
(Hiatus) I've Reincarnated With An OP Gacha System?!

You know, my mother and father always told me to do good deeds, help others, and be an upstanding citizen. If I do those things, then I'll bring good Karma to myself, and life will reward me. That was a lie.. or was it? Reincarnation is tricky stuff, and now I have a whole lot of other things on my plate, and I'm pretty sure I can't eat most of them. Gods, demons, different races of different creeds, and a vast multiverse to explore, and it all began because someone sucked at driving. With my newfound body and System, I'll take on everything, while having fun at the same time of course! I've improved my writing a little, but by all means please let me know if you'd like something added. If you have any suggestions, tips, or anything else, then please critique me. If you're gonna leave a bad rating then at least tell me why please. A HUGE thanks to Commonnerfer and Mister_Immortal for inspiring me to write. It would mean a lot to me if you went ahead and at least tried their novels. I found them funny and well written. Drop a stone for them while you're at it! If you two are reading this, thank you for giving me a drive in this world. *I do not own nor claim to own any artwork on the cover unless this notice is not present. If you are the owner of an image I use and want me to take it down, please contact me as I will do so immediately.*

KallenEmilia · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
79 Chs

More power! (part 2)

Tenshi was the first to make contact. Swiping one giant paw at Raksasha, 5 giant bloody marks appeared on Raksasha where the wounds looked like the flesh was simply torn straight off.

Nox then tail slammed Raksasha and followed up with slamming her two front paws onto Raksasha's head and breathing black flames, which did noticeable damage to it.

Raksasha followed this up with bombarding Tenshi with a rain of strikes, and then using it's own version of [Close Combat] to pummel Nox.

Unfortunately for Raksasha, none of it's attacks worked, as Tenshi's armor plating wasn't even scratched, and Nox's scales and body constitution downright negated all physical attacks and most magic attacks from beings that were weaker than her level and stat wise.

Tenshi and Nox then go for the arms, and began to savagely rip and tear them off, all while sending many attacks towards Raksasha's body.

Feeling it's arms being killed off one by one, Raksasha let out another deafening screech as it grew another 12 arms and formed armor plating on each arm and it's body.

Tenshi and Nox nodded to each other and let loose roars of their own and did what appeared to be a weird dance to the other adventurers. It's worthwhile to note that the Whiteys stopped spawning in, meaning all of the adventurers were watching the 3 powerhouses duke it out.

Tenshi and Nox's bodies then glowed a gold and black light as they slammed into each other and combined to form a new entity.

Myr and Chloe were watching this and were both grinning like fools. Myr looked at Chloe and said "Well I'll be damned, they actually pulled it off."

Chloe smiled and Myr and happily said "Well, they ARE our daughters. Logic defying actions like this run in our family~"

Myr laughed, which drew the attention of everyone present, and their thoughts all were unified; 'Great, now there's two more freaks in Orario.' Despite this, everyone had wry smiles on their faces as they turned to look towards the fight, and couldn't help but feel amazed at Tenshi and Nox's new form.

Standing at 20 meters tall, their body was now a black dragon that stood on two legs with two arms that were metal, and ended in hands that had 5 deadly looking claws. Their chest was covered in armor plating with Myr's emblem, which was a cat's paw with two interlocking cogs inside of it. Their feet, legs, and tail were also covered in armor plating as well.

Their head looked the most stunning however. Shaped like Nox's dragon head, it two eyes that were gold in color, they glowed with an intense shine. Their maw was filled with metal teeth, and in the center was Tenshi's mouth's void.

Their head had two horns that formed an "L" like shape and pointed forwards, and had an everchanging pattern of glowing red runes and miniature spell circles.

Their new body had 4 wings that stretched to 75 meters long each, and also had glowing red runes and miniature spell circles on them.

Laughing, their voice sounded like a combination of both their own.

"This feels amazing! Alright, BRING IT ON UGLY, LET'S GO!"

Charging forward faster than anyone other than Myr and Chloe could see, Tenshi and Nox's new form, now named "Nenshi", threw a devastating combination of jabs, hooks, uppercuts, crosses, and kicks, all of which inflicted critical damage to Raksasha.

Raksasha then tried pummeling Nenshi, only to find out that each arm that struck their body ended up getting shredded by an unseen force.

Taking a few steps back, Raksasha's head glowed a white and black light as a ball of rampant energy formed a beam that shot towards Nenshi, who only smirked and charged up their own beam attack, which was silver, black, and purple in color.

Firing their own beam attack, it slammed into Raksasha's, causing sparks that instantly melted anything they touched. Seeing it's beam attack wasn't working, Raksasha raised each of it's remaining arms and fired more beams of energy that converged into it's main one, making it wider and thicker, as well as increasing it's power tenfold.

