice but to turn around and said helplessly: "You are really right, my father is indeed dead, and his head was sent over, now, it's there.

He pursed his lips and motioned for Ye Fan to look over, feeling very strange in his heart.

Obviously his own father died, but why is there only a touch of sadness?

There is no anger that ordinary people should have, just a little sadness.

It is said that the revenge of killing his father is not shared, but his father died, but there is really no feeling of being too angry.

Why exactly?

It is very simple to say, since he was a child, he did not recognize his father, nor did he recognize anyone in the Moduquan family, thinking that he was an existence beyond them.

The so-called father, the so-called clansmen, are just his burdens.

Now that my father is dead, in addition to the slight sadness, there is an inexplicable relaxation.

Feeling inexplicably happy as if a stumbling block was kicked away?


Ye Fan also noticed the situation in the gift box at this time, and his face changed slightly.


The head of the master of power?

{How, how could it be the head of the master of the Quan family?}

{What the hell did someone do? The head of the Quan family died. Could it be a family fight? Does it mean that Quan Dong has lost the Quan family in the magic capital?}

{If there is no support from the Quan family of the magic capital, then...that's not right! Quan Dong's relationship is mainly in the imperial capital, and he is much more valuable than the Quan family of the magic capital. }

Ye Fan's thoughts turned, the first thing was to consider Quan Dong's current value.

Quan Dong, who lost the Quan family of the magic capital, naturally could no longer be called the prince of the magic capital, and his status would plummet.

Under normal circumstances, such a worthless person would be kicked away.

But considering the other party's relationship in the ancient martial world of the imperial capital, he still held back.

Judging from the relationship networks developed by Quan Dong, he is far more valuable than the Quan family in the magic capital.

If you go to the ancient martial arts world in the imperial capital in the future, you will definitely need to use Quan Dong's network.

Even now he intends to let Quan Dong use the imperial capital network to help him fight against Chu Xuan.

Chu Xuan is also from the Chu family in the ancient martial arts world of the imperial capital. With the check and balance of the ancient martial arts world of the imperial capital, he should be able to restrain himself and find the opportunity to rise!

Even if he operates well, he can grab Quan Dong's network.

Everyone knows that if he is exposed in front of those people in the ancient martial arts world of the imperial capital, then it will not be a chance, but a disaster.

Under the circumstance that their own background is insufficient, the Chen family, Ye family, and Jing family will never give him a chance to rise, but will kill him to maintain the balance within the family.

Especially the Chen family and the Ye family, once the Jing family master knew of Ye Fan's existence, he would definitely spare no effort to kill Ye Fan!

It is even possible to turn against the Ye family and the Chen family!

The relationship between the Ye family, the Chen family, and the Jing family is very close.

The Jing family is a top business family, with huge wealth, and even supports a lot of ancient martial artists, and also obtained a lot of ancient martial arts resources.


The Ye family and the Chen family need these resources, so they have a close relationship with the Jing family.

Coupled with Chen Ruobing's relationship, not to mention the relationship between the three families.

But if Ye Fan's identity is revealed ahead of time, then the Jing family owner can't be bombed?

""Your father is dead, what are your plans now? Why don't you go back to Quan's house?"

Ye Fan's eyes rolled, if he took Quan Dong to kill the Quan family, would he have a chance to win the Quan family?

Although it is not one of the five major families in the magic capital, it is still an ancient martial art family, with a certain background, and can help him do a lot of things.

However, Quan Dong shook his head directly and said, "No need, the Quan family is now..."

"It is necessary! Your father is likely to have died in a family struggle. Since it is your father, then we have to go back (money) to see!

Ye Fan interrupted him immediately, was it unnecessary?

No no no, he thinks it is necessary, that is necessary.

If you don't take it down, an ancient martial arts family will be struck by thunder.

Quan Dong opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Well, now what Ye Fan says is what he says.

Since he was going to visit Quan's house, what if he would give up his life to accompany the gentleman and accompany him for a while.

Besides, if it is really a struggle within the family, then I just took this opportunity to completely cut off the relationship with the Magic City Quan family.

You don't have to be dragged down by them in the future, and you can go to a higher peak.

The two hit it off and immediately rushed to the Quan family.

Chu Xuan was so speechless when he learned that Ye Fan and Quan Dong were going to Quan's house.

Although I want to take a look, it is more important to play with Sister Yan now.

The little things don't matter.


Chapter 239: The protagonist's dirty tricks, the invitation of Lingjianmen [4]


In the blink of an eye, a few days passed, and Quan Dong and Ye Fan's trip to Quan's house was doomed to be fruitless.

The current Quan family hates Quan Dong very much, and naturally it is impossible to hand the Quan family to him.

Even if they wanted to fight Quan Dong, the elders would not hesitate.

All because Chu Xuan's deterrent power is so terrifying that the elders still wake up from their sleep.

Although they didn't gain much, knowing what happened to the Quan family made them even more resentful towards Chu Xuan.

What surprised them the most was that Li Yan would be the first to attack the Quan family!

The beauty Li Yan, who Ye Fan still misses so much, will actually attack the Quan family directly.

The reason for the shot is very simple, that is, the Quan family offended Chu Xuan, and Quan Dong offended Chu Xuan!

Just this reason is enough to make her kill the Quan family.

{Why, why do you always help him?}

{Is Lao Tzu not good enough?}

{Ahhhh! Damn it, why are all the beauties around that bastard Chu Xuan?}

Ye Fan's mentality collapsed. If Chu Xuan attacked the Quan family, it would be easier to accept.

But it was Li Yan who took the initiative to attack the Quan family, and the reason was so simple and rude that he couldn't accept it.

He has always considered himself excellent, and believes that all beautiful 880s should be around him.

But since meeting Chu Xuan, everything has changed.

All the beauties he saw seemed to be unclear to Chu Xuan.

Even Windsor, whom he first met overseas, mingled with Chu Xuan.

It's really unacceptable!


Who is Windsor?

She is the princess of the Rothschild family, her status is so noble, even he is jealous of the wealth in her hands.

But such a princess is actually mixed up with the bastard Chu Xuan.

Every time he thought of the little princess he hadn't gotten yet being held in his arms by Chu Xuan and wantonly molested, he turned purple with jealousy.

{By the way, Windsor! Never let that bitch go!}

{Messing up with that bastard? Hehehehe~ you'll regret it, you'll regret it!}

Ye Fan was incompetent and furious, but he also thought of a way.

