

This is the first part of the series. The story takes place in an unnamed Japanese city, and follows an ensemble cast of characters, mostly high school students, who are mainly a user’s of some unknown but powerful Supernatural powers which they received from a mysterious entities after contracting with them and paying the appropriate price for the supernatural powers. The story mainly tells about many unknown absurd events that happened in Japan and around the world, mainly in Japan. Many mysterious and strange events occur thanks to users of Supernatural powers. This series will tell the story of at least 5 MC from their own perspective. The series will also include several other characters, most of whom are also users of Supernatural powers. ---------------------------------- I'm sorry in advance if my English is not for your cup of tea. Enjoy my Light Novel series, (ID)Entity. Follow me on Twitter : https://twitter.com/noraiou Donate me on Ko-fi : https://ko-fi.com/noraiou

NoraiOu · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Vol. 1 - CH. 1 - Intermission

Chapter 1 - Certain Death



Dear Master in heaven.

Master... Looks like I just got a new story for you today.

I just wanted to let you know about something really scary.

It turns out... All this time... My new owner who just adopted me yesterday... It turns out that she has been... A vicious and cold-blooded serial killer.

Master. Do you still remember the mysterious death phenomenon that is happening right now? The phenomenon that has been going on for over a year.

Yes... The mysterious death phenomenon has now been given a name. That is, "Certain Death".

In the past, all humans thought that the phenomenon was an act of nature or some kind of disease or virus. But now, I don't think that's the cause. It turns out that the cause all this time was the work of a "Human".

Not just an ordinary human, but a very beautiful and very smart human girl...

That is...

My new owner!


Ame Iekami.

Or called as...


She is a very smart human girl, master. Even in my opinion, she is smarter than you, master. She can think very quickly and utilize everything around her for herself. She is also very smart and good at technology. She's good with computers.


She is a "serial killer" who has been frightening the whole world with her extremely scary "abilities" for a year now.

That is...

"Can kill humans easily without a known method and a clear explanation."

Before, I always said that she was a very good human being. Indeed, she was a very good human being to me. I liked her. She is a very good owner and also very nice. I was very happy to be with her and she was always willing to listen to me. As an owner, she is the best.


As a human being...

She's very terrifying!

But also...

Do I fear her?

Do I hate her for knowing that she's a murderer?

Do I want to run away from her?

Should I hand her over to the police?

Should I be careful with her?

Should I stop her?

Should I kill her?

My answer is...


Knowing who she really is just makes me...


I'm even more...


AAHH!~ My curiosity is growing!~

AAHH!~ I finally have some meaningful entertainment!~

AAHH!~ The boredom I've been feeling all this time, finally has something to fill it!~

AAHH!~ I finally found a human who is "the same" as me!~

AAHH!~ Who would have thought that she, Rain, is the one I've wanted all along!~

AAHH!~ Rain.. You really are the new owner I wanted!~

You're the human I've been searching for, Rain!~

I need you to be able to...

"Entertain me!~"

In return, I will always gonna protect you!

It's because you're my master that I love so much!~

"I'll protect you, Rain!"

AAHH!~ The world is so small and cramped, isn't it, master?~

Who would have thought that "Certain Death" had been a very beautiful and smart girl all along. And who would have thought that I could meet her and find out how she had been killing people all this time.

And who would have thought that

I became a part of her family~


Love this!~

Nice to meet you, Ame Iekami. Rain!


That is my oath to you!

Dear Master in Heaven.

I wanted to apologize to you in advance. But... It looks like I won't be able to see you again in heaven when I'm gone. Because, I'm going to hell. Following Rain to the very end of hell!

I'll follow Rain wherever she goes.

Even to the very edge of hell!

I'll support all her choices and wishes!

That's because I am...

Her pet cat!


Dear Master in Haven.

I want to say one last thing to you for today.

Right now I'm...



In a supposedly normal world, there is such a thing as death.

Death from aging, disease, being killed or murdered, accidents, suicide, and so on. These are all very common and frequent things.


In this world ...

There is one death that everyone is very afraid of.

A death that is different from the usual!

That is...

A mysterious death that is very certain!

"Certain Death"

Death that cannot be predicted.

A death that has no known cause.

A death where it is not known exactly who the next target will be.

Death that cannot be prevented.

Death that cannot be cured.

Death whose origin and source cannot be determined.

"Certain Death" is a mysterious death phenomenon that is the most horrifying and most feared by everyone in the world. And the perpetrator of Certain Death is unknown to all.

And... They won't be able to guess who the real culprit is.

The culprit is an ordinary young girl who is very smart and has many hidden skills.

Her name is...

Ame Iekami.



She is...

"Certain Death!"

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