
(HP) I'm Only A Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor

After crossing the world, he has now reclaimed his life as a person named "Sherlock Forrest", an exceptional graduate from Hogwarts. Right after he was thrown into this wizarding world, he immediately got a letter that he was appointed to be the next Defense Against Dark Arts professor in Hogwarts in the 2nd year. But he had just crossed to this world and he barely knew how to use cast magic, especially he knew very well that this position is widely believed to be "Cursed". There's no way for him to escape in this situation, he take the role and do his best. Though, one thing that Sherlock doesn't know is that, danger lingers around. So many unknown things that are unexplainable are coming toward him. The Order, The Birthmark, His Mother and everything. What does it mean? He will find out the answer. ====== This is a translated work with 400+ Chapters Chapters will be updated daily at 22:45 GMT+7! Don't forget to leave power stones and you can read up to 45+ chapters ahead on [p][a][t][r][e][o][n].com/pokapoka Community Discord server: https://discord.gg/fUTE3bckdX

Poka_Poka · Anime & Comics
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157 Chs

Chapter 113 "Can You Make This Order?"

In the eastern coastal city of Norwich.

Nelson was humming while holding a can of beer in his hand and walking home. It was completely dark, but he didn't have to worry about being scolded by his wife for coming home late. Nelson was thirty-six years old and had yet to start a family.

The reason Nelson is unable to find a wife is simple: lack of money. Nelson wants time for himself. When he was young, he seized an opportunity to make a small fortune by reselling auto parts during the worst of the British economy.

At that time, he fantasized that maybe after he made a fortune and became a rich man, he would be able to marry the most beautiful girl in his hometown. But he became addicted to gambling.

All the money was gone overnight, and he owed a lot of debts. After that, he lived a poor life, and he did not quit his gambling addiction. As soon as he had some money, his first thought was to rush into the casino and win back all the losses he had previously lost.

But he has been trying for more than ten years and has never seen any hope of winning it back.

Nelson drank the beer and looked up at the dark night sky. He felt that today's sky was really dark and a little scary. The wind blew through his body, making him a little awake, and he wrapped his coat tightly.

He looked around, always feeling as if someone was quietly following him. His pace began to quicken, and he wanted to hurry up and walk in the direction of his house. But that uneasy feeling not only did not disappear but became more and more apparent.

Everything around him seems to have disappeared. The whole world turned completely black, and it was pitch black everywhere.

Fear had completely enveloped him, and Nelson shouted, "Who's there!?"

No one responded to him because something had silently appeared in front of him. Nelson froze and fell slowly to the ground. Everything was back to normal, and in the narrow alley, no one noticed this scene.

After a long time, a noise like a whip whipping the air suddenly appeared. Two Aurors wearing the robes of the British Ministry of Magic appeared next to Nelson's body.

Kingsley crouched down, frowning to check on Nelson's condition, "Just like before, his soul was sucked, and the body was still warm."

His companion was a big wizard named William, "Is it the Dementors again? They've been granted permission to go out and capture them since Black ran off that island."

"Most likely, there is nothing else in this world that can be done to this extent except for a Dementor's kiss."

"Do you want to report this matter again? This is the third time that has happened." William said irritably.

"The Ministry won't take it seriously. The most important thing now is that Black escaped. The safety of Harry Potter is our top priority. Even the Minister has been having a headache about this." Kingsley stood up, shaking his head and sighing.

"Forget it. Let's report it again. I hope the Ministry can take care of those dementors."

"Wait, what is that?" They looked in the direction of William's finger, only to find it was just an ordinary straw on the ground.

"Forget about it. The Dementors won't attack us, hurry back and report this problem."

The two Aurors used Apparition to leave, leaving only Nelson's body in that place. A gust of wind blew past, blowing the straw far away.


When Sherlock took Harry back to Devonshire, it was already July 29th.

They drove the car all the way in the sky. Except for a few times when they refueled on the way, they continued to fly. Harry came back to his senses and asked Sherlock why they were in such a hurry to go back all of a sudden.

"A letter from the Ministry of Magic saying a criminal has escaped from Azkaban." Sherlock's face was heavy, and Harry's face was weird.

"What does that have to do with us going back?"

"The name of the criminal who escaped is Sirius Black, a former convicted Death Eather. Someone heard him say "Hogwarts" in the, and The Ministry of Magic speculated that he escaped because he wanted to kill you to avenge his master."

Harry understood the whole matter, and he didn't show any fear. He muttered, "But why do we have to go back? Wouldn't it be safer for us not to go back to the UK?"

Sherlock told him seriously, "Do you know why Dumbledore had to keep you at your aunt's house?"

"Why?" Harry had been thinking about this question all the time.

"Because that's where you're safest, and the magic your mother gave you requires you to stay with your blood relatives," Sherlock reassured Harry by telling him what he had learned from Dumbledore.

Sherlock knew his feelings toward his cousins, but he had to send Harry back again. Hearing what Sherlock said, although Harry was still reluctant, he didn't show any resistance later.

Sherlock couldn't help but smile when he looked at Harry, who was silent, "I remember that in two days, your birthday will come, right?"

Harry said dully, "Yes, but I never had any birthdays at Aunt Petunia's."

"How about I bring a gift this year and come to your aunt's house to congratulate you?"