There is a very, very simple way to get Windsor to leave Chu Xuan, and that is the Rothschild family!

As long as the Rothschild family shot, Windsor would return to him in minutes.

Yes, just do it!

Then, to let the Rothschilds know, you have to borrow the power of one person, Axe!

Didn't Axe have a blind date with Windsor?

If Axe told the Rothschild family about Chu Xuan, as long as he added fuel to it, Rothschild wouldn't explode?

At that time, the huge family will take action and summon countless powerful ancient warriors to come, and they will definitely be able to destroy Chu Xuan.

As long as Chu Xuan is dead, he will definitely have a way to get those beauties from before, even if he uses tough means!

The woman that Chu Xuan has enjoyed, he will seize! The woman that he has not enjoyed, he will also seize!

At this moment, Ye Fan's mentality has completely changed, and the whole person is full of darkness, like a devil.

He is not only targeting Chu Xuan, but also the women around him.

Especially the woman who knew him first, but ended up with Chu Xuan!

Windsor, Lu Li, Nangong Die, these are the ones he can't forget the most.


He had known Windsor overseas, and was still his little fan girl at the time.

What about Lu Li?

That was his childhood sweetheart, and he had known each other in the orphanage since childhood.

As for Nangong De, that was the fiancee Chen Ruobing found for him.

The fiancées are all mixed up with Chu Xuan, and they feel green on their heads.

If you don't grab it, are you still a man?

He quickly made a series of plans, waiting to be implemented.

At present, he is ready to start from several aspects, one is to use Quan Dong's network in the ancient martial arts world of the imperial capital, the other is to use the Howard family of Ax, and the other is naturally the Rothschild family!

Another one, the relationship between Chen Ruobing and Zhang Tian (cgcf) peak!

As for the business community in the magic capital, he also has a solution.

As long as the capital is big enough, it will definitely make those goddamn entrepreneurs succumb.

If the cash flow under his control is exposed, those entrepreneurs can't come around as quickly as flies?

I was really brainstorming before, and I didn't even think about this aspect.

Still thinking about attracting those entrepreneurs with 'personal charm', it's really brainstorming!

To deal with those entrepreneurs, the simplest and crudest thing is to show huge capital.

With the trillions of cash flow in hand, those entrepreneurs will panic!

Before cooperating with Quan Dong, I used some funds, and there are more than 700 billion left!

After Axe reported the situation to the family, the Howard family directly took out 300 billion.

In other words, he now has trillions of cash flow in his hands.

It is believed that these cash flows can have a severe impact on the Upper Realm of the Magic Capital. No company can resist such a huge offensive, and no entrepreneur can resist such a temptation.


Little did they know that his voice had been known by the hostess and Chu Xuan.

Knowing his next plan, Windsor's mentality almost exploded, and he almost rushed over with his little sisters and gave him 1,800 mouths.

A dirty thing, to be so shameless, and want to use the family to threaten her?


I'm afraid I'm going to be disappointed!

If the family knew the current state of the Dragon King Palace, they would probably draw a clear line with him, right?

If he knew of Chu Xuan's horror again, I am afraid that grandpa would come to Xia Guo in person and talk about cooperation with Chu Xuan.

It can be said that as long as Chu Xuan's heritage is truly revealed, no force in the world can sit still.

Ancient martial arts, business, two-pronged approach, who can stand it?

In addition, he now has an arsenal with advanced technology and a very terrifying ordnance research institute.

In terms of hot weapons, he also occupies an absolute advantage.

Chu Xuan played with Li Yan for several days, and finally put it down contentedly, lying comfortably on the sofa in the living room, enjoying the massage of Qiu Yuxin's gentle little hands, feeling very comfortable.

At this time, Shadow came over with an invitation.

"Young Master Chu, an invitation for you. 99

"Invitation? Who's getting married? Hey~ Have you got some money again?

Chu Xuan didn't care and took the invitation, but when he saw it, it turned out to be an invitation from Lingjianmen.

"Lingjian Sect respectfully invites Young Master Chu to come..."

He couldn't help but read it out, and he probably understood that it was Lingjianmen who invited him to go there, saying that Lingjianmen was going to fight an internal sword selection competition, and invited him to watch the ceremony.

"Interesting, is Jianzi's selection contest? Cough~ Does anyone want to play together?"


Chapter 240: Sister, your words are very ambiguous! [1]


The Swordsman Selection Competition is one of the most important events in Lingjianmen, held once every ten years.

In the competition, there will be not only the Jianzi qualifying competition, but also the Jianzi elimination round.

The knockout round will be held first, and the candidate Jianzi will challenge Jianzi. If the challenge is successful, he can take his place and prepare to participate in the qualifying round.

If the challenge fails, he will lose his qualifications as a candidate for the sword and become an ordinary inner disciple.

There are a fixed number of swords in Lingjianmen, a total of nine swords!

And the number of candidate swords is more, under normal circumstances there will be more than 2-10.

In the history of Lingjianmen, there have even been fifty candidates for swordsmen.

A large number of candidate swords means that the Spirit Sword Sect is strong, and a small number of swords means that the Spirit Sword Sect is going downhill.

At present, the number of candidates for Lingjianmen is twenty-five, and they will challenge the existing swords in the knockout round.

Such a large-scale competition will invite many ancient martial arts forces in the ancient martial arts world to watch the ceremony.

Chu Xuan is naturally a little interested in this kind of competition. Anyway, if he is idle, he is idle, so he will pass the time.

Now the protagonist is ready to start the action, but it may take some time before the action is actually implemented.

Can't find something to do during this leisurely 'vacation'?

"I go!"

Shadow's huge hands immediately shone, and his eyes lit up.

Take Chu Xuan with you, shouldn't something happen?

She had come to realize that as long as Chu Xuan was present, something had to happen.

"I'm going...are you polite?""

The corner of Chu Xuan's mouth twitched, girl, your words are very ambiguous.


"I go!""

"I'm going!"5


Chu Xuan's brows jumped, each one of them is nothing, can he speak more civilly, and come up with a literary style.

For example I want?

Seeing many female protagonists coming, they all want to go to Lingjian Sect.

Counting the number of people a little, there are a dozen or so.

Except for the busy Su Yanran and others, everyone else seemed to be very interested.

Forget it, anyway, if they are idle, they are idle, so just take them out for a walk.

"Okay, the Jianzi selection competition will be held in five days. Let's go together then."

