
(HS)OC in Classroom of the Elites fanfiction

Bad story. Bad writing. Bad fanfic. Bad updates. Beta Male MC. Bad everything. Don't read. An OC with the same Appearance as Aomine Daiki from KnB got the memories of a superhero. He entered the ANHS and become a student of Class 1-D

Art07103733 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


In my previous life I am just a normal superhuman living on Earth, working as a classic American superhero you can find in comics like Superman and Batman for example.

You might ask 'how is that normal'? Well compared to other Superhumans, I'm only average level. My superpowers is very common, ordinary humans could get this power if they have money to buy Seed Awakening Fluid to get superpowers.

As a superhuman I am trained in combat and martial arts. To fight monsters and villains who are much stronger, I need to make an effort to survive.

And then suddenly aliens attacked and colonized Earth. I'm only an average Superhuman, and only used as canon fodder.

I died in the process of the war and my soul was captured by an alien.

That alien out of their whims decided to reincarnate me in another universe.

My name became Aomine Daiki.

Although I know that my soul is now a fusion of two souls. So I'm neither Daiki or the previous normal human that aliens captured the soul.

As I see in this world, humans haven't awaken their seeds yet. No... It would be more accurate to say humans in the world didn't have seeds yet... If you compare the humans in this world and the other world, it's like comparing a human to a monkey who didn't evolve yet.

Of course not in terms of intelligence, but with Internal energy. From the monkeys evolving to a human with stronger body and higher intellect, from a human evolving to a superhuman with the ability to manipulate Internal energy.

Well there is no Seed Awakening Fluid in this world, and I don't know the manufacturing process so awakening my seed is impossible. The only useful things I have are the techniques that even ordinary humans could use, as long as they have sliver of Internal energy.

How convenient right? Its like from a manga or light novel plot.

The former owner of the body is just a highschool student who loved playing video games, watching anime, and reading manga. He's decent in his studies enough to pass, and great in sports. In fact he led his basketball team to nationals and win the championship dominating the league for three straight years, with a trashy teammates in a countryside school.

And he was so talented that he didn't feel the need to train. It was a huge flaw that he would skip school and practice to do his hobbies. Thankfully his academic ability is decent enough to pass his exams.

If his teachers didn't warn him that he wouldn't graduate middle school if he keep ditching classes, he would've repeated a grade.

He isn't particularly a delinquent, but he could pummel anyone in a fist fight in one punch. He's kinda bit of a psycho too...

Anyway tomorrow is going to be a big day.

Apparently I would attend the Kodou Ikuse High School. An autonomous campus founded by the government to raise students who are socially and politically able to effectively run the country in the future.

It just coincidentally that two souls fused in my body just before this happened.

"I guess its my lucky day. Learning techniques from another world will surely be helpful!"

This techniques aren't really that all powerful, it had great restrictions and limitations too. But it should greatly help me even if its very weak.

Being a Quasi-superhuman should be enough help to get by in school for ordinary humans. Although it was the most prestigious school in the country...

Its interesting though that I have reincarnated at a body with the same age as mine, and attend an ordinary human's school. Or should I say its interesting having memories of a superhuman as I'm going to school?

Today I pulled out an all nighter trying to stimulate his Internal energy and use the most basic techniques like for example, physical enhancement, breathing technique exercises, and thought acceleration. There were few other techniques too.

But compared to my superhuman self in another world, right now I only have 0.01% of Internal energy inside my body.