"They won't welcome you and might even kick you out."

"Come to my house on your birthday then. It's only two blocks away. You can go back after your birthday is over."

Hearing him say this, Harry's eyes finally lit up, "Can I stay at your house for a few days?"

He felt that since Sherlock's jinx had expired, he didn't have to worry so much anymore and could live at Sherlock's house without a problem.

Sherlock didn't refuse, just reminded me, "There's nothing fun in my house. Even if you come here, it's boring."

"There's nothing worse than living at Aunt Petunia's," Harry said with certainty.

He was in a good mood again, and he was looking forward to his birthday.

They reached Privet Drive in the early evening.

Sherlock sent Harry back to the Dursleys; Petunia and Vernon didn't show him any good emotion, not even a polite greeting. But Sherlock didn't care if there was such a polite remark.

After that, instead of returning to his home immediately, he found a rental company that rented a car and bought the Ford car he rented. This car has been transformed with magic, and there will be a big mess if he returns it, so Sherlock simply just buys it.

After returning home and resting for the night, he went directly to Diagon Alley early the next morning. Most of the shops here have just opened, and Sherlock walked directly into Gringotts Bank and took a large sum of money from his vault.

He went straight to Ollivander's wand shop. Every summer vacation is undoubtedly the busy peak of Ollivander's wand shop. New students who are preparing to enter the school will come to his shop to buy their first wand in their lives.

It's not just because of the superb craftsmanship of his wands. He was the only one in the entire British wizarding world who sold wands. On a summer morning, Ollivander opens the store half an hour earlier than usual to prepare for the new students.

The first person to enter his store today was a young man.

"You are..." Ollivander asked hesitantly, looking at Sherlock, who walked in the door.

Sherlock shrugged, "Does your store sell anything other than wands?"

"Was your wand accidentally damaged?" Ollivander frowned slightly. Some adult wizards usually come to his shop to buy a second wand.

Sherlock said vaguely, "Almost."

At this moment, a tape measure suddenly wrapped around him like a snake, measuring various data on his body.

"Name? And when did you enter Hogwarts?" Ollivander asked, pulling out a notebook.

Sherlock opened his arms so that the tape measure could be more easily measured.

"Sherlock Forrest entered Hogwarts in 1982."

With the information provided by Sherlock, Ollivander quickly found his data, "The first wand you bought from me at that time was ebony wood, dragon string heart, 12 inches. Would you like to get the same size according to this one?"

Sherlock shook his head, "I want to select a new one."

Ollivander nodded, "That's right. People can change, but wands can't. Sometimes, wizards from different periods are chosen by different wands."

As he spoke, he walked to the shelf full of wand boxes and pulled out a box, "Try this, pine with dragon string, 9 inches, a combination that should work well for you."

Sherlock took it from him, waved it, and uttered a spell, "Lumos."

A light came on from the tip of the wand, but it seemed to light up a little slowly.

"It doesn't look like this one suits you very well." Ollivander shook his head and took the wand from Sherlock's hand.

Sherlock nodded, "It has a clogging feeling when using it, and it's not smooth."

"What about this one? Redwood with phoenix tail feather, 11 inches. This is a hot-selling one, and people often come to my store to ask if there is a redwood wand. They always think that this wood will always bring them luck."

Sherlock also used the wand to cast a spell but was still not satisfied, "I always feel like I'm missing something."

Ollivander continued to search on his shelf, and then he pulled out another one, "Laurewl wood, dragon string, 14 inches. Try this: it's the most loyal wand, and if someone tries to steal a wand made of this wood, the wand will send out a lightning current to repel thieves."

Sherlock held the wand in his hand, and before using magic this time, he already felt something in the wand, "Lumos."

The spell was cast smoothly without any problem.

Seeing that it went well, Ollivander nodded with satisfaction.

"It seems that you have been through a lot, and given you have to go through many wands before finding a good one."

Sherlock twirled the wand between his fingers for a long time. He was very satisfied with the new wand, "How much does it cost?"

"Nine Galleons."

The Ollivander family owns a business, monopolizing the wand industry in the entire British wizarding world, but has not raised the price of wands to a higher price for higher quality. Although there must be some reasons why the Ministry of Magic restricts his pricing, the price of a wand is less than ten Galleons, which is affordable enough.

He took out a purse, "Okay, give me a hundred of them."

Ollivander nodded. He is about to take the money from Sherlock, and he reacts. He opened his mouth, wondering if he had heard it wrong.

"How much do you want?"

Sherlock stretched out a finger and repeated, " If I need 100 wands, then maybe I will ask for another 100 wands. The materials must be the same as those of the wands in my hand, and there can be no difference in length."

Ollivander stared blankly at Sherlock, "I remember that I saw a report about you in the Daily Prophet some time ago. Aren't you a professor at Hogwarts?"

Sherlock nodded, "That's right."

"But why do you want so many wands? Are you going to buy them all from me and then sell them in another country?" Ollivander asked suspiciously.

Sherlock waved his hand, "I don't have the time to explain. I just want to buy one for my own use. Can you make a hundred of them? If you don't, I'll go to Place Cachee in France and ask someone there if they can do this order."

Chapters will be updated daily at 23:00 GMT+7!

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