For a big game, you must do some preparation.

In fact, Lingjianmen has been preparing for this matter a few months ago, and now they have released invitations, leaving five days for the audience to come over, and the time is quite abundant.

When Chu Xuan agreed, all the female protagonists cheered.

Five days passed in a blink of an eye, Chu Xuan really didn't go anywhere, basically he was in the Tan Palace, or went to the Chu Group to hang around, or else he went to the Sheng'an Group.

As for Wen Xiaoxiao, Cheng Yueyue, and Han Ningning, under his guidance, their medical skills are now very advanced.

It is no exaggeration to say that there is no problem in hanging the so-called experts.

Also because of Chu Xuan's guidance, they have become famous in the medical field of Xia Guo.

After solving some intractable diseases that made countless experts helpless, he became famous, and many patients came here every day, wanting to get their treatment.

Therefore, the three of them are very, very busy now, and it can be said that they are the busiest doctors in St. Ann's Hospital.

His excellent medical skills have also convinced countless experts in the hospital.


As for Sheng'an Group, under the blessing of new medicines, various orders kept coming, and assets skyrocketed. Now Su Yanran doesn't even bother to pay attention to the Su Group in the magic capital.

Of course, the attraction of new medicines is really terrifying. During this period of time, Tianshen Security has caught quite a few intruders, many of them ancient warriors, all of whom want to steal information on new medicines.

For these people, Chu Xuan's plan is to detain them all for the time being, and then find the people behind them to liquidate them when they are free.

If you attack the Shengan Group, don't let them bleed?

"Young Master Chu, shall we go now?"

The ten female protagonists have been dressed up, and they are standing in front of him.

Looking around, Yingying Yanyan can make all men turn purple with envy.

The participants included Shadow, Qiu Yuxin, Windsor, Mu Ziyi, Liu Yiyi, Jian Qing, Xiao Muqing, Tong Xin, Huo Qiangwei, Wang Mengmeng,

There are a total of ten female protagonists, each of which is the ranks of the best goddess, the kind that can make men madly pursue.

And they are not from the ancient martial arts family or the ancient martial arts sect.

In the ancient martial arts world, no one knows them at all, is it intentional?

..... ask for flowers...

It does!

The female protagonists have already negotiated, and this time, let the female protagonist of the non-guwu force go, which is to increase their knowledge.

There is no need to go to the other female protagonists of the ancient martial arts family.

Because they have participated in similar activities many times, there is no point in going there.

Might as well let other little sisters participate to gain some knowledge and help Chu Xuan in the future.

Besides, too many people go, I'm afraid Chu Xuan can't take care of him alone.

"I said...are you going to the party?"

Chu Xuan was a little speechless. These female protagonists were all dressed up one by one, basically wearing evening dresses.


Good guy, if you take this out, you must not envy those men to death.

Sin, sin, he really didn't want to show it off.

"That's OK."

The shadow turned several times in front of him, not feeling anything strange about his dress,

She wears a dress similar to Gothic clothing, which is very distinctive. With the appearance of loli, she is very blinking, which can make people with certain complexes unable to stop, and instantly become a licking dog.

The evening dresses of other heroines also brought out their own characteristics.

If I remember correctly, the cloakrooms in their respective rooms are now filled with all kinds of clothing.

There's no way, who made Li Yan rich and rich? Last time, he directly invited a group of world-renowned designers to customize all kinds of clothes for them by hand.

It is not clear how many billions it has spent, but it is just right to be very proud.

"Okay, let's go~"

Chu Xuan shrugged, and immediately went out with ten female protagonists.

With so many people going together, naturally there must be a team.

The Rolls-Royce Wraith team outside Dangong is ready!

And at Lingjian Gate, in order to welcome Chu Xuan's arrival, the elders and the gate owner were really heartbroken.

"Are you sure it's okay?"

Elder Yunjian asked again, and he had to make sure that there would be no problems!

Chu Shao came to Lingjianmen for the first time, and he must leave a good impression. That is the best for Lingjianmen.

"Elder Yunjian, can there be a letter from Chu Shao?"

The door owner, who was sitting on the throne of the main hall, frowned and asked.


Chapter 241: The towering Spirit Sword Gate, everyone gathers! [2]


"Don't worry, Sect Master, if nothing happens, Young Master Chu will come.

Elder Yunjian stroked his long beard and said with a smile, "The sect master also knows about the Misty Pavilion. According to Young Master Chu's character, he should be very happy to come to Lingjian Sect."

"I hope so, and that thing... hey~"

The door owner sighed, worried.

What happened in the Misty Pavilion could not escape the eyes of the spies of Lingjian Sect, so they are now very clear about what happened.

The Misty Pavilion in the three major sects has already followed Chu Xuan. It seems to be taking the initiative, but is it really such a coincidence?

In time for Ye Fan to go to Misty Pavilion to release the entrusted task, he showed up, causing Misty Pavilion to surrender to save his life.

To say that Chu Xuan didn't do it on purpose, he wouldn't believe it if he killed him.

Therefore, the current speculation of the sect master is that Chu Xuan intends to incorporate the three major sects, just like the inclusion of the five major families is "883".

Seeing that many elders are busy, the door owner does not have much confidence.

Will Chu Xuan really come to Lingjianmen?

Whether Lingjianmen can rise or not really depends on this time.

If you want to return to the ancient martial arts world in the imperial capital, the chance may lie in Chu Xuan.

As far as the current Misty Pavilion is concerned, it is already qualified to return to the imperial capital. Is it difficult for the only heir of the Chu family to lead the Misty Pavilion to the ancient martial world of the imperial capital?

It's not difficult, it's just a matter of words.

I would like to ask if Chu Xuan said in the ancient martial arts world of the imperial capital that he covered the Misty Pavilion and would take root in the ancient martial arts world of the imperial capital, who would refute the ancient martial arts world of the imperial capital?

Absolutely no one will object!

The fame of the No. 1 ancient martial arts family was not bragged, but fought and killed!

At this time, the Lingjian Gate was decorated with lanterns and festive atmosphere.


Many people from the ancient martial arts world entered the mountain gate of Lingjian Gate, and they were also shocked by the magnificence here.

Lingjianmen is also located on the outskirts of the magic capital, basically on the edge, it is a mountain shaped like a sword.

The altitude is not high, but the area is not small.

Lingjian Gate is divided into inner and outer doors, all of which are not open to tourists, and there are various natural barriers to block tourists and so on.

