
The gamble to decide all.

"Veronica!" Mizik cried out, holding his dead sister's cold body.

"How does that feel?" Yuno coldly muttered to the boy, who was crying

"When you robbed that house that one day, the same happened to my parents."

scenes of Mizik stabbing his defenceless parents filled the mind of Yuno.

he understood why he did it. he needed money for his sister.

why does that concern him?


Eli watched the scene in intense boredom.

he didn't care about somebody else's revenge, nor did he care about the multiple lives of others.

he only cares about his goal.

to find his father and kill him.

it seemed like the island battle royale would end in a few days.

and he will be the victor.

and to do that.

Eli's eyes fell upon Houndour.

He needed that thing.

and so, gambles needed to be made.

grabbing the dagger he had stored in his pocket and the poison in the glass bottle he had gotten from kakuna, the boy started to coat the dagger in poison while mobilizing the mist on his legs.

a gamble was all life was.

while Yuno was making his speech about Mizik killing his family, the boy leapt up the tree that was higher than 20 metres long.

the boy felt the wind pierce his eardrums as it sharply cut his cheeks.

Eli looked at Yuno, who had his sole attention on Mizik and perfectly used the speed to slam his dagger into the boy's head.

his feet, which was covered in ghostly mist, sank down into the dirt before the boy pulled them down from the earth

"Yuno!" Isaac screamed at Yuno, who was already long dead.

the slam of the earth had been nullified by the mist, but the boy's body shook in vibration from him landing so hard.

the recoil shook his spine, but the boy quickly gained composure to look at the Houndour that had flames encasing its jaws.

"Bronzor!" Eli shouted, causing the chunk of iron to throw itself in the line of fire of houndour jaws.

Quickly grabbing back Yuno's Pokeball and retrieving houndour , the boy quickly pulled out his bow and shot an arrow at Isaac, who used his Bronzor to reflect the arrow.

the boy sprinted off, causing Isaac to scream

"Why! Why! Why!" Isaac shouted towards his clansmates "Your all useless! you could have got him!"

Mizik seemed broke, constantly hugging his sister's corpse. he was muttering the same word like a madman. there is no hope for him.

while running away. the boy lay down on the dirt. he felt his spine shake before calming himself down with some deep breaths.

he couldn't move.

he should have shot an arrow at the boy

"Im so stupid." Eli hissed at himself, before looking at a figure that was rapidly approaching.

"M-mother..?" Eli looked at the rapidly approaching woman

she had black hair and black eyes much like him. her beauty was unparalleled but was quarrelled by her empty eyes, whose of which resembled her son


Scenes of a woman brutally kicking and punching a boy to a bloody pulp filled the boy's eyes as tears started to slip down.

yeah, that's right.

he was weak,

but he was going to show his father that he wasn't weak.

at all costs.


The boy woke up the next morning realising that he had slept in his own pool of tears.

how horrible.

his hands were gripping on a Pokeball that had Houndour in it.

this pokemon would be the key to winning the trial.

he was going to do something some would consider crazy.

There won't is 10 people on this island remaining.

he will be the only one.

throwing the Pokeball out, a small dog could be seen.

it immediately attacked the boy but was once more blocked by Bronzor, who had the heatproof ability.

the boy quickly shot the blood mist at it, emptying his whole body in an attempt to completely challenge it.

the Houndour tried to burn the blood mist, but watch as it stood untouched and entered its body.

the houndour stopped barking, instead of jumping up and licking Eli on the face, causing the boy to show a hint of a smile.



Species Dark Pokémon

Height 0.6 m (2′00″)

Weight 10.8 kg (23.8 lbs)

Abilities 1. Early Bird

2. Flash Fire

Unnerve (hidden ability)


This one was was 2"4 and lighter than usual, making it more agile.

shoving it away from his face, Eli quickly wiped his face and turned to Bronzor

"You two will act as the sword and shield to eachover, do you understand?"

both nodded, not wanting to upset their master.

new tools have been attained.