Nenshi just scoffed and increased their beam attack's power twenty fold, causing it to overtake Raksasha's beam and flowed over Raksasha's entire body.

With one final screech, Raksasha's body was quickly vaporized as a mountain of loot appeared in it's place.

Roaring one more time, Nenshi looked towards all of the awestruck adventurers and smirked.

"That's how you kick ass and take names."

Everyone let out dry laughter and thought 'If we had a tenth of your power then we'd also be able to "kick ass and take names" even better than before.'

Glowing a gold and black light, Tenshi and Nox separated and turned back into their human forms and promptly high fived eachother.

They were then hugged by both Myr and Chloe. Laughing, Myr joyfully said "You two were amazing! That beam attack of yours would even make Chloe and I have to use powerful protection spells. It looked awesome!"

Chloe chuckled and ruffled their heads and happily said "What Myr said is true, that beam attack was impressive to say the least. Well done!"

Tenshi and Nox both grinned like fools and high fived eachother again, laughing while doing so.

Ottar then walked up to the 4 of them and bowed his head slightly. "Thank you for saving me. I have no doubt I would've lost my life otherwise. You have my eternal gratitude."

Turning to look at him, Myr grinned and lightly punched his arm. "We did so because we wanted to. Freya, though a little bit twisted, loves you like a son. Next time, please carry the emergency talisman I gave each Familia member present here, unless you want to cause Freya pain by your death."

Ottar nodded and gave Tenshi and Nox a rare smile. "You two have showed me that I have a long way to go to reach the top. Thank you for saving me."

Tenshi grinned and giggled. "Mom and Mommy are both way stronger than us, but thank you, and you're welcome."

Nox also smiled and nodded her head. "Indeed. We're also far from the top, but as long as you have a fire in your heart and soul, then I believe you'll be the first one besides us to reach level 10."

Nodding his head, Ottar went back over towards the other adventurers and bowed his head slightly and again thanked everyone.

Myr then laughed once more and shouted "Alright everyone, this deserves a celebration! Let's all come to my place and feast our hearts out!"

Loud cheers came from everyone present, as besides the Hostess of Fertility, Myr's cooking was loved by all who've tasted it.

Teleporting everyone to the surface, they were greeted by an assortment of gods and goddesses, as well as a whole host of adventurers and guild staff.

Seeing everyone pop up in front of them, Loki, Hephaestus, Freya, and Ganesha all ran up to their respective Familia members and checked up on them.

Once Loki heard what happened, she loudly cackled and ruffled both Tenshi and Nox's heads. "KUKUKUKU! It sounds like we have two more freaks of power in Orario! You two are amazing, as are your mothers."

Looking at her Familia members, Loki smirked and said "Sounds like I'll have to update a lot of status sheets tonight after the feast."

Everyone nodded and sported grins and chuckled. Bete spoke up with a laugh. "Hahaha, if we haven't leveled up, then I don't know how I'd be able to face Myr and her family in the future!"

This sentiment was shared by every adventurer present, causing everyone to chuckle.

Grinning, Myr snapped her fingers and teleported everyone to her mansion. Waving her hand, tables upon tables of food and drinks appeared as Myr shouted "Let the feast begin!" Soon after, everyone could be seen eating, drinking, laughing, and telling stories of the fight.

The man in the Hephaestus Familia walked up to Myr and fidgeted and finally asked "Um, Myr-sama, I was wondering, erm... could I please have your autograph on my hammer? I want it to remind me to always strive to reach the top."

Chuckling, Myr held out her hand and signed the hammer, and even added several enchantments to boost it's power and smithing abilities.

The man smiled and thanked Myr and returned to the feast.

Grabbing several racks of ribs herself, Myr happily ate them while Chloe sat Myr on her lap and was feeding Myr, who started purring and snuggled closer to Chloe.

Tenshi and Nox could be seen feasting their hearts out as more and more food was being shoveled into their mouths. It turns out that using their combination technique was an excellent way to burn calories, and as such, both ate like they hadn't had food for years.

People started to bet on who could eat more, Tenshi, or Nox.

Grinning at each other, they began to eat with more gusto and plate after plate were being carried away by WaiterBots, who could only feel joy at being useful to what they called their "Young Masters".

Eventually, Nox was full, while Tenshi helped herself to yet another giant plate filled with steak, mashed potatoes, and fries.

Nox grinned at Tenshi and said "Looks like you win this time big sis."

Tenshi laughed and gave Nox a cheeky smile. "No one can beat me besides Mom when it comes to eating. You should see the amount of plates of food she's gone through already. It's staggering."