You can reach the outer gate by crossing an iron chain bridge. The Lingjian Gate is full of sharp breath on weekdays, because this is the paradise of sword cultivators, and the sword is respected.

As soon as you step in here, you can feel the sharp sword intent.

Especially the three big characters 'Lingjianmen' on the archway of the mountain gate, the word 'sword' is even more captivating. When you look at it, you can feel the infinite sword intent contained in it, which seems to be able to cut through the sky.

It is said that this was left by the ancestor of the great master Jiuzhong of Lingjianmen!

It is precisely because Lingjian Sect once had a great grandmaster Jiuzhong's ancestor, so even though Lingjian Sect has gone downhill for many years, no one can shake the status of its three major sects.

The current spirit sword sect master, the cultivation base is only the master realm, and has never been able to touch the threshold of the great master.

"As expected of Lingjianmen, the style is still the same!"

"Just the word 'sword' can make countless swordsmen look ashamed!"

"The ancestor of Lingjianmen is really terrifying!"

Outside the mountain gate, many ancient warriors were judging their opinions and praised the grandeur of Lingjian Gate.

In the crowd, Chu Xuan has come with ten beauties.

The surroundings are spacious and don't feel any crowded, just that there are quite a few eyes on them.

Now Chu Xuan is an absolute celebrity in the ancient martial arts world of the ancient capital. The battle of the martial arts exchange conference alone made his name Chu Xuan resound throughout the ancient martial arts world of the ancient capital.

Everyone knows that he is the only heir of the Chu family in the imperial capital, can you show some respect?

Coupled with his terrifying talent and his unfathomable cultivation, countless younger generations regarded him as an idol.

Even the powerhouses of the older generation continue to praise his talent and cultivation.


So now he came here with ten beauties, and no one dared to stop them, and no one thought he was addicted to beauty.

After all, he is the ultimate villain, and his talent and cultivation are extremely evil. Who can think that he is a drunkard who is addicted to beauty?

On the contrary, people think that there are many beautiful women around him, and that is a normal thing.

"Young Master Chu also came to participate in the grand event of Lingjianmen?"

"Ah~ I saw Young Master Chu again, the style is still the same, the style is still the same!"

"Young Master Chu is worthy of being a role model for my younger generation, not only the cultivation level is against the sky, but also the beauties around him!

"Hey~ Only Young Master Chu is worthy of these beauties!"

"Huh? Wrong or wrong, these beauties are barely worthy of Young Master Chu! 35

The discussion around people is getting more and more wrong, making the heroines like You Ying depressed.

Are you polite?

What makes them barely worthy?

You are the ultimate goddess!

You touted Chu Shao so much, it's really too much, it makes them seem to have no charm at all, and like toads, they want to eat Chu Xuan, the white swan?

For the first time, as the best goddesses, they felt heartbroken...

Chu Xuan smiled and greeted the people around him, hey~ These people are too honest, what nonsense are you talking about, you should take care of the little self-esteem of women~

"Young Master Chu! 35

"Young Master Chu! 35

Suddenly, one after another voice sounded beside him.

Turning his head to look, he was shocked to see the Tang family, the Nangong family, the Misty Pavilion and others.

They rushed here in a hurry, seemingly very excited.


"Yo~ are you all here too?

Chu Xuan smiled, not surprised.

Lingjianmen must have invited them, and they will definitely come to support.

No matter what, he is a member of the five great families and the three great sects, so he still has to give him some face.

And through this activity, you can recognize the essence and potential of Lingjianmen, why not do it?

"Young Master Chu, let's go in together?"

The crowd came to him and walked inside around him. As for Mu Ziyi and the others, they seemed to have been forgotten.


At this time, the Inner Sect Sword Emperor Hall of Lingjian Sect, the inner sect disciples came to report, the Sect Master and Elder Yunjian and others were all excited.

"Chu Shaozhen is here? Elders, let's go out to meet them! 35

2.5 Elder Yunjian was about to go out excitedly. At this time, the sect master shouted: "Elder Yunjian! How dare you be so reckless? When Young Master Chu comes, you will go out to greet him?

"Ah? This..."

Elder Yunjian turned around, his face a little ugly.

Sect Master, what do you mean? Don't you want to greet Young Master Chu?

Don't make trouble, that's someone with a distinguished status, and it's a bit unreasonable not to greet him.

The other elders were also worried, looking at the appearance of the gatekeeper, it was estimated that there would be a conflict with Chu Xuan.

Do you feel that your majesty as the door owner has been offended?

The sect master stood up, frowned and scolded: "Young Master Chu came, and you elders went out to meet and leave the sect master, what did you say? Of course, the sect master should lead you to greet you, this is sincere enough. !"



Chapter 242: Damn, is the protagonist appearing again? [3]


Sect master, you are so beautiful, did the ancestors know?

Who would have thought that the sect master would say such a thing, and the haggard and unpredictable show really shrugged.

Now that the door owner is going to greet Chu Xuan, it must have something to do with that, right?

Elder Yunjian thought of that guy, and his brows were tightly entangled.

The ghost is really haunted, how can I meet that guy anywhere, the key is that every time the other party appears, there will always be surprises.

The door owner also had many worries in his heart, but with the arrival of Chu Xuan, those worries seemed to be able to be put down.

He took a group of elders to greet him outside the mountain gate, and soon saw Chu Xuan who was surrounded by the crowd, and immediately greeted him.

"Lingjian son of Lingjian Sect, welcome Chu Shaoda to come!

The sect master stepped forward for the first time, clasping his fists and bowing.

Every Lingjian sect master is named Lingjianzi, which is a symbol of identity.

In addition to the sect master, other elders are also like this, such as the elder Yunjian, whose title is inherited from the previous elder Yunjian.

"The door owner is very polite.""

26 Chu Xuan responded with a smile and looked at the other elders.

There are eight elders in Lingjianmen, corresponding to nine swordsmen.

If there is no accident, after this elder leaves office, Jianzi will serve as the elder. At that time, the candidate swordsmen will be selected again, and nine swordsmen will be selected.

As for the first swordsman, he was the sect master.

The sect master and the elders both stepped down together.


Such a model can stimulate the younger generation of Lingjian Sect to continue to struggle, because as long as they work hard, there will be hope to become the real top of Lingjian Sect.

"Young Master Chu, please come here."

The door owner invited Chu Xuan to go with everyone, and soon came to the Neimen Mountain Gate.

The location of the Jianzi selection competition is outside the Inner Sword Palace.

There is a wide platform there, and you can build an arena for competitions with any modification.

There will only be one arena in the Jianzi selection competition, so that everyone can see the strength of Jianzi and the candidate Jianzi, so as to give a comprehensive evaluation.

At this time, the nine swordsmen and the candidate swordsmen were all in place, waiting on the platform.

Thirty people in total!

Among these people, one seemed out of place and seemed to be disliked by the others.

Especially the first swordsman, when he saw the opponent, his eyes were full of anger and jealousy.

"It turned out to be that guy!"

The first swordsman gritted his teeth. The person who embarrassed him last time at the Martial Arts Exchange Conference met again today. He really wanted to immediately take his juniors and rush over and trample him to death.

If it weren't for the presence of many heroes in the ancient martial arts world, he would really do this.

When Chu Xuan came here, the first thing he paid attention to was those swordsmen and candidate swordsmen.

When I saw that man, I was speechless.

[f**k! The protagonist has appeared again?]

[If there is a chance, you can meet the protagonist anywhere. ]

[Or is this the fate of the villain and the protagonist?]

The out of place in the crowd is naturally the protagonist comrade.

At this time, the other party stood in the candidate Jianzi camp and closed his eyes and rested his mind. It seemed that everything around him was not in his eyes, and it seemed that he had already controlled the overall situation.


For today's Jianzi selection competition, he has absolute confidence!

Hearing Chu Xuan's voice, the heroine immediately looked at Ye Fan's position and was also speechless.

Something will really happen, look, didn't the protagonist appear?

I wondered why he was always dangling in front of them, and it was difficult to avoid them.

Could it be because of the protagonist's halo?

The female protagonists feel very unhappy, but they are also looking forward to it.

Since he appeared, should he be crushed severely today?

After all, Chu Xuan was present, how could it be possible to sit back and watch Ye Fan get a chance?

From the perspective of the opponent's position, it is not difficult to guess that the opportunity the opponent wants to obtain this time is the first sword!

Judging from the previous martial arts exchange conference, even the first swordsman was not Ye Fan's opponent.

Then the opponent will undoubtedly be the strongest in the candidate Jianzi camp!

No one can stop him from becoming a sword, even the first sword.

If he really becomes the first swordsman, does that mean that when the elders and the sect master step down, he will become the sect master of Lingjian Sect?

Seemingly noticing Chu Xuan's gaze, Elder Yunjian said in a low voice, "Young Master Chu, something happened before, and that guy has become a candidate for the Spirit Sword Sect. I will tell you the details later. 99

Chu Xuan nodded slightly, surprised by the situation inside.

After all, when Elder Yunjian was at the Martial Arts Exchange Conference, he almost killed Ye Fan.

But now the other party has become the swordsman of the Spirit Sword Sect. If it is said that there is no big deal, who can believe it?

And Ye Fan also opened his eyes at this time, as if there was some kind of traction in the dark, and looked directly at Chu Xuan and the others.

The first thing I saw was Shadow and the others.

Seeing these beautiful women, his eyes lit up completely.


Are there so many beautiful disciples in Lingjianmen?

But after seeing Liu Yiyi and the others, I felt very familiar again, and I immediately remembered that these are the best goddesses following Chu Xuan?

{They showed up, do you mean that bastard Chu Xuan...}

{Gan! It's actually him! Asshole, bastard!!!}

{Why can I meet you anywhere, why, why 887?!!!}

The moment Ye Fan saw Chu Xuan, his mentality almost collapsed.

Every time I meet Chu Xuan, it's not a good thing, no matter in Jiangcheng or the magic capital, including in the ancient martial arts world, it seems that as long as Chu Xuan appears, he will be very unlucky.

No matter what you do, you will fail, and even become the laughing stock of everyone.

When he came to Lingjianmen this time, he was already very low-key and silent.

But still encountering Chu Xuan, who should I turn to?

Chu Xuan immediately laughed when he heard Ye Fan's thoughts.

Comrade protagonist, since I have the fate to meet you here, how can I not find something exciting for you?

Participate in the sword selection contest, right?

Very good, I hope you can proceed smoothly, when the time comes, I will send you something exciting, which will definitely make you feel refreshed and get carried away.

Lingjianzi invited Chu Xuan to the VIP seat. The so-called VIP seat was actually located in the center of the steps outside the Sword Emperor Hall.

There have been more than a dozen Taishi chairs placed there, and those who can sit on these Taishi chairs are all people with sufficient identities.

Either the five major families, or the three major sects.

"Young Master Chu, about Ye Fan, this old man will tell you clearly.

As soon as he sat down, Elder Yunjian walked around behind him and explained in a low voice.


Chapter 243: God operates, people from the ancient martial world of the imperial capital! [4]


After Elder Yunjian explained, Chu Xuan finally understood what had happened.

It has to be said that the operation of the protagonist comrade is really strong, and it can even be called a god operation.

Ye Fan was not a disciple of Lingjian Sect, at least not before.

But things changed three days ago!

Three days ago, the elder of the Qingyun Sword Sect in the ancient martial world of the imperial capital suddenly came with Ye Fan.

What ancient martial force is Qingyun Jianzong?

That is one of the seven sects of the ancient martial arts world in the imperial capital, and its strength is very, very strong, and it is not comparable to a force like Lingjian Sect.

The elder of Qingyun Jianzong who brought Ye Fan here is even more of a great master.

Great master!

It is said that the current Spirit Sword Sect, the sect master with the highest cultivation base is only in the master realm, and naturally he has no ability to resist in the face of that kind of powerhouse.

The purpose of the elders of Qingyun Jianzong bringing Ye Fan here is very simple, that is, to make Ye Fan a candidate swordsman of Lingjianmen.

Originally, it was impossible for outsiders to intervene in matters such as candidate swordsmen, because they had to be selected from the inner disciples of Lingjian Sect, and only outstanding people could become candidates for swordsmen.

But the people brought by the elders of Qingyun Jianzong directly intervened in this matter, would Lingjianmen dare to resist?

Of course not!

Besides, Qingyun Jianzong's elder status, if it can be flattered, it is also a very good thing for Lingjianmen.


Therefore, Ye Fan became the candidate of the Lingjian Sect!

It is precisely because of this matter that the sect master and many elders have had a lot of headaches these days.