Everyone turned to look at Myr who was eating her heart out and the small mountain of empty plates next to her.

Myr looked at everyone and smiled. "Touch my food and we're gonna have problems."

Everyone thought 'Touch your food? you take us for fools!?'

Grinning, Myr helped herself to a large platter of sushi and began to eat it with a speed that dwarfed even Tenshi, who smirked and said "See? Mom is more of a glutton than I am" which earned her a drumstick being thrown at her, which Tenshi caught and then began to eat.

Seeing the display in front of them, everyone laughed and went back to feasting and drinking the night away.

Eventually, everyone left the mansion with full bellies and smiles all around. More than the food and drinks though, everyone was excited to train even harder than before to not be left in the dust in their quest to reach the top, or at least near it.

Once everyone had left after thanking Myr, Chloe, Tenshi. and Nox, Myr went snapped her fingers and all of the used plates and mugs were taken away by the WaiterBots as the food remained, as Myr and Tenshi both helped themselves to even more food and juice, making Chloe and Nox just wryly smile and watch the two eat to their hearts content.


The next morning...


<Host Myr Aeternum do you accept your rewards? (Y/N)?>

Myr grinned and thought 'Yes'. A rainbow glow with gold tinges surrounded her body as she felt a lot more powerful, and a lot more clear.


<Due to host Myr Aeternum completing her Trial of the Past test with an SSS grade, you have been raised to soul tier 7, with a few added bonuses>


<Received ability: [Complete Arsenal](Locked)>

<Received ability: [Primordial Mantra]>

<Received ability: [Akashic Records of Entertainment]>

<Received ability: [Goddess' Duty]>

<Received ability: [Gate of Aeternum]>

<End of bonuses>

Myr had widened eyes and a shocked expression on her face. 'COMPLETE ARSENAL!?! THAT'S BROKEN AS FUCK!!! Even if it's sealed for now, once I have that, that's a half step below Omnipotence!'

Myr's mind was running a billion miles per nanosecond, processing her other skills and comprehending them.

'Hmm, [Gate of Aeternum] contains all of the treasure from the dawn up time up until the end of everything from any and all omniverses and planes of existence.

[Primordial Mantra] is a special chant I can use to further increase my cultivation level and add power to my already OP body. It also has the effect of creating any sort of cultivation attack I could ever dream of.

[Goddess' Duty] allows me to reincarnate anyone I wish, so long as they die. It also lets me grant them as many wishes as I want as well as a system. It appears like I use the room that I used when I got reincarnated as my base of reincarnations.

[Akashic Records of Entertainment] gives me every form of entertainment from the past, present, and future. It appears to give me access to all books, movies, games, movies, videos, webnovels, and comics and much more in their completed form. How cool!'

Myr was more than happy with her tier up and bonus abilities, even if the most OP one was locked.

'Looks like [Complete Arsenal] is locked until I reach soul tier 9. That's gonna take a while, but oh well. Considering how OP that is, it's only natural for it require me to be near the apex of existence.'

Getting up from the couch which she was laying on, Myr stretched a bit then went to Nekopara to retrieve the wrist watches she's been meaning to give to her family for quite a while. Their purpose was help Myr track the whereabouts of her family in case they get separated and her magic somehow doesn't work, allows them access to a nearly infinite supply of weapons made out of her nanomachines, including but not limited to guns, cannons, rocket launchers, swords, knives, bows, and spears, with all of the projectile weapons having an infinite amount of ammunition, with only the machine guns and heavy machine guns never needing to be reloaded, with the rifles, pistols, and other firearms needing to be reloaded. It also gave them instant knowledge on how to use every weapon.

Another added function was being able to project a holographic screen that had the time, date, where they were located, communication abilities, and an impenetrable security system that prevented anyone or anything from hacking it. It also had the ability to bring out vehicles made from nanomachines, but Myr didn't expect any of them to use that besides her.

It also connected to a series of gadgets that she modeled after The Division 1 and 2, and let them use said gadgets as many times as they wanted.

Each watch had Myr's emblem in the middle of it and the inside edge glowed a gold light. It automatically adjusted the size of itself to fit the user.

Team Neko didn't need any of the watches to have complete access to the Aeternum Gear as Myr called it, as they themselves were highly advanced and fully sentient seeker mines.

Teleporting back to her mansion, Myr found her family eating their brunch time snack, and walked up to Chloe, Tenshi, and Nox and opened the box and gave them each a watch, telling them their purpose and what they do.

Everyone was happy with their little gift as Myr sat down and told them the power up she got, with everyone present congratulating her. Taking two crackers, a slice of cheese, and summer sausage, Myr makes a small sandwich and munches on it, contemplating about the future and what it will have in store for her and her family.