Who doesn't know that Ye Fan and Chu Xuan didn't deal with each other, and now the other party has become the candidate swordsman of Lingjianmen, the ghost knows what Chu Xuan will think?

One is the elder of Qingyun Jianzong, they can't afford to offend!

One is the only heir of the Chu family, and they can't afford to offend them!

However, they simply do not have the ability to resist the elders of Qingyun Jianzong, they can only agree temporarily.

After worrying for several days, I finally expected Chu Xuan to come to watch the ceremony, so I hurriedly explained this matter, lest Chu Xuan misunderstand, and when the time comes to clean up their Lingjianmen, there is really no place to cry.

Knowing what happened, Chu Xuan couldn't help but sigh, Ye Fan is really lucky, he is indeed the thief God's favorite cub, no matter where he goes, there will be people to support him.

Now even people from the ancient martial world of the imperial capital have emerged, and it is still one of the seven sects of the Qingyun Sword Sect.

So how did the elders of Qingyun Jianzong have a relationship with Ye Fan?

After a little pondering, I generally understand that it should be related to Quan Dong!

In Chu Xuan's memory, in the plot line, Quan Dong is in the relationship network of the ancient martial arts world in the imperial capital, isn't there Qingyun Jianzong?

The person the other party knew in Qingyun Jianzong, that is the elder, seems to be very young.

As for how the two sides got to know each other, it involves some bloody things.

At this time, Quan Dong used such a network to invite the elders of Qingyun Jianzong to the magic capital to help Ye Fan become a candidate for the sword of the Spirit Sword Sect. It is estimated that he also made a great determination.

Because of the relationship between the elders of Qingyun Jianzong, he can only use it once.

After using it, there is no relationship between the two parties.

In the plot line, Quan Dong also used this relationship, and the final result was naturally that the elder of Qingyun Jianzong was beheaded by Ye Fan!


As for why there is such a scenario?

It's easy!

It is the author of cerebral thrombosis who is laying the groundwork for the plot of the ancient martial arts world in the imperial capital. The elders of Qingyun Jianzong are just an introduction, in order to establish a powerful enemy for the protagonist, so that the protagonist has a reason to start with Qingyun Jianzong after going to the imperial capital, so as to enter the seven major One of the sects is developing rapidly.

Looking at it now, it seems to correspond to the plot!

It's just that Quan Dong invited the elders of Qingyun Jianzong to help Ye Fan become the candidate of Lingjianmen.

So, has the elder of Qingyun Jianzong left the Demon Capital? Or has he left the Spirit Sword Sect?

Did the other party help just to make Ye Fan a candidate swordsman, not the official swordsman, or even the first swordsman?

How Quan Dong made a request to the elder, I don't know yet, but it is necessary to think about it more.

The relationship can only be used once, and Quan Dong will inevitably maximize the benefits, as does Ye Fan.

[A bit interesting, the protagonist participates in the sword selection competition? Haha~]

[If this doesn't cause some trouble, the reader will not believe it! ]

[However, after using this relationship, Quan Dong has nothing to do with Qingyun Jianzong. But will the relationship between Qingyun Jianzong transfer to the protagonist, in a good direction or a bad direction? ]

Chu Xuan always believes that it is right to take precautions. Although things haven't happened yet, thinking about it first can never go wrong.

Regardless of the direction of development, according to the nature of the thief, Qingyun Jianzong must have some entanglement with the protagonist.

"Young Master Chu, the elder of the Qingyun Sword Sect is still in the mountain behind Lingjianmen, do you see""?'

Elder Yunjian asked cautiously, Chu Xuan turned his head and said with a half-smile, "Is Elder Yunjian asking Ben and Shao to help solve that guy?"

"Ah this, ah this..."

Elder Yun Jian was very embarrassed, and Xiao Si was seen through.


But thinking about it, it's also right, the elders of Qingyun Jianzong stay in Lingjianmen, it is always very dangerous, and they feel that a sword has been placed around their necks, threatening their lives at any time.

Chu Xuan shook his head lightly and said in a low voice: "Don't panic, let's watch the ceremony first.

"Okay, okay. 99

Elder Yunjian said quickly, Chu Xuan spread his spiritual consciousness, and immediately found the elder Qingyun Jianzong hiding in the sword cave in the back mountain, and a golden light flashed in his eyes.

Golden pupil, start!

With the ability to see through the golden pupil, the elder's condition is completely grasped.

Knowing the identity of the other party, Chu Xuan retracted his gaze.

And the elder seemed to feel like he was being watched, raised his head and looked around (Qian Qian Zhao), but found nothing, so he could only continue to close his eyes and rest with doubts.

This time I came to the magic capital, and it seemed that I had a good harvest.

I actually found a person with the body of the Nine Suns. Although the other party's stuff has been scrapped, his talent is still very good.

If you can bring back Qingyun Jianzong, it is also a very good choice.

That thing, Qingyun Jianzong also has a way to help solve it!

As long as the treatment is good, the opponent will definitely become the top enchanting tiger in the future.

At that time, Qingyun Jianzong will be firmly in the top spot of the first sect.

At noon, Lingjianzi stood up from the Taishi chair, his infuriating energy was running, and his voice was like thunder pouring out from the mountains, and it spread out several miles away.

"Fellow fellows from all corners of the country, thank you for coming to Lingjianmen today to watch the ceremony... The master of this sect now announces that the selection contest for Jianzi - the knockout round has officially begun! 99

"Please take the candidate Jianzi to the stage and choose the Jianzi you want to challenge!"


Chapter 244: Lingjianmen is the most loyal younger brother of Chu Shao! [1]


The knockout round has always been simple and rude, and any candidate Jianzi can come to the stage to choose the Jianzi to challenge.

Once successful, you can replace the opponent's position and become a sword.

The defeated swordsman was transformed into a candidate swordsman, who could choose to challenge other swordsmen, or he could choose to give up the challenge and be at ease as his candidate swordsman, waiting ten years to challenge again.

With the announcement of Lingjianzi, the candidate Jianzi was eager to move.

They have been waiting for such an opportunity for ten years, and today they finally hope to challenge and become a new swordsman.

But they are not very impulsive, but are weighing the pros and cons.

It is definitely not worthwhile to be the first to come to power now, because every sword is very powerful, and if you rashly challenge yourself, it is very likely that you will make wedding dresses for others.

Therefore, you have to consider the playing time and choose to play at the most suitable time to have more chances to become a swordsman.

Generally speaking, the later the stage, the greater the chance.

Of course, those who believe that their cultivation is not weak can also go directly to the stage and go all the way to the end, and that is no problem.

After Lingjianzi's announcement, no one came to the stage for a full minute.

Does the atmosphere seem a little weird?

But everyone is used to it and thinks it is very normal.

Because they all know the rules!

Going directly to the stage now, I can only say that I have no brains. It is easy to kneel, and I will lose my candidate Jianzi status and become an ordinary inner door 887 disciple.

Candidate Jianzi looked around, waiting for the others to appear first.

Chu Xuan, who was sitting on the Taishi chair, nodded secretly, look, they still have IQ online.

If Lingjianmen was included, it should be considered a good choice.

Now the first swordsman has the highest cultivation base and has been promoted to the seventh-rank martial artist, which is very different from the previous martial arts exchange conference.

The other swords are basically sixth-rank warriors, and some are already seventh-rank.


As for the candidate swordsmen, the cultivation bases are uneven.

Feeling weak?

But think clearly, the oldest Jianzi is only thirty years old now!

Many of the candidate swordsmen are in their twenties, and with such an age and such a cultivation base, it is already very against the sky.

At least in the ancient martial arts world of the ancient capital, it can be regarded as one of the top talents.

The resources of the ancient martial arts world of the ancient capital are definitely not comparable to those of the ancient martial arts world of the imperial capital, but if he wants to, he can quickly let them improve their cultivation.

There are many ways to improve one's cultivation, and the easiest one is pills, such as Tianyuan Pill, the legendary holy pill.

But how could that thing be of any use to them?

Another way is to practice Gong (cgcf) method, martial arts experience and so on.

These are also extremely important cultivation resources.

Naturally, Chu Xuan has a lot of experience in cultivating exercises and martial arts, and he can improve Lingjianmen's strength to a great level in minutes.

However, it must first look at the attitude of Lingjianmen.

Elder Yun Jian's attitude is very firm, incarnating his tendency to lick dogs.

There is also Lingjianzi, who also seems to be willing to rely on him.

However, he would definitely not give Lingjian Sect any benefit until he believed in it.

"Young Master Chu, what do you think of those swordsmen and candidate swordsmen?"

Ling Jianzi asked in a low voice, and took the initiative to chat with Chu Xuan.

He knew the status of the five great families and the Misty Pavilion, and also knew that if he didn't take any action now, I'm afraid he wouldn't need to take any action in the future, because Chu Xuan would despise them.

Only by knowing the ancient martial arts world of the imperial capital can one know how terrifying the ancient martial arts world of the imperial capital is.

Don't look at his Lingjianmen in the ancient martial arts world of Modu, but Chu Xuan really doesn't care.


If he has the spare time to take care of them, he might as well incorporate a first-class sect in the ancient martial world of the imperial capital, which will benefit him even more.

"It's good, but no one has appeared yet, which is a little regrettable. 99

Chu Xuan said with a smile, and then said: "The sect master invited this young master to come to watch the ceremony, I am afraid that it is not just for this young master to see the cultivation of your Spirit Sword Sect swordsman, right? 35

"Ah this, ah this"

Ling Jianzi was a little embarrassed, and when he was about to say it, he found that the Tang family master and others had pricked up their ears, and seemed to want to eavesdrop?

Guys, do you want a nod?

Lingjianzi's face darkened. What he was going to say was about the future of Lingjianmen. Is it appropriate for you to blatantly eavesdrop?

"Cough cough!

Suddenly Chu Xuan coughed twice, and instantly saw the Tang family and the others looking at the platform intently, as if they had no intention of eavesdropping.

Spirit Sword:

As expected of Young Master Chu, his deterrent power is extraordinary.

Even the heads of five aristocratic families have to lower their stance in front of Chu Xuan.

"Can the sect master speak now?

"Of course, of course."

Lingjianzi nodded again and again, then lowered his voice and said, "Young Master Chu, Lingjianmen is willing to be the most loyal younger brother of Young Master Chu, I wonder if Young Master Chu can agree?35

Good guy, the most loyal little brother is the one who opens his mouth, how much determination does he have to make?

The sect master of the Nuo Da Lingjian Sect actually said such words, and it can shock the entire ancient martial arts world of the ancient capital.

Chu Xuan is not surprised. Anyone who knows the current situation in the ancient martial arts world in Modu will make such a decision.

Is it because they are arrogant that other sects and families did not come to follow?

No, it's because Chu Xuan doesn't like it, so he doesn't give them a chance at all.


However, Lingjian Sect is different. It is one of the three major sects, so it sounds good to say it.

I saw Chu Xuan smiled and said, "The sect master has figured it out clearly? If you follow this young master, if you defect in the middle, or fool you, the consequences are not something that Lingjian Sect can afford. 35


Lingjianzi broke out in cold sweat, and when Chu Xuan spoke, there was an inexplicable aura that made him almost breathless.

He is already a strong master of Grandmaster Jiuzhong, but facing Chu Xuan's aura, he can't even conceive the idea of ​​resistance?

Terrible, terrifying!

Even among the great masters, Chu Xuan's cultivation is the top, right?

"Since I understand, then Master Ben will accept the Spirit Sword Sect. Master Ben is looking forward to today's sword selection competition."

After speaking, he turned his eyes to the platform, but unfortunately there was still no candidate for Jianzi to take the stage.

Lingjianzi breathed a sigh of relief, finally willing to let his Lingjianmen follow him.

For Lingjianmen, it should be the luckiest thing!

Wait, what's up with these little brats?

Didn't you see Chu Shao waiting to watch the game? He was so ignorant!

In an instant, I felt that I had found something. No matter what I said today, I must make Chu Shao happy. Why don't the little cubs come to the stage?

He desperately winked at the candidate swordsmen.

The candidate Jianzi was at a loss when he saw it.

Sect master, what's wrong with your eyes? Are you cramping?

"Stupid! Why don't you hurry?"

Lingjianzi now has the urge to grab a few candidate swordsmen and throw them on the stage, making Chu Shao wait, when have you been so arrogant?


Chapter 245: I met the forced king in the first game, it is true! [2]


Ling Jianzi was in a hurry, but the candidate Jianzi seemed to be not very smart, he just didn't understand what he meant, and he really thought his eyes were cramping.

There was even a candidate Jianzi who wanted to show his flattering spirit, and went forward to greet him with a few words of concern.

In such a situation, can Lingjianzi not be heartbroken?


These little brats are not very smart, what will they do in the future?

Seeing the sect master sigh, Elder Yunjian probably understood what it meant, and immediately entered the secret through sound transmission.

"A bunch of idiots! Lingjian Sect has been classified under Chu Shao's sect, and now Chu Shao is looking forward to the Jianzi selection competition, why don't you come on stage to perform?

"Even if you fail and fail to become a swordsman, as long as you perform well enough, you will still have a chance to be appreciated by Young Master Chu!

"Isn't Chu Shao's praise more fragrant than ~ Jianzi's identity?"

This wave of sound transmission and secret methods can only be used by people with a high level of cultivation.

The candidate Jianzi was stunned.

What's the matter, why did Lingjianmen belong to Chu Xuan?

Oh my god, they didn't get any news at all, when did it happen?

Wait, since it's already under Chu Xuan's banner, it means that Lingjianmen is now a sect that has received his asylum, and is about to take off?

The name of Chu Xuan is definitely the idol of these young candidate swordsmen.

Who does not know that he is the only heir of the Chu family in the imperial capital, and his status in the entire ancient martial world of the Xia Kingdom is very, very detached.

If he can get his favor, then the rhythm of the rapid development in minutes, all kinds of cultivation resources will be soft!

"Chu Yifeng, a candidate for the sword, challenge the sixth sword!"

A candidate Jianzi took the lead and went directly to the center of the platform, making the other candidate Jianzi regret it.

What's the matter, you don't talk about martial arts, how can you run so fast?

Not giving them time to react at all is too much!

Chu Yifeng had already arrived at the center of the platform to wait for the sixth sword, and was secretly proud of himself.


Excellent candidate swordsmen are never ambiguous!

The sixth sword is the person he wanted to challenge for a long time, but he was not too sure before.

But now hearing Elder Yunjian's words, he knew that no matter if he succeeded or not, he should play.

The first person to play is always the most eye-catching.

Even if he fails, he can still leave an impression in Chu Xuan's heart.

It is best to fight with all his strength and show what he has learned in his life, especially the spirit of struggle, and even more!

Only in this way can Chu Xuan leave a deep impression in his heart.

Maybe Chu Xuan will be happy and give him a lot of resources directly.

Chu Xuan:???

When this young master is taking the blame?!

Boy, you are thinking too much!

At this time, in the Jianzi camp, the sixth Jianzi heard that someone was going to challenge him, and without any hesitation, the sword 'Qiang' he carried behind him flew out with a scabbard and landed directly in front of Chu Yifeng. m location.

At the same time, at a point under his feet, he performed a graceful light exercise, his toes fell on the hilt of the sword, his arms crossed his chest, and he looked down at Chu Yifeng.

Such an excellent appearance really made Chu Xuan's eyes light up.

Good guy, so aggressive!

This coquettish way of appearing is really no one.

Although there is nothing to say, but at this time, no pretence is better than pretence, and the nineteen states are pushed across the board!

The others in Lingjianmen also nodded secretly. It was a very good way of appearing, and they grabbed Chu Yifeng's limelight in one fell swoop. I learned!

Other ancient warriors who watched the ceremony also praised Lingjianmen's kendo, although it seems simple, but it has an unusual technique, which is rare!

Sixth Jianzi maintained a cold appearance, but was secretly happy.

Sure enough, his long-planned appearance got a very good response.

Chu Yifeng wants to be in the limelight?


Then grab the limelight!

Excellent swordsman, never ambiguous!

The limelight that should be grabbed must not fall, even if the strength is insufficient, it must be in place in terms of pretending!

There is not such a saying in the ancient martial arts world: all swordsmen go to kendo at the beginning, just to pretend!

If Jian Xiu doesn't pretend to be forceful, then does life still have meaning?

Therefore, in the heart of every sword cultivator, there is a heart to force the king.

Pretend to be like the wind, always accompany me!

"You, are you going to challenge me?"

Sixth Swordsman asked lightly, his infuriating qi was already running, his robes creaked, and his hair was automatic without wind, like a bohemian sword fairy, very dashing.

Chu Yifeng scolded inwardly, "Dog shit, coercion is so profound!"

asking for flowers »

Even before he started, he felt that he had been seriously injured by the opponent's anger.

"Not bad! Candidate Jianzi Chu Yifeng, please enlighten me!

"As you wish! Make a move!"

The sixth Jianzi's tone was still flat, and he didn't seem to take everything seriously, which made Chu Yifeng furious.

"I'll move first? I'm too arrogant!"

If you let yourself make moves first, isn't that just looking down on yourself?

However, the sixth swordsman's tone was still calm, and he said: "I will make a move first, you have no power to fight back! If you make a move first, you can still resist one or two.

I wipe!

Gan Gan!

Day A!

Lose it!


I can't stand it anymore!

Chu Yifeng's mentality exploded, and his hair was completely fried. The sword tied around his waist was directly drawn out, and he rushed towards the sixth sword with a roar.

The sword stabbed straight, as fast as a rush of electricity, and contained the background of his swordsmanship. Under the perfusion of infuriating energy, the body of the sword was even more flickering with white light.

Facing the sword that Chu Yifeng killed, the sixth sword fell off the hilt with just a little toes, and then suddenly a blue dragon plunged into the sea and flicked his fingers.

Ding Ding Ding!!!

Chu Yifeng's sword was flicked by the opponent's fingers, and he let it go out of his hand.

"how can that be?!

Chu Yifeng was shocked. When the opponent's finger flicked, there seemed to be some kind of peculiar frequency, like a turbulent wave, each wave was more terrifying than the other, and the force of the shock made him completely unable to grasp the sword.

"You, lost! 9

The sixth sword fell on the hilt again, turned his back to Chu Yifeng, raised his head at a forty-five degree angle, and dropped a sentence lightly.

Chu Yifeng fell to the ground in despair, his ambitions and plans before he took the stage just now disappeared, and only endless loss filled his heart.


"Great! Eye-opening!

A wave of operation, won the applause!

Chu Xuan: …

It's a real hammer, it's a super king!

It's true that I didn't expect that in the first Jianzi knockout match, I could meet the legendary king of brute force.


Wouldn't it be wonderful if I brought this group of forced kings to trouble the protagonist in the future?

Sure enough, Jianxiu exists to pretend to be coercive!

If it wasn't for pretending, who would be a sword repairer?


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